the Mormon Code
Breaking the mormon code requires some depth of insight into the
human condition. We humans have been making it up as we go along for a very long
time, since swinging from the trees at least -- perhaps longer. So the Mormon
Code can't be broken as there is no code beside making it up as they go along.
The purest definition is simple to undstand. The Mormon Code is defined by

Xanadu Zanadhu, Mormon Temple with the Juvenile
Instructor Home of a Panoply
of Deities for the inquiring mind to ponder
Arrest Records of
Joseph Smith from 1826 to 1830 are Rediscovered and Given to the Mormon Church.
Subject: Joseph Smith's arrest record on glass-looking charges--and
Hugh Nibley's warnings about their serious nature, if proven true ( and they are
now proven true.) Date: Sep 17, 2005 Author: steve bensonWhat
is particularly damning about these latest press revelations is that they further
validate the devastating nature of the crimes that Smith committed--as, in fact,
admitted by Mormonism's historically pre-eminent apologist and water carrier,
Hugh Nibley. In 1961, Nibley authored a book entitled The Mythmakers, in which
he ventured to boldly debunk assertions that Joseph Smith had committed, or had
been arrested for, the crime of "glass-looking." Nibley (in words he
probably later wished he could retract) went so far as to declare that if, in
fact, Smith was actually proven guilty of such nefarious activity, it would constitute
the most damning blow that could be imagined to Smith's claim of divine prophetship.
Derick S. Hartshorn, in his work, Bearing the Testimony of Truth, reviews the
history of apologetic denials uttered by Mormonism's stoutest defenders--and then
compares those desperate defenses to the actual evidence found--evidence that
cuts Smith off at the knees. Under the sub-section, Guilty! Next Case!, Hartshorn
exposes the serious nature of the charges against Smith and how they have plunged
a dagger into the heart of Smith's claims to divine guidance: "It was
charged that Joseph Smith was accused and found guilt of parting a local farmer
from his money in a less than honest scheme, commonly known as 'money-digging'
or 'glass-looking.' It was reported to have been an activity that brought him
rebuke from his soon-to-be father-in-law, Isaac Hale. It is also historically
recorded that he was removed from membership in a local Methodist church because
of the activity and trial results. †
Quella Passionate
Perfidious Angel
Heavenly Dystopia -- just sayin' tribal theological
breakdown: Joseph Smith Martyr or Miscreant Tribes,
their origins and the Latter Day Messiah Mormons prove that cults of
all stripes can believe in most anything in the name of the supernatural; through
"Religious Tradition" the devout supplicant can sacrifice their children,
they can eat the dead, they can burn at the stake, they can witness resurrections
and rob the graves of others, they can poke pins in dolls, they can fling their
brothers off cliffs, they can hallucinate in place of reality, they can baptize
and marry the dead, they can build monuments to indemnify their priests, they
can persecute the unwashed, they can
prefer willful ignorance to enlightenment, they can kill for ethnic, racial
or cultural differences, the believer will fabricate symbols to secure their faith
no matter how hoky it may be. Just Sayin', desire for faith to become
truth moves the flock to hate the other, spout shibboleths, burn books, exterminate
apostates, populate other planets in the hereafter, starve themselves to the point
of delirium, flog themselves and sever the limbs of others and stone to death
those who violate doctrine. Any superstition can be substantiated for ordering
the flocks. They can bribe the unwashed to convert to a belief system that has
no more authenticity than the one denounced. "When the prophet has spoken,
the thinking has been done." Yes, there is much to atone for, but
humans still have the need to be part of something greater than themselves. Halle-you-cha
cha cha, sprinkle holy water, ash, blood and bread for the sect; being saved,
reborn and chosen all require debriefing but that is usually forgone -- Doubt
is not an option. We will shape our bodies to conform to the tribe; to
scar, color shape and sculpt for the prevalent priest secures one's position as
a player for the purpose of structure in the higherarchy. But all these methods
are in a state of flux as knowledge of our species progress. Social stresses
require us to make adjustments to what was, here to fore, considered to be solidarity
to the group now estranges us from who we are and what we might well be. martyr
or miscreant

mormon sphinx Preliminary
finding released:
The Divine Right Rite Keen on Fecundity The Salient differences
between LDS Mormons and Mormon Fundies appears in the fault line between feral
piety and domesticated Zealotry. It's like the Fundaliens had landed from
the planet Kolob and a few humans sold out to the Fundaliens and beget Mormolians.
These Mormolians, more domesticated than their brethern are like no other species.
They call themselves Mormons and they walk the planet and do what they do to further
earn honors (chits) to cart off to other constellations, galaxies, hell, nebulae
to propagate a personal strain of Mormon. On this planet deeded to the devotee,
religious tradition holds this to be done with one's Spiritual Partner for one
to propagate progeny to worship you as their creator -- their God (Mormon Fundies
get as many wives as they need to turn this trick) to secure an everafter in the
hereafter. The Sacred, not Secret Fecund Mission: It's a growth industry,
it's all about growth, making babies, the mission, prosperity, making more babies;
it's the full leap to faith (NoSpace Suit Needed) regardless of which
Mormon Sect, they are off to worlds beyond with full faith and credit from Joe
Smith himself. In a perfect universe, Evangelicals and Mormons would run off
together to another planet to do works of wonder and live to conquer gentiles
and save souls alturnatly until they eat eachother up. Howard Hughes and
Richard Nixon found Mormons usful and George Bush carries on this religious tradition.
Willing empty vessels are handy here because Mormons live for the Great Cosmic
Hereafter filled with sprinkles and glitter and fecundity. Unfortunately, this
is not Science Fiction or Scientology, it's Mormonism and "The Earth is like
a rubber ball and will bounce back." Hugo Baltzer The
Salient differences between LDS Mormons and Mormon Fundies appears in the faul-line
between feral piety and domesticated Zealotry. Mormon
War on Terra: Rubber Ball Creationism. It's unfortunate but Mormons believe
our earth is only a means to an end, Mormons are convinced: "The Earth
is like a rubber ball and will bounce back." Its only a means to The
End. Mormons
have the whole world in their hands, Mormon Values carry on today through Priestly
Quorum Sensing. For more on making it come to pass, the
Mysticism of Mormonism, tactics strategy and ploys:
Early debunking of these testimonies was printed in 1834 by E. D.
HOWE. Solomon
Spalding Sidney Rigdon and JOE SMITH Rapture
Ready is Rapture Readiness 
follow the money
copyright Scari©2003 all rights reserved Scari.Org |
"Joseph Smith skims over the specific event leading to the trial in the
Pearl of Great Price, explaining that he was only a day worker for the man so
engaged and not personally involved. "Mormon writers have continually
challenged its doubters to find the records (seemingly lost) and prove Joseph
Smith a liar or stop the attacks. Mormon writer Hugh Nibley, the most prolific
defender of the Mormon faith, used almost 20 pages in his book, The Mythmakers,
in an attempt to discredit this 'alleged' court trial. On page 142 we find:
"'. . . If this court record is authentic it is the most damning evidence
in existence against Joseph Smith' and would be 'the most devastating blow to
Smith ever delivered.' [emphasis added] "Of course, when that was first
published back in 1961, Dr. Nibley undoubtedly felt that after 130 years no such
record would turn up in 1971. Once again, the actual evidence, which the Mormon
Church had denied ever existed came to light in 1971. You can read about how it
was discovered as well as the relevance of other historical documents of that
time that Joseph used a 'seer' stone to find money, etc. in the 54=page brochure
'Joseph Smiths Bainbridge, N.Y., Court Trials.' "One might wonder
why this should be cause for concern among investigators of Mormonism. The fact
is the up to then, the Mormon Leaders had denied that there WAS such a trial.
Indeed, they claim that the story of Josephs arrest was a 'fabrication of
unknown authorship and never in a court record at all.' "The charge
that Joseph was known to hunt treasure with 'peep' or 'seer' stones, etc., was
serious enough that Mormon scholar Francis W. Kirkham stated that if the court
record could be found, it would show that the Mormon Church was false: "'Careful
study of all facts regarding this alleged confession of Joseph Smith in a court
of law that he had used a seer stone to find hidden treasure for purposes of fraud,
must come to the conclusion that no such record was ever made, and therefore,
is not in existence . . . "'If any evidence had been in existence that
Joseph Smith had used a seer stone for fraud and deception, and especially had
he made this confession in a court of law as early as 1826, or four years before
the Book of Mormon was printed, and this confession was in a court record, it
would have been impossible for him to have organized the restored Church.'
"Later, in the same book, Mr. Kirkham states: "'. . . [I]f a court
record could be identified, and if it contained a confession by Joseph Smith which
revealed him to be a poor, ignorant, deluded, and superstitious person unabel
himself to write a book of any consequence, and whose Church could not endure
because it attracted only similar persons of low mentality if such a court record
confession could be identified and proved, then it follows that his believers
must deny his claimed divine guidance which led them to follow him. . . . How
could he be a prophet of God, the leader of the Restored Church to these tens
of thousands, if he had been superstitious fraud which the pages from a book declared
he confessed to be? . . . ' "Well, in spite of 140 years of silence,
the records did surface. Rev. Wesley Walters discovered the documents in the basement
of the Chenango County, New York, jailhouse at Norwich, N.Y. in 1971. The records,
affidavits, and other data show conclusively that Joseph Smith was arrested, went
to trial, was found guilty as an imposter in the Stowell matter of "glass-looking."
It is not a matter of debate, opinion or religious preference. It is a proven
historical fact. "Initially Mormons denied that Joseph ever participated
in 'money-digging' activities, saying that would invalidate his claim as a prophet.
Now that indisputabel evidence confirms that Joseph was a convicted 'money- digger'
Mormons have taken a 'so what' attitude. At least one says, now that the evidence
proves that Joseph was a 'money-digger' that it really doesnt matter. (What
could a BYU professor say?) Mormon scholar Marvin Hill says: "'There
may be little doubt now, as I have indicated elsewhere, that Joseph Smith was
brought to trial in 1826 on a charge, not exactly clear, associated with money
digging.' [Fawn] Brodies thesis that the prophet grew from necromancer to
prophet assumes that the two were mutually exclusive, that if Smith were a money-digger
he could not have been religiously sincere. 'This does not necessarily follow.
Many believers active in their churches, were money-diggers in New England and
western New York in this period. Few contemporaries regard these money-diggers
as irreligious, only implying so if their religious views seemed too radical .
. . For the historian interested in Joseph Smith the man, it does not seem incongruous
for him to have hunted for treasure with a seer stone and then to use with full
faith to receive revelations from the Lord.' "Marvin Hills appraisal
of the treasure seeking activities make it appear that contemporaries of Joseph
Smith treated this enterprise with a casual air. One such contemporary that was
closer to Joseph than most, could hardly disguise his disdain. This was Isaac
Hale, father of the girl that Joseph would later elope with. In an affidavit signed
by Hale and published in the Susquehanna Register, May 1, 1834, Josephs
father-in-law said: "'I first became acquainted with Joseph Smith, Jr.
in November, 1825. He was at that time in the employ of a set of men who were
called money diggers; and his occupation was that of seeing, or pretending
to see by what means of a stone placed in his hat, and his hat closed over his
face. In this way he pretended to discover minerals and hidden treasure.
"'Smith and his father, with several other money-diggers boarded at my house
while they were employed in digging for a mine that they supposed had been opened
and worked by the Spaniards. Young Smith made several visits at my house, and
at length asked my consent to his marrying my daughter Emma. This I refused .
. . [H]e was a stranger, and followed a business that I could not approve. . .
. Smith stated to me, that he had given up what he called "glass-looking,"
and that he expected to work hard for a living . . . "'Soon after this,
I was informed that they had brought a wonderful book of plates down with them
. . . The manner in which he pretended to read and interpret, was the same as
when he looked for the money-diggers, with the stone in his hat, and his hat over
his face, while the Book of Plates were at the same time hid in the woods.'"
Mormon Fundies,
keep the True Faith burning bright
don't sleep with mortals but then again the immortal don't sleep do they? I 'm
not sure." 
I'm Mormon, don't sleep with mortals Mormon Girl with Mormon
I'm Mormon, Patriot & Prophet I'm a Mormon with special
needs, Breeding is our Passion
I Can't. .
. I'm Mormon and I'm very spiritual I
can't. . . I'm Mormon leaves one with an ambigious message. Just what
can't this young nubile thing do? Does this mean she'd like to but doctrine
prevents her seeking her bliss or is it a spiritual conundrum; she must know it
pays to advertise and this is clearly an ad -- a message -- a sign. Could this
be the mormon sacred underwear worn to shield one from probing evil spirits? If
Joseph Smith were to arise from the dead would he be wearing a "I can't.
. . I'm Mormon"shirt too? Is this a coded message of duplicity or
are there spiritual connections binding one devotee to another?
Must . . . I'm
a Mormon and I'm so spiritual "I must because I
can. I'm a breeder and when it comes to breeding, we Mormons are better than both
Catholics and Jews and that's saying something. We can out-perform any Rasta Man;
we out do all the tribals. We are good at what we do because breeding is our passion."
Warren Jeffs modeling his endorsement for the flock. Like Joseph
Smith, Warren Jeffs believes there are so many gentiles and there is so little
time to be among the chosen. He may be in custody but his spirit is still out
there doing Gods Will. "As prophet, like Joseph Smith, I know what I know
because God speaks through me to all the little girls -- I have spoken." Note:
Warren Jeffs makes claims that may be overstated but they come from deep in his
heart. | theological breakdown continued
Theologic Dyspepsia (religious tradition) can carry on for millennia by the
perfidy of clergy till collapse by its weight. Then again misguided faith secures
the rise of yet another Perfidious
Angel of faith. For an authentic theologic breakdown, a medium (missionary)
would have to consort with the stars and bring back the true faith but what with
the speed of light and so fourth -- there may be a lapse in interest, the revelations
by our messenger could take a long long time with no guarantee of the findings.
Our chosen galactic explorer might be an unreliabel narrator, or might misinterpret
findings from the supreme cognitive entity. God may engage in deception and betrayal
for sport. Hummm, best try to figure it out ourselves without teleportation.
Perhaps the application of scientific principles would help -- starting with repeated
experimentation, we might find that most of what we humans call faith is a leap
into a pool of hokum. Axiom: Mormons worry not about the moral hazard of faith,
jews know this on a viseral level. . . Thaddeus Quella In
the Religion Making Business:
selling Real Estate in Heaven, the Afterlife Insurance Company LLC Pyramid
Schemes taken to the great beyond Socialist Mormonism and the Subjective
Collective, the deseret of ZION and the Classified
Meritocracy ZION
INCARNATE, A blessed people in a blessed land blessed by
the throne of God placed in the New World to be consumed by the chosen for the
glory of myth, the glory of a Sacred, not Secret fiction to bond fantasy to a
perpondered reality for the sake of the supplicant to make the Leap Of Faith.
This is the reality that Mormons live in smug satisfaction; the satisfaction that
Joe Smith had it right for now and forever. Yes this planet has one place that
God smiles upon and the rest is just chattel for the chosen to use to get to the
place we all long for HEAVEN at any cost where ever it is. The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints keep their secrets fairly well.
The one secret that is best kept beside the use of Masonic Ritual is the use of
Amish Social Structure. Joe Smith lifted both from whole cloth to fold these covenants
into his baby, Mormonism: Spiritual Bonding with as many lovers as possible was
lifted from his labido. But the glue that holds the Mormons more than anything
are its Socialist Tenants while insisting the population at large compete as individuals
not a level playing field. The leftist Mormon Church demands
that all others compete in a hard scrabble world without the forgiving grace of
socialist compassion while Mormons rely on networking and pyramiding people and
wealth and property. Mormons know this on a viseral level but
see no conflict between their inside loop and the idea of gentiles competing without
the Socialist Theocratic Cradle. One could say, "Mormons don't play fair"
but what mystical order does? Folks are sold an afterlife that's just like living
here on earth but much better; every one wears white garb that never gets dirty
and you don't have to pee or poop and body odor is unheard of or
smelt. What a deal:. You are there with all your Mormon family and
friends just like being in another Sacred Temple Ritual, But you can "golly"
and "gee" and "gosh" all you like, and every one giggles at
your jokes while drinking Postum. If you have to drive a car it's like floating,
if you have to walk you are light as a feather, one never feels the need to belch
and sex is sex and there is lots of that whenever you are behind closed doors
and there are no speed bumps. You get to shag the old lady or ladies, depending
your Mormon affilation, and make babies that think you are GOD. They pray to you
as their GOD, and that's good enough for the truly devout. And you get to mumble
pronouncements to your offspring through a megaphone in a deep thundering voice
just like God spoke to Moses; all the while there is a tinnitus ringing sound
that's likened to angels singing. When you want to bonk you just drop
your pristine white robes and move your special unsoiled loin-wear aside a bit
and get it on all mormons know this is not dodgy sex but a creative
heavenly act; making babies just to be makin babies for the sake of making babies
to seal the hereafter as your domain, for you are your own God and who's to say
you ain't cause you are the decider and you keep things tidy at your Apostolic
Stud Farm. The Mother Goddess Gonhorra revealed this to be the natural order for
heavenly harmony.. Just Sayin', Mormons have a leg up over us gentiles, even
better than Jews. Jews could never have dreamed of a place like Mormon Heaven,
most Jews believe in guilt and are too cynical except for Joe Lieberman and Richard
Perle, Paul Wolfawitz, Douglas Fief and Richard Pearlman. Henry Kissinger is a
prime candidate for posthumous conversion to Mormonism once he dies. MoJo:
Mormons would do well to find some empirical evidence of this preposterous preponderant
but that's a bother when there are so many souls to scrubb, frescos to paint and
temples to dedicate for Mormon agape. Voltaire observed:,
"Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities." Wendell

the sound of one hand clapping there is the Melchizedek Priesthood, the
powers of which allows one to keep time with no hands clapping. The
Trial: more good works in heaven Yes, the Mormon Bureaucracy
carries on in heaven. And yes you are being watched, the gatekeepers and rituals
confirm each step through the mazes of heaven long lines for the
chosen, lots of waiting, but the wait is part of the test designed to authenticate
Mormon Purity. There are certificates to be stamped and examinations of faith.
The trials are designed to confirm solidarity and unquestioning faith for the
prophet and his hereafter in the everafter. It's not easy but the rewards are
huge. PAX MORMONA Hugo Baltzer Do
we know? What happened to Able Jones? What Happened to Elijah Abel?
a very light skinned mulatto Elijah Abel was able to pass for white fooling The
Priesthood and both Joseph and Hyrum. The White and Delightsome Axiom was subverted
allowing the mark of Cain into the inner sanctum of Mormon Decorum, opening the
gate to the workings of Satan, despite the infallible Melchizedek
Priesthood, it came to pass . . . |
we stooped to stand from a crawl. Mormons
have much to interpert. Mormon
History is the answer. LDS
Spacecraft, part of the Mormon Covenant 
Mormon Space Program by Divine Right Since
we stooped to stand from a crawl . . . signs
and wonders | Mormon
War on Terra: It's unfortunate but Mormons believe our earth is only a means
to the end, Mormons are convinced: "The Earth is
like a rubber ball and will bounce back." Are you believing
too much too often, if so you must be thinking of becoming a Mormon
you can be a Mormon too. To believe is to understand. Remember
Mormons worry not about
the moral hazard of faith. Oop's, almost forgot, this whole deal is for our
Little Baby Jesus. |