Ebony and Irony The
Tragedy of the Common Lord Bufort Mumford Augustine Tullyrill's
Shoe Last (1868 -1928) The mediocre statesman and pioneer of Central
Africa, Lord Tullyrill, with his trading company, was the earliest to drain raw
material from the plains and jungles of Uganda, Zaire, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
His credits include the exploitation of timber, labor, mineral, and animal by-products.
Lord Tullyrill, reportedly a great hunter and sportsman, is said to have felled
thirty bull elephants in a single afternoon, capturing for his larder over four
tons of Ivory in one sitting... He and his huntsmen held all records for trophy
size and number of animals slain for over thirty years. As a statesman, Lord Tullyrill
retained a seat in the House of Lords for four terms, however absent for most
of the time, "My love of sport keeps me away in colonies", Using his
family's considerable wealth to further his interests in business, Lord Tullyrill,
was a man with the right stuff in the right place Lord Tullyrill is succeeded
by one daughter, a product of his third marriage. Daughter Fay (still living)
was further reason for the Lord to lavish yet more trophies and clear cut entire
forests in order to secure a rightful station for her father's reputation. Fay,
a spinster, still lives in their Sussex Shire estate built from her father's exploits.
In fact, it might be noted that the introductory sequence to BBC's Master Piece
Theater was shot in Lord Tullyrill's MansionTullymore. With the Lord's
innumerable conquests there was an inexhaustible amount of animal parts from which
the Lord had many objects fashioned, fetishes, for both utility and beauty. One
of the few objects outside the family estate, available for public viewing, is
a Shoe-Last parted from the Lord's extensive foot-ware collection. This Shoe-Last,
it is said, was created for his favorite, smoking slippers, fashioned from the
same silk weave as his best, smoking jacket. This Shoe-Last was given up for public
viewing after the house pet, a Pomeranian named Tuffy, mauled and hopelessly mutilated
his left slipper. The Lord's right slipper, and its caretaker last, remains properly
placed in the Lord's last remaining smoking slipper, and remains in the care of
Fay. Without accounting for genetic superiority, the Lord had rather strange
feet. No matter what fashion his foot wear was cut, they always looked odd and
out of step. Some say that is why he spent so much time away from England; those
who knew him said he wasn't the out-of-door type; 'he liked his gin by the fire.'
With her Pomeranian, Tuffy, Fay lives on today. She wanders the halls gathering
tufts of fur and bits of hide fallen from the Lord's conquests; they protrude
from the walls like the stumps of logged ebony forests. The chambers are hung
from floor to ceiling with the mildewed busts of the Dark Continent's bounty. Tragedy
of: The Commons remains Tragic, visit Irony and the
Collective Subjective The
Shoebox Story Life's stories can be held in a shoebox. This Shoebox
is but one of billions of shoeboxes. Some stories are more tragic some less
but they are all equal in the eyes of the jury. |
The Tragedy of the Commons: Ebony Irony Lord Bufort
Mumford Augustine Tullyrill's Shoe Last 
Submission from the 5th International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition Tragedy
of the Commons: part I .......... Ebony and Irony

common tragedy | |
commons | |
to Tragedy of the Common, in the 6th International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition"
Bimbi Luboso's Right Foot directs the point of view to history not recorded,
a narrative of fate self-organized and indifferent. Betrayal, ignorance and loss
are metaphor in the cast and lot of humanity." Bimbi, head tracker for Lord
Buford Mumford Autustine Tullyrill, was bound and his right foot severed when
he refused to drive a herd of pachyderms within range of the Lord's campsite.
Michael Randles remains on the testy edge of art and ideas. "Iconoclastic
iconography is a task reduced to a cacophony of isms; fertile ground for the genetic
white noise emanating from our vestigial tails to interrupt humanity's neural
circuits while I, affectionately, still swing from the trees." |