mortal fallibility You
Can Be Rapture Ready for
the End Time Too Like
a million little pixies we work day and night folding, pleating and vaccuum packing
Rapture Ready Wet Wipes for customers all over the world. Since our founding
in 1996 our reach extends to ministries of all fundamentalist and evangelical
At present we service: Switzerland Lithuania Moldova Kenya
Guatemala Kazakhstan Estonia Cyprus Brazil Albania
Bulgaria South
Korea Uganda Tiwan Phillipine Islands Indonesia Canada
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and References Of
particular interest is our affiliation with the World Order of
Professional Dogmatologists. The School of Ecclesiastical Sciences,
School of Biblical Studies, Bible Languages & Speaking in Tongues, Practical
Theology, Ecclesiology and Dogmatology Studies has adoped as require articles
of faith, for all incoming faculty, Rapture Ready Wet Wipes. The
one advantage of selling to Schools of Dogmatology, is that choice and doubt is
foregone as Dogmatologists are not given to changing their minds. We
here at Rapture Ready wonder: How do you teach Dogmatology? How much
emphisis does one place on tenants you know to be correct inorder to convey to
a aspiring dogmatologist? To clinch that leap of dogmatological faith is a delicate
business; not easy to sensitize a fervent believer to the true faith without frightening
the supplicant to death. We have concluded Dogmatology must be easy to teach
because you are either with with us or against us. So without terror, torture,
corhersion, imprisionment or impalement, Dogmatology must be taught to the choir;
willing empty vessels to be filled with the glory of truth through faith alone.
Dr. Thaddeus Quella Emeritus Professor
of Dogmatology has endorsed Rapture Ready Wet Wipes as required Rapture Wear.
The formost Dogmatologist in the field of Dogmatology has endorsed Rapture Wear
to facilitate the saved in transition. Handi Rapture Ready Wet Wipes are to be
carried by all faculty and students of Dogmatology. At all times Dogmatologists
must have Rapture Ready Wet Wipes on their person. Inspired
author, John Hagee of Jerusalem Countdown, is a deep thinker and strong advocate
for the redeeming quality of Rapture Wear. Endorcements:
Christian Zionist, John Hagee
Christians United For Israel Cufi Leader,
John Hagee has his regular orders of special Hagee Rapture Ready Wear. His Super
Hagee King-Size Rapture Ready Wear is popular for those who expect the Lord to
do some heavy-lifting. 
McCain and Hagee at a Cufi Rapture Ready Rally
Hagee of CUFI was an early adopter of Rapture Ready Rapture Wear, now, John McCain
is onboard too. There is hope for them, is there hope for you?
Time Rapture Ready handi wet wipes and adult diapers are the perfect fit for you.
Ready wet wipes and adult diapers are ready to go the distance for you. Are
you among those who will be left behind? be ready with our official rapture ready
handi wipes and adult diapers the
end time can be sublime or may be filled with tribulation and trepidation, protect
yourself from embaressing shocks to the system. Order:
Tribulation Rations
Rapture Ready Power Bars Share
the Rapture Booty,
Rapture Ready Power Bars are available too. 100% organic, all natural, power.
Nutrient rich Rapture bars will deliver you to the promised land refreshed and
brimming with humility. Unfortunately,
The Supreme Cognitive Entity Knowingly Smiles on all Gods Children. It's not fair
but it's something we have to live with. |
Ready The
shock to the system for which no one can be amply prepared Rapture Ready or not.
Rapture Readiness is not rocket science or prosperity theology but a belief
in Endtime Prophecy; a glass half full is not a glass half empty. Rapture Readiness
is neither. Kudzu in
Mississippi Keeping the kudzu beat back is not just a job for the goats
in Mississippi. The Power of Prayer trumps mortal fallibility, vanquishing the
moral hazard of faith. Forcing God's Hand,
Kudzu Eradication in Mississippi through prayer 
Another miracle, Kudzu eradication through prayer management successes But
it's not easy It's not
easy to petition the Lord with prayer, it takes dicipline, adherence to Dominion
Theology and a strict schedule for the power of prayer to hit hard
it has to be heard. This
field of Kudzu had rendered our crucifixes unidentifiable, however, after six
months of prayer, one cross is on the mend. As can be seen the second crucifix
was decimated before we could repair the damage, the third cross disappeared under
the vail of Kudzu five years ago. The
Power and Mystery of Faith When practicing prayer management it's good
to start with baby steps. Try to accomplish simple tasks before taking on monumental
accomclishments through managed prayer sessions. Try to raise or levitate
simple objects. Your prayer group could try to levitate something simple like
paper clip or a feather. From success in these reasonably simple accomplishments
you and your group can, with confidence, apply this skill to more challenging
feats of faith. Remember start simple and let your energy flow to good works
for your creator. The power is yours and follow your bliss. Agape:
A visit to our Rapture Ready Headquarters 
Rapture Ready World Headquarters, summertime offices and shop Rapture
Ready Wet Wipes
to be rapture ready with wet wipes, handi for the Tribulation too When
it's time for the End Time, will you be ready? Whether you are destine to Rapture
or not, it's good to be prepared for either occasion. The Tribulation will occur
with thundering speed, a lurch of reality will beset all humanity, one must be
prepared with Rapture Ready Handi wipes and Adult Diapers, as you must know, a
shock to the system can cause loss of control. Be ready for the trip
be Rapture Ready. They say it will happen in the blink of an eye with little warning
Don't be left behind.| Rapture
Ready Paraphernalia designed to make your celestial transition smooth, effortless
and free from embarrassment. Will
the End Times be as advertised or will it be a "Is that all there is"
experience. It's up to you to make it what it can be. Just Do It and go with the
flow to avoid congestion and everything will be Ok.
When Forcing God's Hand, you know the Tribulation will be wet work for most, Apostates,
infidels and gentiles will be squashed like bugs while the chosen will pass through
the veil into The Promised land with barely a whimper; They will be drawen
through the etherial vortex with little material distortion. Be among the chosen.
It does't hurt to Be Really Rapture Ready . . . When
I think of the hereafter that comes with the rapture, I too think in pink and
blue. Yes, Rapture Readiness is shared by humanity's wish to arrive fresh, smelling
sweet and brimming with humility. Please Help with the Bernie Madoff Defense Fund.
The Supreme Cognitive Entity Knowingly Smiles on all Gods Children until the Rapture
is upon us.. |