F.O.B. Cargo conveyor in transit
On To The Last Frontier,
Visionary Leadership
on a Cosmic Scale
Plumbing the Heavens
"I shall close with my own prayer that our efforts will be a light
unto future generations endeavoring to turn night into day and day into
Chief Plumber
Karl Rapture Ready

For Karl Rove, Flatulence is perpetual and ongoing,
so when wearing a space suit, special modifications must be applied.
An anal catheter with complex valves and gates is piped to the heavens
for elimination. "It's not pretty but works real good. Now I'm
Rapture Ready."
Minister of Propaganda
Karl Rove in Space: The Newly appointed head of
MOM (Men On Mars) program and MAP (Mars for America Program) is thrilled
by his additional responsibility. He has been the Chief Stratagist for
PIS (Pigs in Space): an ongoing program designed to place genetic mishaps
in orbit.
Karl brings a special set of skills to the job, unusually
qualified as a man who knows how to Stick to Principle, his skill set
includes many activities that require subterfuge, deceit, deception,
obfuscation and duplicity. With digital technology and special effects
Karl will deliver the goods with scientific relish,, he'll be up to
speed soon; a man who can hit the floor running for whatever goal his
pudgy little body wants to deliver.
Plumbing the heavens for America is a can do job for
a will do kind-a-guy. He's a will do kinda-guy that can do most anything
to keep us guessing. " Karl, did you know this nation is ruled
by a bimbo, and he is you. When you are he, Intelligent Design has gone
too far."
Gus O. Kahan
gotten back from Baghdad George W. Bush, on a knee jerk junket, our
unelected president is now ready to do Mars on another knee jerk, he
may finally have an authentic circumstance to wear his flight suit.
In an attempt to capture the imagination of the American people
share the fantasy, Karl Rove is now deeply involved in our national
space policy. With dedication and vision, this new, (concept) program
will utilize our new data bases gleaned from the Patriot Act to find
dissidents to the Mars Or Bust Project.
Evil Doers are on hold for some time to come while resources are shifted
toward the launch of another bold new project. "Osama will have
to wait," Sources say,"By using our intelligence, containment
will suffice."
George Bush is now committed to move
on the Stars
Mission Creep W/Dubya
Bush goes to space while leaving no child
knowns are known unknowns that have been forgotten"

A man to be remembered: Gutzon Borglum sculptor of the D. A. R. (Daughters
of the American Revolution) Stone Mountain, Confederate War Memorial and
Mt. Rushmore would leap at a chance to do Bush; he would do Stalin or
Saddam if there were a budget another chance to get it right.
A nation wide search for another man of the caliber of Gutzon Borglum
is now underway for the execution of Bush in stone.
Nukulur Poliferation and Waur on Terra
with Condi Rice growing here nose to untold length
The ultimate goal of the Men on Mars (MOM) project is to research why
mars lost its atmosphere and to look back on earth to find what improvement
we can make to enhance globalization. When asked for his reasoning, he
said, "Yes, it's a real upper to have Mars to look forward to. We've
been bogged down here on earth dealing with Nation Building, W.M.D., S.D.I.,
Evil Doers, Famine, AIDS, Genocide, Corporate Corruption, Poverty, Global
Warming, Clean Water, Dirty Air, Ocean Warming, Sewage Treatment, Grey
Goo, Toxic Waste, Healthy Forests, Endangered Species, Dirty Bombs, Nukulur
Polifuration, Terror with all the Red, Yellow, and Orange alerts, The
Patriot Act, Gay Rights, Israel/Palestine, Class Desparity and the man
who tried to kill my daddy; It's time we get out of earth orbit and clear
our heads of all the niggling details that bedevil us, we need to reach
for the beyond, listen to our better angels, remember we are the Party
Of Lincoln. Geez, I think that's the longest sentence I've ever uttered."
He went on to say that, "My Chief Strategist, Karl Rove, will be
named to head up the Mars for America Project, MAP, a man with vision
for the long run and a man to micro-manage puplic relations too; he's
my fox in the hen-house that guards against Mission Creep."
and W.M.D. with Henny Penny
is, Grave and Gathering, yet, not Imminent
Chicken Little and
Proliferating WMD
When KARL ROVE told Henny Penny to tell Chicken Little, "Weapons
of mass destruction-related program activities," he was sure the
willfully ignorant would not pass it on to we the unwashed.
Then Chicken Little told Dubya, "Weapons of mass destruction-related
program activities." Then George W. Bush told us, "Weapons of
mass destruction-related program activities," and now we are all
complicit in the proliferation of "Weapons of mass destruction-related
program activities."
How does it feel to be complicit in WMD related proliferation?
We here at Scari.Org find our involvement to be unsettling, knowing our
only crime is free speech dangerous as that is.
The Patriot Act is the one measure to stamp out the proliferation of "Weapons
of mass destruction-related program activities." By calling to task,
all those involved in "Weapons of mass destruction-related program
activities" discussions, there still may be time to stamp out this
disease before we, The American People, must declare preemptive war on
the planet to save us from ourselves. Only by sticking to principle and
signing a blood oath to forget that WMD were not a Grave and Gathering
Threat, that is, not Imminent but merely grave and gathering and we did
it because we could nothing more, nothing less
our preemptive war got the man who tried to kill his daddy, "it's
the one bureaucratic reason we all can agree upon."
Conundrum: Irony and paradox don't fit into the Shibboleths of our current
reality but yet the persistence of doubt carries on mindlessly authentic,
reconciling confusion with no intention of relenting a salient
carbuncle on our psyche.
"Yes, we are as guilty as two ex-members of the Baath Party talking
about those bastard Americans how they'd like to nuke'em
till they glow."
Gus O. Kahan
Hebrew phrase Shak-In-Ah, meaning glory. Among ancient mystics,
ShakIn-Ah, power of the Ark of the Covenant.
When Iraq is ready to be rebuilt, we decide
when and where we will be there. The Rebuild section of our
website will include specific needs by area in Iraq, just point and click
to find the sector of specialty. We will show you the possibilities for
reconstructing this new Nation. Yes, We know this sounds like Nation Building
but it's not.
If you are interested in getting a jump start with establishing communication
with the minders of Iraq, or would like to speak to us about our consulting
services, please visit our contact
New Bridge Strategies, LLC looks like a great deal,
a fantastic place to put capital gains money, tax breakes and my GenTech
stock." Donald Trump
public good and
New Bridge Strategies, LLC
Insider inside
the underbelly
From the age of reason to the age of faith
promotion as seen on Fox, the fair and balanced network
New Bridge Strategies,
LLC, a unique company that was created specifically with the aim of assisting
clients to evaluate and take advantage of business opportunities in the
Middle East. following the victorious conclusion of the U.S.-led war in
Iraq it's time to line up and and find you niche. Our firm seeks avenues
which exploit the flux ridden climate before the creation of free and
fair markets in Iraq,
Consistent with the policies of the Bush Administration, the opportunities
evolving in Iraq today are of such an unprecedented nature and scope that
no other existing firm has the necessary access and experience to effect
insider profit both in the United States and abroad. While taxing the
American public for the rebuild project why not get in and get a scoop
of the foam before the brew settles.
For more information on our efforts call Dick Cheney or:
Joe M. Allbaugh,
Chairman and Director: JoeA@NBSllc.org
Ed Rogers, Vice Chairman and Director: EdR@NBSllc.org
Dick Cheney silent partner: DickC@NBSllc.org
Lanny Griffith, Director: LannyG@NBSllc.org
it comes to selling influence New Bridge Strategies delivers
to Stock-N-ahA
If we here at SCARI wanted to get to the bottom, stickey goo
the major players. We"d look at investment in Gas: chem, bio
Protection, Armor Vests, Logistics Providers including fuel; We
here would like to know who got their tax breaks and threw it all
into War Paraphernalia.
Those people should be sent a bill, War Reparation, pain and suffering.
Just Remember: You break it, you fix it.
If National
Security Matters?
When will Karl Rove "stick to Principle," cop a plea,
fess up to his kinky acts and fall on his swords?
Pragmatism Message to Karl Rove: Karl, even you must believe
that pragmatism has gone too far when the willfully ignorant rule?
Attorney General John Ashcroft should be interested in his conflicts.
We are to. The devil is watching and like Golem, we wince at his momentary
flinch of integrity, however, a cynic might pose other senarios for his
action. Off the hook, he is back swimming in those deep murky waters of
the Penitcostal Marcher, trudging toward his day of reconing with the
smug comfort of rightiousness..
Good luck John
Zora Atwell
Gold Standard for Ashcroft
Ashcroft stated,
"I am concerned about just what Arnold did to get those big muscles.
It seems to me that all public officials should live by the same standard."
Arnold's only office held was under the Reagan Administration, as some
sort of fitness freak he promoted body builting and posturing. His ability
to pump iron is legendary, his ability for deep thought is also legendary.
There should be some sort or shake out on this issue within the next
few weeks. Arnold was quoted as saying, "That was then, this is now."
I love kids and California, I love to make movies and pump iron and I
don't need no stinking steroids to run for Govenor, we need leadership.
We need strong leadership"
"What happens to Body Builers when they get old?" Some go
into to politics.
A Neanderthal is not a Girly-Man, a Girly-Man he is not.
Arnold dyes his hair, wears makeup
and shaves his legs but a girly-man he is not. "Now that I am governor
of Cal-y-fornya, there will be no time for movies or anything else. Being
Governor is better than being a movie star."
Put a little hair on his chest.
Neanderthal Governor
As one of his first acts as Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger
has installed a sculpture of one of his ancestors on the Capitol Grounds
in Sacramento.

Arnold's favorite sculpture of distant relative from the same mountain
valley. "I love art and this monument of my ancestor will give California
a more diverse view of our contribution to human kind."
George W. Bush says,
"Bring em on."
"Bring em on."
"Bring em on."
and they came on and on and on . . .
Everyone gets his wish.
At What cost is is all this wishfulfillment
copyright Scari©2004
all rights reserved
Horror of Banality
Reality Attacks on the Chosen
Reality has not been kind to either Karl Rove or his Puppet, Georgie
The Younger. Dick Cheney is still out there lurking, Donald Rumsfeld
has just about warn out his glibness and Paul Wolfowitz has slipped
from sight. Richard Perle is still convinced of the rectitude of his
certitude and we get the bill for all this duplicity
Share The Fantasy.
Poster created March of 2003 ______ Shock and AWE
Updated on April 19 2003
Updated on December 14 2003
Title: a classified meritocracy is without merit but that's classified

"Bring em on." "Yes, he
has passionate Christian Beliefs, but, according to clinical specialists,
they do not rise to the level of delusion. Yes, he is responsible for
his actions, and does understand the level of his crimes and must stand
trial. He may have been deluded by those with whom he associates,
advisers who have blinded his judgment."
Schwarzenegger Probed by Justice:
Arnold Schwarzenegger to meet with GOP officials to discuss his need
for drug testing.
Ashcroft, Schwarzenegger Face off:
The hearning will be conducted soon: Sources say, the Ashcroft
investigation will be conducted in tongues and Schwarenegger is to answer
all questions in spanish.
It was disclosed on Friday Aug. 8, that John Ashcroft
was disturbed by the possibility that Arnold Schwarenegger may not be
the best possible choice to run for Governor of California. "Just
what does Arnold do and when does he do it?" It's not easy being
a rippling behemoth.
Primitive Ancestor to adorn Capitol
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has
done the impossible: For an Austrian from an obscure valley in the Dolomites
to Governer of California the body building behemoth is now in control
of millions of people in the worlds sixth largest economy. . .
Genetic variation is alive in this rainbow
of the right. Governor Schwarzenegger demonstrates the new look of the
Republican Party. "Our party is all inclusive, we love diversity
and innovation. I am an innovativor and will guide California into the
new millenia, with my lovely wife and my friends in movies, we will
chart a course that will make our state the sunniest of lands. I won
this election fair and square with a mandate to do what must be done."
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is bringing
his staff to do the public's work in Sacramento his leadership
will cut taxes and pull California out of the economic morass that the
Democrats created. "I have great ideas and great strength and great
goals and good sense, I am a business man who happens to be a movie
star so I can do the job, trust me, the task is not any harder than
shooting a stunt on camera or memorizing a movie script or having to
show up for autograph sessions in shopping malls. I can do the job,
a job that will make my ancestors proud."
Governator Update
The Terminator and Governator has gone
from saving the world from aliens to a full frontal assault on Gays
in Love. Sources say, Arnold Schwarzenegger plans to call out what's
left to the Natonal Guard to fight the Queer Nation infestation in San
Francisco. Another epoch battle between Good and Evil will ensue for
Schwarzenegger the Terminator Governator. . .
Mickey Ganesh Says

at the trough: Bundlers of Steady Leadership
Yes, you too can help Bundle Bush for us all. Become a Pioneer or
or just remain willfully ignorant and help continue the fantasy. Run
the middle class out of business with simple market forces and deception-duplicity
Go tell it on the mountain, Bundling good money after bad does not
change the character of the package, smoke damaged goods at the Bundler's
Fire Sale is a Tragedy of the Commons; extremism in the defense of
liberty is no vice. Pedestrian greed and intellectual sloth is not
new only its trappings.
Gun Smoke
Seymour Hersh and our national security authenticity, New Yorker,
Oct 27.03 brings clarity to murky spin. Praise to investigative reporting.
Why is Seymour not poisoned yet? He has single-handedly circumnavigated
the darkest administration seen since Nixon.
Talking points: 6/2003
"It is regrettable that plausible deniability is insufficient
in cases like these and deniable plausibility may become the norm
in future discussion" by decree beside
taking the 5th, rather, failure to recall absence of
memory or forgetfullness are sufficient to parry the courts in any
inquiry henceforth.
"Keep you eye on the Ball"
We all should remember, we should. On the eve of Gulf War II during
the Senate Hearing on war powers for the use of preemptive force.
Joe Biden said again and again, "KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL."
It was a simple request, keep your eye on the ball. But we, the public,
watched as this, unfairly elected, administration double dribbled,
clipped, barged at the mark and stepped out of bounds -- yes Joe Biden
made a simple request of us and we let him down.
Now months later we are busy looking stupid. Bush looks dumb (as usual),
Rumsfeld is talking of a slog and preemption engineered by Cheney
and his supplicants have forced us to suffer babbling sycophantic
platitudes and we, the willfully ignorant, allow the justice of Ashcroft
to reign supreme while we send, get well, cards to Rush Limbaugh;
the babbling talking head of heads. Meanwhile, like Dr. Henry Kissinger,
Dr. Condoleezza Rice, the academic pragmatist, spins and spins a dervish
credible to no one -- let her fall on here swords too.
Why are we, the unwashed, convinced we are in the final daze of Pax
"Gee dad we saw the fall of Communism, what's next?"
"New Bridge Strategies, LLC my son that's where the smart money