Stop and visit:
The Many Faces of Mitt Mt.
Rushmore with George Bush american exceptionalism
Something to Study "That's
not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act,
we create our own reality," he said. "And while you're studying that
reality, we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too,
and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors
and you, all
of you, will be left to just study what we do as we change water to wine
while running with scissors."
are changing water to wine while running with scissors." On
Empowerment Keeping
in mind that empowerment is many things to many peoples
Dick CheneyRupert Murdoch  James
Murdoch son of Rupert Murdoch is on the rise to be judged like his father.
Big Bird with feathers; the bible thumping crackers are not through with their
fantacy, their lunacy is suckeled by the Murdochs.
by: Scari

The 5 steps to disempowerment, willfully ignorant empowerment
is disempowerment. More Trickle down for the
stout of spirit |
Executive Order
666: Apocalypse is Beauty One
might ask, Where is all the senseless beauty? Apocalyptic
Sects see no beauty Apocalypse is Beauty for the Evangelical Dogmatologist 2009
update to Liberty Lost, featuring: Glenn Beck and Mormon Symbology with yet
more Latter-Day-Taint Dogma for The Religion Making Business.
more Liberty Lost. Beyond Evangelical Dogma
there is the Mormon Dogmatologist Losing
Liberty with The Power of Faith, The Glenn Beck Mormon
Story Glenn
Beck, The Mormon Fox, when keeping score, Mormons are meticulous for rank
in the hereafter. The Taint of a Latter-Day-Saint, The Mormon Fox keeping the
faith, a crusader in God's Army, a minion for deceit in creating an Idealized,
Imagined America. | Apocalypse
is Beauty When
the apocalyptic forces of Islam meet the apocalyptic forces of Christianity overseen
by the apocalyptic force of the Torah there surely must be a winner. Apocalyptic
Eschatologists whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim are joined at the hip, striding
with confident swagger to fight the enemy and he is us. Either way
the forces of good arrayed against the forces of evil will prevail. No matter
who is the victor it's a win, win senario. Executive
Order 666: The people of the United States serve at the pleasure of the President.

Liberty Lost Bush on Mt. Rushmore
The Ownership Society Trickle Down Blues South
Dakota Chamber of Commerce is promoting an addition to Mt. Rushmore "The
monument will be much enhanced with a populist figure like George W. Bush."
Sources say: Becktell, Lockheed Martin, Blackwater and Halliburton are among the
major contributors to this new and unpresidented addition to a National Monument.
A nation wide search for another man of the caliber of Gutzon Borglum is now
underway for the execution of Bush in stone. Mt. Rushmore
Addition Proposal: "Execution of Bush in stone" is a bit disingenuous
as there is no rock where the Bush Bust is to be placed. For the Bush Bust, both
Haliburtion and Becktell have proposed the fabrication of a reinforced concrete
addition to Mt. Rushmore. The sculpture of Bush will be a hollow structure with
view points from inside. To look through nostrils and eye pupils of President
Bush's Bust onto the Bad Lands of South Dakota will be a thrilling experience.
The Hollow structure will house a temporary archive for the fledgling President
George W. Bush Library until the half billion dollar Texas library is completed.
The tour of Bush's Brain will be an experience filled with light shows and some
of his most famous speeches on tape loops. The entire edifice will be wheelchair
accesable with snackbar and curio shop. The intention is to meld the textured
concrete sculpture into the foundation stone of Mt. Rushmoree without perceptable
difference;" The work will look as if it was created by the inspired hand
of Gutzon Borglum himself." Gutzon Borglum father
of american mountain carving would be proud to see another Great American thumped
into place. The Lakota are more circumspect about the prospect, believing yet
another mug on their sacred spot will do nothing to authenticate the spiritual
beauty it once held. Gutzon Borglum sculptor of the D. A. R. (Daughters of
the American Revolution) Stone Mountain, Confederate War Memorial and Mt. Rushmore
would leap at a chance to do Bush; he would do Stalin or Saddam if there were
a budget another chance to get it right. Marc O'Warman Caveat
from the Beyond:
Anytime you get "the word" second hand you know it's from an unreliable
narrator. gok |

In the meantime our ancestors are left hanging. As the oceans
rise and the fishes weep we carry on damning and diking the spillage of entropy.
When does a simile become a metaphor?
This BUSH has no leaves
it's a metaphor this Bumper Sticker is available
in many designer colors, suitable for all complementary or contrasting decorator
concepts. A
modest proposal the case for Public Dunking public
shaming has a proud tradition in western society. Persecution for the public good
is a valuable tool for maintaining order. Our
public forum should include communal dunking pools. God knows with all the
pools available in this nation, surly ten percent could be given over for persecution
and shame in the public interest. The
irony may be that those to be punished may have to give up their pools for the
exercise. Grover
Norquist approves of this notion, he can't swim and has no pool. Chuy
Simon Bolivar Red Ink Trickle Down
the Ownership Society Trickle Down Blues
Alan Greenspan, Tom Waits collaboration |
Yes not easy to suffer fools in high places:
It's not Democracy in Iraq we have to worry about.
Losing liberty is infectious, getting it back takes work, thought and courage.
We have definitely moved beyond the lady in the blue dress, Monica; Impeachment
should be reserved for the worthy.
When does a simile become a metaphor? This BUSH has
no leaves gives new meaning to an old fairy tale. A wonderful statement for those
of us who believe our nation has been stolen by an agenda that leaves us alienated,
ethicially compromised, disengaged, berieft of meaningful motivation and isolated
from our own country. The horror, the horror of banality. Pedestrian greed and
intellectual sloth is not new only its trappings.
Laura Berg Treason printed
from Truthout.Org 2/13/06 Laura Berg is a clinical
nurse specialist at the VA Medical Center in Albuquerque, where she has worked
for 15 years. Shortly after Katrina, she wrote a letter to the
editor of the weekly paper the Alibi criticizing the Bush Administration.
After the paper published the letter in its September
15-21 issue, VA administrators seized her computer, alleged that she had written
the letter on that computer, and accused her of "sedition."
Here's what her letter said. "I am
furious with the tragically misplaced priorities and criminal negligence of this
government," it began. "The Katrina tragedy in the US shows that
the emperor has no clothes!" She mentioned that she was "a VA nurse"
working with returning vets. "The public has no sense of the additional devastating
human and financial costs of post-traumatic stress disorder," she wrote,
and she worried about the hundreds of thousands of additional cases that might
result from Katrina an d the Iraq War. "Bush,
Cheney, Chertoff, Brown, and Rice should be tried for criminal negligence,"
she wrote. "This country needs to get out of Iraq now and return to our original
vision and priorities of caring for land and people and resources rather than
killing for oil. . . . We need to wake up and get real here, and act forcefully
to remove a government administration playing games of smoke and mirrors and vicious
deceit. Otherwise, many more of us will be facing
living hell in these times." After her
computer was seized, Berg wrote a memo to her bosses seeking information and an
explanation. Mel Hooker, chief of the human
resources management service at the Albuquerque VA, wrote Berg back on November
9 and acknowledged that "your personal computer files did not contain the
editorial letter written to the editor of the weekly Alibi." As
the oceans rise and the fishes weep we carry on damning and diking the spillage
of entropy. |