Peace is War - War is peace
to have peace
here there must be war elsewhere.
To have war somewhere else supports our peace, full employment here.
Zero sum wins again.
Standing stiff, our necks strain -- eyes roll,
hazy, breath-stealing steamy heat.
Uniforms, form endless olive furrow --
warm flesh -- beating hearts on parade.
Days of simmering practice come to fruition:
Sweat trickling down, trickles down
the crack of each man's ass
ten thousand drips drop
Perfection to the soldierly (more pawns)
a beautiful sight -- WAR TOYS --
fiber for the soldierly stool:
The Parade Field vibrates with thudding flesh,
a shudder of casualiies fleck the ranks.
The generals inspect for attention to detail,
ocasionally touching "their men," white gloved,
as they drop like flies:
A muffeled fart sounds, in his limp exhaustion,
another recruit withers from the ranks
in a clatter of gun and gear.
The ambulances fill and pull away
loaded with yet more parade field purple hearts:
ECHOING through the platoons
echoing throught the companies
echoed throught the regiments
echos through the brigades:
RIGHT-FACE face--face--face
Nine thousand swing dicks face right
and prepare to face the music. . .
Pass in -- in -- Review, review, review
Losing a modest ten percent leaves
enough bulk to the green gobb to
satisy the military mind.
The snares roll, drumming drummily"
The swinging dicks are off,
soldierly clouds billow, camouflage for
the trailing ribbon of combatants,
Salt-Sweat caked men tramp the dead grass,
soldierly clouds soil the generals gloves
as human fiber passes to their pleasure,
Generasl Dilly and Smulligan stand, detatched
looking over our heads at their distant vision,
Trailing off in the choking haze
we look forward to being confined
in our billets, to swelter
into the muggy wee hours
cleaning guns and gear for the next parade
The Big Parade:

Veteran Memorial S.O.B.
Genetic Needs: Sexual Access, Social Intercourse.

territorial imperative
The pack animal becomes complex, using a myriad of strategies for the
primal function; a reason to exist.
Now, a pragmatic enterprise, war (battle) is codified in doctrine. The
tenants are felt but not known -- it's in the genes. His only weapon is
his brain, a brain suffused in chemistry that operates not always according
to rules, any rules.
The Standing Order of Battle was an anticipated response to Gulf War I
but seems not to have not missed the mark for Gulf War II. The extent
of subterfuge in order to commit to this, the latest adventure, leaves
no doubt as to the level of play, the obfuscation, deceit required to
raise the war ax in order to exact revenge. Revenge, a moral notion to
rationalize the irrational, to make moral the immoral, to transmogrify
the immoral into the amoral for pragmatic reasons. Pragmatic War. "We
will do it because we can."
As an Elk has horns to secure his rut, a rut created by the scent of the
female in estrus, drives him wild as man makes war to secure his
access, status and linage at the beckon of the female.
A conspiracy of the sexes, now threatens the ground on which this ancient
conflict began.
This drama anticipates Shakespeare by dozens of millennia an embarrassing
condition given the faculties and mechanisms, systems, devised to counter
the righteousness of hubris from overwhelming a higher calling for humanity.
However, to be fit for breeding is not necessarily what this planet needs
today. With 6.5 billion scratching Homo Sapiens clawing for access to
the fruits available makes for a lusty artificial demand for confrontation,
conflict, competition.
Standing Order of Battle is a product of the goddess
Text for the innitial exhibition in Sept. 1990.
Order of Battle
soldierly waiting S.O.B.
S. O. B. a state of malehood. A qued group of heads, hearts, hands,
and pricks, mired on pikes.
The impalement:
the involuntary patriarchy produced by the coupling of the rectangle,
rooted territory, captured amimals the planted seed, retired the predator
form battle with the elements to involuntary involvement then preoccupation
with human conflict.
Now organized and perceived profitable with the tally of winners and losers,
war has evolved in self-organized progression from responsibility for
tribe protection to care and feeding of the corporate/nation.
Pathological couplings form survival strategys that satisfy the struggle
ennui: a genetic need for competition and domination of something, anything,
Standing Order of Battle is a rooted part of anthrogenesis (genetic white
noise) being our default motivator; S.O.B is visceral beyond explanation
It just is.
Cast: Standing Army / Soldierly Waiting
General Bliss,
Chaplin Balling,
Col. Sing
Maj. Major,
Capt. Crunch,
Lt. Sophis
Sgt. Major Minor,
Sgt. Slaughter,
Corpral Helmes,
Pvt. Rogers,
Pvt. Night,
Pvt. Freeman,
Pvt. Stubblefield,
Produced by: Scari.Org 1990
exhibitions: Michael Randles
Curated by: Gus O. Kahan
is Peace is War is Peace is War
Standing Order
order or rule held to be in force until specifically changed or withdrawn,
especially a regulation relating to military or parliamentary procedure.
Usage: {Battle}, {Combat}, {Fight}, {Engagement}. These
agree in denoting a close encounter between contending
parties. Fight is a word of less dignity than the
others. Except in poetry, it is more naturally applied
to the encounter of a few individuals, and more
commonly an accidental one; as, a street fight. A
combat is a close encounter, whether between few or
many, and is usually premeditated. A battle is
commonly more general and prolonged. An engagement
supposes large numbers on each side, engaged or
intermingled in the conflict.
As an elk has horns, a technology to secure his rut,
man makes war to secure his access to status, reproduction
being the female drives the episode by demanding the superior
combatant for the superiority of the species .
pricks on sticks