making beauty with Flowers Bunnies and Smoke-Damage Furniture
Making beauty is hard work when budgetary considerations are imposed. Trompe
L'oeil, still life with eggplant Still life with eggplant carries
on the long tradition of abstraction with the use of fruits, nuts and blossoms. Flowers
Bunnies and Smoke-Damage Furniture carries forward a decades old use of pedistrian
imagery rendered in a style that can be easily judged as art. To some, my work
is less absolute and more approachable in the attempt to create works that can
be easilly accepted as something that you, the viewer-judge might consider, with
a little prompting as hanging on your wall. A pretty thing for fuzzy faces or
is it a fuzzy thing for pretty faces I can never get it straight.
So, if you have a lumpy couch that you can't bear to part with and you
need a new look for your rumpus room a still life abstract painting may be the
answer. mike randles 
detail of still life with eggplant

Trompe L'oeil still life with eggplant and avocado: 50"x 64" oil on
Addition and
Subtraction is not a Rorschach Test? Beyond Color:
Addition and Subtraction, consideration of facture, texture, brushwork, to say
nothing of luminosity; all contribute to the content of a whole work of art. Form
and surface-texture can be manipulated to convey a sense of indefinability. Through
the use of removal (scraping and scratching) further adds to the look of a work,
a look that has been delivered through a right-of-passage by distressing surfaces
for an authentic impression of struggle. It is through this right of passage,
another void is filled. Another work of art is born. 
trompe l'oeil razzle dazzle