Intelligent Design and Irreducible Complexity spontaneous
remissions with Irreducible Complexity. |
Jo Jo knuckle walking, just like his team leader Dr. Gus O. Kahan had predicted. Intelligent
Design Wendell Tatley Note:
Zygote Development is normal as cell division progresses, however, chemical imbalances
occur requiring additional nutrient replenishments and massive doses of hormone
therapy. Given proper balancing of development properties and environment the
embryo should grow into a healthy productive citizen equipped for the exigencies
and externalities of the twenty-first century; as it is, a creature that conforms
to the JUST IN TIME requirements of our social / economic fabric.
taking a break after a hard flogging Of Pandas and People Over the past century Creationists
or Fundies have much to atone for. Attempts to ban the teaching of evolution have
been thwarted by the rush of empirical evidence however the Fundies seem unstoppable
when proselytizing the word of their Bipolar Deity. Gus O. Kahan
Science is the answer:" The science of physics invariably
assumes that certain things exist. Things like matter, energy, space, time etc.
Growing evidence suggest that there may be more of a thought process behind what
we observe. | Beyond
Flagellum Before I met Jo Jo, I was doubtful of the claims of Intelligent design. However, after inspecting the Chimera Jo Jo, I am convinced that the Theory of Evolution alone was not sufficient explanation for the anatomical complexity of this new species. Intelligent Design and its faith in Irreducible Complexity as a driving force in the creation of life is ready made to explain the attributes of Jo Jo. Born in 1999, Jo Jo was created from a chimeric blastula with a genome mix from the gorilla Mu Mu, a female mountain gorilla twenty two years of age and DNA fragments found in a burial site near the Valley of Neander dating from 55.000 B.P. The primary reasoning behind the experiment was to find which traits might dominate in the creature to be produced from combined sequences of two species long distanced by time, climate and temprement. It was thought by most of the research team that the Neanderthal genome would dominate the formation of Jo Jo, however as is in evidence, Mu Mu's DNA dominated most of the formation of Jo Jo's anatomy. Jo Jo does stand erect but for only for short periods, rarely taking more than three or four steps before knuckle walking but his temprement is quite human-like. The complexity is irreducible as evidenced in this image of Jo Jo in his habitat. One can easily see there is a there there; he seems to be quite aware of his surroundings and when presented before a mirror is aware of himself reflected. He will preen and inspect parts of himself that he cannot ordinarily see. Jo Jo, now six years old, has mastered signing to a degree but has guttural utterances (language) that seems to suffice for most of his needs; however his sentences are incomplete rambling phrases best describe his verbal skills. As an adolescent he is given to fits of rage coupled with sexual displays that require restraint upon occasion; female staff is advised to keep a wide birth in their dealings with Jo Jo. When aroused, he presents himself erect, chest thumping while vocalizing obscenity, and screaming, "Please help me." He knuckle walks in great leaps and bounds. With his acute sense of smell, he curls his lips with a glassy stare and seems to go catatonic when exposed to peanut butter, dead fish and female odors of any kind. Armed with pepper stray, staff is advised to keep clear of Jo Jo. This is further evidence of his complexity as an irreducible member of the primatesapien family. Biochemist Michael Behe has examined the behavior of Jo Jo and concludes that beyond the Flagellum many biological systems are 'irreducibly complex.' Spunky Monkey Speaks, "Please help me" Although his official name is Jo Jo, staff have nick-named him Luke Knuckle Walker or "Spunky Monkey." Due to his intelligent design, thru unreconcilable complexity, he lays claim to many other aphorisims too. . . The staff is musing of his prospective fate when he arrives to the state of a silverback. It is hoped by then, (with any reasonable degree of probability) his intelligent design and unreconcilable complexity will have become stablized; civilized to the point where he may live a happy productive life. Proof: Unimproved Knuckle Walking, after all these years, remains the most efficient form of locomotion. Stanley U. Goldburg Intelligent
Design and Global Warming Intelligent
design linked to Global Warming. Only Irreducible Complexity explains the process
of climate change. Incestuous Amplification is responsible for promoting climate
change denial. Willful ignorance of green house gases and their influence on planetary
climate change is the perfect petri dish for irreducible complexity to propagate.
Ephima Morphew
There are two additional arguments proposed by ID theory: To demonstrate intelligent design in the universe the concept of "irreducible complexity" and the "complexity-specification" criterion require a planner and matter to be planned. Irreducible complexity is a term introduced in this context by molecular biologist Michael Behe in his book Darwins Black Box . The idea is that the difference between a natural phenomenon and an intelligent designer is that a designed object is planned in advance, with forethought. While an intelligent agent is not constrained by a step-by-step evolutionary process, the latter is the only way nature itself can proceed given that it has no planning capacity (this may be referred to as incremental complexity). Irreducible complexity then arises whenever all the parts of a structure have to be present and functional simultaneously for it to work, indicating that the structure was designed and could not possibly have been gradually built by natural selection. Behes example of an irreducibly complex object is a mousetrap. If you take away any of the minimal elements that make the trap work it will loose its function; on the other hand, there is no way to assemble a mousetrap gradually for a natural phenomenon, because it wont work until the last piece is assembled. Forethought, and therefore intelligent design, is necessary. Of course it is. After all, mousetraps are indeed human products; we know that they are intelligently designed. But what of biological structures? Behe claims that, while evolution can explain a lot of the visible diversity among living organisms, it is not enough when we come to the molecular level. The cell and several of its fundamental components and biochemical pathways are, according to Behe, irreducibly complex. Massimo Pigliucci One might ask, Hugo Baltzer The Mousetrap Hypothesis: It
must be recoginized, the mousetrap sprang from whole cloth in the middle of the
industrial age; Post Renaissance, beyond Enlightenment the Mousetrap was a Romantic
notion. What did the previous mousetraps look like. What was used to catch mice
in 1212 AD? Where does poison come in, what about cats and birds if prey? What
did Jesus do?
Unite to relearn the Knuckle Walk Really, it's all about Jesus and Creation Care Startegic Error: Man, having created Gods in his own image now must relearn animist wisdom. Animists knew when the critters (Animal Spirits) disappear there is penatence to be done. Unfortunately penatence does not reserrect extinct species, penatenence is usless for the reserrection of nature, the habitat of anthropacentrism leaves only political animals inspired by shibboleths, like trained apes, to repeat the phrases that created the willful neglect of the real reality. Really it's all about ignorance. We don't need aliens to invade our planet, to take over our minds and bodies, we have ourselves to battle for the moral economic and spiritual higher ground Creation Care Karaoke is the answer. GOK |