not getting any younger. The project: Orangutan and Man (Jungle Gothic) tested
my skills as a painter. I had origionally considered a series of perhaps
fifty small paintings to convey my intent but after consideration I
thought of scale. Why not paint just one large Orangutan and express
all my skills through scale. Falling into a painterly torpor I gave
myself to one grand Orangutan., Mike Randles
"When discussing art I used to fall into metaphysical banter; a torpor of chaining verbiage claiming to be a priest for the aesthete. Spiritual waxing on aesthetics has become as hackneyed as the art produced, as if abstraction and meditation were signatories of authenticity to indemnify dragging Pretty Things to hang on walls while claiming, 'less is more.' Theory on aesthetic conjecture falls away as I look beyond social acceptance, turpentine fumes, art magazines and market forces to deal with the real." |
finished at last: The finished work will be folded into the John and Daryl
Lillie collection. The piece, Orangutan will tour with the extended
Lillie Collection. The Lillie Collection will be on extented tour on
the Eastern Seaborad. Two additional works wiil follow upon completion. Michael Randles
In an interview 3/6/02, When asked of the use of knowledge
as power? When asked about answers to the question he raises, he
said: "Answers, answers -- we have forgotten the question so
answers are unobtainable, people realize that unknown knowns are known
unknowns that have been forgotten and rest is just skree in a shale
slide -- Evangelical Drumming and Creation Care Karaoke is the answer." High Priest of the Aesthete or Reality It's too bad, reality trumps beauty. There were times
when, through ignorance or denial, the search for beauty was the supreme
goal of seekers of adornment. Self flattery easily falls prey to sentiment.
Sentimental artistic expression remains, still, slavish as brokers and
clients mutter in corners to form a consensus. John King, critic
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