Double Down with God
The original cruciform: In the real world Stigmata are earned by experience.
There is no waking up in the morning to find you are blessed by the mark of Christ's
Blood but for fictions and legends.
The Pope is unaware of this, folk fiction is his troupe.
The Meaning of
Life part II
Before even introducing the meaning of life,
we must know what meaning and life is. The word meaning is to have a purpose,
or to have a certain importance. The word life, in brief is formed and planets
are formed by an ultimately powerful being, that we can call God. For centuries
people have been trying to find the true meaning of life, but can
never come across it. There is more then one true meaning of life. Everyone has
there own meaning of life. That is why the meaning of life has been broken into
three sections; Gods meaning of life, Natures meaning of life, and the Philosophical
meaning of life. Gods meaning of life is very Biblical, but before knowing Gods
thought of the meaning of life, we must know who god is. The LORD God formed man
from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7He (God) heals the broken hearted
and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars and calls them
each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no
limit. The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground. Sing to
the LORD with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp or by telegraph.
He covers the sky with sprinkles, he sprinkles the sky with glitter. On the time
scale of the history of the Earth an individual human lifetime is a mere blink
of an eye. We're born, we live, and we die. What is the point of living? If we're
all going to be dead in the end anyway, what difference does it make what we do
with our lives? Does the finality of death make life meaningless? Why did an All-wise
Creator put humans on this earth? Is there a meaning to human life, unrealized
by most people? What is our origin? What is our destination? What is our purpose?
Humanity, it seems, fails to understand that purpose. The First consists
of making known to you all the vageries of all the bounties from the True Bestower,
and causing you to offer Him thanks. Be aware of this and offer Him thanks and
worship; feast, dance and sacrifice lots for this is his thing. The Second
is to make known to you by means of each of all the sorts of the manifestations
of the Sacred, the Divine Names manifested in this world that cause one to pause,
to question, to wonder to doubt all the above reasons given
for this or any other meaning for our existence. . . Evangel Nécromancier
Dai Apostolic Penitentiary Dear John, as you can see our
logical (pragmatic) direction is to divert attention, from real tasks at hand
and reach for that old postmodern patch to stick on. The patch is "moral
values" celebrate birth, mourn death and spew shibboleths while nodding (like
wall bangers) in a haze of scripture. Indulgences alone are insufficient, divine
intervention is required. Wendell Tately 
Apostolic Penitentiary
for Opus Dai
analgesic broadcast narrowcast brandcast
Martin is credited with having brought the death tax coin back
into wider circulation in 1993. He gained an ally in political mastermind
Frank Luntz. Luntz, who conducted focus groups for conservative caucuses
and politicians, understood the importance of language. He even wrote a
rhetoric primer for conservative politicians with the Orwellian name Language
for the Twenty-first Century. Luntzs message research found that
death tax kindled voter resentment in a way that inheritance
tax and estate tax didnt. Luntz shared his findings
with Republican leaders and included the phrase in the GOPs 1994 Contract
with America.
In a strategy memo to GOP lawmakers, the media-savvy Luntz suggested that legislators
stage press conferences opposing the estate tax at your local mortuary
to dramatize the issue. I believe this backdrop will clearly resonate
with your constituents, advised Luntz. Death is something the
American people understand.10 According to Lakoff, conservatives
have become far shrewder at using language to win converts. When it comes to talking
about the environment, conservatives refer to a collection of language guidelines
by Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who has long recognized that Republicans have
become vulnerable on environmental protection. The book is must reading for conservative
political candidates, judges, public speakers and even high school students who
want to become conservative leaders. Luntz urges his readers to use words
like "clean," "safe," and "healthy," even when talking
about logging forests or polluting the air by burning coal. Luntz's influence
can be seen in such Orwellian program names as the administration's "Healthy
Forests Initiative" and "Clear Skies Initiative." A now-infamous
Luntz memo obtained by an environmental group serves as a primer for conservatives
when talking about the environment. In the memo, Luntz urges conservatives to
say "climate change" instead of "global warming," because
"while global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate
change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge." The
Luntz memo also urges conservatives to call themselves "conservationists"
instead of "environmentalists," because "conservationist"
conveys a "moderate, reasoned, common sense position between replenishing
the earth's natural resources and the human need to make use of those resources."
[1] According to Lakoff, conservatives have invested billions over the past
30 years in think tanks, book publishing, magazines, and media consultants. This
has given them a huge head start over environmentalists in using the most persuasive
language for political change. Says Lakoff, "Playing catch-up won't be easy,
but it is necessary." The abortion dilemma
George W. Bush has reinvented himself as a true conservative. But will pandering
to the right on abortion make him unelectable in November? - - - - - - - -
- - - - By Bruce Shapiro Feb. 8, 2000 | A specter is haunting the presidential
race: the return of abortion to the center of the political stage. In the courts,
abortion is a settled issue. The constitutionality of Roe vs. Wade was reaffirmed
by the U.S. Supreme Court eight years ago. But in the political realm, the issue
of reproductive rights is still a divisive force. While Al Gore and Bill Bradley
wrangle over who is the real pro-choice candidate, the days before the New Hampshire
primary found the supposed compassionate conservative George W. Bush running as
fast and far to the pro-life right as he could; while John McCain, with a thunderously
right-to-life voting record, declared a hypothetical abortion by his own daughter
to be "a family decision" -- in other words, a matter of choice and
privacy. Now, heading into South Carolina and then Super Tuesday, Bush and
McCain find themselves facing an unattractive choice between the highly organized
right-to-life voters who can swing Republican primaries and the pro-choice majority
needed to win a general election. For Republican strategists, no issue rouses
more anxiety. "This is obviously a divisive issue much more for Republicans
than Democrats," GOP pollster Frank Luntz said on CNBC recently. "Republicans
would rather be discussing economic issues."------------------------------------------------------------------------
More news on Gun Control ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------- That is putting it mildly.
Democratic pollster Celinda Lake says her latest data shows abortion "even
more of a wedge issue than in the past." Traditionally, she says, the most
committed right-to-life voters have outnumbered single-issue pro-choicers two-to-one.
But this year, says Lake, "we have seen an increase in the number of single-issue
pro-choice voters" to a level equalling the right-to-life faction. What
alarms Republicans like Luntz -- and has sent Bush and McCain into such political
contortions -- is the memory of 1992. Just weeks before the GOP convention in
San Diego nominated President Bush for a second term, the Supreme Court, dominated
by Reagan-Bush nominees, stunned the nation by reaffirming "the central holding"
of Roe vs. Wade, even while allowing states to pass some new restrictions like
parental notification before a minor receives an abortion. The Supreme Court's
decision in Planned Parenthood vs. Casey ran like an electric charge through the
presidential campaign that year. "The constitutional right to choose is hanging
by a thread," declared candidate Bill Clinton. "We are only one justice
away from an outright reversal of Roe." "WHAT THE PLANETARY VILLAGES
like Findhorn and Auroville really are is a kind of planetary deme. This is the
word geneticists use to describe small isolated subpopulations that have a mutation
in them. The species will always send out little tendrils from the major adaptation
of where it is now, and these tendrils will explore new ecological niches and
in these niches a mutation will occur. And as long as the mutation is in communication
with the rest of the species then there's a feedback into the species as a whole
and it will flow into the ecological breakthrough and will create the major adaptation
for the future and then once again will fan out. All these planetary villages
are evolutionary demes, little subpopulations where cultural evolution and physical
evolution are becoming conscious." - William Irwin Thompson
opus dei neither counts or is counted by the super numerary for the protection
of the auxiliary numerary
Intelligent Design BYU:
Mormon technicians contribute
advances in human rights Gone Wrong
aka Burma: the sorry tale of John Yettaw, Mormon Activist. Aung
San Suu Kyi Human Rights Activist sentenced John Yettaw Messianic Mormon
scuttles freedoms for the Mormon Cause. Yet another Mormon skuttles freedom
for others. Aung San Suu Ky gets another sentence thanks to Mormon Messiah, John
Yettaw. When interviewed, John Yettaw said, "I was visited by
Joseph Smith who revealed to me a plan to get more recognition for the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." He said, "The voice was clearly
that of my servant Joseph Smith. On the second visitation he whispered that Mormons
need more credit for more miracles. Joseph told me that if I went to BYU, the
faculty will provide, technical expertise on how to fashion special equipment.
With my flippers I could liberate Aung San Suu Kyi from confinement using prayer
management techniques taught me by Joseph himself." He went on to elaborate, "If
I could get Aung San Suu Kyi to pray with me to Joseph Smith, we would be levitated
up and away from her captors." Some claim that Mormon Elders put Yettaw
up to the job so as to divert attention from the domestic Post-Mormon agitators;
a counter-apologetic movement to liberate Mormons from the shackles of Mormonism
"The Mormon Organ."
is some question:
why an old Mormon Duffer would screw-up a human rights
activist with more confinement? Counter-apologetics Ex-Mormons claim
it's a stunt to deny freedoms for everyone but Mormons. Rumors Abound: BYU, Mormon
technicians contribute to advances in human rights with
yet more inventions. | |
It was disclosed that John Yettaw visited the BYU campus and was shown
how to fabricate swimming flippers from simple easily acquired articles to complete
his mission for the liberation of Aung San Suu Kyi. He was given diagrams for
the covert swim-gear to use in the, on site, fabrication. His mission for
Joseph failed but his efforts will be remerbered, rewarded with seven years at
hard labor for his prophet. There are many ways to get to Mormon Heaven. . .
Well, I'd guess"The Prophet has Spoken." Wendell
Stem Cell of the future Note:
Zygote Development is normal as cell division progresses, however, chemical imbalances
occur requiring additional nutrient replenishments and massive doses of hormone
therapy. Given proper balancing of development properties and environment the
embryo should grow into a healthy productive citizen equipped for the exigencies
and externalities of the twenty-first century; as it is, a creature that conforms
to the JUST IN TIME requirements of our social / economic fabric. Ironical
Creation Care: Prosperity
Birthday 1509 2009 Happy Birthday John Calvin In
just five hundred years your thinking has managed to screw up an entire planet Finger
in the dike with Creation Care supernumerary
protecing the auxiliarynumerary "WHAT - THE PLANETARY
VILLAGE" Findhorn and Auroville really
are a kind of planetary deme. This is the word geneticists use to describe small
isolated subpopulations that have a mutation in them. The species will always
send out little tendrils from the major adaptation of where it is now, and these
tendrils will explore new ecological niches and in these niches a mutation will
occur. And as long as the mutation is in communication with the rest of the species
then there's a feedback into the species as a whole and it will flow into the
ecological breakthrough and will create the major adaptation for the future and
then once again will fan out. All these planetary villages are evolutionary demes,
little subpopulations where cultural evolution and physical evolution are becoming
conscious." - William Irwin Thompson |
"If you look into the abyss long enough, the void will be filled."
"If you look into the abyss long enough, don't blink, the void will be filled."
"If you look into the abyss long enough, the void will come to you." G.Omar
Kahan Spirits
speak out from the Beyond Milton Friedman Speaks:
From the beyond. Milton Freidman communicates to his medium, here on Earth, Tom
Friedman, shill for Globalization, the Classified Meritocracy and the Flat Planet
Pyramid Scheme. Milton Freidman Missive as follows: "I'm being
treated quite well, the Mormon Music is a bit stilted but I do have my own planet
to populate just like they promised and I love Mormon Jokes. Wish your were here." | |
Complaint." End the Illegal Occupations! So let us see
if we have this straight. The anti-Zionists claim that the Jews have no right
to the land of Israel because before Israel was re-created in 1948, it had been
almost 1900 years since the last time that the Jews exercised sovereignty over
the Land of Israel (though actually Jews held sovereignty there briefly in later
periods). And the anti-Zionists claim that it is absurd to argue that anyone still
has rights to land that was last under their sovereignty 1900 years ago. And
on what basis do they argue that the Arabs have some legitimate claim to these
same lands? On the basis of the claim that the Arabs last exercised sovereignty
over that land 1000 years ago. Yes, that was the last time "Palestine"
was under Arab sovereignty, and even then there was no Palestinian state (just
a province of Syria). So 1900-year-old-claims are inadmissible. Thousand-year-old
claims trump them and are indisputable. The anti-Zionists say the thousand-year-old
Arab claim is legitimate because it is more recent than the Jewish claim. But
if national claims to lands become more legitimate when they are more recent,
then surely the most legitimate of all is that of the Jews of Israel to the lands
of Israel, because it is the most recent! The other claim by the anti-Zionists
is that Jews have no rights to the lands of Israel (historic Palestine) because
they moved there from some other places. The claim would be absurd enough even
if we were to ignore that fact that most "Palestinian Arabs" also moved
to Palestine from neighboring countries, starting in the late nineteenth century.
But more generally, does the fact that a people moves from one locality to another
deprive it of its claims to legitimate sovereignty in its new abode? If it
does, then it goes without saying that the Americans and Canadians must lead the
way and show the Israelis the light, by returning all lands that they seized from
the Indians and the Mexicans to their original owners and going back to whence
they came. For that matter, the Mexicans of Spanish ancestry also need to leave.
The Anglo-Saxons, meaning the English, will be invited to turn the British Isles
over to their original Celtic owners, while they return to their own ancestral
Saxon homeland in northern Germany and Denmark. But that is just a beginning.
The Spanish will be called upon to leave the Iberian peninsula that they wrongfully
occupy, and return it to the Celtiberians. Similarly the Magyars will go back
whence they came and leave Hungary to its true owners. The Australians and New
Zealanders obviously will have to end their occupations of lands that do not belong
to them. The Thais will leave Thailand. The Bulgarians will return to their Volga
homeland and abandon occupied Bulgaria. Anyone speaking Spanish will be expected
to end his or her illicit occupation of Latin America. It goes without saying
that the French will lose almost all their lands to their rightful owners. The
Turks will go back to Mongolia and leave Anatolia altogether, returning it to
the Greeks. The Germans will go back to Gotland. Ah, but that leaves the Arabs.
First, all of northern Africa, from Mauritania to Egypt and Sudan, will have to
be immediately abandoned by the illegal Arab occupiers and squatters, and returned
to their lawful original Berber, Punic, Greek and Vandal owners. Occupied Syria
must be released at once from the cruel occupation of the Arab imperialist aggressors.
Iraq must be returned to the Assyrians and Chaldeans. Southern Arabia must be
returned to the Abyssinians. The Arabs may return control of the central portion
of the Arabian peninsula as their homeland. But not the oil fields. Oh, and
the Palestinian infiltrators, usurpers and squatters will of course have to return
the lands they are illegally and wrongfully occupying, turning them over to their
legal and rightful owners, which would of course be the Jews! comment
on "Plaut's Complaint." Plaut's Complaint desires not
to make history rhyme but repeat itself. I thought the world had had this discussion
after The Great War that created World War II was executed. There are other methods
for dispute resolution beside the Zero Sum Game. The world can't afford yet more
unfettered imperialism. Intelligent design
is supported by the collective subjective for reasons that are easy to understand,
however, this planet can't afford any more unproven divine interventions.
Christian guerilla killers are gorilla killers too. Ephima Morphew Apostles
come in many stripes Mormon Apostolic Penitentiary,
Mormon Apostles in waiting Mormon
Branders: Mormons in waiting, posing on the steps of their meditation cells;
part of the Mormon Covenant of our Latter-day Saints. Mormon
Shibboleth: Mormons say, "What challenges your faith and doesn't
kill you makes you believe even more." America
Enterprise Institute, Club for Growth, Peperdiyne University Kato Institute, Aimee
Semple McPherson and George W. Bush are cut from the same cloth. Amy
McPherson: Leaving Los Angeles for New York, and the boat, upon which
we sail immediately, I was met en route by multitudes of our friends. Among them
ever was a liberal sprinkling of newspaper men. And in each city, they asked the
same question: Sister McPherson, what do you think of Prohibition?
It was rather difficult to answer the question in such a few words as one must
use then, but I told them, that the case about Prohibition here in the United
States, reminds me of the story of the lecturer who gave a marvelous address on
prohibition. And he wound up in a blaze of glory that brought everyone to their
feet enthusiastically. Why is it my friends, if I had my way, do you know
what Id do? Id take every barrel of liquor, every bottle of booze,
every crate, and Id empty it in the river. Yes sir. Then he said,
Shall we now close our meeting by rising and singing, Shall We Gather
at The River? Hed spoiled it all. And thats the way perhaps
with us over her in America: we teach it, but so often those who profess to make
the laws do not quite live up to them, and back them themselves. I wish that you
could all have the joy of going with us this Easter tide to the Holy Land, where
we shall visit on Easter Day, the tomb of our risen Lord. Amy went on to get
busted with her broadcast manager, Radio Ray, in a love nest, skimpily clad and
drunk as skumks. Amy Semple McPherson . St. Trollop of radio
but of course since Amy, and Radio Ray, evangelism has gone on into all manner
of communication but like the tock of a metronome the predictability is very very
banal. Amy's message would rot your brain. Ask, have our spiritual leaders
Paul Smithlow concept Dubious and far-fetched
ideas. Karl Rove's Brain How Mark Hanna destroyed William Jennings Bryan
(maybe). By Jonathan Alter Posted Wednesday, Sept. 15, 2004, at 3:09 PM
PT "McKinley's close adviser, Mark Hanna, was the country's first famous
handler. In Canton, [Karl] Rove had insisted on visiting the McKinley memorial.
'It was like a pilgrimage,' recalled one of his hosts." Newsweek, Sept.
6, 2004 WESTERN UNION All messages standard time Cable Night Letter
Canton, Ohio 1900, August 30 p.m. 11:17 President William McKinley
Executive Mansion Washington, D.C. My Dear President. Stop. Congratulations
on your magnificent nomination for second term. Stop. Some thoughts herein on
glorious Republican National Convention and forthcoming autumn campaign. Stop.
Our fisticuffs with William Jennings Bryan a brilliant success as we arranged
for orator after orator to punch out his lights. Stop. Commencing with Remember
the Maine Night Bryan made to appear soft on Havana terror. Stop. Plan is to step
it up and say that all U.S. battleships will be sunk if quote "wrong choice"
unquote made. Stop. Anarchists will bomb public squares. Stop. Continue Article
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mark
Hanna, Karl Rove and the Truth Demon Day after day Democratic
candidate resoundingly shown as stinking mackerel flopping and flipping on deck
of ship of state. Stop. This fellow just another straw-hatted, saltwater-taffy-licking
Nebraska progressive and product of the debauched culture of the Gay '90s. Stop.
He even rode bicycle wearing skin-tight knickers! Exclamation point. Fortunately
Bryan full of thorns now for resisting our imperialism policy. Stop. With swarthy
eyebrows and that silky mane he looks Spanish. Stop. More fair and balanced
commentary forthwith. Stop. Campaign mission not accomplished until Nebraska seen
less as Cornhusker State than den of iniquity for socialistic knaves with no moral
values. Stop. New drawing-room focus conclaves show voting public willing to see
us hit below the waistcoat, like Blaine against Cleveland's illegitimate child
in '84. Stop. Pinkerton agents think Bryan laundress might be promising lead.
Stop. At Democratic Convention in Kansas City Bryan lambasted imperialism
as quote "profitable for the Army contractors" unquote. Does not your
brother with the old bank troubles and the vice president receive gratuities from
such companies? Question mark. To forestall inquiry I have transferred Standard
Oil stock to Miss Ida Tarbell and 40 Armour hams to U. Sinclair and arranged quote
"friendly" unquote midnight meeting at the docks between Pullman strikebreakers
and this Lincoln Steffens. Stop. New policy toward yellow press comes from vice
president quote "Muck off!" exclamation point, unquote. With more
than $3 million in McKinley coffers we have raised most campaign money ever thanks
to policy of favoring wealthy trusts and robber barons under all circumstances.
Stop. Suggest we use some funds to link Democrats to anarchists and Wobblies in
the streets. Stop. Tough Cuba policy should help in Florida and high tariffs in
West Virginia, even if they violate all of your conservative principles. Stop.
While recognizing that Teddy Roosevelt has no use for you as a person, I remain
gratified that in the convention hall he decried L. Frank Baum, sitting in the
galleries wearing a baseball cap, as a quote "disingenuous novel-maker"
unquote for depicting you as a fraudulent and not terribly bright wizard who sat
for seven and a half minutes reading My Pet Toto while the Emerald City burned.
Stop. Strategy is to triumph by going directly at Bryan strengths. Stop.
So now will portray him as enemy of agriculture in league with sinners of the
cities. Stop. You and Mrs. McKinley should continue in public to honor and respect
his service to the church while we turn one of the most religious men ever to
run for president into a blasphemer and atheist with the help of an organization
called Christian Soldiers for Truth. Stop. This organization is preparing illustrations
and banners independent of us! Exclamation point. These attest to Bryan supporting
Darwin's theory of evolution and opposing the biblical truth of creation. Stop.
None of these men were ever present for Bryan's daily prayer sessions or for the
fiery baptisms he routinely performed in the river, but they deny he did so and
they argue that his Cross of Gold speech is an affront to our Lord and Savior
because real cross was made of wood. Stop. Their efforts will assure that voters
forget that your own last appearance in church came in 1872 in Alabama and that
even then you skipped the sermon and snuck out to the front porch for a smoke.
Stop. I shall close with my own prayer that our efforts will be a light unto
future generations endeavoring to turn night into day and day into night. Stop.
As always, Sincerely, Mark Hanna ð€m€mð€ð€mðtÃ
Lecturer Looking to our better angels we have now
willingly given up the moral high ground to the primates. While we damn and dike
the spillage of entropy, our brethren have given up. Intelligent Design allows
us, the Homo-Sapien Sapien, the genetic imparative, to devolve back to our ancestral
origins with no competition from other species. We are now
charged with the destiny of Ingelligent Design, fated by the mantle of faith.
| Rush
Limbaugh with nipple rings
Devolution Lecture on Intelligent Design and reducible complexity given to aspiring
students of Devolution Theory. |
copyright Scari©2005 all rights reserved Scari.Org
in the news Stem cells and cloning posted 05/30/2005 08:12 pm
by Jim Hu [Biology in the news]I was struck by this statement in the CNN
article describing Dr. Hwang's criticism of the Bush stem cell policy:Some bioethics
specialists said that Hwang's lab is not creating humans. "There is no reason
to believe one of those things could ever become a human being," wrote David
Magnus and Mildred Cho in a commentary for the Stanford University Center for
Biomedical Ethics in California. Upon reflection, I realized that this is
is true - but that the reason may not be well understood by the general public.
You don't make a new embryo just by growing up ES cells - at least not with current
technology - but the standard way to make transgenic mice is to inject the genetically
engineered ES cells into the inner cell mass of a blastula. The stem cells don't
become a mouse, but they become part of a mouse. The animal is a chimera or mosaic
- different cells have different genotypes. These animals can be bred to other
animals, and if the gametes of the chimeric animal came from the ES cells, then
half of the genetic material from the ES cells ends up in the next generation,
which are therefore not genetic clones of the ES cells. By similar arguments,
new ES lines from frozen embryos would not lead to clones. By contrast, cloned
animals don't require going through ES cells. Somatic cells are injected into
an enucleated egg, which then develops using the implanted nucleus as a source
of embryonic genetic information. But it's not that simple. Hwang used cloning
by somatic cell nuclear transplantation to create the blastulas that were the
sources of his new ES lines. The distinction between "therapeutic" and
"reproductive" cloning, as far as I can tell is only in what happens
to the blastula next. In reproductive cloning the blastula would be implanted
for development in utero, while Dr. Hwang put the blastulas on a feeder layer
of human cells and derived ES lines. If you believe that a blastula is sufficiently
human to have a right to life, then therapeutic cloning is much worse than reproductive
cloning. The blastula loses the capacity to form an adult - it's an ex utero very
early abortion (if you accept that RU-486 is an abortifacient - there is some
controversy about this). But for reasons I've never understood, most people seem
to be more opposed to reproductive cloning. Of course, the ES cells themselves
could be used as sources of nuclei for another round of nuclear transplants. The
resultant embryos would be genetically clonal to the original donors - but would
allow the ES cells to become human beings? Not if only their nuclei are used,
I guess. Using ES cells instead of somatic tissue might be useful if passage through
ES cells turns out to increase the lengths of the telomeres by reactivating telomerase.
I haven't seen whether this was evaluated for the human ES lines made by Hwang.
Stem Cell |
blastocyst, Embryonic Stem Cell swollen with potential |
we abide by respecting the Persistence of doubt? |