Unity and Harmony A New View to an Old Dilemma Negotiations are underway to consolidate faith into the perfect belief system. Auroville, the Ashram for the Bauhaus cult of mystics have entered into active talks with Sai Baba. Sources say, the intent of the talks is to entice Sai Baba to move his ashram to the Golden Orb of Matrimandir and install his throne within the bowels of this modern, air conditioned, concrete shrine. Here he could hold court and enhance both groups. If successful there are plans to consolidate the Mormons, Baptists and Lutherans as well as various Muslim sects into this new Center for Spiritual Awareness. A letter, in Hebrew, has been sent to the Hasidim of Palestine to entice the squatters on the West Bank to join in this unparalleled enterprise. This new movement will promote and appeal to brotherly love and understanding of all things great and small. Sai Baba can demonstrate the power of vibhuti while other faiths have offerings to enhance the spiritual experience. The Vatican has been informed but, at this time, declined the notion participation.
A Unity for the Chosen Ones: Western theologians could learn from the pages of his book. If Western Clerics would concentrate on creating 'an opiate for the masses' rather than interfering with the workings of society, our social systems would be free of intrusive acts by 'The Men of God'. They would be appriciated for their showmanship and colorful costumes. The Pope and his lot are a bit severe for mainstream worshipers but an amalgum of Pop mysticism, Catholic garb, acrobatic flexibility and ruthless showmanship might just win the day for religion and contemperory theology. Clearly something needs to be done for those with a calling. God Only Knows just how many are in need of mystical experiences and rebirthing debriefing.
A modest proposal: Transmogrification is our Passion Sai
Baba a perfect role model for his faith. Young lion avatar getting his chops by levitating an orb. Over time he gets better and better. As an Avatar there are expectations to produce and that he does; for decades he has been spewing forth stuff and things both marvolous and banal for the astonishment of his following. Perhaps Indian religions
(like the Zoroastrian religion, which was so inextricably tied to the Persian
Kingship) are tied to a finite range of values along a graph of social evolution;
and outside that range these religions no longer engage the world meaningfully. experience informs John King: Critic |
Theory through Noetic Science
Baba, Avatar: The Old Man continues to make more magic as he has done for some
50 years; a career huckster still on the make, insatiable and undaunted by any
thought that his "performances" are anything but stupefyingly dumb,
he carries on today making magic for millions, vibhuti, vibhuti vibhuti pours
from every orafice. Sri
Sathya Sai Baba, Baba said, "The concept of Brahman, the Ultimate Conscious
Reality, manifesting itself as the Universe, and Its being the material and the
efficient cause for creation, represents the pinnacle of philosophical quest.
Yet, the cognition of the truth of the Immanence of Brahman is difficult to achieve,
for it is impossible for man to rend the veil of Avidya or Maya. Such understanding
of Brahman comes best to man when the Lord vouchsafes 'Viswavirataswaroopa Darsana'
to the ardent seeker - not by jaded disquisition of self-designated philosophers." "Toxic
Waste No Problem" "Lumpen
folks No Problem" "Crass
Struggle No Problem" "Celestial
Signs No Problem" "Rebirthing
No Problem" With Sai Baba's Mo Jo and The
Paolo Tommasi Temple,
Miracles Other instances of Baba's powers of resurrection
are known to other devotees. The Raja of Ventagiri told me of his experience when,
some twenty or so years ago, he witnessed Baba's resurrection of a man dead some
six days in whom body decomposition was taking its normal course. About these
mysteries, one can make no comment; they are outside the customary human experience.
Life is like a bean stock and Sai Baba is like an Avatar. |
keeps Yho MoJo woikin. Miracles: "Miracles are my visiting cards" From the very first of his known
Discourses (25 or 26 October, 1947 - Vijayakumari, pp. 107-109) and from officially
recorded Discourses in 1953, Baba makes strong claims to be a living incarnation
of God (in Hindu terms, an Avatar, or descent of God on earth). He also makes
frequent allusions to the Divine powers of Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence.
A further strong claim of his is to be the second of a series of three consecutive
incarnations of God, beginning in the 1830s with Shirdi Sai Baba. More anecdotal
(but very frequently discussed among devotees) is the claim that a third incarnation,
Prema Sai, will appear soon after Sathya's predicted passing in 2022. |
Sai Baba Testimonials to a higher truth by Devotees: One morning as I was driving to work, I stopped at a light, and glancing to my left, saw what appeared to be a snake in the next lane coiled up with it's head up and waving around. Since I'm an animal lover, I was concerned that the snake would be squashed by a car, so I immediately got out of my car to rescue it. The snake turned out to be a piece of rope. Why the end of it was up and waving around was a mystery, since it wasn't windy that morning. Sometime after that, I read a quote by Sai Baba that said reality is like seeing a snake in the road and being frightened. But when you get closer, you realize it was just a harmless piece of rope but if you see what you take as a piece of rope and it's a snake. whoa, look out. Wow, I know what he means. Fred also mentioned being in someone's home, and telling the couple who lived there that Sai Baba would never materialize money for a devotee (this before the previous incident). As soon as he said it, money started showering like rain out of the ceiling. He then heard Sai Baba's voice say, "Don't tell people what I will or will not do." His deep voice echoed like in a cavern. Amongst the 'Sai Stories' told by devotees
are some very strange tales. For example: Knowing that every Rolex watch has its
exclusive serial number, an Australian visitor asked the swami to materialise
one for him. Sai Baba obliged with a wave of his hand. On his return the serial
number enabled the Australian to identify where the watch had been purchased.
He asked the proprietor if he remembered who bought it. The owner remembered the
occasion well. He could hardly forget the unusual orange clad Indian gentleman
with strange fuzzy hair. Sai Baba's most frequent materialisation is of a healing ash called vibhuti. Hindus consider this to be very holy and on a par with the holy sacrament of Christianity. In the Daily Telegraph of March 6th 1994 a reporter witnessed vibhuti ash forming on photos of Sai Baba and objects in the room at the home of V. S. Naipaul in Kensington, London. In honour of Sai Baba's 70th Birthday, Sir Vidia carved a life-size wooden statue of his guru. As soon as the task was complete vibhuti ash began to form on the statue's hands, gown and feet. Mr. Naipaul took a photograph of this but when the film was developed it was not the statue in the picture but a photograph of the real Sri Sai Baba! Wow, I know what that feels like, I've taken lots of photos that didn't turn out. Another intriguing story, although accounts differ, concerns an Australian who visited Sai Baba in the hope that he could cure his wife of terminal cancer. Sai Baba spoke to him saying "You shouldn't be here. Your wife needs you. She will be well." He then tapped the Australian three times on the forehead. The man vanished in front of a crowd of people and reappeared besides his wife's hospital bed in Australia. Baffled by what happened he checked his passport. It was stamped correctly with that day's date yet only moments ago he was in India. His wife recovered, but died two months later in an train wreck. The reports coming out of India are mind boggling. Sai Baba has raised the dead, multiplied food as Christ did at the Last Supper, materialises jewellery out of the air and turned water into petrol when his car ran out of fuel. He has turned petrol into soda for thirsty devotees. There are tales of him materialising sweets directly into people's mouths, appearing in two places at once and making a photograph of the face of Christ appear on film. Most of his manifestations have been demonstrated in front of highly respected professional people and are particularly well documented by Dr John Hislop, Howard Murphet and Stanley Goldburg. |
"The "miracles and wonders" which cannot be explained by the
categories of science are so natural to Me that I am amused when you label them
as miracles. The Lord has announced that He would come down for the restoration
of Dharma (righteousness) and that he would assume human Form so that all might
gather round Him and feel the thrill of His companionship and conversation. And
the Lord has come, as announced." (Sathya Sai Speaks, I, 25:154 - Aukiripalli
Markandeya Sanskrit College, 22-1-60) "I will be in this mortal human form for 59 years more and I shall certainly achieve the purpose of this avathaar, do not doubt it. I will take My own time and carry out My Plan as far as you are concerned." I, 31:198; Prashanthi Nilayam 29-9-1960)
"You may fall into the quagmire of doubt: 'Rama came, Krishna came, Sai Baba came, this Puttaparthi Sai Baba comes and challengingly declares that He is all These! How can this be?' You can never understand this phenomenon. That is the understanding that you need. I am incomprehensible. You will see the world coming here in about a year or two." (Sathya Sai Speaks, II, 22:113) Michael
Jackson of Neverland. Michael Jackson and Sai Baba have
two things in common -- both believe in magic and they love little boys. You might
say they are spiritual soulmates. |
and Harmony His throne is to be moved to Auroville soon. Sai Baba will be the "Mystic In Residence" at the Temple Matrimandir. Situated in the core of the colony of expats in that most magic of Indian States, Tamilnadu. This move will add further authority to his presence. Home to Jayalalitha, the Iron Maden of Tamilnadu, the mistress of a Hindi Movie star. Jayalalitha; Actress-turned-politician has supporters that rally round the Cult of Celebrity much like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone is sorrounded by adoration. She rules her fiefdom with ruthless abandon using only a platoon of body guards and a custom-tailored flack jacket. It is assumed the consolidation of these entities will bring serenity to the fractious climate of Eastern India; the economy of scale will further streamline theology and politics into a unified theocracy for efficiency and stability. Shirdi
Sai Baba and Lingamania It's
not like he's my kind of savior but, for some he fits the bill. Miracles come
in all forms, Sri Sai Baba is into petty miracles, minor miracles and imagined
miracles; a talent that has sustained him and his ashram for decades. Sai Baba
is authentic in his trade. |
I had no idea that this Auroville place was so decadent.
Sri Aurobindo would be appalled.
Sai Baba the Exavatar is now to be beatified through Noetic Science and Papal decree In
an effort to extinguish the persistence of doubt, POPE John Paul II is soon to
beautify http://www.petitiononline.com/saibaba/ Senator
Al Franken in a previous life |
Bilocating Baba As I ate my hot fudge sundae
at the famous Hard Rock Cafe in London I noticed that amongst the rock memorabilia
of the Beatles, Hendrix and Rolling Stones stood a life size photograph of a rather
odd looking figure. But this fuzzy headed character dressed in bright orange/red
is no rock star. He is Sri Sathya Sai Baba the guru of the blue chip multinational
restaurant group and responsible for their corporate slogan 'Love All. Serve All.'
Isaac Tigrett, the restaurant chain's founder, believes that Sai Baba saved his
life when his Porsche careered at 90 mph over a 300 ft drop. "Sai Baba appeared
beside me in the car and put his arm around me. Stanley Goldburg Bilocation,
Levitation, Transmogrification & Transcendence Through String Theory, Anthropic Principle and the Gaia Hypothesis Sri
Sathya Sai Baba has broken through to the eleventh dimension and is now onto yet
more dimensions. With his invention of wing warping and worm holes, his insatiable
desire for we humans to get it right has motivated The Avatar to extreme navel
gazing and multiple bilocations. When asked why? He states, "Just to do neat
things." He has levitated himself and others for fun, transcended large buildings
in a single bound and risen the dead. The Atavist Avatar is equipped for more
transformations through String Theory on screen. to explain the unexplainable, Noetic Science is the answer
The Avatar: We can speak about the transformation
and/or transmogrification of the self through the avatar. As the self expands
to incorporate the avatar identity, the avatar identity penetrates the user identity.
This process of transformation into online avatar is fairly novel, and it is too
early at this point to draw definitive conclusions about its implications for
self-identity. But we can already see some general features of avatar identity
that may guide speculation. Acknowledgements Bhagwan Al Franken is now The Senator from Minnesota. Al Franken is the first Bhagwan to ever receive this distinctive honor. Senator Al Franken is commited to doing the proples bidding for Sai Baba and the People of Minnesota. |
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