"Badges, I don't need no badges, I got Stripes" "And he, polished up the handle on be big front door." Roberts
Mounts the Bench
Gonzales: The mendacious recidivist
Gonzales is steadfast in his resolve to uphold the transformation of Justice.
His ability to obfuscate is unconvincing but, for a minority, his ineptitude has
an endearing quality. We expect history will take into account the source for
his criminality and not hold all Hispanics culpable for the obfuscation of his
sworn oath to protect and defend America from itself.
Spoksman for the People? Transformation
of Justice [U.S. Attorney General] Alberto Gonzales spoke before law students
at Georgetown Law School today [2006-03-07], attempting to justify illegal, unauthorized
surveillance of US citizens, but during the course of his speech the students
in class did something pretty ballsy and brave. They got up from their seats and
turned their backs to him. Alberto
Gonzales Interview: 11/11/05 "Ah, A question of the Mark Emery
Extradition. Mark Emery will be extradited and persecuted to the fullest extent
of our laws." reporter at large, Simon Chuy Bolivar Ginni Thomas sleeps with Emperor Jones Embedded with Bob Woodward or Sleeping with the Chosen They
say history does no repeat itself but rhymes however, now, with the Bob Woodward
revelation we find history both rhymes and repeats itself Repeating
Rhyming History. Woodward has called Patrick J. Fitzgerald a "junkyard dog
prosecutor." Fitzgerald has picked quite the junkyard to patrol. Why would
Woodward be found lurking in a junkyard. Sleeze replicates like yeast in a petri dish. Judy miller, the biker chick of the oval office and Bob Woodward pasha panderer, both senographers for the "Bush Administration" have hit new heights for ethics in journalism. Thanks folks. Ed Morrow would just say, "Good night and good luck." Stanley U. Goldburg He Say "I Pray" He say, " every day I think about Iraq -- I think about Iraq every day." No George, every day you petition the Lord with prayer to have everyting turn out all-right. Rapture
Ready Paraphernalia Some say he's honest.
Some say he's incompetent. Now, most say he's honestly incompetent. He say, "Let's
start connecting the dots for a grave and gathering danger; we don't want to see
the silver cloud turn into a smoking bullet for our mushroom guns." "I hate Nukulur Polifuration, I hate Iran because they don't listen to me, you know what we did to Iraq? Now, we are so happy Saddam is gone bring on the mullahs too." He was
born in the image of God But some would say, he's fallen so far from
the tree Knuckle Walking is part of the human experience but that
was years ago George.
as a brick, heavy as lead and crammed with detritus of unremarkable character,
we believe it to be left-over from the peace dividend, baggage from the need to
find and hold an enemy, any enemy will do. "We are still connecting the dots for the Silver Bullet and that smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud."
worm in Bush's Brain leaves its host.
Ownership Society Trickle-down.
"For the best of all possible
worlds choice is the one force that drives the need to have needs. So many choices
-- so many needs, the invisible hand is the best hand for demanding supply
supplying demand." Gus O. Kahan Apocalypse
is Beauty 2009 update to Rhyme of History, featuring: Glenn Beck and Mormon Symbology with yet more Latter-Day-Taint Dogma for The Religion Making Business. Apocalypse
is Beauty
04/28/05 Now that the Supreme Court is Jiggered and rigged to supply the needed vision for those who wish to return to an Imagined America; we expect the extraordinary renditions of our rights to expand. We now find the domestic dimension for our paranoia to be sustained by our courts. Municipal dunking pools and stocks in town squares would be a solid start; the rest sould be carried on behind closed doors to spare the public from the means to the end. A classified meritocracy is without merit but that too is classified. Hugo Baltzer
BY THE Iraq is not Vietnam and history does not repeat itself by rhyming, Oh but the deafening roar, the horror of the rhyme can render one tone deaf a moral tin ear is the result of so much myopia. They Say Iraq is not Vietnam and they are right, Iraq is not Vietnam but America is just like America so Iraq is like Vietnam. Both wars were waged under false pretences in the practice of hegemony.
Break it, You fix it Populating
on screen, yet another Transformation: They used to be called Gooks, now he is
Ali-Baba. Transformation is the creation of Ali Baba from Gooks. Orwellian in
nature but it's still working. Perception Management allows for digression without
appearing to depart from talking points, remember, War is Peace and extremism
in the defense of liberty is no vice
Management is reliant
on Incestuous Amplification:
Jones played by Justice Thomas, Justice
Clarence Thomas is in the lead in one of Paul Robeson's most memorable roles.
The Capitol Theatre Group is in production, Emperor Jones to open on *Note: The website to Robert Mugabe has been blocked for months. One can only guess what fate befell the creator. It was not kindly to Mugabe types. Gonzales vs Moussaoui Justice
Soviet Style Right
Track, Wrong Track Prayer
to our better angels for intercession is the best we can hope for. Letting God's
will rule is our last best hope. It should be remembered, Jesus was a people person,
the right hand of a bipolar God, a God fickle and utterly indifferent.
and Connecting the dots for the Silver Bullet
Baba Sexed
Up by Us Apocaliptic farce face off: The Angel of good faces off against the Dark Force, the struggle for the trigger compromises both as they grapple in the dust for victory by any means necessary TIDY IT IS NOT. TRUST US, YOU DON'T WANT SCRIPTURE INTERPERTED BY THE MESSIAH BUSH. We all know he has Christ in his heart. We had hoped he was a little more concerned about having humanity on his mind and honesty in his heart. Shibbolehs for the saved is of no comfort to those who haven't taken the leap of faith. One can only conclude: Intelligent Design is bethind this grapple for the moral higher ground. Our creator through Jesus is responsible for all this sensless beauty. The battle with evil must be joined inorder to save us from facing reality a tiny planet with too many people with so many desires; the probabilities go wild. Rapture Ready: Ariel Sharon, Tony Blair, Ahmed Chalabi and George Bush should join mutual interestes into a cabal of duplicitous interlopers, forming a scatological mutual admiration alliance for eschatology study of the end time just in time. Wendell Tately
it came to Pass TRAGEDY
OF THE COMMONS Think Tank Talk, Think Tank Think, Tank-Think
Talk: Justice Antonin Scalia, deep thoughts Justice Scalia and Howard
Stern confer on topics affecting the direction and character of our
national milieu. Scalia, a Constitutional Originalist and primary spoksman from
the Conservatory For the Preservation of the Status Quo and strict interpretation
of our traditional God Given right to grant the powerful to retain their moral
authority through Constitutional Originalism, put forth a strong case for confering
power to those who have power. Stern was helpful in fleshing out the finer points
of the Scalia Doctrine but expressed an interest in moderation for salcious speech
and adolesent toilet humor with "Scarlet Bashing." Stern further stated
the passionate need for Sirius Satellite Radio. Think
tank talk, Think tank think: Addington taking time to reflect on his War On Terror David Addington is being seen out and away from his boss, Dick Cheney. Recently spotted in National Gallery of Art viewing a collcetion by Goya on loan from the Prado Museum, when asked about his presence there, He said, "I am taking some time to reingage with my true love, Art. My job for the Vice President has taken a huge chunk of time that I normally devote to my water color. I love water color, perhaps that's why I like Goya, he's not a watercolorist but his rough use of color seems to me to be watercolor like; I love raw umber, burnt sienna, and yellow ocher. I love Goya's use of form and color. I have not done much research into his motivation for subject matter but I love his impressionistic style even though he prefigures the impressionists by many years, much like my work for the Vice President, Goya prefigures a potent and much respected era in Art History while I, err, we are reinvigorating the office of the Vice President ah, and the President too. Goya anticipated the expressionists by many years just like our retooling of the executive anticipates the New American Century." Zora Youngblood Atwell Jihadis
into Jihotties
Smell of Sulphur and the Rhyme of History Stick
in the eye: reporter at large, Simon Chuy Bolivar Rhyme of Time Revelation Fraudcaster
Watch: John Rendon says, "We provide timely, truthful and accurate information for perception managemet to flourish." I wonder what the Fraudcasters Rush Limbaugh and Rill O'Biley will make of the latest bunch of revelations. As unreliable narrators there should be some powerful spin, their phaylanx of mendacity tastes like metal in the mouth, but they are up for the task. The rhyme of repeated history or is it, the repeating rhyme of of times gone by. Chuy Simon Bolivar
I Believe Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. mark Twain | ||||
Scari.org copyright Scari©2005 all rights reserved Scari.Org | A study in the subjunctive and misplaced probabilities "unknown knowns are known unknowns that have been forgotten" | ||||
Rhyme of History Now is the time for another America Hero like John Dean. Scott
McClellan Amazing
as it may seem there are those who wring their hands and think beyond the moment
of power-lust and look to the rhyme of history. Scott McClellan
has bitten the bullet, the tough nut of what is right and what is dumb; for many
it's a no brainer but given the present spate of dummies we have had our country
taken over as if Aliens were in control. Aliens that have an agenda for the world
and empire that does not include us Americans. Scott McLellen as Press
Secretary, for many months, looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an
onrushing train. He has wrestled with his demons to deliver a chilling picture
of our leadership. A leadership that ignores all oaths of office, all notions
of ethics and basic human conduct. The heroic is yet possible in this
Postmodern time of cynicism spun by punditry steeped in navel gazing. michael randles
McCay man on the move
| "We are all so happy now that Saddam is gone." Now we can imbibe in decadent music, feasting, dancing and lots of very rich food for all the liberators. The liberated may go about their lives as directed by we the liberators and Ahmed Chalabi will minister to the unwashed. Bush Bombing Al Jazeera See,
Tony Blair is not such a bad fellow afterall. PRESIDENT Bush planned to bomb Arab
TV station al-Jazeera in friendly Qatar,
Unite to relearn the Knuckle Walk After many attempts to use faith as a ruler for enlightenment,
a frustration to unravel opaque ambigious and contradictory biblical scriptural
content leaves many fundies fallen from the tree resorting in a search for truth
using observation and experience not revelation. Release from doctrinal schackles
leaves one with a set of new rules that can be measured, quantified and used to
build a more cogent universe.
patriotism As the oceans rise and the fishes weep we carry on damning and diking spillage of entropy.
On Vlad the Pootie Poot "Me and Vladmurr? I have looked into the eyes of Vlad the Pootie Poot and I see the heart of a good man. I am sure they are the eyes of Jesus and I am his best friend. We are staying on the offensive. We are workin hard to keep evil at bay."
Bombing Al
Jazeera gone global
Congratulations on your finding, scari.org. This page is accused of
insulting Americanishness and demeaning Americanamania
has little people in overalls and shoulder holsters, one with a gun, the other
with a bible, looking and making entries, jiggering our perception of calm.
"This site has been picked by agenda driven folk that have our best interest
in mind. This site: Scari.Org is classified."
Alberto Gonzales
has experienced an extraordinary rendition for the sake of Homeland and those
who foster that notion, known or unknown. When the Homeland Folk censor a site
like Scari.Org you know that it's a conspiracy or as the Chimera in "The
Fly" said, "Please help me."
We are cosmic beings
fancy carbon. Let us treat ourselves as such -- we can take it. It's guaranteed,
we will all come back as part of something.
Why you may ask? Gus O. Kahan
![]() soon to be pundit |