liars, buzz marketing, the feeling of being human and the collective subjective
Ebullient Excess with Pax Americana "For the best of all possible
worlds choice is the one force that drives the need to have needs. So many choices
-- so many needs, the invisible hand is the best hand for demanding supply
supplying demand." On
American Exceptionalism A
Study in Exceptional Hubris "That's
not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act,
we create our own reality, and while you're studying that reality, we'll act again,
creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will
sort out. We're history's actors
and you, all of you, will be left to just
study what we do." Scari.org
copyright Scari©2004 all rights reserved Scari.Org

Types Typed Trance Dance
Excess With
Trompe O'eil Entrepreneurs, Politics within a Democray can not standby helpless
while the foundations for expression are left to spew shibboleths. . . "It
is most important never to question the exact meaning of any of these shibboleths,
however, for it labels you as an outsider. Obviously the shibboleth means
nothing in itself; what really matters is whether or not you are willing to use
it in order to be identified as part of the group." Jesus
Christ of Nazareth Bloggers
Untie Entries by: John
King who is also a realist of sorts and critic; a solid contributor to the
meritocracy. The
future will be a synthesis that could be calculated to a tee with adequate data;
however that synthesis will contain a high degree of non-intentional components,
and no one's ideality will figure very strongly. The futurist ends up as a statistician
anticipating desperate maneuvers. As data is compiled, the statistician
skews information received by observation of a body of knowledge that has not
occurred; the coherent strings of data vaporize in the shuffle as the future is
influenced by its observation. 
Surrealism and
kultur kampf irony and kultur kampf
Evangelical Drumming Feng Shui surreal irony in this most perfect of all possible
worlds Coming Soon:
John Poindexter, Adam Smith and the invisible hand. Total Information
Awareness Project -- PLACE YOUR BET 
Booda Buddha
Shui Syntek Technologies, DARPA,or Dharma Total InformationAwareness
Office (IAO) project The Matrix is moving along
nicely. Bar Code implants are next.
John Poindexter Defence
Advanced Research Projects Agency Looking for
someone in particular? Want to take them out using simple market forces? Want
to invest in unrest? Are you bored with parochial investments? Do you like to
use revenge as a marketing tool, or are you just cynical enough to consider this
investment opportunity for simple self-interest? Brother Poindexter has a
portfolio for you. Yes, Market Forces and Democracy combine into a Hyperneofascist
blood letting betting pool. Opportunity for all: As institutional investor,
As an Indivitual investor, As a mutual fund investor, You or your organization
can benefit form Poindexter's genius. Use Market Forces to drive destiny. Given
the golobal reach of Capitolism, Free Enterprise and Market Fixing, logic follows
that all political issues will fall under the reach of the DARPA Lottery -- Dick
Cheney's next heart attack, Gorge Bushe's next gaff, John Ashcroft's next attack
on Civil Rights. We here at SCARI want to bet on when Condolreezza Rice falls
on her swords. When will Ronald Dumsfeld be tongue tied like his boss? When will
there be an offical spelling change of the word Nuclear to Nukulur? Had
one bet on the longevity of John Poindexter and his tenure at DARPA, one could
have cleaned up. S. Han Yang, Feng Shui expert 
The Tao of Excess flimsy charm
schadenfreude w/the usual suspects

Big Bird with feathers
Bird is an Omnivore, However as a dedicated preditor/scavenger, opportunity
is his credo. Opportunism is its own reward, and You
Break It, You Fix It.
When involved with the Crass
struggle: Fear the Exploitation of Fear no matter how much it
pays. power
is sex sex is power An objectification
meritocracy, schadenfreude and public good, have lived in harmony since the
beginning. Peter Kellogg with the law: conspiring circumstances
and unintended consequences
this page was started by Scari.Org in late 2003 and early 2004
| Scari.org
Scari©2004 all rights reserved Scari.Org |
caught between Iraq and a hard place in medias res. How
do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Iraq? How do you ask a man to
be the last man to die for a mistake? choice
war: War of Choice War
by Choice "war of our choosing" to protect the homeland against
evil doers because, well
just because.
The last word On Regret
"Policy decisions were taken, Mistakes were made. Lives were lost, Damage
was done. We regret the inconvenience to planetary awareness, there were lapses
in comprehension, there were ethical compromises. The result is regrettable. The
data observed was based on good intelligence by analysts of the highest caliber,
it was the one bureaucratic reason we all could agree upon." "It
is regrettable to inform that a Grave and Gathering Threat is not Imminent but
merely grave and gathering there is a difference you know. We
regret The Paradigmatic Collective Subjective had Sexed up our Office of Special
Plans to imply imminence when only grave and gathering threats were at hand."
My destiny! Droll thing life is-- that mysterious arrangement
of merciless logic for a futile purpose. The most you can hope from it is some
knowledge of yourself--that comes too late--a crop of unextinguishable regrets.
Joseph Conrad, "Heart of Darkness" "I regret to say that
we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it
has in some way obstructed interstate commerce." Hoover J. Edgar Life's
but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. William Shakespeare, "Macbeth" "We
regret the change of menu. Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast will no longer be served.
We are quite satisfied that the French have now learned their lesson. French
Fries will be served in place of Freedom Toast and Feedom Toast will be, form
now on, be known as French Fries. Sounds Orwellian but it makes sense to us; it's
the one thing we all could agree on." Capitol Cafeteria Caveat
from beyond: We regret one does not lose one's vestigial tail in heaven.
Gus O. Kahan, "The Day the Mirth Stood Still".
A nation with leadership doing the same thing
over and over expecting different results is a recipe for history to repeat itself
again and again. QED. Alberto
Gonzales Interview: 11/11/05 The
Impeachment Question "Bring it on?"
"Yes, he has passionate Christian Beliefs, but, according to clinical specialists,
they do not rise to the level of delusion. Yes, he is responsible for his actions,
and does understand the level of his crimes and must stand trial. He may have
been deluded by those with whom he associates,
advisers who have blinded his judgment. We have definitely moved beyond
the lady in the blue dress, Monica; Impeachment should be reserved for the worthy."
Mark Emery Question "Ah, A question of the Mark Emery Extradition.
Mark Every will be extradited and persecuted to the fullest extent of our laws."
Alberto Gonzales reporter at large, Simon Chuy Bolivar On
Moyers as National Treasure 6/20/03
I happened to be up late last night, and I found on satellite TV
an uninterrupted recording of a rousing speech given by Bill Moyers at some kind
of Progressive function. What a sweeping oration. His leadership qualities have
such a buffering effect on shrill political cant from all parties. He draws from
great depth in his presentation of ideas. I just thought I would second your strong
endorsement of Moyers as a Voice. I would like to see at the highest
level of public debate two peers, rooted respectively in the Jeffersonian and
Hamiltonian traditions, slug it out with honor, intellectual power, and elegance.
The world has grown too grubby for this, but Moyers sustains an unflinching quality
of discourse that points towards the supporting conditions we need. 6/1005
Where is Bill Moyers? We shunn the most human of a all and cheer Sibboleths
to salve faith in, "everything is Ok and getting better." A pox on the
house of the faithful -- need to believe bunch that require bushels of willful
ignorance to maintain the conservatory for the preservation os the Satatus Quo.
John King: critic HIGHER VOLTAGE FOR US ALL Sun's
Output Increasing in Possible Trend Fueling Global Warming In what could be
the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows
the Sun's radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s.The
increase would only be significant to Earth's climate if it has been going on
for a century or more, said study leader Richard Willson, a Columbia University
researcher also affiliated with NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
The Sun's increasing output has only been monitored with precision since satellite
technology allowed necessary observations. Willson is not sure if the trend extends
further back in time, but other studies suggest it does. The recent trend of a
.05 percent per decade increase in Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) in watts per meter
squared, or the amount of solar energy that falls upon a square meter outside
the Earths atmosphere, was measured between successive solar minima that
occur approximately every 11 years. "This trend is important because, if
sustained over many decades, it could cause significant climate change,"
Willson said. In a NASA-funded study recently published in Geophysical Research
Letters, Willson and his colleagues speculate on the possible history of the trend
based on data collected in the pre-satellite era. "Solar activity has apparently
been going upward for a century or more," Willson told SPACE.com. Further
satellite observations may eventually show the trend to be short-term. But if
the change has indeed persisted at the present rate through the 20th Century,
"it would have provided a significant component of the global warming the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports to have occurred over the past
100 years," he said. That does not mean industrial pollution has not been
a significant factor, Willson cautioned. Scientists, industry leaders and environmentalists
have argued for years whether humans have contributed to global warming, and to
what extent. The average surface temperature around the globe has risen by about
1 degree Fahrenheit since 1880. Some scientists say the increase could be part
of natural climate cycles. Others argue that greenhouse gases produced by automobiles
and industry are largely to blame. Willson said the Sun's possible influence
has been largely ignored because it is so difficult to quantify over long periods.
Confounding efforts to determine the Sun's role is the fact that its energy output
waxes and wanes every 11 years. This solar cycle, as it is called, reached maximum
in the middle of 2000 and achieved a second peak in 2002. It is now ramping down
toward a solar minimum that will arrive in about three years. Changes in the solar
cycle -- and solar output -- are known to cause short-term climate change on Earth.
At solar max, Earth's thin upper atmosphere can see a doubling of temperature.
It swells, and denser air can puff up to the region of space where the International
Space Station orbits, causing increased drag on the ship and forcing more frequent
boosts from space shuttles. In 1996, near the last solar minimum, the Sun was
nearly featureless. By 1999, approaching maximum, it was dotted by sunspots and
fiery hot gas trapped in magnetic loops. Long-term: A previous study showed that
changes in the Sun's output appear to be related to temperatures on Earth, based
on studies of tree rings, sunspots and other data. Solar max has also been tied
to a 2 percent increase in clouds over much of the United States. It might seem
logical to tie climate to solar output, but firm connections are few. Other studies
looking further back in time have suggested a connection between longer variations
in solar activity and temperatures on Earth.Examinations of ancient tree rings
and other data show temperatures declined starting in the 13th Century, bottomed
out at 2 degrees below the long-term average during the 17th Century, and did
not climb back to previous levels until the late 19th Century. Separate records
of sunspots, auroral activity (the Northern Lights) and terrestrial deposits of
certain substances generated in atmospheric reactions triggered by solar output,
suggest the Sun was persistently active prior to the onset of this Little Ice
Age, as scientists call the event. Solar activity was lowest during the 17th
Century, when Earth was most frigid. Large-scale ocean and climate variations
on Earth can also mask long-term trends and can make it difficult to sort out
what is normal, what is unusual, and which effects might or might not result from
shifts in solar radiation. To get above all this, scientists rely on measurements
of total solar energy, at all wavelengths, outside Earth's atmosphere. The figure
they derive is called Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). The new study shows that the
TSI has increased by about 0.1 percent over 24 years.That is not enough to cause
notable climate change, Willson and his colleagues say, unless the rate of change
were aintained for a century or more. On time scales as short as several days,
the TSI can vary by 0.2 percent due to the number and size of sunspots crossing
the face of the Sun. That shift, said to be insignificant to weather, is however
equal to the total amount of energy used by humans, globally, for a year, the
researchers estimate. The study analyzed data from six satellites orbiting Earth
at different times over the 24 years. Willson ferreted out errors in one of the
datasets that had prevented previous studies from discovering the trend. A separate
recent study of Sun-induced magnetic activity near Earth, going back to 1868,
provides compelling evidence that the Sun's current increase in output goes back
more than a century, Willson said. He said firm conclusions about whether the
present changes involve a long-term trend or a relatively brief aberration should
come with continued monitoring into the next solar minimum, expected around 2006.
March 2003 Genetically modified crops specially engineered to kill pests in fact
nourish them, startling new research has revealed.The research which has
taken even the most ardent opponents of GM crops by surprise radically
undermines one of the key benefits claimed for them. And it suggests that they
may be an even greater threat to organic farming than has been envisaged. It strikes
at the heart of one of the main lines of current genetic engineering in agriculture:
breeding crops that come equipped with their own pesticide. Biotech companies
have added genes from a naturally occurring poison, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt),
which is widely used as a pesticide by organic farmers. The engineered crops have
spread fast. The amount of land planted with them worldwide grew more than 25-fold
from four million acres in 1996 to well over 100 million acres (44.2m hectares)
in 2000 and the global market is expected to be worth $25bn (£16bn)
by 2010. Drawbacks have already emerged, with pests becoming resistant to the
toxin. Environmentalists say that resistance develops all the faster because the
insects are constantly exposed to it in the plants, rather than being subject
to occasional spraying. But the new research by scientists at Imperial
College London and the Universidad Simon Rodrigues in Caracas, Venezuela
adds an alarming new twist, suggesting that pests can actually use the poison
as a food and that the crops, rather than automatically controlling them, can
actually help them to thrive. They fed resistant larvae of the diamondback moth
an increasingly troublesome pest in the southern US and in the tropics
on normal cabbage leaves and ones that had been treated with a Bt toxin.
The larvae eating the treated leaves grew much faster and bigger with a
56 per cent higher growth rate.They found that the larvae "are able to digest
and utilise" the toxin and may be using it as a "supplementary food",
adding that the presence of the poison "could have modified the nutritional
balance in plants" for them. And they conclude: "Bt transgenic crops
could therefore have unanticipated nutritionally favourable effects, increasing
the fitness of resistant populations." Pete Riley, food campaigner for
Friends of the Earth, said last night: "This is just another example of the
unexpected harmful effects of GM crops."If Friends of the Earth had come
up with the suggestion that crops engineered to kill pests could make them bigger
and healthier instead, we would have been laughed out of court. It destroys the
industry's entire case that insect-resistant GM crops can have anything to do
with sustainable farming." Patrick Holden, director of the Soil Association,
said it showed that GM crops posed an even "worse threat to organic farming
than had previously been imagined". Breeding resistance to the Bt insecticide
sometimes used by organic farmers was bad enough, but problems would become even
greater if pests treated it as "a high-protein diet". 
Trance dancing, Dervishers without the trappings -- naked dnacers
Dances Hindus like to go on and on about utopian ideals, but
there is always a top dog guru and his elect. Also remember that the Laws of Manu
(India's precursor to later civil society) do not attend to civil rights or human
rights as we understand them. Modern India was established by the British Empire
in great part. Setting aside corruption, prejudice, and seized power, let's
engage in conjecture about what MUST be in the climate of knowledge expansion
going on in the world. The rigors of knowledge functionally result in a division
of labor, which leads to an asymmetrical distribution of decision-making activity,
hence a hierarchical division of classes. Mobility between classes in an upward
direction requires a lot of energy in the form of effort, capital, and opportunity.
The totalitarian approach to addressing this mobility problem results in
an overweaning bureaucratic hierarchy that squelches spontaneity and promotes
mediocre types. So some kind of Liberal Democracy must be in place to allow
the most achievable possibilities. Then we get to the familiar never-ending debates
about values and money. And what about money? Should all people be granted a certain
amount of credit at birth, categorically earmarked for specific fundamental needs
such as food, housing, and education? Probably. And this is where the more well-off
nations are heading. Of course people must take SOME responsibility
for their number of offspring. Demographic asymmetry is a problem. Perhaps mandatory
sterilization after two children should be required in some cases for participation
in social benefits. But mere reproduction pales beside the advent of intelligent
systems. The modelling of intelligence will lead first to a revolution
in the major professions (Law, Medicine, Engineering), then to fundamental changes
in management and government planetwide (this is new -- hasn't happened before
on the planet). This will mark a sharp break from all historical patterns, ancient
or modern; and it will reduce to puny irrelevance all our present-day concerns
about social problems. let's make it real compared to
what? relax accept those things one can not change. DYNAMIC
PHYSICAL ORGY RUNS RIOT "Do not take the lecture too seriously
. . . just relax and enjoy it. I am going to tell you what nature behaves like.
If you will simply admit that maybe she does behave like this, you will find her
a delightful, entrancing thing. Do not keep saying to yourself, 'But how can it
be like that?' because you will get...into a blind alley from which nobody has
yet escaped. Nobody knows how it can be like that." Richard Feynman Who
Owns My D.N.A. "Reason might
impel us to look a bit further as our genes are not ours but to the species;
they are on loan to us to do something besides stack marbles to soothe
our complacency." Genes
as property: interesting legal proposition. Impossible to enforce any derivative
legislation without saturation of the world with surveillance efforts. The idea
of property, extended beyond legal definitions into an indefinite nebular moral
sphere becomes an infinite recursion ending in theology or mysticism; then your
choices are according to your aesthetic preferences. And what is a species? What
we romantically call nature can be emulated; designer species are already appearing:
this will complicate and accelerate. But let's look at your assertion
that general scientific research is like your pejorative "complacent stacking
of marbles." Once again, your assertions are Kierkegaard all over
again. Kierkegaard said that "existence precedes essence." This is a
bracketing operation, and one is led again to an infinite recursion; since essence
is an indispensable condition for existence. With a slightly different brain architecture,
you might be inclined to say that "Our genetic basis compels us to find our
true identity in pure reason, rather than dally in pathetic vicissitudes to soothe
our complacency (or our antinomian compulsions)." When I tried to bring up
Logos, I was not referring to a dalliance, but to something fundamental that imposes
itself when we try to observe and understand. The limbic structure of
the brain, so important to our learning and remembering and emoting, is the natural
product of tedious trial-and-error iterations of macromolecules over millions
(I am tempted to evoke Sagan's billions) of years (building macromolecules is
rather like stacking marbles). The stacking is according to the laws of thermodynamics,
just another bracketed condition in an indefinitely extended web of conditions
subject to random variations. It may not be possible for you to become
passionate about this line of thinking; but others during the past 300 years have
been VERY passionate about it. And what about others? With your existential relationship
to ethos, one would think that you would be compelled to admit all key social
drives into your circle of concerns as legitimate activities. It is absurd to
demonize science and technology just because it doesn't suit your temperament
and aptitudes, but I think you know this. Exaggeration is one of your favorite
tools. Here is a quote from Jacob Needleman (A Sense of the Cosmos, 1975):
"Western civilization as a whole now finds itself between dreams... much
as during the Renaissance when Western man found hiumself between two dreams:
behind him the dream of a Christianized world, before him the dream of the conquest
of nature. The crisis of ecology, the threat of atomic war, and the disruption
of the patterns of human life by advanced technology have resulted in the
fact that the lullaby of scientific progress, the dream of manipulating nature
to suit our egoistic purposes, is ended." The dream might be ended,
but not the operational rules and guidelines left over from the past few hundred
years. They will have to be changed piecemeal in a broken, jagged pattern, in
crisis management style, since we have nothing like a Roman emperor who might
lay down absolute edicts. I would prefer the emperor to a democracy of idiots-but
of course you know to what kind of emperor I am referring. John King:
critic Beware,
I am Caesar Evangelical Drumming circle "Beware
the leader who beats the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into patriotic
fervor, for patriotism is a double-edged sword. It emboldens the blood and
narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached fever pitch and
the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need
to seize the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with
fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader
and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done.
And I am Caesar." -- Attributed to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

man in the box
Ethics in a Postmodern World
Karl Rove ersatz Haiku Karl Rove can fool some
of the people most of the time, what ever it takes to seal the deal Karl
Rove does what he should to promote himself and "do the Public Good"
Karl Rove ersatz Haiku 2 Karl Rove fools all
the people some of the time, For him, a feeling beyond sublime, doing whatever
he thinks he should Karl Rove ersatz Haiku 3
Karl Rove wants order, a meritocracy for man as machine, lubrication helps
run Bush's brain, like smuggling disparate thought across the neocortex of a tabula
raza. "Stick to Principle, we must have order" Karl
Rove ersatz Haiku 4 Karl Rove believes a godless deity
power, is the purist form of American Beauty Karl Rove is a King Maker, a
heart breaker Karl Rove does whatever it takes to persuade your fealty
Karl Rove ersatz Haiku 5 Karl Rove wears sneakers,
all of the time that's why he's so light on his feet, quite fast Karl Rove
is a scary little man that mocks the institution he worships This
will not last Karl Rove ersatz Haiku 6 Karl
Rove gives even the R. N. C. a scare Karl Rove, not the face to launch a thousand
ships but with a wiggle like that, read his hips Karl Rove
ersatz Haiku 7 Karl Rove would purge his brother for votes or perks
what ever it takes to win the election for jerks Karl Rove, like
Stalin, will do what it takes until he is slain or dies in a puddle of policy
bile leaving those to look on in confusion and muse on his political style By:
Chuy Simon Bolivar Translation by: Jaunity Sutbblefield Patriots
behaving badly is the Patriot Act "And
it Came to Pass" If John Ashcroft can Speak
in Tongues then Orrin Hatch can cause it all "to come to pass."
It's all in the scrupulous use of mirrors, i.e. scriptures. Check: http://scari.org/conundrum2.exc4.html
When "it came to pass" that many times, one must doubt the source, Moroni
the Angel must have been HI on something. If "the sky is falling" rule
were applied," and it came to pass" would not pass as an intro for a
bad fairy tale but an entire religion? Not even a good fable could
stand up under such an unrelenting drubbing. When John Ashcorft babbles to
the great beyond and burns folks at the stake, we, the unwashed must defer to
a secular higher power or it will come to pass, war is peace and lies are truth
and don't forget the peace dividend. Poor Hester Prinn she was born
in the wrong century. Ephima Morphew

man in the box archetype
Quanta "And
science is going to do what -- make smarter bombs? What about the Day the
Mirth Stood Still?" GOK Humanity, from its beginnings,
has struggled to deny the state of ambiguity with little success and no practical
result. (M Randles)
There is a possiblity that quantum
computers could achieve consciousness, if the theories about the quantum abilities
of the brain are found to be true. There is much on the net about the brains
quantum computations and quantum consciousness. Topics lead to collapsed wave
functions, angstrom units and other difficult foci requiring studies in and of
themselves. The world exists when we don't look at it in some strange state
that is indescribable. Then when we look at it, it becomes absolutely ordinary,
as though someone were trying to pull something over our eyes -- the world is
an illusion. Quantum theory is a probabilistic theory. It just describes things
like the world as essentially random and governed only by general laws that give
the odds for things to happen, but within these odds anything can happen. There
is also fuzzy ambiguity -- the world isn't made of things, it's not made of objects.
Quantum theory doesn't describe the world that way. Big things aren't made of
little things; they're made of entities whose attributes aren't there when you
don't look, but become there when you do look. Fuzzy logic sanctions contradiction
and endorses ambiguity, and cutting edge physics is leading us there. So, though
science must seek patronage from politicians and generals and scions of industry,
it is also blazing paths not at all anticipated by those holding purse-strings.
The struggle to deny ambiguity is just about at an end. John
King: critic Angels
in Paradise Momron Shuttle is off to visit
Mormon Heaven 
Mormon Space Program by Divine Right Mormons unite to relearn
the knuckle walk. Through Mormon Quorum Sensing attainment of the highest
levels of heaven is coming to pass through the Divine Right Rite. 
Bouton de Rose, Rosebud
Bud Does a rose by any other name smell the same?
e-mail to: Charlie Rose
11/22/03 Noam Chomsky interview Charlie
Rose, you really made a sop of yourself when interviewing Noam Chomsky. I thought
you could keep it in your pants after pissing off Gore Vidal the night before
with the same tactics. Geez, why don't you do that to Henry Kissinger, the war
criminal, when he's on your show? What kind of an agenda are you fostering?
It would be nice to have some "informed thoughtful" discussion on the
Middle East without you obfuscating and parrying the discourse. The Charlie Rose
show is about the guests not you know who. If you know so fucking much why don't
you sit on both sides of the table. I'm disgusted, Gus
O. Kahan Comment
on comment: I'm not much for watching TV for recreation.
I could have killed my set last night when Charlie Rose did his hayseed routine.
In the middle of his shouting down Noam Chompsky for the 30th time, Charlie interrupted
himself and commented, "Maybe I am interrupting too much, but I have questions.
. ." He went back to blathering about the Israeli Palestinian
accords while Noam patiently again and again let Charlie change the subject of
the questions he, himself, had just asked. It was like he was "moving along"
to get to a commercial. "Why
can't the Palestinians and Israelis work out something? Why can't Israel and Palestine
get along?" "Don't you understand, If we didn't have the Palestinians
to fight, we'd be killing one another." But what of the Natural
World? Is anything left beside God alone? For God's Sake:
think of the wee ones, You know those lesser beings. GOK 
suicide, not always painless, both cathartic and banal. so many changes. Q.E.D.
A pathology for which there is little redemption, a statement of desire to
return to the carbon of our origin a cosmic state in waiting for
the next reincarnation. Spontaneous Remissions are rare. The affect can convey
to those looking for symbolic meaning, a chastening effect with awareness of our
fragility, our vulnerability, our struggle to understand. The spectacle looms
large in our collective memory. Awareness of this act affects humans and few other
species. The act has few testimonials for success but we all comprehend the meaning
viscerally. A choice to volunteer the carnal in preference to the unknowable is
a very human pathology a leap of faith or the lack of faith, both
being equally authentic. The Choice: For the sentient being, the devil
one does not know is preferred to the one presented before us; for one who has
made that choice the leap is short. . . 
genital mutilation and beauty
More Schadenfreude w/the usual suspects Martha
Martha Martha this is what gives Goddesses a bad name We
believed in you. We believed in Martha Stewart Livnig, we believed your story.
Now you've put your company in the tank and you are headed there too. We were
betting on an uptick. What happened? Schadenfreude is our only recourse given
your arrogance and duplicity we hope your prison sentence will be
spent wisely, seeking solace in biblical scripture; a wise use regimine for a
criminal. It's a shame, you have so much talent I have all your flower
arragnging tapes. Ephima Morphew 
Trompe L'Oeil advertorial spontaneous remissions
Placement Karl Rove National Treasure or Spawn of Satan Message
from a Karl Rove admirer, Malischia Wallerstein "Do you also make toilet
paper? Please forgive my sarcastic sounding opening line, I was not referring
to YOU, (Mon Dieu!) but ever my Rovey... I am, of course, on the lookout for
someone who can print my newest creative wish, "The Turd Blossom", matching
Rove toilet paper, (Scented, of course) Alas, It might be cost prohibitive. The
world will have to do without." "Dear Malischia,
I must complain about your possessive use of 'Your God and Your Rovey.' As
you know your god may not be mine and as for Karl Rove; he is a National Treasure
to be shared by all equally, you may believe he is yours but he is mine too
as National Treasure we must share our resources and "Karl" is easy
to share; his little finger prints are everywhere. He's our little BIG BROTHER
inspiring us to look to our better angels and a brighter day. Excuse my rant
but passions flare on topics of possession when it comes to deities. I believe
every home should have a portrait of Karl over the dining room table, he with
a wan knowing smile and twinkling eyes confirming "the Amerikan Way."
As for your scented paper Idea, I would not have a clue as to what perception
that odor might impart, "Please help me?" Suggestions? As ever,
yours truely, Wendell Tatley" 
Daisy-head Kiddie Litter

hypnotic, all seeing, all knowing - Avatar The paragon of dexterity with
good bones
Yellowcake deception
and Anthrax Subterfuge Yellow
Cake Yellow
Cake Yellow Cake baker
man bake me a cake as fast as you can Roll it and pat it and mark
it with B and put in the oven for the country and B 
AIPAC's yellowcake with viper, and AIPAC's Anthrax too
Scooter Libby is off the team, WHIG is now a distant indiscretion, its function
no longer needed, "Mission Accomplished," the heat of battle is over,
mop up the lose ends and we will have brought democracy to the muslim world.
But the Dark Forces live on. Dick, Karl and Condi think they dodged the silver
bullet of justice but their dates with destiny are fixed in the stars by AIPAC.
Connecting the dots for the silver bullet requires more than a swagger. High Noon
is yet to come. And fare thee well Ahab, I mean Cheney. 'Ye
seek the white one ahy, and fare thee well.' We all hope the
chubby little fuck, Karl Rove, is having a great weekend.
"Yellowcake Remix"
with "AIPAC's Anthrax" Beyond
Yellow Cake, there are many other murkey mixes looking for a market. The Anthrax
Mystery is but one. One must first ask of motive,
means and opportunity? Israel's bio-weapons facilities are located at the
Israel Institute of Biological Research (IIBR) in Ness Ziona (also Nes Ziona,
Nes Tona) a few miles southeast of Tel Aviv. Given the casual relationship between
soulmates, it's no stretch to dream of a thousand ways Anthrax in its multiple
forms could find its way to its "host" (enabling) country. They most
probably came by the same courier. Anthrax & Pax to the Max. Chuy
Simon Bolivar DEEP
THOUGHT BY: Donald Rumsfeld Bill Clinton 'As
we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know.
We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there
are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know we don't know, however, this paradigm
is predicated on some notion of what is is.'. "unknown
knowns are known unknowns that have been forgotten" mark
Nattering Nabobs, Flaming Flag in tatters
the Messenger This is not the rhyme of history. In 1971 John Kerry
"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How
do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" Now 2006 we
all must ask? "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Iraq?
How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" Criminal
hypocrisy has torn this country apart for apocalyptic eschatology. As
the oceans rise and the fishes weep we carry on damning and diking spillage of
coming soon
trompe l'oeil advertorial: optimism trumps pessimism
Quote by Karl
Rove "It's
alright to do it but don't get caught." movie
news 3/6/06
Now caught between Iraq and a hard place. . .
B-Movie lingers: Gulf Wars II Still shooting on location
Gulf War II is a revisit to the memory of Vietnam and a bridge too far genre of
film noir. OVER
BUDGET: B Movie lingers. Despite the tawdry plot Gulf Wars II lingers on an
on. Not since Apocalypse Now have budgets spun so out of control with no end in
sight. Doubtful success at the box-office. Squabbling on set, actors behaving
badly, extras are not happy with the portrayal of indigenous cultures, detractors
contribute to the conplexity of organizing an enterprise so far away; some say
a bridge too far all akimbo.
Nagging questions arise as the shooting progresses, is George W. Bush an
Idealist without Illusion or an Illusionist without Ideals? Plot:
Gulf War II Based on a anachronistic and counter-intuitive notion,
Gulf War II makes the premise; "The Road to Jerusalem passes thru Baghdad."
But everyone knows the road to Baghdad leads thru Jerusalem, That road through
Jerusalem leads to Tehran, Damascus, Cairo, Tripoli, Ahman, Islamabad and even
Khartum but, that doesn't fit to scripture, does It? Ephima
goes for the gold Originally intended to be a light uplifting
drama of heroic dimension Gulf War II is now a hundred plus times over budget
and has taken on more of an arthouse film noir script. Still shooting on location.
The existential tension is palpabe on set. By the time this movie makes
it to the boxoffice the public will have moved on. Move on to pay for all the
collateral damage and environmental decay. Writer-Director As
writer, director, and actor, George Bush has kept the end a secret. Oh, the mystery,
Allah only know where Osama is, and George only knows how the story will end.
Filming should be wraped up by next spring if all goes according to plan. Cast
and crew will be happy to be coming home. Yoni Chockalingam |
"It's alright to do
it but don't get caught." Ironically,
Tom Delay made the same statement while on a junket; fact finding mission
to Scotland. With a broad smile while teeing off on the seveth hole he said, "
It's alright to do it but don't get caught." The statement was out of context
to the patter around him; it seemed to erupt as a statment of undeniable truth,
a revelation of sorts.
Stanley Goldburg New
Wave for Pax Amerika the meritocracy delivers An
exotic kind of nuclear (aka nukulur) explosive being developed by the US Department
of Defense could blur the critical distinction between conventional and nuclear
weapons. The work has also raised fears that weapons based on this technology
could trigger the next arms race. The explosive works by stimulating
the release of energy from the nuclei of certain elements but does not involve
nuclear fission or fusion. The energy, emitted as gamma radiation, is thousands
of times greater than that from conventional chemical explosives.
The technology has already been included in the Department of Defense's Militarily
Critical Technologies List, which says: "Such extraordinary energy density
has the potential to revolutionise all aspects of warfare." Scientists
have known for many years that the nuclei of some elements, such as hafnium,
can exist in a high-energy state, or nuclear isomer, that slowly decays to
a low-energy state by emitting gamma rays. For example, hafnium-178m2, the
excited, isomeric form of hafnium-178, has a half-life of 31 years. The
possibility that this process could be explosive was discovered when Carl
Collins and colleagues at the University of Texas at Dallas demonstrated that
they could artificially trigger the decay of the hafnium isomer by bombarding
it with low-energy X-rays (New Scientist print edition, 3 July 1999). The
experiment released 60 times as much energy as was put in, and in theory
a much greater energy release could be achieved. Before hafnium
can be used as an explosive, energy has to be "pumped" into its
nuclei. Just as the electrons in atoms can be excited when the atom absorbs a
photon, hafnium nuclei can become excited by absorbing high-energy photons.
The nuclei later return to their lowest energy states by emitting a gamma-ray
photon. Nuclear isomers were originally seen as a means of storing
energy, but the possibility that the decay could be accelerated fired the
interest of the Department of Defense, which is also investigating several
other candidate materials such as thorium and niobium. For the moment,
the production method involves bombarding tantalum with protons, causing
it to decay into hafnium-178m2. This requires a nuclear reactor or a particle
accelerator, and only tiny amounts can be made. Currently, the Air Force
Research Laboratory at Kirtland, New Mexico, which is studying the phenomenon,
gets its hafnium-178m2 from SRS Technologies, a research and development
company in Huntsville, Alabama, which refines the hafnium from nuclear material
left over from other experiments. The company is under contract to produce
experimental sources of hafnium-178m2, but only in amounts less than one
ten-thousandth of a gram. But in the future there may be cheaper ways
to create the hafnium isomer - by bombarding ordinary hafnium with high-energy
photons, for example. Hill Roberts, chief scientist at SRS, believes that
technology to produce gram quantities will exist within five years.
The price is likely to be high - similar to enriched uranium, which costs
thousands of dollars per kilogram - but unlike uranium it can be used in
any quantity, as it does not require a critical mass to maintain the nuclear
reaction. The hafnium explosive could be extremely powerful. One gram of fully
charged hafnium isomer could store more energy than 50 kilograms of TNT.
Miniature missiles could be made with warheads that are far more powerful
than existing conventional weapons, giving massively enhanced firepower to
the armed forces using them. The effect of a nuclear-isomer explosion
would be to release high-energy gamma rays capable of killing any living
thing in the immediate area. It would cause little fallout compared to a
fission explosion, but any undetonated isomer would be dispersed as small
radioactive particles, making it a somewhat "dirty" bomb. This
material could cause long-term health problems for anybody who breathed it in.
There would also be political fallout. In the 1950s, the US backed away
from developing nuclear mini-weapons such as the "Davy Crockett"
nuclear bazooka that delivered an explosive punch of 18 tonnes of TNT. These
weapons blurred the divide between the explosive power of nuclear and conventional
weapons, and the government feared that military commanders would be more
likely to use nuclear weapons that had a similar effect on the battlefield
to conventional weapons. By ensuring that the explosive power of
a nuclear weapon was always far greater, it was hoped that they could only
be used in exceptional circumstance when a dramatic escalation of force was
deemed necessary. Then in 1994, the US confirmed this policy with the
Spratt-Furse law, which prevents US military from developing mini-nukes of
less than five kilotons. But the development of a new weapon that spans the
gap between the explosive power of nuclear and conventional weapons would
remove this restraint, giving commanders a way of increasing the amount of
force they can use in a series of small steps. Nuclear-isomer weapons could
be a major advantage to armies possessing them, leading to the possibility
of an arms race. André Gsponer, director of the Independent Scientific
Research Institute in Geneva, believes that a nation without such weapons
would not be able to fight one that possesses them. As a result, he says,
"many countries which will not have access to these weapons will produce
nuclear weapons as a deterrent", leading to a new cycle of proliferation.
The Department of Defense notes that there are serious technical issues to
be overcome and that useful applications may be decades away. But its Militarily
Critical Technologies List also says: "We should remember that less
than six years intervened between the first scientific publication characterising
the phenomenon of fission and the first use of a nuclear weapon in 1945."
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excruciation |

exhumation | Ethics
in the Postmodern World Recall the problems of the self.
Fragmented, fragile, transient nature of identity poses problems for moral responsibility.
(Note too the effects of email, ICT). If self-identity is the self as reflexively
understood, and we can understand ourselves in different ways, what becomes of
the central moral notion of autonomy? Of the connection between morality and reason?
Bauman: four characteristics of late modernity. * With globalisation,
our actions have distant consequences. * Division of labour diminishes responsibility.
* Our occupation of roles is so fleeting as not to make it constitutive of our
identity (cp military national service). * Traditional sources of moral authority
(rules, principles, commandments) have collapsed.Recall also the loss of
foundations. Disenchantment destroys sources of order and meaning.
The rise of instrumental rationality. This may seem to take us to one or
other version of relativism: the impossibility of a universal ethics. Distinguish
this from relativism as asserting the impossibility of using any moral language
at all. The plurality of voices and relativistic tolerance may seem to take us
in this direction. Multiculturalism. The attractiveness of virtue ethics.
The postmodern ethical condition as incurably aporetic. According
to Bauman, the essence of the postmodern approach to ethics lies not in the
abandoning of characteristically modern moral concerns, but in the rejection of
the typically modern ways of going about its moral problems (that is, responding
to moral challenges with coercive normative regulation in political practice,
and the philosophical search for absolutes, universals and foundations in theory)
Postmodern ethics is thus, to use Baumans phrase (p. 31), morality
without ethical code. Human reality is messy and ambiguous and
so moral decisions, unlike abstract ethical principles, are ambivalent.
It is in this sort of world that we must live
. Knowing that to be
the truth
is to be postmodern. Postmodernity, one may say, is modernity
without illusions (the obverse of which is that modernity is postmodernity refusing
to accept its own truth). The illusions in question boil down to the belief
that the messiness of the human world is but a temporary and repairable
state, sooner or later to be replaced by the orderly and systematic rule of reason.
The truth in question is that the messiness will stay whatever we
do or know, that the little orders and systems we carve out in the
world are
as arbitrary and in the end contingent as their alternatives.32-3
Baumans response to the ambiguity of human reality is based in his position
that it is our moral capacity that essentially defines us as human beings:
It is society, its continuing existence and its well-being, that is made possible
by the moral competence of its members not the other way round
Rather than reiterating that there would be no moral individuals if not for the
training/drilling job performed by society, we move toward the understanding that
it must be the moral capacity of human beings that makes them so conspicuously
capable to form societies and against all odds to secure their happy or
less happy survival
. [I]t is the personal morality that makes
ethical negotiation and consensus possible, not the other way round.32, 34
Compare Taylor: the necessity for commitment to others if we are to develop an
authentic identity. Zygmunt Bauman, Postmodern Ethics (Blackwell,
1993) Charles Taylor, The Ethics of Authenticity (Harvard Univ. Press, 1991)
the Nanotech Apocalypse One possible
disaster facing the earth in the not too distant future is the grey goo problem,
a hazard of the development of nanotechnology. Another even more likely scenario
is utter war. What is nanotechnology? The normal progress of technology
is towards making smaller and smaller versions of things by progressively reducing
the size of the components. Nanotechnology reverses that approach, and instead
of making things progressively smaller, starts with the most basic building blocks
possible - individual atoms and molecules. Devices are then built up using the
minimum number of these fundamental building blocks. What results is the smallest
possible device allowed by the laws of physics - further miniaturisation is fundamentally
impossible. The foundations for nanotechnology were laid in a speech given
on December 29th, 1959 to the American Physical Society by later Nobel Laureate
Professor Richard P. Feynmann, entitled "There's plenty of room at the bottom".
In it, he described how, merely by "writing" using direct manipulation
of atoms on the surface of a metal, it was physically possible to store the full
text of every book ever written in a pamphlet you could carry in your hand. Furthermore,
if one were to encode the information somehow, much more space could be saved
- the full sum of recorded human knowledge could be stored in a piece of dust
barely visible to the unaided eye. He offered no description of how this might
be achieved, but noted that there is nothing in the laws of physics to prevent
us from doing it - it's just a matter of technology. But the possibilities
extend well beyond the maximum possible density of data storage. Nanotechnology
also encompasses mechanical devices and computers too small to see even with a
normal microscope. The name "nanotechnology" refers to the fact that
such devices would be of the order of a few nanometres across - a nanometer being
one millionth of a millimetre. Assemblers A nanotech assembler is a
device which can physically rearrange matter, atom by atom, according to some
program to produce a desired result. The first faltering steps towards this aim
have already been taken - a team of scientists in San Jose has managed to write
the letters "IBM" (their sponsor) in individual xenon atoms on a crystal
of nickel. The aim of nanotechnology is to be able to manipulate matter atom
by atom to produce whatever you want. The ultimate device - nanotech's "killer
app" - would be a universal assembler. Such a device would incorporate some
significant computing power, molecular manipulators, and some form of power conversion
- either running on ambient heat or possible solar powered. A simple example
of the sort of thing a universal assembler could do would be to turn graphite
(from the lead of a pencil) into diamond. Both are simply different arrangements
of identical carbon atoms. The assembler would simply alter their arrangement,
atom by atom. And since all organic matter contains lots of carbon (by definition
- and that includes things like old plastic bags, used tyres, horse manure etc.)
you could use that as raw material for your little diamond factory. And since
you have control over the very atomic structure of the diamond, every one you
turn out will be flawless and as big as you like in any shape you like. Want a
greenhouse in your garden made of a single greenhouse-shaped diamond? No problem.
Want a rocket engine combustion chamber lighter and stronger than anything ever
built? Done. Of course, the universal assembler won't just do carbon atoms.
In principle it will be able to assemble anything, given the constituent atoms.
Most of the things we throw away contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and
a couple of dozen other common substances. All this garbage could be used as raw
material for universal assemblers. These devices will be able to turn toxic chemical
waste into rump steaks, horse manure into life-saving drugs, and lawn cuttings
into petrol - for free. They'll be able to swim the seas, gobbling up oil spills
and turning them into plankton, or cruise your bloodstream in their millions converting
fat deposits on your artery walls into pleasant, side-effect free euphoric drugs.
Of course, developing and building a universal assembler will be expensive.
Although they will most likely be too small to see with the naked eye, they will
be the most complex devices ever made. The cost will be immense - for the first
one. We are familiar with the concept of "economies of scale" - building
the first Ford Model T cost millions of dollars, but because millions were built,
they could each be sold for a reasonable price. But even economies of scale
don't apply to molecular assemblers. The first one will be vastly expensive. The
second and subsequent ones will not be cheap - they will be free. The first task
for the first assembler off the production line will be to build a copy of itself,
using the discarded prototypes as raw materials. And herein lies the possibility
for disaster. The perils of geometric progression Imagine you have a
molecular assembler on a table in front of you. You can't see it - it weighs only
one thousandth of a gram. You instruct it to make a copy of itself. This process
takes about a second - computing speeds for the assembler are high because it
is so small, and the actual building process happens as fast as it can move atoms,
which is quick indeed. So after a second, you have two assemblers on the
table in front of you - the second one constructed by the first using atoms it
literally picked up off the table. You still can't see them. Each one of the two
then carries on and builds a copy of itself. Hang on to your chair, because
after only twenty seconds, there'll be over half a kilogram of assemblers in front
of you, furiously building copies of themselves from whatever comes to hand (except
each other). Probably best, actually, if you get out of your chair, because after
another ten seconds the pile of assemblers will weigh over half a tonne, and the
table and most of the room will be gone - used up as raw material. You still can't
see the individual assemblers - just half a tonne of seething dust consuming everything
it touches. Assuming for a moment that this rate of reproduction could be
sustained, the assemblers will have consumed every atom on the planet - you included
- in a little over a minute and a half. Don't Panic This is an extreme
example, and makes many invalid assumptions. Assemblers may take minutes
or hours to copy themselves. They will not necessarily have instant access to
all the atoms needed to build a copy - if you only have access to carbon, for
instance, you can't make anything except graphite, diamond and fullerenes. Nanotech
machines will not be able to change an atom of carbon into an atom of boron -
that requires an altogether different level of energy expediture. They may have
difficulty cooling themselves sufficiently to operate at those kind of speeds.
And responsible designers will program in safeguards to prevent runaway reproduction.
The planet will not be destroyed within hours of the invention of the first universal
assembler. Panic Now Of course, successful nanotechnology will have all
sorts of possible ill effects. First of all, as soon as you can effectively feed,
clothe, house and educate every single person on the planet for free, money becomes
obsolete. Most of the people in power are there because they control access to
resources - money, healthcare, food - and if all these things become available
to everyone for nothing, those in power will suddenly find themselves superfluous.
It's difficult to predict what effect this will have on global society - but it's
unlikely to be pretty. The avenues nanotech opens up for more of man's inhumanity
to man are manifold and unpleasant. Tailored mechanical "viruses" to
eliminate specific nations, towns, ethnic groups, or even specific people in a
variety of unpleasant ways are an obvious possibility. Weaponry built of nanotech
would change warfare beyond recognition - no armour can stop a molecular assembler,
it would literally crumble to dust under the onslaught, or more likely be remade
as something dangerous to the person it had been protecting. But all these
deliberately conceived nightmare scenarios pale next to the biggest threat posed
by nanotech - the grey goo problem. The Grey Goo Problem Almost all organisms
on earth depend directly or indirectly on the sun. Food chains have at their base
organisms which convert sunlight into energy. Plants do this using chemicals such
as chlorophyll. Natural selection and fierce competition means they've grown reasonably
good at it over the several billion years they've been doing it - but soon they
may have competition they can't keep up with. A nanotech assembler needs power.
It could construct solar panels which absorb all the light that hits them - no
wasteful reflecting the green wavelengths like plants do. It could build these
things as small or as large as it needs to - and since the macroscopic design
of plants IS very efficient, it's likely to look like a plant, with branches and
overlapping leaves. But since its small scale design is so much more efficient
than any plant - near 100% efficient use of the light hitting it - it would displace
any plant from any ecological niche. Not a problem if your assemblers are confined
to the lab - but an accidental release of these devices into the global ecosystem
could result in a mass extinction unprecedented in its scope, devastating in its
speed, and from which the earth would never recover. Even if molecular assemblers
were only 1% more efficient at turning sunlight into power than organic plants,
they'd begin displacing them immediately. Insects, birds and animals wouldn't
be able to eat these machines, so they'd begin to suffer. The maths of geometric
progression alluded to above would mean that this displacement would occur not
over thousands or millions of years, as is usual in nature, but in a matter of
hours or days. And eventually, when all plant life had been displaced, and
all animal life died out, a terrible quiet would settle over the earth. The entire
planet would be covered in a film of solar-powered self-replicating assemblers,
all near-identical - a grey goo. And unlike every other mass extinction in this
planet's history, there'd be no way back - no obscure class of organism to rise
up and take over as the mammals did after the dinosaurs, because by their design
the nanotech machines would be the very optimum energy users possible. Nothing
could ever compete with them, so nothing could ever replace them, except better
versions of themselves, built by themselves. And since they would, by design,
be self-repairing, they'd never die out. No amount of climate change could affect
them, until the sun exhausts its hydrogen fuel, expands into a red giant and envelops
and destroys the earth. The Blue Goo solution One suggested solution to
the problem of "grey goo" is "blue goo" - special "policeman"
nanotech devices designed specifically to recognise and disassemble molecular
machines which are out of control. The blue goo would be deliberately released
into the world, and allowed to replicate to a pre-determined level, there to wait
and monitor the activity of other nanotech and act in case of runaway self-replicators.
It's a physically possible solution to the problem - but the human race has
a long history of developing technologies which destroy the environment well before
they develop the technologies to control them. With nanotech, we will only get
one chance - the first accidental release could be the end of all life on earth.
Conclusion Nanotech promises a bright future for humanity - if we can control
it. If we don't, or can't, it may be our last invention. Now, lets consider
some ultrarealist facts: Hitler came to power because the Treaty of Versailles
had made Germany virtually defenseless against Stalins invasion, and Hitler
was creating an adequate defense. But owing to dictatorship, his whims
were the laws of the land, and one of his whims was world domination, for which
purpose his adequate defense transformed into world aggression. The dictators
of China have been saying that they also are creating adequate defense. But in
contrast to Hitler, world domination is not just their whim to tickle their vanity
(was not China called the Center of the World?) but also a dire necessity.
The dictatorship in Russia fell in 1991. In 1989 in China, there originated what
did not exist in Russia even in 1991 a national student movement, inspired
by the West and especially by the United States. The national movement had a kind
of open-air headquarters in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, where the students came
from all over China, stayed for a while to demonstrate their solidarity, and then
were replaced by other students from other areas. What?! Winston
Churchill would have exclaimed, had he lived to 1989. In 1918 we trembled
lest the proletarian poor rob the rich bourgeoisie and come to power as a result
of Lenins world proletarian revolution, and now the dictators of socialist
China, where the proletarian poor carried out Lenins proletarian revolution
in 1949, tremble lest the proletarians establish the Western, and in particular
American, bourgeois rule? Yes, in 1918 Churchill helped to launch a
Western invasion of Soviet Russia to stop its subversive appeal to a world proletarian
revolution, and today the dictators of China want to annihilate the West in order
to stop its subversive appeal to the habeas corpus act and universal suffrage
of the bourgeois West. The national student movement associated with Tiananmen
Square endangered the Chinese dictatorship, but it did not fall as did the dictatorship
in Soviet Russia two years later. For the Chinese dictatorship relies on four
or five millennia of absolutism, while the entire history of Russia runs short
of one millennium. In Christendom, the rulers always tried to present themselves
as kinder and less cruel than they actually are. Not in China. The Chinese dictators
did not try to prevent or disperse peacefully the Tiananmen gathering. Quite the
contrary they let as many students as possible gather on the square, crushed
them with the steel of armored troops, and let these mass executioners boast publicly
of how ruthless they had been. Now, I have heard in U.S. nanotechnological
circles that New York Times Chinese staff reporter Nicholas Kristof represented
the Tiananmen Square incident as the Chinese governments reaction after
the students took a number of soldiers as hostages. That is, the students
attacked the armor, not the armor the students. Unfortunately for this Christian
representation of the Chinese dictators as good Christians, Zhang Liang published
(Public Affairs, New York, 2002) a 514-page collection of official Chinese government
documents in which the Tiananmen butchers (to use President Clintons word)
boast of their ruthlessness. Anyway, it was clear to the power holders in
China that their absolutism was endangered, and the power holders understood that
the only way to prevent further Tiananmens was to annihilate the source of subversion,
viz., the West. It has also been clear to the power holders in China that
the way to world domination lies in a countrys ability to destroy by molecular
nanotechnological weapons the enemys means of nuclear retaliation as envisaged
by Mutual Assured (Nuclear) Destruction, on which world peace has been resting.
So, the Sino-American nano race is on. It is not unlike the German-American
nuclear race of 1938 to 1945. The United States won the nuclear race for
the following reasons: (1) Hitler made a mistake by launching in 1939 a conventional
war instead of concentrating on the development of nuclear weapons. The United
States was thus at war with Germany. If there had been no war, Germany (and possibly
Stalins Russia) would have built the bomb, while the Manhattan
Project probably would not have even been started. The United States is not
at war with China; on the contrary, the United States is at affectionate peace,
with much of our trade and business depending on China. (2) The emigres from
Germany, led by the world-famous Albert Einstein, in cooperation with Jewish Americans
and anti-Fascists, created a public consensus, according to which
Hitlers victory would be the worst disaster in recorded history. Today
there is no such sociopolitical force directed against the dictatorship of China.
Publicly, many pundits speak about how the United States will win the nano race
and establish a single world. Privately, many nanotechnologists speak
about how China will win the nano race and establish ITS single world,
which, in their opinion, will be safer than nanoweapons in several countries at
loggerheads. (3) Dictatorship achieves great military results by concentrating
in peacetime all resources on the supreme military goal. At the close of the 1920s
Stalins Russia was still a predominantly rural and industrially backward
country. In the 1940s it defeated Hitlers Germany and in the 1960s its military
power matched that of the United States. The Chinese dictators can concentrate
in peacetime all resources on the development of nano weapons able to abolish
Mutual Assured Destruction. In the United Stats, it is not clear whether any such
project exists or is planned. According to the Congressional Quarterly, $5.5 billion
is to be authorized for nanotechnology in 2003. But first, it is useful to
compare the figure with $200 billion for the war in Iraq and $600 billion for
Iraqs reconstruction. Second, nanotechnology is a field of many fields,
including civilian ones. The strategically decisive weapon is a molecular nanotech
assembler capable of destroying the enemys means of nuclear retaliation.
In the United States, it is never mentioned publicly, and it is not clear whether
a single cent has been allocated for it. Imagine the year is 1944, and the
White House and Congress have received Einsteins famous letter about the
development of nuclear weapons. Weapons? You mean nuclear fuel!
At this moment a German atomic bomb falls on Washington, D.C. I mean nuclear
WEAPONS! Einstein has the time to answer. But it is too late to fund
their development in the United States. Postscript: It appears that, on
top of eco-cataclysm, the world also is headed inevitably towards complete political
chaos and a war that will consummately bring to an end the human cosmos. The modern
era has the distinction of adding some horsemen to the apocalypse. John
King: critic
| | 
excruciation |

exhumation | Forecast
the forecast John King: Critic and Seer of the future
has weighed in, Karl Rove our National Treasure Two predictions:
1) George W Bush will win a second term as president of the United States.
2) He will be sorry he did. The dog that did not bark at the Democratic Party's
convention was opposition to the Iraq war. To the chagrin of the Europeans, who
oppose the war by vast margins, the Democratic leadership all but muzzled opponents
of a war. The battle will be fought on Bush's ground. Senator John Kerry
set himself up for defeat by making an issue of the conduct of the Iraq war, rather
than the war itself. Bush will pull a rabbit out of his hat or, to be more precise,
a bear. Replacing the commander-in-chief in the midst of war is something
Americans never have done, although Abraham Lincoln had some sleepless nights
before the 1864 elections. Americans want a war, and will choose the war party
in the end, however they may chastise the president for his numerous errors. As
in war, in politics as well, the threat is mightier than the execution. Poor results
in the opinion polls are a warning to the president, not repudiation. Bush
opened Pandora's box a year ago, and not even Kerry proposes to shut it. In this
case Pandora's box better resembles a nested set of Russian dolls. Open one, and
a bevy of demons flies out, forcing you to open the next one, and so forth. Dubya
will be the president who led the US into a world civilizational war, although
it is more precise to say that civilizational war led the US into it. Many will
be the night during his second term that Bush will wish he were still in Texas,
and still drunk. In his own unassuming fashion, Bush is a world-historical
figure in Georg Hegel's sense of the term - never mind that he does not know who
Hegel was. A more thoughtful man would recoil in horror at the choices before
him and fade into paralysis, like the unfortunate president James Buchanan in
1859. World War I was declared by elderly statesmen who had spent their entire
careers (since the 1878 Treaty of Berlin) avoiding a European war. By delaying
until the Central and Allied powers had sorted themselves out into two equally
matched entities, they ensured that the outcome of war would be the mutual destruction
of all the combatants. World War I could not be forever delayed, though.
With its declining population, France stood one generation away from helplessness
at the hands of the German Empire; with its rapid industrialization, Russia stood
one generation away from military parity with Germany. By analogy, if Washington
were to sit on its hands until Iran, Pakistan and other Islamic states developed
nuclear weapons, the inevitable future conflict would be ruinous beyond imagination.
Europe's demographic collapse and the replacement of European Christians by Middle
Eastern and North African Muslims present an even deadlier long-term threat.
Washington will choose preemptive war. Narrow-minded but principled, trusting
no one's judgment but his own, petty and ruthless, George W Bush is the man of
the hour. The Weltgeist will give him a second term. Among Pandora's nested
boxes, the next one to be opened will extend the conflict into Central Asia. Turkey's
status as the "sick man of Europe" drew the European powers into World
War I, and it is Turkey's present role as the sick man of Central Asia that will
draw in the Russians. Washington, to be sure, would like Russian peacekeepers
in the Sunni belt in Iraq: they have a great deal of experience operating in such
Muslim hot spots as Bosnia and Kosovo ... One should take note that in all these
areas, the Russian peacekeepers enjoyed a very good relationship with the locals,
without incidents and terrorist acts. Truthfully, the Russian leadership should
consider this option quite carefully. Bush thinks he needs Putin to prove
his strategy right before the American electorate, but Putin will do so precisely
because US strategy in the region is dead wrong. Washington believes that stabilizing
Iraq will stabilize the entire region: Moscow knows that the Iraq war already
has destabilized the region. In the 21st century version of the Great Game, Russia's
winning chess move is to replace Turkey as the dominant power in Central Asia.
Russia's most important strategic interest lies in the Black Sea oilfields,
and its greatest worry is pan-Turkish agitation along its southern border. It
is more probable that Turkey will revert to an Islamic model under Prime Minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan than it is that Iraq will emerge as a secular democracy on
the old Turkish model. Erdogan wants involvement in regional conflict less than
anything in the world, except for one thing, which is the humiliation of Turkic
populations in adjacent countries. He no more can remain indifferent to the plight
of ethnic Turks in the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union than
could Nicholas II of Russia abandon the Serbs to Austria in 1914. By the same
token, Russia does not want to engage its weakened and demoralized army in a foreign
venture. But it no more can remain indifferent to Turkish agitation in the Caucasus
and Black Sea than could Austria tolerate Russian subsidies to Serbian terrorists
in 1914. Those are the characters in the next act of the tragedy, and their
motivations. The role of tragic lead falls to George W Bush, who will be re-elected
and regret it. 10/28/06
patrick fitzgerald
or: just the facts mam elliot spitzer. Patrick
Fitzgerald a crafty kinda guy Patrick Fitzgerald has informed every leaker
in Washington, be apprised of a new form of confidence, we need a new start, this
democracy ain't workin -- how could we export what we now have? He has challenged
all those who believe Karl Rove must fall on whatever it is that he has created
and with him, many others who want to doom history to repeat itself.
Hugo Baltzer Our foreign correspondent
Stehpen W. Heider sends his weekly report from our MOTHER TUNG COUNTRY, Very Great
Britian. He is, in deed and stature, the latter day equivalent of Ed Morrow. "Good
Night and Good Luck" A nursery rhyme, from
1918, during the Spanish Influenza Epidemic that took out some 50 millions.
I had a little bird, It's name was Enza. I opened the window,
And in-flew-Enza.
Ruminating on birds, flu and history.
The bird flu is H5-N1. Aids is HIV which, in Roman numeral fashion, can be
read as H4. Now, it has been a number of years since I saw the Robin Williams
movie about the gay nightclub owner, but I believe it made some reference
to "Birds" in the title. It definitely took place in Miami.
I think we are undergoing an extraordinary moment, when all that could go
wrong is conspiring to occur at one place in space and time. I think you know
where this is going, in fact it seems quite obvious to me now. Gay men
with parakeets in Miami are going to bring down civilisation as we know it,
because the viral strain created by those very special birds is going to be
carried up the east coast by the first major hurricane that hits Florida moving
NNE. Miami, DC, New York and Boston, from which the spread will go global
in a matter of hours just an humble submission adding to the body
of knowlege
S.W. Heider Notice: Congratulations on your finding,
scari.org Google has little people in
overalls and shoulder holsters, one with a gun, the other with a bible, looking
and making entries, jiggering our perception of calm. "This site has
been picked by agenda driven folk that have our best interest in mind. This site:
Scari.Org is classified." Alberto Gonzales Scari.Org has
experienced an extraordinary rendition for the sake of Homeland and those who
foster that notion, known or unknown. When the Homeland Folk censor a site like
Scari.Org you know that it's a conspiracy or as the Chimera in "The Fly"
said, "Please help me." We are cosmic beings fancy
carbon. Let us treat ourselves as such -- we can take it. It's guaranteed, we
will all come back as part of something. Why you may ask? Gus O. Kahan To
Fight the Good Fight, battling Perfidious Angels If
we are to wage war on Radical Islamic Fundamentalism it might be efficacious to
consider fighting a broader assault on fundamentalism. If we are to fight the
good fight we must attack Christian Fundamentalists and Jewish Fundamentalists
as well. There are Hindu Fundamentalists that might slip through the cracks but
with snares set around their deities we may arrest the spread of Hindu radicalism
too. Thaddeus Quella Hegemofascism
and the evil twin Islamofascism Really,
to claim we are fighting an Islamofascist insurgency to save the realm? It
would be good to take into account
the definition of fascism. We Good God Fearing Folk have contracted
to go to battle with a centurion army backed by mercenaries, with an industrial
machine coupled to the leadership of our righteous endeavor. We have chosen battle
on foreign soil in a foreign land with a corporate profit / loss ledger ruling
our actions a cost plus war Hmm. The Bad God people
are convinced the Hegemofascist enterprise is devised to cowe its citizens to
belief before understanding. The Hegemofascist is out to exterminate the Islamofacist
culture, all for the prize of oil. Sounds like our enemy is slapping the
same behind of the same horse. The battle is over who is facing forward.
Let us get a grip and stop whipping the poor nag: she's been around the block,
God Only Knows how many more leagues she is good for. Look up at the darkening
sky. Note: There are more than 14 points to Fascism,
15th point to Fascism is: Point 15. Willful Ignorance: A telling
detatchment from facts presented. A noted lack of diologue between the public
and the power elite. Insistence in the correctness of the course of national leadership.
A preoccupation with personal wealth and property, a distraction from the public
good to a personal adgenda for personal advantage. Gus
O. Kahan
of the year and nesting bedfellows
Tom DeLay go away! Tom D. Lay go away! Tom
De Lay should be Genewted or publicly Gingrated. As for Newt, please let him be
DeLayed. Resurrections:
Man of the YEAR He's back He's lean
and mean Our man for all seasons Newty
is on to the next new big thing. |
We remember when he had such great ideas, they bubbled up from some murky abyss
to steal center stage no matter how serious the discussions might have been.
Remember when: Newty was going to solve the inner-city crime/education
problem by giving every inner-city minority a laptop.
His contract on America was inspired showmanship. As a gadfly, Newty has our endorsement
for anything he wants to do.
he wants to give every Iraqi a washing, machine, a case of Bounce and two laptops.
What's with the laptops Newt? Is this the first step in nation building? It
was never confirmed whether or not those black kids, qualified for computers,
ever got a chance to hock them for gold chains. One youth interviewed stated,
"Waz a mutha fukka wan wit sum dum machine dat don shoot straigh."
Unembarrased by his facile tongue, Newt is our man for ideas that stupify, astound
and hypnotize. His logorrhea has no limit. Chuy
Simon Bolivar Note: Have you ever noticed how
much Newt looks like Robert Bork when enhanced with beard and mustache. GOK |