moment when Grow-or-die Meets Godzilla
The uncertainty principle does not apply to power Power Corrupts
absolutely and the Law of Unintended Consequences frolics unfettered by
thoughtful restraint.
copyright Scari©2006
all rights reserved Scari.Org
Googlization: network neutrality, unconditional
love of omniphilia and god's love of google's need to do no evil.
if Patty Chayefsky could see Fox News doing fair and balanced he'd grin
from ear to ear, He'd mutter, "Fox News, the more you watch the less
you know. And it came to pass. I'm mad as hell and I 'm not going to take
it anymore?" Now, will Google go the way of Network News?
Scari Basking Shark now slurping 400,000 omniphiles a month
google google
beyond fair and balanced
please note: you have cataloged RHYME
OF HISTORY for months, reference your google images search:
" rhyme of history." Now even the images are gone. The only
search that works now is Nukulur
Polifuration but that will soon be gone too. Political Correctitude
is a neddlesome conundrum when good and evil have such radical mood swings.
This page was mounted shortly after yet more Catholics were plopped on
the Supreme Court.
I have no problem with catholics; I had hoped there would be a few little
'c' catholics to balance out the Big 'C' folks.
All these Catholics make me relflect on what the Big 'C's' had done in
the name of faith (I mean "Big 'F' Faith") in years gone by.
Little 'f' faith can contribute to the body of knowledge too.
Pax Vobis page with Big Dark Dick has been missing for months and
try a search for Gulf War II's phrase, "Sexy
and filled with intrigue, deception, betrayal, revenge, and lots of love
of god and country." This page has been mounted since the
image of Gulf War II, why are you hiding it?
There are other
pages that you wish to ignore.
Try a search for: "the Jizz of revenge"
or "Pacinophile" or "Apocalypse
is Beauty" if you're not noting these pages why?
Stuff drops out, gets lost, is spindled and mutilated but why on such
a consistent basis?
We at Scari.Org do understand free speech is not always fun speech but
your selective redactions look more like muffling the dissenting screech
of concerned americans; CENSORSHIP
A classified meritocracy is without merit but that too is classified.
Remember the basking shark and do no evil.
google-algorithm compliance
registry # google249116dd03050915
Feng Shui KULTURKAMPF for Universal Googlism
How much did Cosmic Signs, Digital Graphic Signage & Services pay
to make my Cosmic Signs Pages Disappear?
SCARI's Cosmic Signs -- Celestial Signs
pages have be up and ranked for Three years, now they are gone. Geez Google,
cultural content may be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Don't do evil?
from google july 11, 06
Re: [#50639761] copyright, copywritten
you for your note. Please be advised that it is Google's policy not to
censor search results. However, in response to local laws, regulations,
or policies, we may do so. When we remove search results for these reasons,
we display a notice on our search results pages. Please note: For some
older removals (before March 2005), we may not show a notice at this time.
The Google Team
So in the end, Google violates its own Do No Evil policy.
Googlization and Godzilla
You know it really
pisses me off to have to live in this fantastical (the suspension of planetary
awareness) world of Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, to say nothing of Richard
Perle, including Don Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, and a supporting cast of pundits,
players and profiteers that refuse to ask themselves hard questions ergo;
slow pitch soft ball the soup de jour and our
press sleeps on.
My how we can obfuscate with stupefying
shibboleths while the dignity of humanity is diminished into numbing
trivia -- The Horror of Banality.
The Law of Unintended Consequences may be
suspended for believers of the True Faith; with the Uncertainty Principle
ignored there gives rise to many opportunities for the invisible hand
to do its work for CYPERAGAPE.
The idea is, to play the game.
The game is to intimidate doubters to believe that the powers of the right
are good actors working in the best interest of society while the contempt
for we citizens is palpable. The uncertainty principle does not apply
to power Power Corrupts absolutely and the Law of Unintended
Consequences frolics unfettered by thoughtful restraint.
Gus O. Kahan

destroyer of obstacles with good bones
And please reinstate Scari's Porsche pages.
Your have disappeared a fine research project.
google gobble beyond fair and balanced
jiggering their algorithum for me and you for
moment when Grow-or-die Meets Godzilla.
back to the
Rule Curve