Mormanities there is Mormonomics: The Salient differences between LDS Mormons and Mormon Fundies appears in the fault-line between feral piety and domesticated Zealotry Mormon Money takes on a decided dark tone using the power of Mormon Mischief and willful ignorance. Glenn Beck is wholesomely mendacious, bipolar and reliably stupid another Mormon Propheteer. Glenn Beck, is a crusader in God's Army, a minion for deceit in creating an idealized, imagined America. Through his deeds he's on his way to be scored as one to rise in the Mormon Pantheon of Good Mormon Deed Doers For Grace in his Faith. 2009 update to mormon doctrine makes money, featuring: Glenn Beck and Mormon Symbology with yet more Latter-Day-Taint. |
Power of Faith En Medias Res, The Imagined America Mormon Story, |
Doctrine makes Divine Tender prosperity theology Witnessed by-God
Mormon Treasury Bill: Mormon money continues, one of the great
religious traditions of prosperity theology by Divine Right Mormon
Doctrine by Revelation makes Mormon Money, a Religious Tradition: prosperity
theology: The History of Mormon Currency
Of course there is more, this penchant for materialization continues from Farwest and Kirtland to Nauvoo and on to Salt Lake City. The Prophet is gone, martyred, but the lesson was learned, the trick was turned and we are here today with Mormons walking about us doing what Mormons do. If Mormons were replaced by authentic alien beings, I wonder if the aliens would share the Mormon fantasy? Ephima Morphew
Religious Tradition and Perception Management, there is MORMON BRANDING |
Mormon's Mormon Welcoming Inquiry, Beckoning us unto His fold to become part of
far greater than any of its parts, truly A Pearl of Great Price,
the Mormon Rosetta
Smith Yes, mysticism comes magically in many forms. This is but one with attendant shiny objects and sparkly things. The Mormon Organ is one facet of the many on the Mormon Rosetta. A solid symbol to keep and bind The Good Mormon to the faith. Joseph Smith, with his organ
ready to perform for his Sister-wives, stands as a shining symbol of ignorance
overcoming enlightenment through adversity. The
Organ parson Carson Gallant Charoot |
Joe Smith agrees, "And it came to pass I too, Lord God, hate figs and I believe
in the pigmentocracy also." The Pearl of Great Price |
Priesthood is the authority And it came to pass, Thank God, Joseph Smith received the Aaronic Priesthood together with Oliver Cowdery from John the Baptist in May 1829. Joseph Smith later stated that they were visited by Christs apostles, Peter, James and John, sometime in late June of 1829. Through Religious Tradition, The Chosen, Joseph and Oliver were ordained into a much higher order, the Melchizedek Priesthood, through elaborate ritual and much feasting and dancing. The chorus chanted after each oath sworn in the ritual was: "We'll share the women, we'll share the wine" and "it's alright to do it but don't get caught." Had Joseph Smith not received the Melchizedek Priesthood
from John the Babtist, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints may not
have stood the test of time to become one of the world's great religions. Just
one more oath was needed: "Health in the navel, marrow in the bone, strength
in the loins and in the sinews, power in the priesthood be upon me and upon my
posterity through all generation of time and throughout all eternity forever and
ever. Oh God hear the works of my mouth."
Mormanities On
apologizing for Stillborn Mormon Art | there
is much much more on post
script: G.O.K Advanced
Mormon Studies on the tribe: Mormons could join a bigger
tribe, after all, The Tribe Are Us. |
speaking to gentiles, Mormons claim to be
Angel Moroni, Herald to Postmodern Mysticism Speaking
of Faith.Org, interview with: 'We
can never transcend Joseph Smith' Professor
Robert Millet and The Mormon Religion-making Business:
Post-Mormon Movement Information Mormon long history of persecution Mormons' take umbrage at the perception of being mocked, however Mormons take no interest in self scrutiny to divine the source of this sacred act, mockery that is. When mounting an indefensible preponderant of how things work, Mormons forgot to consider, perhaps, for the sake of argument, existence is still perplexing and we are making it up as we go along. That's why "THE MORMONS" have to have a "LIVING PROPHET" so when things get sticky when moving on in time there is a fall-back position. Mormon Mockery is born from envy. Gentiles can't understand why Mormons suspend all empirical evidence to embrace ignorance; ignorance being the source of all evil (SATAN). Rational thought drops out of Mormon Tribal Theology It's all about FAITH. | Mormon
Symbology, Gus
O Kahan, attempted to post a comment on Mormon Matters, 10/30/09 Censorship: Unfortunately
on Mormon Matters sponsored by the
Religion Making Business is not receptive to any comment counter to Mormon Party
Dogma.. First casualty on Mormon Matters is Truth. Sacred
signs, legend, myth, lore, revelation, cosmology, gods, goddesses, stars and glitter,
The Most Correct Decryption of the Book of Abraham from Reformed Egyptian by Joseph
Smith. Mormon
Symboloby Reconstructed Mormon Crisis Fixing: Plug-in, A fall-back position to cross arms and insist on remaining the most correct. To remain the most corect, Juvenile Instructors engage in co-optation and indoctrination of Mormon Youth in America and Mormon Youth-in-Asia. Religious
Caveat for Mormon Gabriel Von Himmel The
Mormon Vessel, A Mormon Sister Speaks |
Question? G.O.K. Why is it that Mormons call teenagers Elder? Mormon
Saints live in expectant anticipation of the next moment, Mormons call themselves Saints, a monicker for the Holy Departed. Mormons are both living and dead; they dwell in that nether world of Mormonism. Mormons scorn untoward attention as their Mormon World, when observed, is fantasy. |
The Salient differences between LDS Mormons and Mormon Fundies appears in the fault-line between feral piety and domesticated Zealotry. |
The consensus is after much study by scholars,
theologians and dogmatologists, it is agreed that the BOM, Book
of Mormon sounds, for the most
part, Bibical.
Caveat: It is recognized
that Mormons do not suffer criticism well, not a tolerant lot. satire, irony and
ambiguity is not The Mormons' strong suit.