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Amerika American Peace Americanishness |
Beyond Liberal Democracy On
American Exceptionalism "That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality," he said. "And while you're studying that reality, we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." Celebrate
and celebrate 250 years of Imperialism American Style. There are many methods for domination, subversion and supplication. As a major player astride two oceans, our nation as straddler has experimented, dabbled and probed, niggled and ooched the many permutations of conquest, spiritual, psychological, economic and forceful. After nearly three hundred years of bending the will of others to conform to our Consumption habits -- it's going to come to pass. Consumer
Consumption "Quality
is a noun?"
Eric Prince: Knight of Blackwater WALMART effect Today: the nomination for the paradigmatic institution evolved from this model is WAL-MART; of the many prototypes in competition for the prize, WALMART is the single finest expression of heaven on earth. The WAL-MART Effect is sweeping the nation and will soon export Calvinist Doctrine to all corners of what is rapidly becoming a square planet. So, if you are middle management or better, you are blessed. Join Now -- inquire about WALMART INTERNSHIPS. Don't be left behind to deal with debris of a planet consumed by consumers. Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Known Unknowns
| Hegemon
Hegemonic Hegemaniacs, Historic
Note: Just 400
years ago Calvinists bumped the shores of a near virgin continent girded by two
oceans on the temperate zone of this planet a ready made. These
peoples, The Americans, with evangelical zeal, quickly began to spread notions
of this reality to other places. "you, will be left to just study what we do as we change water to wine while running with scissors."
Parable or Fairy Tale? Frolic
in Paradise Conclusion: Had the yeastie been inbued with cognition and science beyond natural selection they could have taken counter measures that would secure their fate, perserve the realm and continue their frolic. parson Carson Gallant Charoot
Congratulations on your finding,
has little people in overalls and shoulder holsters, one with a gun, the other
with a bible, looking and making entries, jiggering our perception of calm.
"This site has been picked by agenda driven folk that have our best interest
in mind. This site: Scari.Org is classified."
Alberto Gonzales
has experienced an extraordinary rendition for the sake of Homeland and those
who foster that notion, known or unknown. When the Homeland Folk censor a site
like Scari.Org you know that it's a conspiracy or as the Chimera in "The
Fly" said, "Please help me."
We are cosmic beings
fancy carbon. Let us treat ourselves as such -- we can take it. It's guaranteed,
we will all come back as part of something.
Why you may ask? Gus O. Kahan