mormon page 6
elohim's alien worlds | |
Further revelations Grow the faith Beyond Cold Fusion
S.C.A.R.I. -- self-activating nonaligned actuation-independent enhanced-spectrum
refraction-induced reduction generating interferometer Mirror
Planets Discovered: Innovation
is our Credo, Intuition is our Guide the
Implication of finding Mirror Planets, Enigma Quadrant Fitting
doctrine to destiney will be a stretch if it is verified that the Planet KOLOB
and Planets OLIBLISH and ENISH-GO-ON-DOSH are infact locked in slave orbits. The
doctrinal implications of having two sets of planets on which God lives sets into
play another form of theology. Mormons are prepared for such occasions as the
Prophet here on Earth will be able to divine the proper place to direct worship.
To ward off untoward interest, most of the revelation is being kept in strict
secrecy but this is known, there is a mirror constellation that is a perfect duplicate
of the Cancer Quadrant where Kolob is located. Perfectly formed with all light
and signal signatures that confirm the status of a duplicate of Kolob; it may
be infact impossible to know which is the mirror of the other. BYU
thanks to the L.D.S. we have been using refraction-induced induction generation.
We have cobbled together an impressive array of diagnostic equipment to demonstrate
the veracity of Mormon Doctrine; Interferometeric Interpolation is but one field
of reaearch in our dogmalogical tool kit. 
the sound of one hand clapping there is the Melchizedek Priesthood, the powers
of which allows one to keep time with no hands clapping. QED.
Mormon Apologetics
With Scientific Relish, Mormons have new ammunition for their cause. Foundation
for Apologetic Information and Research Mormon
apologetics are committed to beating back the beast for the good of all mankind
and clearing the air for all, true faith believers and those needing a new suit
of dogmatogical armor. It's important to apologize for all the misinformation
spread through the world by counter-apologetics. Mormon
Quella: Counterapologetics
Good Science yesterday is Bad Science today, the missing mormon manual on how
to undo all the spells, chants rituals and curses is soon to be published. The
Salient differences between LDS Mormons and Mormon Fundies appears in the fault
line between feral piety and domesticated Zealotry. "as man is, God once
was; God is as man may become" Ironically,
mormons are back-door humanists, too bad they don't see. QED Mormon
Apologetics F.A.I.R.
Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research Mormons
United to Beat Back The Beast Defending Mormonism Of
recent interest: there
is now a Mormon Apolgetics Clinic for those who wish to apologize for Mormon or
L.D.S. tenants and doctrine through dogmatological FAITH alone. Foundation
for Apologetic Information and Research Mormon
apologetics are committed to beating back the beast for the good of all mankind
and clearing the air for all, true faith believers and those needing a new suit
of dogmalogical armor. It's important to apologize for all the misinformation
spread through the world. Spreading misinformation
about Mormons and Mormon Doctrine is important to address. Pernicious and
distructive, Mormon detractors are at every corner, like Satan himself, spreading
disinformation and doubt, gentiles and agnostics are bugs to be squashed. Apologetics
are comitted to the denouncement of any and all malicious impressions that
may be alledged concerning the practices of a mystical cult devoted to gathering
wealth and power using the gise of faith by use of religious doctrine to hyptonize
their prey. Eyewitness testimonials abound as to the
truth of the Good News Mormons sent to the Universe through tin cans connected
with string; truth bathed by faith in the light of radient revelations by Moroni
and his Kolobian pals. Reaching
for the Stars: Moroni, Herald to Postmodern Mysticism 
Angel Moroni and friends in special space suits skittling
about in Heavenly Confusion. Mormon
Firmament ELOHIM: Jehovah will return again to the earth that you
have organized. Divide the light from the darkness. Call the light "day",
and the darkness "night." Cause the lights on the firmament to appear;
the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. Cause
the stars also to appear and give light to the earth, the same as with other worlds
heretofore created. Call your labors the Third Day and bring me word of the panoply
of dieties for the inquiring mind to ponder. Ex-Mormon
Counter-Apologetics of Morg Apologetics Without Apologies
for Mormon action and practice there would be no Counter-Apologetics. Ex-Mormons
are the leading edge of this powerful and diverse movement. Since there are
Apologetics there of course must be Counter Apologetics and so it goes. Ex-Mormons
are authorities on abuse of the human condition, human dignity, human spirit and
intelligence. Mark Twain said it best about the BOM a hundred and twenty years
ago, "The Book of Mormon is Chloroform in print." Carrying
on this tradition are a great number of Ex-Mormon sites devoted to exposing personal
experience with an institution that cares not about human compassion but only
to keep the herd moving along, moving along in expectation of to that Promised
Land; the greener pasture. The Mormon Pasture is not of this Earth. "Well,
that's just the way Jesus wants it," or
"It's beyond our understanding," or, "it's
sinful to question -- just believe," or "it's God's way or the highway." Muslims
are Mormons or Mormons are Muslims Mormon
Elders Council have issued a new decree (encyclical) regarding Mormon association
with the Christians. It has been detirmined that neither Protestants nor Catholices,
even Orthodox are convinced. Christians remain unconvinced of Mormon Fedelity
to Christian Tenants. "Mormons will never be accepted as Christian, "we
will never be Christians given our similarity to Muslim doctrine, practice ritual
and culture. Our doctrinal alley is Islam. The sooner we Mormons embrace Muslims
the sooner Mormons will find world acceptance beyond cult status ." Mormon
Cosmology or LDS Cosmetology? Which, what is Revealed
witnessed? Does the Mormon know the difference between Mormon cosmology or Mormon
cosmetology? Mormon Cosmology is so quaffed, superficial and anachronistic, arcane;
the Mormon notion of The Cosmos is fleshy, supine and gelatinous; moments frozen
in time like their frescoes of the spirit world. . . Mormons view the Cosmos
with insistent ignorance that can only be rivaled by the Catholic Church in the
"Dark Ages." As Mormons carry on insisting on tax free status for a
cult of well scrubbed nuts, it is Mormon Cosmetology that requires protection
to keep things looking good. Mormon
Cosmetology looks as good as Mormon Art, fluffy and billowy, filled with pastel
pinks and blues A Donnie and Marie cosmology. Further
Revelations Further
revelations of Mormon Liberation Theology in the L.D.S. Church will expand plural
marriage to include both, the sister-wife and the brother-husband. "With
Brother-Husbands and Sister-Wives the loop is closed and there will be marital
perfection at last. More babies more ofter in heaven and on earth. Just do the
math, just do it." |
Mormon Prophetic Tradition, Space Doctrine and
the Periodic Table are entwined for faith to grow 
Revelation: Joseph Smith ponders the meaning of life, before his
periodic table he muses and muses* God's
Cosmic Gyre: Interferometeric Probes beyond the Neutron Star to Reveal Mormon
Cosmology Mormon Mission to the Stars, Proof
of the Mormon Pantheon of Supernatural Beings,
the Void must be filled Mormons know how God abhors a vacuum.
1835, Sidney Rigdon documents Joseph Smith's Unified Field Theory; the most correct
theory on cosmology ever recorded. Joseph Smith is to have
been heard after working out a long equation on his everpresent blackboard; a
postulate on the position of Kolob using some math he'd been advancing for some
time. He stopped, with chalk in hand, his eyes rolled upward, his mouth dropped
and with suprise said in a whisper, "Space is Lumpy with Dark Energy"
in a questioning tone, as if he were speaking to someone overhead, then he went
on with his calculations. His conclusion/question was recorded in the personal
diary of Sidney Rigdon from 1832 to 1837.
Cosmology Mormon
Quella Mormon
Elohim's worlds without number discovered |

Kolob found in Mirror Galaxy
| Mirror
Planets Revealed "as man is, God once was; God is as man
may become"
Planets Revealed Mirror Planets Revealed, discovered in
the enigma quadrant. Lower Left: Within the Local Group, Enigma
quadrant, upper left, Mordor looms large as red dwarf. A small star cluster
know as the Quagmire is scanned and filtered. Enigma is fertile ground within
the space of the Local Group. Within the quagmire cluster is a very
bright orb. the mirror infrared signature of Planet KOLOB. Nearby
are several planets that have similar charactistics as Planets OLIBLISH and ENISH-GO-ON-DOSH.
Inital data was received in 2003 but were only analyzed in early 2007. Later
discoveries of the Mirror of Kolob was only made after exhaustive research. More
Data on Kolob confirmation is soon to be released. |
Front-Line Astrophysics:
Unencombered cosmic interventio: At last the Local Group can
be explored indepth through induction generating fractal enhancement refraction-induced
induction generation.
Cosmic Gyre: Kolob and planet Oliblish plasma
& sorround | Space
is Lumpy New Ground
Broken for Mormons / Mormons Break New Ground "We had hoped to report
more on the composition of Planet Kolob but it's so lumpy up there," Mormons
know it's hard to pierce the veil and reveal more substantive data. "It is
hoped the weather will change sometime in the next decade or two and expose all
the features that have eluded us. We must remember space is lumpy and even Mormon
Science suffers from a paucity of hard data in a lumpy universe." More
Mormon Science In our research Scari.Org has finally discovered a meaningful
graphic that properly describes the Mormon Universe. For the uninitiated it's
difficult to grasp the scope and breadth of Mormon Cosmology without some scale
and ruler. We
hope this link will serve to clear some of the doubts you may have regarding Mormon
Gus O. Kahan Mormon Apologist and Dogmatologist:
Jeff Lindsay is skeptical of the the claims of finding the home of Elohim. He
is withholding his blessings until the proof is absolute. Prepare
with Adamic Seminars This breaks new ground for Mormon Doctrine
and instills new hope for faith in the Prophet, we all must practice speaking
Adamic for the
expected transition through the veil into the light of heaven. Speak to your Stake
about starting Adamic Classes for those who are not fluent in the lingua franca
of heaven.. Beyond Esperanto or speaking in tongues, we could all be practicing
Adamic, Be prepared, "as man is, God once was; God is as man may become".
just listen to the lilt of the of language when properly spoken, like the saints
in heaven. Remember: one should not covet Elohim's wife, Mother Gonhorra Goddess
of Goddesses, mother of all desires and profligate Priestess of Heavenly Confusion
and Adamic Languages. Bubba
Hap-Yet Tsut has spoken The triumph of style over substance "Neo-Gnostic
Mormons unite to relearn the knuckle walk" Evidence
is available to show that it is a man-made production of the nineteenth century,
created by Joseph Smith to support his claim among his people to be a 'prophet,
seer, and revelator.'... When an individual fails to respond openly and honestly
to such a problem it only passes the problem--and the pain of dealing with it--to
someone else, multiplying ignorance and hurt in the process.
"So much potential pain to loved ones and future generations could be avoided!
How? By placing truth ahead of convenience, by being honest with ourselves and
with others. "The question
of meeting challenges to our faith really does matter, because truth matters.
The Bible gives us the promise that 'the truth shall make you free' (John 8:32)--and
that includes being free from delusion. On Planet Kolob he's called Bubba
Hap-Yet Tsut but here on earth we know him as Joseph Smith. He has through quantum
teleportation, without illusion, reincarnated himself again and again. 'Man may
become as God is or words to that effect.'
Was Joseph Smith the first postmodernist revelator? Deconstruction of Joseph
Smith the Gnostic Deconstructing religion into the essence of
faith alone, Joseph Smith demands the leap with no space suit and no fall back
position to keep the converted mystically honest. Given the cobbeling together
of mystical notions and Biblical pronouncements along with popular American myth
and thundering revelations from on high, Joseph Smith or as he is known on Kobol,
Bubba Hap-Yet Tsut (on planet Kobol he is informally known as Bubba Tsutsy) was
the very first Postmodernist Gnostic.
His analytical insight into all things theological and his interest in dogmatology
along with a driven need to lead a crowd drove him to jam together everything
from egyptian myth, and biblical conjecture, to the re-reserection of John the
Babtist, visitations with Jesus and Yahweh himself into a kluged theology of cunningly
devised fables for the unwashed to embrace myth as a perfectly obedient autocratic
theocracy agape!. Ephima Morphew
than fiction The discovery of a mirror of Planet Kolob was an unexpected
happy accident. Another important discovery by BYU austromoner Gus O. Kahan in
early summer has spurred further research with interferometric old data. He
said, "Space is lumpy." It is hoped by the end of 2015 there will be
a whole new chapter written for the Mormon Church, Cosmology and Theology. Mormons
hope to iron out and put to rest persistent doubts that have dogged The Mormon
faith for many many years. | Note:
Plasma ejaculate Mirror of Planet Kolob data observed 5/07 
Detail: KOLOB raw data, Starry Night
unenhanced ,Enignma Quad | Mormon
Pantheon of Supernatural Beings gain dogmalogical status Detail:
induction generating fractal enhancement of data at
Mt. Carmel Observatory. Resolution has increased by a factor of three providing
more evidence of the mormon pantheon of supernatural beings. Notice the vail
of skree and clutter is lifted through fractal interpertation, The Starry
Night Enigma is easily preceived.. Gus O. Kahan, who is normally
self-efacing, said 4/9/07, "We got it, it's now running smooth and steady.
Our images are giving us more data than can be possibly analysed." He was
visably pleased with the performence of his research project. " My work with
noted dogmatologist, Stanley Goldburg bears fruit." The Research Staff beamed
with accomplishment and humility. As the data enhancers unrumpled the warp and
weft of data. Mormon
Firmament, Welcome to THE DOOR OF CHAOS Something
to get used to, tails in heaven: It is with some difficulty, Mormons must
reconcile the ideal and what might well be expected in heaven. You see, Mormons
don't know. "We regret to inform, one does not lose one's vestigial tail
in heaven." So, Mormons will have to adjust to that knowledge. Along
with all those sealed to them, and it came to pass, while draped in etherial robes
they will be sitting on their vistigial tails. Elohim has one and so will you.
Mormon Deep Ecology: "as
man is, God once was; God is as man may become" Ironically,
mormons are back- door humanists, too bad they don't see.
God, Gaining Humanity for the ExMormon ExMos' Unite ExMos
might take another look at the faith now that there is evidence of Elohim's worlds.
The disenchanted ExMo might find it worth their while, grovel their way back to
the fold. Now that there is evidence of Heaven, one might want to jump ship and
wriggle back to the temple. Joseph
Smith's many visions and revisions to visions Some
say Mormons are a valued part of our Great American Tapestry, as valued as the
Quakers, Seventh day Adventist, Penticostals or Catholics but what a cost to share
the fantasy. The dogmatologic revelator of the Mormon Cult has some serious character
flaws, his methods were sound for the eleventh century but seem a bit loopy for
contemporary society to wrap around as a working paradigm for an overpopulated,
polluted and fractious planet. As a working premis Mormons know, "
The Earth is like a rubber ball and will bounce back" so it's Ok to indulge
a few more revelations from the Decider-Revelator. Remember: "When the
Prophet has spoken the thinking has been done." Thaddeus
Quella Interferometeric
confirmation to Mormon Doctrine The triumph of the will, if Joseph Smith only
had Leni Riefenstahl as publicist, just think of the possibilites |
the Sacred Secret Why is it that Mormons continually and consistently
confuse the secret with the sacred? Is the sacred confidential as in "secret"?
Is the secret so special as to be kept under raps to save gentiles from the knowledge
of Temple rites and rituals for fear of mockery or plagiarism? But who would
knock-off a sacred secret; one would be struck dumb by the power of Lord God or
Elohim Satan or other demons perhaps. If the Sacred is so special
then all humanity should be exposed to the good news. Sacred Good News, if kept
secret, deserving souls, black or white, may never know of the blessings of Joseph
Smith's revelations. Elohim say, "The sacred is sacred and secrets
well, are secrets." Mormon
Deep Space Doctrine After 15 decades of space
exploration, The Mormons have developed standards and practices that have served
the Mormon Faith in Heaven and on Earth; maximizing fuel efficiency and payload
capacity by employing supernatural means has led to great efficiencies through
faith. Beyond the traditional methods for transport the Mormons have secured
exclusive use of methods known only to them. Since the beginning Mormon Space
travel has changed little believing, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it,"
it's Pay-lay-ale all the way. Ephima Morphew
Most Correct: answers to be questioned Revelation confirmed pay-lay-ale:
Do the Math Beyond the charge emanating from the planet Kolob,
one must factor the gravitation of OLIBLISH and ENISH-GO-ON-DOSH, for without
this calculation of mass and density the entire faith is voided, purged, by the
countervailing acts of the Law of Attraction or Casimir
Force contaminating the pure light of form and color spectrum of the sacred
medium of Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam's influence on the formula. Counterapologetics
will claim this formula is pure bunk, but do the math and you will see these cycles
affect universal order in atleast six of our nearest galaxies; the cynics are
wrong, the numbers work to the advantage of true faith without stresses to revelation
or doctrine. Before we ran the numbers we had no idea that Joseph Smith was such
a mathematician. If Mormon detractors would only do a proper job of research on
our faith they would quite possibly be our strongest agency: Pay-lay-ale, Gus
O. Kahan, who is normally self-efacing, said 4/9/07, "We got it, it's now
running smooth and steady. Our images are giving us more data than can be possibly
analysed." He was visably pleased with the performence of his research project.
The Research Staff beamed with accomplishment convinced of his cause for the Mormon
faith. SCARI -- self-activating
nonaligned actuation-independent enhanced-spectum refraction-induced
reduction generating interferometer. Scari Development
Project is having to staff a whole new branch to keep up with the data streams
now compiled by our servers. Join us, we must demonstrate beyond doubt that Joseph
Smith was right now and forever. For the past decade Dr. Gustave
Omar Kahan and staff have developed interferometric information which has been
a major source for gathering data of cosmic proportion. At Nobb Point Station
( Mt. Carmel) high up in Eastern Oregon a dedicated group have developed the first
self-activating nonaligned actuation-independent enhanced-spectrum refraction-induced
induction generating interferometer worthy of use by any nation hostile to alien
invasion. The SCARI interferometer is the first in a series of early warning systems
to ring the globe. Among aligned nations this is a major step in the protection
of our planetary infrastructure against any or all destructive entities. Monitored
by the Supreme Cognitive Entity this system is dedicated to the protection of
our global growth projections, and consumption rates. For those fearful of
any disruption in present expansion and productivity, this accomplishment, will
bring stability and relieve suffering and doubt as to our stated goals for total
economic and technical dominion over this planet and many more to come..
That said, there is much to be done, as Project Mars is in infant form and needs
more resources for habitation and control. As Gus O. Kahan stated, "Our desires
outstrip our need but we humans have been afflicted by similar impediments since
we swung from the tree -- It's in our Human Nature."
copyright Scari©2007 all rights reserved Scari.Org
Groucho Marx and Joseph Smith A
more fitting comparison would be that great line. I
would not be a member of any club that would have me in it. Ponder: Are you
believing too much too often? Become a mormon and there will be much more
to commit to memory for the sake of faith. Unfortunately with Mormonism it's hard
to find anything not to mock but that's not a problem for those who worry not
about the moral hazard of faith. Mormons
believe our earth is only a means to the end, Mormons are convinced: "The
Earth is like a rubber ball and will bounce back," so if you desire more
mystical stuff to believe, Mormonism is your last best stop to complicate your
life, Theological Mannerism is alive and well for Temple Folk and Temple Talk.
To believe is to understand. Mormons know this on a scriptural level. Inspired
Mormon Art, it's a Mormon Thing. title: Mormon Bucolic, My Servant Joseph
Smith The
Ideal is expressed in this Portrait of our Prophet Joseph Smith, wandering aimlessly
looking for someone to lead, needing someone to follow. With books at hand, Our
Prophet Joseph Smith seems to float as if walking on water, but notice how, out
of the corner of his eye, he's inspecting every step as if he were being watched.
Only a prophet could stroll through a minefield of cow pies without changing his
pace and still not soil his shiny black boots. He's seeking the next New Zion. |
the Sacred Secret or the Secret Sacred
Mormon Encyclical: Deep Schizophrenic Thought or the Unreliable Narrator?
As I sat with my arms crossed looking straight ahead blank in focus, I was
repeating along with my brothers and sisters, "I know the Church is true,
I know the Church is true." I had no notion of what I was saying, "I
know the Church is true." I followed on, "I know God is truthful"
and we continued, "Through His literal, begotten son, Jesus Christ, God directs
the L.D.S. Church, and none other, through latter-day prophets." We paused,
"The true church, claimed by God as His own, must be truthful, or it
cannot be the true church of Jesus Christ." We went on to witness the revelation;
a thought experiment of sorts. "The only true church had better be truthful
because God is honest and He is truthful." Mormonen
ubermenchen sagt, "arbeit macht frei." I
feel the Earth move under my feet, the Roar is deafening, sky come tumblin
down. About to lose control . . . With
major technical advances there is much for Mormons to be pleased about: The Mormon
Space Program is well into its fifteenth decade of space exploration. With earth
shaking vibration and a blast of blinding light, it's off Just
another payload on Hie to Kolob Mormon Temple, Spaceship,
House of God and home of priestley hijinx
TEMPLE TALK: Mormon Architecture and Space Program, another Temple Launch into
The Cosmic Gyre of Kolob. With more Saints aboard, Mormon Space Mavens are
all about doing what they do to be among the few to climb to the stars aboard
the Hie to Kolob for their trip to the everafter in the hereafter forever, express
ticket one way, pay-lay-ale all the way. "O God, hear the words of my mouth!"
On the way you will Hie to Kolob, you will sing and chant
along with your brothers and sisters again and again. "Oh gosh let's
sing Hie to Kolob again what do ya say?" And it came to pass Hie to Kolob
was sung again, O God, hear the words of my mouth. If
You Could Hie to KOLOB
If you could hie to Kolob in the twinkling of an
eye, And then continue onward with the speed of
light to fly**, D'ye think that you could ever,
through all eternity, Find out the generation
where Gods began to be? Or see the grand beginning, where space did
not extend? Or view the last creation where Gods
and matter end? Methinks the Spirit whispers, "No
man has found 'pure space'," Nor seen the outside
curtains, where nothing has a place. The works of God continue, and
worlds and lives abound; Improvement and progression
have one eternal round. There is no end to matter;
there is no end to space; There is no end to spirit;
there is no end to race. Repeat Hei to Kolob again and again and again
until you reach that state of uphoria that all expectant devotees wish to attain.
the Mantra Hie to KOLOB does get results for the faithful. **
Revision 6-8-2002 Zora Youngblood Atwell The
triumph of the will, if Joseph Smith only had Leni Riefenstahl as publicist, just
think of the possibilites Karl
Marx and Joseph Smith Das Kapital vs The Pearl of Great Price Karl
Marx and Joseph Smith were contemporaries, with divergent visions for humanity,
they tinkered away in their respective workshops; some would say they were the
devil's workshops, others believe in the vision they both pursued. The models
produced were an attempt to solve problems of the human condition, however, they
both seemed to take on a life of their own. It was Marx that stated: "Religion
is the opiate of the masses." But then what happened, Marx had no inkling
of the fledgling faith across the sea. Marx thought he understood the social construct
but then, Mormons burst on the scene with dazzeling color, dash and daring do.
What a scene it was. Joseph Smith invented another economic model, a model that
carries on today. Selling realestate in heaven is a scheme that has been tried
before yet still remains appealing Karl Marx was struggling with economic
and social dislocation while Joseph Smith was dueling with brewing the Perfect
Opiate for the Masses. Joseph Smith's Opiate struggles on today with apologetics
by the true believers and the ire of counter-apologetics; both are
Angels and Apostates Joseph Smith knew
that Religion, his Religion, was the Opiate for the Masses however he embraced
many Marxist Principles in forming his model while Marx found no redeeming quality
in the Mormon Vision. Had they worked together just think what might have been;
they could have worked together in the religion making business for the business
of making religion. Mormon
Oxymoron = Oxy-Moroni Mormon Intellectuals are led by the leading
Intellectual, Joseph Smith, the Revelator. So Mormon Intellectuals are significantly
infirmed by Mormon Tenants and Doctrine. For Mormonism, a Mormon Intellectual
is, in the purist sense, a Mormon Oxymoron A Mormon intellectual
is OxyMoronic * Little known fact: It was Joseph Smith who
invented the Periodic Table in 1842. It was only later that Dimitri Mendeleev
came across some of Smiths preliminary work and expanded the scale of atomic weights.
Dimitri Mendeleev went on to claim the creation but Joseph Smith is still celebrated
by Mormons for the Prophet's Contribution to science. Prophet
Joseph Smith: New Mormon Inspired Art The First Bucolic Mormon Convinced
of the certitude of his rectitude, Joe Smith is out in the pastures at the crack
of dawn with coat and tails, his books at hand looking for new prospective coverts
to sway; New Pastures to plow. His persuasive presence gives his prospective
flock pause; as ruminants the idea of giving up sustenance for a place in the
hereafter is a hard sell but the dogmatological shepherd is undaunted by suspicion.
His determination is his only weapon in this battle for heart and soul. His
goal is to appeal to all sentient creatures; His flock stands behind, lowing,
he is particularly attracted to Holsteins. Don't ask why, it's a Mormon Thing. The
Mormon past is coloful, The Mormon future is colored with bewilderment as the
19th centurry fades as a faint impression of mystical excesses. Mormon concerns
seem silly, or, atleast trivial when faced with the enormity of what has been
done in the name of faith. On Mormon Bucolic: New Mormon
Art, reminiscent of the Hudson River School, the portrait of Joseph Smith with
lowing cows touches on color and form familiar to those who enjoy the colors of
green and blue. Most Mormon Art relies on facture and color of a pedestrian nature
but reaches for that unique perspective of ground and field that moves Mormons
to religious reverie. New Mormon Art reaches for the same
touchstone as Old Mormon Art. Good Luck Joe. Hugo
Baltzer Voltaire observed,
"Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities." |