copyright Scari©2002
all rights reserved Scari.Org



Slave table

Slave table at work
size = life


helical coil



Slaves come in many forms, this is but one living out its life in relative tranquility alturnating between rest and work, work and rest


Slave table

Slave Table at work
Slave Table at work


Slave table

Slave table at rest
size = life

mixed media









mobius strip

Slave Table at rest
Slave Table at rest

The slave table comes in wood, aluminium, bronze and stainless steel to suit the taste of the slave holder. A concept to be appriciated by the descriminating collectors of objects and concepts.
copyright Scari©2005
all rights reserved Scari.Org

914 modified
Porsche 914 modified

Queep and transport
Porsche 914.8 and Queep

The Alien is alive and well in Portland

orangtutan mural
demon box