Prize Awarded for 2003
Karl Zobell has finally
made up his mind and decided to award his prize to the Nr. 1 most flagrant thieft
of Kiddy Literature. Awarded to:
Audrey Giesel and Dr. Seuss Enterprises, Inc. for the thieft of the children's
Story, "The Pains of Being Pure at Heart" by Charles Augustus Steen.
Charles Steen had his story stolen by Seuss Enterprises, Inc. then published by
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, Inc as a long lost manuscript by Dr. Seuss under the title
Daisy-Head Mayzie. Laundered
through intermediaries to Audrey Giesel who claimed to have found the "Dr.
Seuss" manuscript in the bottom of a drawer some twenty years after its,
alleged, writing the old manuscript in the attic trick. But
the Copywritten story by Charles Steen was submitted to a shell bead organization
called The Institute of Children's Literature. He submitted his story to the school
for evaluation to see if he had the aptitude for writing children's literature.
This process was assured to be in the strictest confidence. Just how did "The
Pains of Being Pure at Heart" by Charles Augustus Steen find itself in the
bottom drawer of Theodor Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss and laundered into "Daisy-Head
Mayzie"? Karl Zobell knows how and wishes to reward those greed obsessed
with yet more garlands of recognition. Intellectual property stolen is the best
property. The Institute of Children's Literature
'The Pains of Being Pure at Heart' was a story submitted by Charles Agustus
Steen to the Institute of Children's Literature. 'The Pains of Being Pure
at Heart' was stolen and made into Daisy-Head Mayzie by Janet Schulman who is
head of Children's Literature for Random House.
The Institute of Children's Literature states: "The Institute
of Childrens Literature takes your privacy and security very seriously.
We are also very aware of the threats to your privacy and security on the Internet.
We appreciate and value your confidence in us and we will work steadfastly to
maintain your trust by always providing a safe and secure web site where you can
visit us." Scary
tails dangle from Fairy Tales In
response to the thieft of his work, Charles Steen wrote a play.
STORY (a play of criticism & parody in two acts / legal document)
by Charles Augustus Steen III Copyright 1991 & 2003
by Charles Augustus Steen III Library of Congress catalog card number TXu
500-969, 17 USC 107 Steen painting that freaked out our one and only
Audrey Geisel

Audrey Geisel with clan censored for the sake of civility: 4/23/2015 After
his story, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, was stolen and published as
Daisy-Head Mayzie, Charles Steen the artist, was forced to express his anger,
frustration and rage in pictorial form. It is purported that the center figure
pulling a train is Audrey Giesel, however any similarity may be purely coincidental.
After all it's only art. Why would an extortionist go about his business in pictorial
form? What benefit might he gain? Who is guilty of crimes of extortion? The public
has been bamboozled by Dr. Seuss Enterprises, extorting geld from the public,
laundering the work of others as the work of Ted Geisel. A larger
image of this Seuss-like illustration is available on request. Perfect for the
den or bathroom, this image is sure to please any conissieur of the narrative.
Contact: scari.org Audrey
Giesel She volunteers this information to avoid the rap that
shes exploiting Seuss and explains that by creating trademarks in various
media, shes protecting her husbands creations. Yet some of (Audrey)
Geisels decisions, notably to publish some material that her notoriously
perfectionist husband left unpublished, are difficult even for her to explain.
Magazine Seuss On The Loose Nov 20th, 2000 |

Mayzie looking for love with daisy
the Zobell Prize is much like the Ignobel
Prize. The Ignobel Prize rewards bad science, the Zobell rewards unethical behavior
in Kiddy Literature. Review:
Daisy-Head mayzie Reviewed by J.N.E. Being the long time
Dr. Seuss fan that I am, I was in great anticipation of reading the ``lost
work'' of Mr. Geisel. When I did finally get the book in hand I dove into
it as quickly as I could, not knowing what to expect from the title, but
that is usual for a Seuss book. Having completed the book, I knew immediately
that it never should have been published. At least not this way. Not as a childrens
book. Not being called the ``lost work'' as I had seen. You see Ted Geisel
was a perfectionist, and many times in his life he would start a project
and get a rough draft done, and then (knowing that it was not finished) put
it away for later work. Kind of like stepping back and letting the dust settle,
then seeing whats there, and what needs to be done. I feel that is where this
book was. Not finished. There are too many awkward lines, and Mr. Geisel would
quite literally spend hours, struggling over just one line, much less let a book
full of the get published. Yes the idea of the story is very Seussian, and
flows just like many of his books, but you can feel that it is not the same
as the rest. What I feel they should have done with this lost manuscript is
compiled it with all the other unfinished works, and poems, and misc. tidbits,
into one larger book, and published all of it that way. It would have been like
a gift to all of us loyal fans, and would be telling us, that Mr. Geisel was not
finished with these, but here is what he had worked on. Instead I feel some corporate
stiff, saw a method to make a buck, finished the script, how they wanted it done,
added art work, and slapped the name ``Dr. Seuss'' on it. I just hope this is
the last book done this way. http://www.afn.org/~afn15301/seussfiles/dhm.html
Public Good vs The Public Goods The
might of legal maneurering does not change authenticity, it skews the ground on
which all creativity is based. Rewards to the greedy, the powerful, the corrupt
must be recognized; free enterprise, invisible hand marketing, public relations
and insider deals are the foundation of our economic system, a system that can
not change without changing the paradigmatic base of our society. Its structure
is formed to reward those with hubris and punish the creative. Vexing
our neurons, this activity is maneuvering that questions our motive for being
alive. Choice is what we crave well What cost for Kiddy
Litter priceless. Stanley
Goldburg |
from the Oregonian August 19, 2004 by JOSEPH ROSE
The Oregonian: Oh, the sentence he will serve
Somewhere in Con-ville, Charles Steen hatched his plot. He wanted money,
and he wanted a lot. To the widow of Dr. Seuss, the Portland
man e-mailed a threat. "Give me 2.5 million, or I'll do something you'll
regret." He painted a picture, unseemly and lewd, of famous characters
in poses no child should view. Horton, Sam, and the Cat in the Hat. And, yes,
even little Cindy-Lou Who. It was extortion! A Grinch-like pinch, you know.
This Steen man, this mean man, threatened to put on a show. But the widow
did not bite. She turned the con man in to police, who grimaced at the painting
and said, "This just ain't right." In fact, Portland fraud detectives
say, Steen's attempts to squeeze money out of Dr. Seuss' 82-year-old widow, Audrey
Geisel, is among the most bizarre cases they have investigated. "Let
me put it this way," said Sgt. Judy Brumfield, "after I handcuffed Mr.
Steen, he asked me to make him a cup of tea. That's when I said, 'Whoa! Something's
not right in Who-ville.' " Working with a San Diego high-tech crimes
unit, Portland police arrested Steen, 33, last fall at his Northwest Portland
apartment. Steen recently pleaded guilty in a San Diego County courtroom
to sending written threats of extortion to Geisel over the Internet. A judge sentenced
him to three years' probation and anger-management counseling. The plea deal
also orders him to stop trying to contact the San Diego woman, her attorneys and
Dr. Seuss' enterprises. In a barrage of e-mails late last year, Steen demanded
"$2.5 million after taxes" from Geisel, said San Diego police Detective
Skip Stephenson. If she refused, according to police records, Steen said
he would "go public" with a painting depicting Dr. Seuss characters
engaged in sexual acts. Police said he sent a digital copy to Geisel's attorneys
to prove the painting existed. He said he had friends who ran art galleries.
"He promised that it would be hung in galleries all over the world,"
Stephenson said. At one point, Steen also threatened to find a theater that
would produce a play he wrote to discredit Geisel and her attorneys, police said.
The play was called "The Tragical History of Audrey Geisel, or How the Grinch
Plagiarized My (Expletive) Children's Story." The play's title cut to
the heart of Steen's dispute with Geisel, police said. Theodor Seuss Geisel,
who wrote the acclaimed Dr. Seuss books, died in 1991. In 2001, Steen filed a
lawsuit in New Mexico against Dr. Seuss' estate, claiming the late author's "Daisy-Head
Mayzie" was a rip-off of his unpublished children's book "The Pains
of Being True at Heart." Steen acted as his own attorney. The court
wound up dismissing the plagiarism complaint after Steen failed to meet a deadline
to file additional paperwork, authorities said. That is when he started sending
the e-mails. Last fall, they became increasingly threatening, prompting Geisel
and her attorneys to go to police, Stephenson said. "She wasn't actually
receiving the e-mails," he said, "but they were sharing them with her
because the threats were intended for her." Authorities were worried about
Geisel's safety. Steen signed his name to the e-mails. It wasn't long before
investigators tracked the e-mail address to Portland. In November, Stephenson
called Brumfield asking for help. She wondered if it was a prank call. A
pornographic Dr. Seuss painting? A play depicting the beloved widow of Dr. Seuss
in erotic situations? "I see a lot of threats and extortion," Brumfield
said, "but I'd never heard anything quite like that." Portland
detectives tracked down Steen. When it came time to obtain the search warrant,
the San Diego cops said they were looking for evidence of the e-mails, the play
and the painting. Besides finding a copy of the play, detectives said, they
discovered some of the threatening e-mails on a computer. In one, Steen wrote,
"Sure, my last e-mail seemed crazy, but the Grinch has driven me to this
madness," according to police. He also wrote that he was "the best
playwright alive" and said that his grandfather is "the uranium king,"
referring to a family mining fortune in New Mexico, police said. Police say
Steen attended Portland State University and has lived in Portland for several
years. He could not be reached for comment, but his San Francisco-based defense
attorney, Erin O'Donnell, said her client never intended to harm Geisel.
He was just angry, O'Donnell said. "This person felt like he was plagiarized,"
she said, adding that the situation was a "David and Goliath case" of
a little guy trying to be a playwright and children's author. If Steen gets
through probation without problems, the felony will be reduced to a misdemeanor,
O'Donnell said. Prosecutors said Geisel, who also is a philanthropist, asked
the authorities not to publicize the case, which started just as "The Cat
in the Hat" was about to open on movie screens across America. She could
not be reached for comment. Looking over the case file in her office Wednesday,
Brumfield said one thing still bugs her: "We never did find the original
artwork." She saw a copy of the painting. At first glance, it looked
very Seuss-like, she said. "Very colorful." But then she noticed what
the characters were doing. "I wanted to confiscate it," said Portland
Detective Tim Sukimoto, who also worked on the case. "I hate to think of
it out there." He hopes he never sees it again. Not in a box. Not in
a house. And certainly not in a gallery. "I mean, it's Dr. Seuss and
his characters," Sukimoto said. "It was like spitting on the American
flag, apple pie and baseball." Joseph
Rose The Oregonian Crime & Justice Writer 1320 SW Broadway, Portland,
OR, 97201 503-221-8029 To
Joseph Rose Before
there was Apple Pie and Base Ball, Starbuck's and Steroids, we embraced the
need to find the real story. This is not the real story. As a mouth for a corporate
entity you must realize there are other interests in this world beside pumping
out profit for your entity and networking with other entities. Dr. Seuss
Enterprises says it all. I don't think Ted Giesel had Dr. Seuss Enterprises in
mind when he contributed to children's literature, that is, the love of reading.
Karl Zobell is in the business of pumping out product for a corporation; a mindless
faceless, amoral machine that has no interest in anything but the bottom line;
the children are ancillary to this vision-quest for profit. You need to revisit
this topic with a little more digging. Being tapped "Crime & Justice
Writer" obliges one to look into what justice the cirme has wrought, some
need to find the crimes of justice. The
real crime is the defense of consumer fraud by the law firm of Gray Cary and Karl
ZoBell the minder of Kiddie Litter and those who foisted a sham upon the parent,
their children and lovers of Dr. Seuss. Were Dr. Seuss alive, the politics of
Ted Giesel would smash the tables of the money changers and burn the temple of
greed. The real crime is the crime of defrauding the Public Good. Adding to the
body of knowledge is not always a good thing. Hugo Baltzer This
man knows who, what, when and where the evil deeds were done. One
does not have to be Muslim to be an Evil Doer. Where is the Homeland Defense?
What protection is there from the 5th column subverting our desire for innovation
and the entrepreneurial spirit. Between
his busy work for Dr. Seuss Enterprises, Karl and his pretty wife schmooze at
the race track with Dame Tippett. Ah the Good Life. Some race to the top and others
are stepped upon in the tumble to the bottom, but that's just business as usual.
It's the race that counts. 
Mrs. Tippett studies the day's races with Mr. and Mrs. Karl
ZoBell. July 26, 1989. Courtesy of Barbara ZoBell Santa
Barbara Barbara looks very very upwardly mobile, Mrs. Tippett looks Dame-like
and Karl looks like he knows something that we don't. perhaps a photo from the
The Zobell Prize is awarded by its founder each year for flagrant
theft of children's literature. To be recognized for the "Zobell" one
must not only steal intellectual property but take it to press and receive undeserved
economic gain. The more one obfuscates and lies as to the origin of the work,
the better the chances one has of getting into the finals. Final decisions are
made on content and brazen disregard for originality, however chances are improved
by the use of bribery and extortion. |
info related to the Steen painting. August 4, 2001- I
emailed Cathy Anne Bencivengo and every laywer at the Gray Cary with an attachment
of my Seuss parody painting entitled BEHIND THE SCENES OF DAISY-HEAD
MAYZIE. This painting depicted Mayzie McGrew in the act of fornication
with the Cat in the Hat and fellatio with the Grinch. I used the ruling from
their own lawsuit to ridicule their client: Dr Seuss Entereprises. The Painting:
of items to be seized by the San Diego Police Dept. on Nov 5, 2003. This
artwork was created as a result of having reviewed a lawsuit between DSE
and Penguin Books USA in November of 1997. Cathy Ann Bencivengo was the attorney
that obtained an injunction prohibiting distribution of a book infringing
Cat In The Hat copyright and trademark. Penguin had published a parody book
written by the ficional Dr Juice, that depicted O.J. Simpson
wearing the Cat In The Hats distinctive red and white striped stove-pipe
hat, holding a bloody glove. The court held that because the book ridiculed
Simpson and the murder case, rather than the original work or its author,
it is not a true parody eligible for the fair use defense. The fair
use doctrine allows an artist to make a parody of an author or work,
allowing it to be protected from copyright infringement. http://www.virtualrecordings.com/seuss.html
A little Bio
on Audrey Geisel
Audrey Geisel Formerly married to cardiologist
Grey Dimond with two daughters Lea and Lark. Audrey and Grey were friends
with Ted and Helen Geisel in La Jolla, California. Despite the fact that
Ted was 18 years her senior, Ted Geisel and Audrey Dimond had an illicit
affair which contributed along with her failing health, to the suicide of
Ted Geisel's wife Helen on October 23, 1967. In less than one year, Ted and
Audrey were married on June 21, 1968. Ironically, Ted Geisel, the greatest
children's writer, didn't care much for living with kids and so Audrey's
two daughters were sent away to school at ages 9 and 14. Currently Audrey
Geisel is CEO of Dr Seuss Enterprises at age 82. In 1992, while remodeling
her La Jolla home, Audrey Geisel claimed to have found the lost manuscript
of an unpublished work in the bottom of a drawer. That manuscript became
the book "Daisy-Head Mayzie." Certified a New York Times Hardcover
Bestseller in 1995, the book went on to sell millions of copies worldwide
and was also made into a feature length animated film in conjunction with
Hanna Barbara. The book Daisy-head Mayzie was registered at the US Copyright
office in 1994. Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel a biography by Judith & Neil
Morgan http://www.ghfdesign.com/articles.asp?whicharticle=20 And
finally a great little review of the movie "The Cat in the Hat"
by conservative Bill O'Reilly http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,104932,00.html Gray
Cary Recognized High End Legal Thugs, Gray Cary, receive the
Smiley Face, "Take No Prisoners Award"
Gray Cary Ad extolling the virtue of fucking people up, hit-um hard, get-um
outa da-game. Now, Piper Rudnick Gray Cary is moving on into the future thinking
lofty thoughts for us.
'Gray Cary's litigators are masters at identifying and exploiting
weaknesses' Gray
Cary Law is not about justice, it's about fucking people up, hurting folks and
protecting those who can get all the justice that can be bought.
"Finding your opponents
Achilles heel
Complex Litigation, We find the weakness." "We
find the weakness. Finding your opponents Achilles heel is the key
to successful litigation. Gray Carys litigators are masters at identifying
and exploiting weaknesses thanks to extensive trial experience, the application
of leading-edge technology and the relentless pursuit of our clients best
interests. Regardless of whether you are facing complex IP, antitrust, product
liability, consumer class action, white-collar criminal defense or securities
litigation, Gray Cary has the unique strengths necessary to hit your competition
where it hurts." Advocates
for the Devil if he could only be found. We saw him and he is. . . |
Letter to Joseph Rose by Talbutt Jefferson Joseph,
I have to be honest, I'm appalled by the integrity of your article about Steen.
This article is biased, the facts are wrong, and the worst thing is that the article
appears as though you were paid by Audrey Geisel herself to smear Steen. I
would have expected that you would have done a little more thorough research.
Granted, Steen hasn't had a phone number for nearly 2 months making it hard for
reporters to get a hold of him but your facts are very skewed. I will elaborate.
In your second paragraph you say Steen e-mailed a threat saying I'll do something
you'll regret. That's not actually what is in the email that he sent that the
police arrested him for. I know this because I've read the email myself and that
very email is sitting in a 3 ring binder in Steve Duin's office right there at
the Oregonian.By writing that you are telling readers that that was exactly what
he said to Audrey Geisel. Where did you get that information, from the Police?
Do you have his written threat of extortion in writing? Have you seen the
police report? The entire police report is also in the binder in Steve Duin's
office. Another fact you got wrong is that you say Police arrested him at his
Northwest apartment. The fact is that Steen did not have a residence of his own
at the time and he was temporarily staying with his friend Gordon Wilson on SW
College St when 5 police officers showed up and ransacked Gordon's apartment and
threatened Gordon into telling them that Steen was staying with another friend
in a NW Portland apartment. The police also ransacked Amy Williams apartment and
caused great trauma to her 2 children under 5 yrs old. They also entered her apartment
initially without a search warrant. This is not a critical error but it is still
an error. Then you say "in a barrage of emails Steen demanded 2.5 million
after taxes from Geisel. This is a critical error. Steen's extortion charge is
based on 1 email in which he asked for $2,500,250.50 after taxes, deposited into
his Wells Fargo Account. I'll admit that's a little bit of a smart alec way
to deal with big powerful corporate lawyers. Phil Busse editor of the Mercury
laughed when he read the email and said that's how most lawyers talk and
negotiate being that he used to be a licensed attorney. The fact, is that
Cathy Bencivengo of the Gray Cary law firm representing Dr Seuss Enterprises phoned
Steen in Albequerque, NM and asked him to email her what he thought was an appropriate
amount of money to settle this matter out of court. This negotiation was due to
Steen filing a copyright infringement lawsuit from New Mexico representing himself
Pro Se as his own attorney. Steen even went as far as tape recording the conversation
with Bencivengo of Gray Cary. Cathy Bencivengo baited Steen to send a threatening
request for money in order to try and build a case against a guy who is a little
"unconventional." The fact is that the actual email he was arrested
for did have a threatening tone and was technically an attempt to extort money
on paper. However, the fact remains that the date of that email clearly shows
that Steen's lawsuit was pending in New Mexico and he was legally representing
himself as his own attorney and was clearly in negotiation with Bencivengo. The
facts are that Steen's entire email exchange and New Mexico lawsuites are in the
binder in Steve Duin's office. Keep in mind that this is old news. Dozens
of copies of this binder have been distributed to members of the media nationwide
including executive producers at 60 minutes. I really hope you can get your facts
straight and accurate. The fact of the matter is that Audrey Geisel, her attorney
and vice president Karl ZoBell, agent, Herb Cheyette, and Random House publishing
executive Janet Schulman have been collectively exploiting Seuss' name ever since
he died. If you bothered reading any of the biographies of Ted Geisel, you would
have figured out that Dr Seuss wanted nothing to do with Hollywood or making stuffed
animals or having Seuss toys at Burger King. Seuss was only concerned with children's
literacy. Teaching kids to read. His books grossed over 1 billion dollars so why
did he need to sell plastic toys? The fact of the matter is that you really
missed the heart of the matter here. Janet Schulman conspired to concoct a phony
story of the origins of Daisy Head Mayzie saying the completed manuscript was
found in a bottom of a dresser drawer by Audrey Geisel after Ted Geisel's death.
That's what their press release stated when the book was released. The original
press release is also in the binder in Steve Duin's office. Audrey Geisel, Karl
ZoBell, Herb Cheyette, and Janet Schulman weren't satisfied with the residual
income from the old Seuss books so they plagiarized Steen and slapped Seuss' name
on it and sold a confirmed 500,000 copies of that book. They also made the book
into an animated video but I have not confirmed the sales figures on that.
The one fact you did get correct was that Audrey Geisel wanted to avoid press
before the premiere of the Cat in the Hat which debuted on November 25th of 2003.
Steen was arrested on Nov 5. How convenient to arrest him 2 years after the threatening
email was sent but only days before their big blockbuster movie that with a combined
merchandising deals was set to gross over 1 billion dollars. Ted Geisel would
be rolling over in his grave. Just think what would have happened if Steen had
filed another lawsuit from Portland and it got into the press before the movie
premiere? Did you know that Steen had his box of evidence to be reviewed by the
Portland law firm Stoel Rives? Did you know that Stoel Rives has a conflict of
interests with Gray Cary, Dr Seuss' law firm? Did you know that Dr Seuss Enterprises
Vice President Karl ZoBell is also a Gray Cary attorney? His main duty is to sue
people who infringe on Seuss trademarks and copyrights. What's even more mindblowing
is that Stoel Rives told Steen on Nov.4 that he didn't have a case against Dr
Seuss Enterprises and they asked him to come pick up his box of evidence. The
next day he was arrested and his box of evidence was confiscated by San Diego
police and most of those contents have to this day not been returned. What's
even more disturbing is that you state that Steen claimed that Daisy-Head Mayzie
was a rip-off of his unpublished children's book "The Pains of Being True
at Heart." You really fucked up that one. Steen's copyrighted children's
book is titled: "The Pains of Being Pure at Heart." Is this a typo
or is this an effort to conceal the true title of Steen's book to Oregonian readers?
Did you know that if you gave the accurate title of Steen's book, Oregonian readers
could go to the US Copyright Office website and verify that Steen's book "The
Pains of Being Pure at Heart" was copyrighted on June 21, 1991. Daisy-Head
Mayzie was registered on April 10, 1995. Now that you've printed the wrong book
title, it appears to everyone that Steen's copyrighted book doesn't even exist!
I can only wonder, did Audrey Geisel pay you to write this article? If you
were to do a search on Amazon.com for Daisy-Head Mayzie, you would find that the
majority of book reviews say the book is fraudulent, a fake, and is a clear
exploitation of the Dr Seuss name. I believe you owe Steen an apology for
such a poorly researched and poorly executed piece of rotten journalism. You
really ought to double check your facts before you set out to smear an innocent
man. Talbut Jefferson On
Aug 20, 2004, at 4:35 PM. I just received this from . . . Charles
Steen just had 3 cops with shotguns search his apartment today. Apparently the
article hit 40 newspapers today. I don't want the Seuss clan to think that somehow
I have some incriminating evidence. Please change to some other name like Talbutt
Jefferson or something like that. And
so Talbutt Jefferson wrote to the Oregonian Second
letter to Joseph Rose > From: Talbutt Jefferson > Date:
August 20, 2004 4:30:10 PM PDT > To: "Joseph Rose" <josephrose@news.oregonian.com>
> Subject: Re: Fantastic Journalism By Rose > > Joseph, >
> I apologize for my angry tone of my email. I was in a lousy mood >
being that I was bombarded with dozens of phone calls all day long > regarding
that article and I didn't get anything done that I had on my > agenda.
We are all victims of Cause and Effect. That is the law of > Karma so
you're probably used to it if you get a lot of articles in > print.
> > I wanted to offer you one more intriguing and critical detail.
> > March 25 of 2004 was the 100 year anniversary of Ted Geisel's
> Birthday. Audrey Geisel and the entire gang had a big Seussentenial
> celebration and parade in San Diego to celebrate and there was a >
barrage of media, merchandise and television shows regarding the > legacy
of Ted Geisel. > > The other thing planned for the celebration was
the release of a big > glossy color book called: "The Seuss, The
Whole Seuss, and Nothing But > the Seuss." Funny thing is that this
is supposed to be a cute play > on: "The Truth, the Whole Truth,
and Nothing But The Truth." > > The truth of the matter is
that the book is supposed to document all > the Seuss books Ted Geisel
wrote. The funny thing is that throughout > the entire book there is not
one single mention of Daisy-Head Mayzie. > How could that be? Their press
release in 1994 stated that Audrey > Geisel found the completed manuscript
in the bottom of a dresser > drawer after Ted Geisel's death. With such
a sensational story and > discovery like that wouldn't you think that
would be worthy of an > entire chapter in "The Seuss, The Whole Seuss,
and Nothing But the > Seuss?" > > Why would they omit
such a startling discovery from a book designed to > celebrate the history
and legacy of the greatest children's writer? > > The reason is
that if they were to write about Daisy-Head Mayzie, they > would have
to be accountable about their fraud and lies regarding the > origins of
that story. The fact that they omitted that book also > proves that they
are in fact guilty! They have in effect pleaded > their right to remain
silent. But if they had nothing to hide, why > wouldn't they re-tell the
sensational story of the discovery of the > lost manuscript? >
> That discovery is almost equal to a discovery of a lost Miles Davis
> recording or a lost Picasso painting, or a lost Hemmingway Novel. >
> The painful truth is that they are guilty if they wrote about it and
> they are guilty if they didn't. > > If you are the writer on
Crime and Justice I would suggest you > seriously consider reviewing the
facts in Charles binder and writing a > story exposing the fact that Audrey
Geisel the widow of Ted Geisel and > CEO of Dr Seuss Enterprises, Karl
ZoBell, VP of DSE and attorney at > Gray Cary, Herb Cheyette agent at
International Creative Management, > and Janet Schulman, President of
Children's Literature at Random House > are all guilty of conspiring to
commit grand larceny by stealing a > copyrighted work from Steen for the
sole purpose of personal financial > gain. And then, committing Fraud
and lying to the international public > about the origins of the story
in order to create a frenzy about a > lost work in order to sell more
units. > > These people hoped that Charles would be locked up in
jail forever. > Charles doesn't have any money to pay lawyers. The reason
he took a > guilty plea is because Erin O'Donnel told him that if he were
to plead > innocent that they would need immediate payment of between
> $10,000-$30,000. Charles had to borrow $20,000 from a friend just to
> post bail and pay Erin to accept a guilty plea. It has been the goal
> of Audrey Geisel and her cronies to bury Steen under a pile of legal
> fees and probation hoping they can bury the truth forever. I hope now
> that you have opened a can of worms, that you will follow up as a
> responsible journalist and Do the Right Thing! > > Talbutt
Jefferson Joseph
Rose Reply > On Aug 20, 2004, at 8:15 AM, Joseph Rose wrote:
> >> Talbutt, >> Thank you for your thorough thoughts on
the story and Mr. Steen. I >> have >> talked with him and
plan to look at his manuscript. I attempted to >> contact him Wednesday,
but his attorney refused to give me his number, >> saying she didn't
want him to discuss the case. She spoke for him. At >> the same, Mr.
Steen is now a convicted exortionist. He has admitted to >> the crime.
And it is public record. Those are now the basic facts of >> the
>> case. I apologize if you thought the story was unfair and embarrassing
>> to Mr. Steen. I can assure you that wasn't my intent. As for the issue
>> of the apartment, police arrested him at the place he was living,
>> sleeping, bathing and eating -- his residence at the time, according
>> to >> detectives. >> All the best
>> Joseph Rose >> The Oregonian >> Crime & Justice
Writer >> 1320 SW Broadway, Portland, OR, 97201 >> 503-221-8029
Bling Three animals love glitter;
bright and shiny objects that catch the light and bedazzle the eye, bling bling.
. . 1. Crows 2. Pack Rats 3. Human Beings |