Building a new Iraq in the Chalabi Vision Perception
Management: New Bridge Strategies, LLC |
Having close ties to Dick Cheney,
Ahmed Chalabi, also ethically tone deaf, is our man in Baghdad working
out the details of who gets what and when. Ahmed has settled in to the
task at hand with passion, and the full faith and credit of the Bush Administraton.
Chilling With the WHIG: White House Iraq Group
and AIPAC are perfect partners for Chalabi.
Ahmad Chalabi | "When
it comes to Perception Management, Ahmed Chalabi and Joe Allbaugh have the
best of intensions for the future of Iraq." Dick Cheney Ahmed Chalabi in conference with Joe Allbaugh, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney. Discussions include the New Bridge Strategies disbursal of funds for rebuilding Iraq through the next fiscal year. Strategies are going according to plan as Chalabi has advised. Joe M. Allbaugh, Chairman and Director of New Bridge Strategies, LLC has the green light to spend on rebuilding the palaces of Saddam Hussein in order to provide a suitable environment for VIP's of the chosen; consultants, contractors and interested parties tapped to share in the contribution to Iraqi rehabilitation. Chalabi, now settled and comfortable in his sitting room, has referbished one of Saadams places to suit his tastes for diplomatic receptions and business conferences. "A comfortable working environment is important when dealing with the infrastructure, yes, I need some modicum of order when attending to the needs of the Iraqi people, despensing power and seeing to the construction of democracy." Chalabi said, "Our Democratic institutions are being built from the top down in order to save time and insure there are no insurgent elements infiltrating our idea of a free Iraq. There is much to do to get the toilets to flush and the phones to ring. Thanks to New Bridge Strategies we have the advantage of working with the best service providers, from crisis counseling to cell phone service, New Bridge Strategies has done a stellar job of recommending to me the best contractors for the jobs to be done." |
Man of Taste Ahmed Chalabi, a Man of Taste and culture has the right balance of cultural refinement and business acumen to attract the confidence of the coalition's power brokers. After having the ear of Dick Cheney, Ahmed Chalabi has come some distance since his days of trotting around Washington with hat in hand helping to develop data with the Office of Special Plans. His vision for Iraq is coming to pass as we move from occupation to democratic independence. Ahmed Chalabi is the one central figure that has the confidence of both the Iraqi Expatriots and the Coalition. His ability with facts and their use are as malleable as George Bush; their respective uses of facts, an amalgam of theory and conjecture, has forged a new vision for the use of Iraq and its people. The Capitalist, free enterprise principle of financial dominance of all sector resources is in accord with the Bush Administration's Ideal of Supply Side Wealth Formation. As head of the Iraqi National Congress, Chalabi has affected much for the people of Iraq, Working close with his nephew Salem Chalabi and others, associated with Free Market Global, and Iraqi International Law Group, a new vision is being forged with the helpful expertise of Peter Mc Pherson, Jack Kemp, General Tommy Franks, Thomas Foley, Democracy building is overseen by Owen Kirby of International Republican
Institute an organization that has awarded both Dick and Lynn Cheney
with the Freedom Award, an annual recognition of Americans that have
taken more than they have contributed to our freedoms. CHALABI TREATED SHABBILY Why would Ahmed Chalabi, our favored ally in Iraq, be subject to
such shabby treatment? Amed Chalabi joins a very long list of interlopers who suit our interest until their baggage becomes too prominent and inconvenient to sustain, "in the name of our National Interest the White House Iraq Group is doing the work of the people, for the people." Now the baggage requires some heavy lifting, more that even the "Dark Force" Dick Cheney can carry. Perception Management: AIPAC the wizard of OZ John
Rendon and Dick Cheney master of mendacity. Perception Manager, John Rendon |
Don't forget
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee has just rleased a statment to the press. "We have no knowledge, nor have we ever had any knowledge of using Ahmed Chalabi as a shill for our interests in Iraq. We have no knowledge of information transfere from the F.B.I. to our offices and have no influence on American Policy in the Middle East." Security:
Curve Ball to tells truth Rafid Ahmed Alwan, curveball, pop flies another mass of
information on his claims.