Altruistic Alternative MUSIC MUSIC
or dead air Rolling over my knuckles, no longer
using them for walking, I rapped the cues to one of my tribe, a beast tapping
a beat. We Humans love of music; has deep and profound roots. As one sits
in the quiet in the dark of the night, off in a wild spot, by a fire, its
there sounds seem amplified. With few distractions one can hear the callings of
fertile insects beckoning for breeding rights. Calling calling in base, and tenor
tones, calling tremolo, calling in rhyme, all keeping time. A Pulsing chorus of
all manner of sound builds as the evening progresses, a beat suddenly appears
as a cross species cooperation for the need to be heard fills the night with a
pulse that one can not have in our collective unconscious. Some invertebrates
drop out while others chime in. The beat goes on. We in the dark huddled around
through collective need to feed the fire, tribal need not to be alone and existential
need to share in our collective sameness. Putting ourselves, or rather our
proto-selves into this theorem there is no leap of faith in hearing the chanting,
chants that become language, and song; cooperative in both sex and war. Our
ancestors, the insects have instructed us well. When the seasons change, the successful
bug goes to bed, but we carry on using our institutional memory to create the
pulse, the beat, the tone without instruction. We carry on toward our
own ends. Empty Ascent Art
empty of specific imagery or artist-added context can attract unwanted projections
because it is so bare -- giving the viewer an opportunity to lay in any meaning
they desire. This provides, in the words of Michael Randles, of S.C.A.R.I.,"
a visual vacuum from which to leap, to even higher rungs of a metaphysical
ladder which, for all one knows, is footed in quicksand - sinking with each
step of ascent." Beauty
and Knowledge A search for Beauty. The pursuit
of Knowledge. These dreams die hard. Indeed, human ingenuity and destruction
currently walk hand in hand. What kind of art can both promote balance and
reflect the dissociation of the times? Good art should not imitate the appearance,
but rather emulate the principles of life. We should not demand the truth,
but ask how good the model is. Art empty of specific imagery or artist-added
context can attract unwanted projections because it is so bare -- giving the
viewer an opportunity to lay in any meaning they desire. This provides, in
the words of Michael Randles, Systems Anylist, S.C.A.R.I, "a visual vacuum
from which to leap, to even higher rungs of a metaphysical ladder which, for
all one knows, is footed in quicksand - sinking with each step of ascent".
My work deals with imagery of destruction and transformation. The act of
making art can give purpose and regeneration to both material and artist alike.
Since 1993 I have worked with the motif of the Golem, a traditional Jewish
symbol reflecting the human inclination to view creation as a servant to humans.
Often, in stories, the Golem became autonomous and uncontrollable by its creator.
The Golem motif has become a powerful metaphor for art, technology, and the
use of personal vision and responsibility needed when "giving life"
to inanimate material.
Natalie Shifrin Whitson POP
and the public good Trompe L'Oeil advertorial content included
at no cost to you there should be
a homeland Michael Jackson has a plan Michael Jackson
is going to jump bail and move to India. There is growing evidence; The Avatar
of Neverland is going to relocate to the land of magic. Sources say, Michael Jackson
has entered into negotiations with Guru Sai Baba to joint venture in a new shrine.
"There are an infinite number of 12 year old Hindu boys in India." Yes
Michael, there are lots of Hindu Boys in India but the number is finite.
The Plan is to move their respective temples to Auroville, the experimental community
south of Madras.
Neverland and the Ashram of Sai Baba will merge into a unified theology sympathetic
to the goals and ideals of the Aurovillians. The Golden Orb is ready for a makeover
and new masters, the devotees are waiting for new leadership and the climate is
ripe for a new look. The Pundit, Mickey Ganesh has long forecast this merger
of East and West. Good luck in you vision quest Michael. Mickey Ganesh:
Peter Pan in neverland
is our pop icon, we created it so we must live with it. Michael Jackson (Jacko)
is an externality in the quest to find the pulse of pop. 
By consensus it is decided we never want to see Michael Jackson again
No comment by The Andy Warhol Foundation.
Provenance, Newly uncovered references link Andy to Spam.
Since Andy Warhol noodled with it, Spam has come a long way.
Freshly uncovered in one of Andy Warhol's Time Capsules is a treasure. Snap shots
found counfound but confirm the association of Andy to Spam. Art historians are
flummoxed. It is little known that Andy Warhol noodled with Spam before he
decided on Campbell's Soup for his Magnum Opus Pop Statement. Andy Warhol,
the most potient and sexy figure of the 20th century is pictured with his favorite
snack food. Andy Warhol was influenced by his love spam on white bread.
Members or supplicants of "The Factory" confirmed last week that Andy
Warhol was using Spam as conceptual art. Factory Groupies in his underground hideout
confirmed last week that Andy Warhol spent weeks stacking and thinking, thinking
and stacking Spam tins, using their rectilinear geometry and logo as his template
for a construction that spoke to commerce, art and culture a critical
indictment of consumer culture. Way back in the 60's, Andy Warhol, the visionary,
was thinking outside the box and shocking the aesthete with his originality, his
curiosity and access to the powerfully influential in the New York Art Scene. early
spammer with product 
Andy Warhol at The Factory
Warhol admiring his original concept. Warhol was among the first to recognize
Spam as a artistic medium. Andy's favorite meal: Frenches
mustard and lettuce on white bread with Spam, a glass of warm malted milk
and pickles on the side. Some say, he was influenced by his love of Spam as snack
food.. "It was only aesthetic considerations that conspired to push
Spam from the spotlight of the Avant Garde," said Lou Reed of the Velvet
Underground. When asked about his motivation for the execution of such
a provocative piece Andy said. "I did it because it interested me."
But now, truth be told that his original concept was abandoned through a complex
series of design considerations. One might postulate: Andy Warhol was
unhappy with the horizontal impact of the Spam Cans, The precise meaning of the
number 6 and its sentiment to the viewer remains enigmatic. And there was that
sense of color, Andy precisely calibrated all his work for balance and harmony,
contrast and complement. Yes, Andy made some important choices for his contribution
to us, the public. Had Andy thought more of the complexities of our
social fabric, he might have divined the connotation of Spam, the social pun of
Spam, the electronic ubiquity of Spam thus confirming his prophetic status as
class commentator by the use of Spam. Yes, Andy Warhol blew it by not keeping
with his original concept. The Andy Warhol Foundation for the visual arts has
discreetly covered up this information for three decades. Yet the world should
know, Since Andy Warhol noodled with it, Spam has come a long way. When
he said, "It interested me," he might have been disingenuous. Had he
another go at the same project, he might have kept to his intuition -- the original
Spam Can Designs were superior to Campbell's Soup cans. Had he stuck to his original
concept he would have eclipsed the moniker of Pop Icon and would be considered
a Prophet. Warhol's Time Capsule
uncovers previously unseen image of Andy Warhol inspecting the proportion of his
construction. Why he abandoned the Spam in favor of Campbell's Soup cans remains
a mystery. John Cleese, of Monty Python's
Flying Circus, was staying with Andy at the time and obviously was influenced
by Andy's experimentation. "Spam spam spam spam." |
get Tofurky but the president won't touch the stuff. He said, how important
it was to see his guys. He had to visit the troops for Thanksgiving. Our
Warrior President in the field there he is, our man holding a prop,
wearing his newly minted uniform "The Commander in Chief Uniform." It's
not too military but it is a uniform. We love the V for Victory. Not since Ike
do we have the opportunity to adopt a new look. We think he looks great, he looks
fresh as deoderant after sleeping all the way to Baghdad.. He just had to
see his men in Baghdad. Once there he got bored and flew back a few hours later
to Champaign for more money. My god, Michael Jackson likes his boys and Bush loves
his men and the public gets spin. Who pays for these dalliances what
was the cost per second for the two hour photo-op. We don't mind him pushing his
new uniform but I think Carl Rove should "stick to principle" find some
other way to fund this promotion of the Visionary President, Gorge W. Bush. shameless
self-promotion goes to Baghdad for a photo-op, to fly back, same day turn around,
We wish he'd gone to Baghdad to "capture one of them Evil Doers" or
return looted art. It was reported he dozed and watched movies all the way back.
Spreading Democracy is a heady business. Wish we'd get more here. Transformation:
"Mission Accomplished" now "Mission
Impossible" with "Mission Creep." Decider Commander
Guy George Bush with stifling piety keeper of the public trust as
our war criminal.
Criminal Bush: Resolute in his Resolve George W. Bush makes offerings to
suppport our troops to beat back the beast. The Prop, graciously provided
by Haliburton was siezed upon by our Commander in Chief for a Photo-Op. Despite
the fact, the poor turkey was underdone, it was served up to his troops anyway.
Haliburton added the cost of this photo-op to the cost of reconstruction. When
broken down, the cost of the Bush Junket comes to $24,932 per second. Go figure,
120 minutes at $25,000 per second Studs
and Piercings Studs Terkel says, "Hope Dies Last"
I think about that when I hear of another suicide bomber extinguishing their hope.
The spiritual quality of extinguishing hope is what some would say is the one
authentic evil but they are quiet in this meritocracy. I long for those good old
days when we were treated to that "Shining City on The Hill." I often
wondered if it looked at all like Disneyland, which looks like Neuschwanstein
Castle, which was built by King Ludwig who bankrupted Bavaria for his imagined
reality. They say he was stabbed, mysteriously murdered in bed by one of his ministers.
"I've been to Neuschwanstein and let me tell you, Neuschwanstein is no Shining
City on the Hill." Even when "Hope Dies Last," would Studs
Terkle call this "The Good War," or is this obfuscation and subterfuge
torn from the pages of George Orwell or more cynically, Henry Kissinger?
Wendell Tately

Neuschwanstein shining on hill |
Prize Awarded for 2003
Karl Zobell has finally
made up his mind and decided to award his prize to the most flagrant thieft of
Kiddy Literature to Audrey Giesel and Dr. Seuss Enterprises, Inc for the thieft
of the children's Story, "The Pains of Being Pure at Heart" by Charles
Augustus Steen. Now laundered and sold as "Daisey-head Mayzie" the Dr.
Seuss story enjoys marketing succuss. Charles
Augustus Steen had his story stolen by Seuss Enterprises, Inc. and laundered through
intermediaries (Janet Shulman) to Audre Giesel who claimed to have found the "Dr.
Seuss" manuscript in the bottom of a drawer some twenty years after its alleged
writing. The Copywritten story by Charles Agustus Steen was submitted to a
shell bead organization called The Institute of Children's Literature for evaluation
as to its merit as children's literature. Just how did "The Pains of
Being Pure at Heart" written by Charles Augustus Steen find itself into a
bottom drawer of Theodor Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss with a new title? Karl Zobell
knows how and wishes to reward those greed obsessed with yet more garlands of
recognition. The
might of legal maneurering does not change authenticity, it skews the ground on
which all creativity is based. Rewards to the greedy, the powerful, the corrupt
must be recognized; free enterprise, invisible hand marketing, public relations
and insider deals are the foundation of our economic system, a system that can
not change without changing the paradigmatic base our society. Its structure is
formed to reward those with hubris and punish the creative. Stanley
Goldburg The
Institute of Children's Literature 'The Pains of Being Pure at
Heart' was a story submitted by Charles Agustus Steen to the Institute of Children's
Literature. 'The Pains of Being Pure at Heart' was stolen and made into Daisy-Head
Mayzie by Janet Schulman who is head of Children's Literature for Random House.
The Institute of
Children's Literature states: "The Institute of Childrens
Literature takes your privacy and security very seriously. We are also very aware
of the threats to your privacy and security on the Internet. We appreciate and
value your confidence in us and we will work steadfastly to maintain your trust
by always providing a safe and secure web site where you can visit us."
Free range goose feathers
from the mother herself Caveat
Rice and Martha Stewart "Let them fall on their swords,
or clap them in stocks a good drubbing would get at the truth. The
scriptures have warned of false prophets, they will see what Hell's Fire of damn-nation
does to evil doers" Jerry Fallwell

Rice and Martha Stewart conversing on available alternatives. Rather
than spend the dime and turmoil of punishment in the traditional Western sense,
an Eastern approach may be the most efficacious. To fall on one's sword would
be efficient and save much in the way of print and hand-wringing. Better yet if
Martha Stewart and Condoleezza Rice fell on eath others noses before they grow
any longer, would seem, the more pragmatic solution. "How
dare they question my authority, my veracity, my good intentions, Oh Lord
my intentions are good, how could I be so misunderstood." In
an interview with Baba Wawa, Martha Stewart stated, "There's many other people
that have gone to prison. Look at Nelson Mandela." There is a parenthetical
phrase missing in her statement. It should read, "There are many other people
that have gone to prison (for believing in their cause), look at Nelson Mandela."
We know the cause of Nelson Mandela but what of Martha's cause?
Martha goes on to claim political persecution and 'not cheating the little people'
just like Nelson Mandela. Stewart said she was frustrated that a public perception
persists that she was involved in an insider-trading scandal. Stewart, the former
stock broker was not accused of insider trading, but of lying to investigators
and conspiring with her stockbroker Peter Bacanovic to cover up insider trading,
a suspicious sale of ImClone stock two years ago. In March a jury found her guilty
on all counts conspiracy, making false statements and obstruction of justice.
Sounds like Martha got bad legal advice. Sounds like Martha's appeal might net
her more time than she already has. If I were the judge it would be a 'slam dunk.'
Neslon Mandela having been in prison and Martha Stewart headed there one might
conclude that two wrongs don't make a right that's Martha's take
on suffering for freedom, justice, OmniMedia and " let my people go turn
tricks and do deals." For Christ sake someone give Martha a Gag Order.
MarthaTalk is on, there Martha's talk will inform you of just
how guiltless and narcissistic her character can be. On,
she, Martha will convince you of her authenticity. If this were a public hanging,
Martha would twitch and wiggle for hours -- way past sunset. "Martha don't
hang good, kick-in and squirming as she dangle, she wiggle too much and take too
long to strangle. . ." Eva
Saint Peron | Patriotical
Warrior "bring it on" Notice: the image below
has experienced an extraordinary rendition: censored by google Resolute
War on the Cheap: "Thank you for a job well done; Mission Accomplished.
Just think what I could do to evil if we had a budget." Criminal
* "We did it because we could and he tried to kill my Daddy"
"Mission Accomplished" 5/1/03 Hostilities Cease * Now transformed
into "Mission
Impossible" "We
could have made war with more troops but I wanted to save taxpayers the burden
of excessive expense when going after the man who tried to kill my daddy."
then Resolute "We
remain resolute. Once we resolve to do something, like take out Saddam Hussein,
our resolve in that task makes us resolute in our resolution to believe we are
doing the right thing, extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. The world
is a better place with our resolutions to rid the world of evil and Saddam Hussein
is an evil man." You
Break It, You Fix It.
"The past as prologue does work
when looking into the future. Disregarding biblical prohpecy, history is a valuable
teacher but for study of the middle east." Dick Cheney
Thomas Jefferson said
it well, when he observed that "people who expect to be ignorant
and free expect what never was and never will be." Turkeys
in Baghdad Game Theory and the Collective
Subjective While Cheerleading the Space Cowboy As a citizen
looking for fair play, not pragmatism taken to the level of Grand Theft Auto,
I'd be much happier with this discussion given a considered context beside the
moment. We got here because we left from where? It appears as if the press prefers
the Embedded Status imposed by this administration. On Bush: For a man who
loves his men, why is this man, a Compassionate Conservative, absent for the bereaved
families of the lost and maimed soldiers; a fitting place to put sympathy given
his responsibility for their fate. As a reelection stunt at taxpayers expense
this sneaking about to appear with turkey in tow is due to the skill of the puppeteer,
Karl Rove, pageantry designed to show a sartorial puppet's new uniform with the
Big V. Has the audience, the press, not noticed the Big V? It's not a subliminal
message. If Bush's junket were preceded by some admission of manipulation
of events leading to his Gulf of Tonkin, the subsequent war and its aftermath
by staffers and officials that are no longer working in positions to continue
this orwellian ruse, I would applaud his attempt to gather the world community
in an effort to redeem missteps that the arrogance of power produces -- a Cold
War Hangover so many toys soo little time. And,"You know he
tried to kill my daddy." Kenneth Lay of Enron didn't donate his jet
for this trip, we, the taxpayers underwrite these fits of whimsy and grandstanding
Brown and Root provided the turkey. What are we to make of the
abuse of power, bad theater sanctioned as public relations by a press unwilling
or unable to distinguish the difference. Is it willful ignorance that propels
a press to prefer the embedded status it now enjoys? Gus O. Kahan
Road Map not read: The road to Baghdad leads through Jerusalem. The road
to Jerusalem does not lead through Baghdad. More
Turkeys in Baghdad tough
love and hard luck from
palace to penury The War on Terror has finally
found the Icon for our hatred. The Evil Doer is now done. We all should step back
a bit and smugly gloat over our global reach, our hegemony, our ability to spend
our way into another morass and consider what price we must pay to buy our way
so many years of living large, Saddam looks like a street person in Santa Monica,
Saddam Hussein seems pensive after his discovery while living the life of a quiet
recluse. Criminal, tyrant, saddist Saddam has much to reckon for but the man,
a clone of Stalin, is now without character references or palaces in which to
luxuriate. His career track is undone. As for the War on Terror, is this
man in league with Osama Bin Laden? Is he responsible for our precious Toppled
Towers of Trade? Is Saddam Hussein Al Qaeda Al Qaida. Al Kaida. Al Caida.
Al Qayda. Al Kayda. Al Cayda Al Qayida. Al Kayida. Al Cayida? Howerver you
spell it, Al Qaeda he is not. We are all so happy now
that Saddam Hussein is gone. Conspiracy
Theory: It's common knowledge that Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis former
First Lady and American Icon had a profound hatred for the World Trade Towers.
She fought to keep them from being built. Sources say that Jacqueline Kennedy
may have been controlling Al Qaeda from beyond the grave. She may be responsible
for the impetus of Al Qaeda to do the nasty and Saddam was just a pawn in the
greater scheme of diversions to control the American Psyche. Winning the hearts
and minds of a fickle, easily manipulated and utterly self centered group is not
easy. Story of the day On
The Next Survivor: The next episode of Survivor is being negociated
with the Bush Administration. To be shot in a Baghdad Prision with Saddam Hussein
as one of the contestants, this unabashed existential version is to be a new benchmark
in reality television. Mickey ganesh has long forecast the melding of reality
television into a banal amalgam of conspiracy theory and profit motive. It
seems Saddam is not in the best of shape but will bounce back soon, I need
a little rest and conversation and I'll be ready in a couple of weeks.
The beauty of this kind of programming one executive stated, "one can watch
Survivor on the 5:00 o'clock news," a laudable notion, further fusion of
media will allow the average citizen more choice. It's all about choice. . . Mickey
Olyphant Ganesh
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