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Dagi Turkey
Ephima Morphew has
returned from the Babha Dahg Dig with yet more evidence. On the Northwestern
slopes of Mt. Ararat she has uncovered an extensive pre-Neolithic complex
of cave-dwellings and shelter remains. Ephima and her crews have labored
near Agri Dagi for the last three years.
Ephima is presently working on a temple devoted to The Dog God.
Further findings will be posted in pictorial form soon.

history not recorded

tragedy of the common
Argo Morto Cave, west wall

Allmak Dwellings, Birthing and Burial Chambers

Dagi Dag Cave, Meeting Chamber
As the excavation progresses more valuable data is reclaimed, pointing
to a culture living between eighteen and twenty thousand years BP.
The Agri people, it appears, migrated to the base of Ararat for reasons
unknown. The life was rich with ritual and abundant in innovation.
web links to Ararat:
On Babha-Dahg Dig
The theme of the pieces, which I appreciate, does not
resonate with current events, expressing disenchantment
with modernity, which has no connection with atavistic assassins.
The use of the handprints, a characteristic feature of
truly ancient Aboriginal culture in Australia and elsewhere,
amounts to an excessive dignity bestowed on the Arab nihilists
and their temper tantrums.
An alternative representation of this desperate horde
would be horseflies harassing the grazing animals.
For some, those horses do have heads, which are just
not visible to the untutored mind. They seem to seek to
represent paradox in repose, and I think the repose is
a good thing, not necessarily indicative of creativity
at a standstill, but instead, of subtle and secret transformation.
I would represent this paradox in repose by a chrysalis.
No overt activity, but an utter cauldron of
complex process going on under the shell, masterful
knowledge of which is not within reach of most people.
The hard core of modernity, daughter of the European
Enlightenment, is a natural communal aristocracy of
the intellect knowing no national boundaries, but
which is functionally bonded with the political forms
which Francis Fukuyama calls liberal democracy
("liberal" does not mean "slack" or
non-discriminating; nor does it mean cancellation of
class and inequalities). It means a world safe for
rigorous inquiry and sustenance of the power to
conduct and act on that inquiry. In such inquiry lies
the best hope of surmounting the social ills and the
behavioral sinks that we all decry.
You may not like the elitism and the specialization
that is an integral part of the above social order. It
has many failings. But there is really no alternative,
as the past century has demonstrated.
John King: critic