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Message and Messenger: Singularity

The Vision
Driven by forces which
bedevil us all, vexing our social institutions, creating uncertainty, causing dislocation and exhorting others to join the cause;
the visionary comes in many forms.

El Bosko. Jpg

The Driven
Forces beyond control impel the inspired to drive the vision toward the ideal, a state of perfection, a goal worth the effort. The unobtainable is no impediment for the driven when the message and messenger reach singularity.

"Message" and "Messenger"
Angelic Symbolism
Kill one, Kill the other, kill them both or open up the windows –– let the bad air out

Parallax Beacon of Truth

Parallax Beacon of Truth
Agnostic Animus: The Bane of Atheism and the scorn of Theism. Social Criticism is the pain of faith in a world created by an utterly indifferent supreme cognitive entity who wishes anonymity for copyright liability purposes.

St. Osama.jpg

What is an Injeel?
"message" and "messenger"
related to the Greek words for "message" and "messenger" -- the root for the word "angel"


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Conservatory for the Preservation of the Status Quo
and Church of the Utterly Indifferent
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