the Paw of the Beast
Into the Maw of radical chic.
Hindu household has a sacrosanct place for the family deities, in the
West its a refrigerator.
Beast and Bugs in da Bushes
So there you are, looking into the glow with the barley audible humm and
the whirr of your shrine, a window into the past -- a time when the infrastructures
were primitive and emotions were more easily tuned.
You are bathed in the muted light, backlit, shadowed and helpless -- prostrate
before the glow. You have found yourself leaning against the refrigerator
door before, blank in thought but for the craving -- Oh the horror of
banality. Are you still wondering what it's all about, not knowing how
you got there, how you arrived in this place? Lost in that moment, unaccounted
desires drove you to this spot; a need to scratch the itch, be a part
of something larger than yourself. Now you look through the veils of stuff,
some orderly, some in chaos and some in the back, too long forgotten --
lingering back there creating new life of its own. This need you have
is not a pathology, it's not some symptom needing counseling but the desire
to believe in something a refrigerator perhaps. In other places
there are family shrines for deities to reside. This too supplants the
same urge with much less infrastructure and far fewer calories.
Looking deeper you can see, its a hundred and fifty-thousand
years ago and your gang's been fooling with fire for some time.
Your medicine man and his understudies have harvested a seed that makes
men see. The elders and initiates are to celebrate fecundity, more babies
than can be remembered.
A large beast has been slain and the weather is still warm, given the
progression of seasons its unusual. In the night, with the fires
built and costumes, made of the best material, the evening progresses.
Now painted in ash and ocher, in mid evening there is total silence as
each takes his place bulging from feasting, the sound of stillness --
then came the chatter of insects, each calling to the other of its kind
for natural selectioning. A multitude of species join the fray pleading
pleading. The little critters merge into a pulsing rhythm, all finding
the space to place their notes.
The Bane of Atheism and the scorn of Theism; Social Criticism is the
pain of faith in a world created by an utterly indifferent supreme cognitive
entity who wishes anonymity for copyright liability purposes.
Tao of Excess, Schadenfreude:
In a confusing time, when it hurts to think, THE CONSERVATORY
Exploitation by Social Biology:
Graphic depictions of the Human Condition. Further inquiry into details
from the burden of physics, the, pathology of biology -- self-organized
Haute Cuisine:
Unknowable unlocatable flavor, tasty treats for the ethereal palette.
Essential aesthetics for the esthete, the affectionado of acquired tastes,
shared global awareness and visual angst expressed for exposure to the
Bedtime Stories:
A collection of writings
to confirm your existence in a world that appears to have no need for
any one person, any one thought, any one clue to pursue
Your tribe begins by marking notes of the cicada, then the crickets are
supplanted by sticks clattering against stones. Now human voices join
in; a moan of joy and pain punctuates the throb, your pulse is sent off
into the night sky as elders shake and writhe in trance. Your tribe is
bonded into a single unit with all things in the night.
The pulse, a driving sound shouts out a unified beat, some sing high some
sing low and some just clap their hands.
Base is thumped form a hollow log, hard sticks clatter staccato and voice
is heard pounding out the primal essence of your existence. You are taken
away in the rapture, being just a part of the whole -- just one among
many -- many as oneness.
A jaunty little melody intrudes, then again. The firelight dissipates
into a florescent glow. You feel a buzz in your pocket, your cell continues
to quiver, you shut the door, the light is lost, in the dark you answer
the phone half thinking it may be a heavenly spirit.
To be continued:
the most unremarkable desire is to be remarkable
to be remarkable is a most unremarkable desire
to desire to be remarkable is most unremarkable
The SCARI -- self-activating non-aligned actuation-independent
enhanced-spectrum refraction-reduced reduction generating fractal-interpreting
Genetic Manipulation:
Engineering the future through DNA manipulation for the public good.
Through recombination SCARI has made considerable progress.
New World Revolutionary
the Ferro Cochin Story
There is one small problem with the life and times of Ferro Cochin. Records
indicate his baptism took place in 1693. Before he left for the new world,
there were those rumors of his involvement with members of questionable
religious orders, it was alleged that he was trying to consolidate several
of the most radical and heretical into a pact to rest power from the Holy
Mother Church. There were ad-hoc groups and summary courts traveling about
the land seeking denunciations of, and confessions by disaffected devotees
prosecution of those afflicted by doubt were in danger of
exposure by the faithful.
Ferro, the son of the village butcher, had little education and seemed
to be a normal child, apprenticing in his father's shop of meat and flies.
Ferro's father a portly man, with close set eyes with moon face and jowls,
like the swine he slaughtered, was not known for his honesty and his eye
for the cutting of meat; he did not seem to be capable of parenting such
an ambitious young man. His mother, Maria, was secretive and little seen;
frail and weak, she kept to herself in the small living quarters behind
Mauto's meat shop. Her chores were extended to everywhere but the shop
itself, her responsibilities reflected a need for cleanliness and order.
The alley to the living quarters was clean and always whitewashed, the
street in front of the shop was spotless, the shop door and walls were
immaculate, all by her hand. But once the double doors were entered the
stench and filth of Mauto's management was in force with the incessant
flies, summer or winter.
When message and messenger are tangled into
a unified field of confusion and disarray. Big T TRUTH vs. little t truth,
a fair and balanced view.
Classical Technique:
The classical approach
to allocation of resources, human and natural still the paragon
of efficiency - the invisible hand is the best hand for demanding
supply supplying demand
His perception of butchery was casual and had a unserious air, as if it were
something that he did by default without ritual or respect; his customers
were few and infrequent partially due to his prices and of course his
It was 1712 and there were these notions about death and flies, maggots
and the like; common wisdom believed stench harbored mysterious spirits,
humors, that inhabit evil places to pounce on the unsuspecting, capturing
another victim to spread its pestilence as a proselytizer spreads his
Ferro, at the age of twenty set sail on a Barkentine, the Lucia in September;
a time of year not considered favorable for safe passage. His landing
on December 22nd on the coast of what is now South Carolina was inauspicious
but for the ravaged vessel, having sustained considerable damage in storm
after storm, the boat was a floating wreck. All cargo was lost or thrown
overboard to save the ship and seven of the crew were missing, however
the skipper a Fernando Cadiz seemed as if all was well and set about refitting
the grounded Lucia for return passage.Their fate was cast, the whim of
a trading company and skipper, both used human chattel as lubricant for
the new world's potential. Fernando Cadiz was a man that knew life was
nasty brutish and short for the many and very profitable for the few.
Fernando's boat was lost upon his return.
Ferro would not have been there, in the New World, but for Pilar Ortega;
a gypsy living beyond the village in the ruins of Berber defenses destroyed
by the siege and routing of the Catalan Arabs the century before.
She was wild, for her adventure was existential experience for some future
test in the nether world. Her appetites were many but for her lust was
like a hog rooting for truffles. Ferro fell into the flame. Pilar was
older and more experienced in the forbidden arts. She was burned and hacked
to death after their fling -- her final adventure. They were discovered,
found together in the slaughter house with a freshly dispatched bull;
they were caught copulating in a pile of warm and steaming animal entrails.
Ferro was spared from the same fate by a priest as his faith was not in
question by virtue of his youth. The priest had designs for Ferro's absolution
through penitence but by grace of need he was spirited away to Malaga
and indentured aboard a boat, any boat to anywhere.
Cultural Fusion:
Pundit, poet, sage and guru, an Icon for the ages. With the persistence
of doubt -- there is an ongoing Kultur Quest to merge and consolidate
the need to believe.
Anthropology, Sociology, Archeology:
Exploring the roots or our existence, confirming theory and artifact,
uncover cultures long forgotten.
Iconic Paradox:
Symbols and symbolism have powerful influences,
forming our attitude and informing our spirit, perpetuating the persistence
of doubt.
Ferro disembarked into a settlement at the edge of a swamp. Its people
and buildings were sinking into the slime of uninspired siting -- a place
that should have never been. His small muscular body, given the passage,
was still limber powerful and energetic. He was put to work immediately
by the quartermaster slaughtering, butchering and smoking game gleaned
from the swamp.
Through his work, he became acquainted with the local tribes supplying
food stuff to the colony for trinkets and metal goods.
Tribes of the swamps were migratory, spending spring and autumn by the
coast and living inland on higher ground for the winter and summer months.
As Ferro's further exploration opened up the interior, through its resources
and people, he began to spend most of his time away from the settlement.
The sickness and stench of the stockade and its inhabitants was a crucible
of death. He did what was demanded, bringing stores to support the decline
of adventurous aristocracy, people ill-equipped to flourish in a swamp
on the edge of a mysterious continent inhabited by savages uninterested
in Gods Word and fealty to the king, any king.
This association with the natives was the turning point for his adventure
in the New World. Ferro's religious conversion and radicalization was
to change the course of the Americas.
To be continued.
Simon Chuy Bolivar
Epistemological Constructivism:
Knowledge is not passively received either through
the senses or by way of communication, but is actively built up by the
cognising subject. The function of cognition is adaptive and serves the
subject's organization of the experiential world, until one confronts
the scriptures.
Standing Order of Battle
When truth are lies,
love is hate and peace is war, war is peace. A look into the conflict
of peace, the peace in conflict and humanity's needs to make what ever
it takes.
Just where are the goal posts?
Who keeps moving them?
standing by watching, helpless, as inexerable forces dice
the fabric of reality with blind abandond; a dicipline that no one can
bare with dispassion no one can see and not care
no one can care and not see
Empowerment Icon:
Power is empowerment: a case study in the application of social institutions
that are rattled by dysfunction, berieft of purpose but for the moment;
however long that might well be.
Martha Stewart and Adolf Hitler
Had Adolf Hitler found a soul mate like Martha Stewart rather than Eva Braun,
a nondescript angeneau, just think what might have come to pass. With Adolf's
global vision and Martha's penchant for neatness, the world might have been
made over into a potpourri of arranged beauty enlightened order.
Alas, like ships passing in the night Martha Stewart and Adolf Hitler were
not to be, the cosmic clock slated their hour upon the stage to be out of
order. Still, bringing order to a chaotic world was their single finest
contribution to our species. History will record this lapse in synchronistic
alignment and morn, with longing, for a more perfect world.
Stanley Goldburg / Eva St.Peron |
The Tragedy of the Commons
Lord Bufort Mumford Augustine Tullyrill's Shoe Last (1868
The mediocre statesman and pioneer of Central Africa, Lord Tullyrill,
with his trading company, was the earliest to drain raw material from
the plains and jungles of Uganda, Zaire, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
Meaning of Life
Before introducing 'the meaning of life,' we must know what life and meaning
means. The word meaning is to have a purpose, or to have a certain entitlement.
The word life, in brief we can call God. For centuries people have been
trying to find the true meaning of life, Gods meaning of life
is very very biblical, but before knowing Gods thoughts on the meaning of
life, we must believe in god. The LORD God formed man from dust and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of Genesis, He (God) rules the broken hearted
and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars. Great
is our Lord and mighty his power; his wrath has no limit. The LORD tolerates
the humble but casts the wicked to the ground. Sing to the LORD with trembling;
make music to our God, sing and dance in manic trance. He covers the sky
with sprinkles, he sprinkles the sky with glitter. Thus the meaning of life
is filled with glittering sprinkles. Genesis 2:7 |
Navel Gazing to the Extreme
However if one ponders this hypothesis one can easily see:
the beyond is filled with practically nothing and getting more nothing-like
by the moment. . . |
Open up the windows, let the bad air out Cut through the
Data Smog and Jewish Squatters, aka Jewish Settlers
Intifada Infoganda
Zionism sectarian or secular?
Had God uttered "his" sentiments in other tongues beside Hebrew,
this confusion over title to "The Holy Land" might have been
avoided. Why does Yahweh whisper in the ears of jews only?
The primary problem:
American Jewry has co-opted this country's policy promoting a vast squanderance
of blood and treasure for decades no end in sight.
Who pays for Fundamentalist Squatters stealing West Bank land? We do,
We send Israel billions each year; from the private sector there is an
equivalent amount sent to prop up our "Little America on the Mediterranean."
If the U.S. pulled out support for Israel, the Palestinians would have
a homeland, like they had before the Zionist invasions in the wake of
W.W.II. The hypocrisy of Jews persecuting others is anathema to what has
been done to them. It's beyond surreal to consider that after the Berlin
wall comes down, there is another resurrected in Palestine to shut out
reason, wall off guilt, all for some Jewish Squatters that claim to have
a contract with God Jews create a new ghetto by edict of
Yahweh? Our heavenly master of irony is busy working for his love of man.
Philosophically: If the Jews could make peace with themselves they
would have no reason to have the Palestinians to kill and maim, no reason
to steal and obfuscate. If God gave the Jew the promised land, why did
they leave? They drove themselves out of God's Country because they could
not get along among themselves, squabbling theologians bickering and sniping
caused their Exodus. Had God just spoken in Arabic this entire matter
would not exist.
Advertorial content provided through Perception
Management by The Tribe of Abraham
Stanley Goldburg
Knuckle walking:
and the Provenance of Spam, sneaking to Baghdad and Peter Pan in Neverland
with men in wigs and other pleasures of deception.
Sacred Cows:
there are such things as sacred cows but not of this earth. More public
support is needed. Our National Sacred Cow must be fed.
Public Relations:
Soon is a resource page for Knowledge Management by experienced researchers,
a valuable tool in the hands of one with an inquiring mind.