to our Criminal Bush Cavalcade of Willful Ignorance page | ||||||
The Cardboard Criminal Bush
based Prey to Power, Pray for Power, Prey to Prayer. So, is George W. Bush thanks
for the "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carring a cross." QED sinclair lewis Short
Memories "We
did it because we could and
Ready Paraphernalia Some say he's honest. Some
say he's incompetent. Now, most say he's honestly incompetent. He say, "Let's
start connecting the dots for a grave and gathering danger; we don't want to see
the silver cloud turn into a smoking bullet for our mushroom guns." "I hate Nukulur Polifuration, I hate Iran because they don't listen to me, you know what we did to Iraq? Now, we are so happy Saddam is gone bring on the mullahs too." He was born in the image of God But some would say, he's fallen so far from the tree Knuckle Walking is part of the human experience but that was years ago George. Red Ink Trickle
Down blues
don't forget
| The last word on Regret and the next to the last word on regret and regret's last word goes on and on. George,
The Crusader Bush "I
regret the intelligence failure on WMD. I wish the intelligence had been different."
But George, the intelligence was different, your intellignece was "sexed
up" so you could exact revenge and get the man who tried to kill your daddy,
and "Saddam is a very bad man." One might be conclude that the regret George W. Bush experiences is his stifling piety when slashing the hell out of truth for the NeoCon Vulcan Agenda, he got caught killing young Americans for a lie.
now we must enjoy the sweet low hanging fruit
George says: The Angel of duplicity speaks his mendacious mind, Ha, "I regret the intelligence failure on WMD. I wish the intellegence had been different." But George the intelligence was different, quite different, but the need for revenge was the same. He did try to kill your daddy, not Helen of Troy but he's still your daddy.
Chance, claim the Cardboard Jesus
please excuse this tacky representation of our most infamous president, George W. Bush, war criminal, liar, deceiver, bloviator, motivation speaker, mountain biker and brush clearer; he was fabricated from whole cloth, the brain child of Turd Blossom's dreams. Thanks for the memories
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On To The Last Frontier,
"I shall close with my own prayer that our efforts will be a light unto future
generations endeavoring to turn night into day and day into night." |
Lost in the Bushes
Learning the moon walk. George W. Bush Plumbing the Heavens
To Mars "We do not know where this journey will end. Yet we know this:
Human beings are headed into the cosmos." President George W.
War II wrent from the murky blog-o-sphere of Again
Thanks for the Memories It will take a decades to recover from the Mis-deeds and Mis-takes and Blunders to our civil discourse, THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES | A
Thriller of Biblical Dimension Sexy and filled with intrigue, deception, betrayal, revenge, and lots of love of god and country, Gulf War II is a revisit to the memory of Vietnam and a bridge too far genre of film noir.
Horror Title:
a classified meritocracy is without merit but that's classified too.
nice Condoleezza Rice Yes, consistency is the hobgogglin of small minds but one must connect the dots before moving on to the next new passion play Condi.
Chilling With
the WHIG: White House Iraq Group and AIPAC
are perfect partners for | The
Horror of Banality Collage
Poster created March of 2003 ______ Shock and AWE
Hadji, Jihadis into Jihotties Jihadis unite into an organized insurgency now filled with rival groups of Jihotties. Jihotties, the rising stars of our discomfort, now have a Homeland that fulfills our need to have an enemy to distract us from the real, knotty conundrums that bedevil hegemony. Now that Saddam Hussein is no longer a force for evil Jihotties will fill the void; Good and Evil being relative become just vexing details in our vision for Democracy. On
the Jihottie and Ali Baba: |