page 5
sacred mormon sunstone | The
Salient | Mormon
Malleability of Truth for the Greater Good the true calling
Hacking Mormonism The
Salient differences between LDS Mormons and Mormon Fundies appears in the fault-line
between feral piety and domesticated Zealotry 
the sound of one hand clapping there is the Melchizedek Priesthood, the
powers of which allows one to keep time with no hands clapping. For
we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the
power and coming of our Lord Joseph Smith, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Anytime you get 'the word' second hand you know it's from an unreliable narrator
unless he's Mormon.. Mormon
Apologetics F.A.I.R.
Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research Mormons
United to Beat Back The Beast Defending Mormonism Of
recent interest: there
is now a Mormon Apolgetics Clinic for those who wish to apologize for Mormon or
L.D.S. tenants and doctrine through dogmatological leaps of FAITH alone.
for Apologetic Information and Research Mormon
apologetics are committed to beating back the beast for the good of all mankind
and clearing the air for all, true faith believers and those needing a new suit
of dogmalogical armor. It's important to apologize for all the misinformation
spread through the world by counter-apologetics.
Spreading misinformation about Mormons and Mormon Doctrine is important to
address. Pernicious and distructive, Counter-Apologetic Mormon detractors
are at every corner, like Satan himself, spreading disinformation and doubt, gentiles
and agnostics are bugs to be squashed by edict of our Kolobian God. Mormons
scorn untoward attention as their Mormon World, when closly observed, is filled
with glitches, gaps and gulfs. but they are to be filled at a later date by further
revelations. It is undertsood as a given that Mormons have a-heap o-faith in their
faith to be faithful.. Apologetics are comitted
to the denouncement of any and all malicious impressions that may be alledged
concerning the practices of a mystical cult devoted to gathering wealth and power
using the gise of faith by use of religious doctrine to hyptonize their prey.
Eyewitness testimonials abound as to the truth of the
Good News Mormons sent to the Universe through tin cans connected with string;
truth bathed by faith in the light of radient revelations by Moroni and his Kolobian
Cadre. Counterapologetics have no defense when BOM reveals the truth to the Morg.
Now Dummies for Mormonism is Mormonism
for Dummies: Shine a light in the dark corners of Satan's World View. Remember,
Mormons worry not about the moral hazzard of faith. Ex-Mormon,
Counter-Apologetics of MORG Apologetics Without Apologies
for Mormon action and practice there would be no Counter-Apologetics. Ex-Mormons
are the leading edge of this powerful and diverse movement. Since there are
Apologetics there of course must be Counter Apologetics and so it goes. Ex-Mormons
are authorities on abuse of the human condition, human dignity, human spirit and
intelligence. Mark Twain said it best about the BOM a hundred and twenty years
ago, "The Book of Mormon is Chloroform in print." Carrying
on this Religious Tradition, a great number of Ex-Mormon sites devoted to exposing
personal experience with an institution that cares not about human compassion
but only to keep the herd moving along, moving along in expectation of that Promised
Land; the greener pasture in the Great Hereafter. The Mormon Pasture is not
of this Earth. "Well,
that's just the way Jesus wants it," or
"It's beyond our understanding," or, "it's
sinful to question -- just believe," or "it's God's way or the highway." Ex-Mormons
Unite, Counter-apologetics are in the ascension as the stars align to beat
back the beast Mormonism
and Transhumanist News Mormon
Transfigurism is a mechanism to Question
Questions and have it the Mormon way as it happens the ultimate in Religion
making Business, Mormon Apologetics are in the religion making business for the
business of making religion. Mormon Transhumanist Association is dedicated
to Mormon levitation. Mormonism is nothing if not Postmodern, levitating onward
into the next dimension through apologetic blinding bedazzlement. "The
fault dear Brutus is not in our stars; but in ourselves."
copyright Scari©2007 all rights reserved Scari.Org |
Unite beyond God's Army Mormons United for more Mormon Unification,
Mormons move Beyond Anthropocentrism
to secure the realm for God's Army in the Religion Making Business |
in the loins for the United States of Grace |
Mormon Narrator: Mormon Encyclical: As I sat with my arms
crossed looking straight ahead blank in focus, I was repeating along with my brothers
and sisters, "I know the Church is true, I know the Church is true."
I had no notion of what I was saying, "I know the Church is true." I
followed on, "I know God is truthful" and we continued, "Through
His literal, begotten son, Jesus Christ, God directs the L.D.S. Church, and none
other, through latter-day prophets." We paused, "The true church,
claimed by God as His own, must be truthful, or it cannot be the true church of
Jesus Christ." We went on to witness the revelation; a thought experiment
of sorts. "The only true church had better be truthful because God is
honest and He is truthful." Was
Joseph Smith the first postmodernist? Deconstruction of Joseph Smith the Gnostic Deconstructing
Joseph Smith: Paring religion into the essence of faith alone,
Joseph Smith demands the leap with no space suit and no fall back position to
keep the converted mystically honest. Given the cobbeling together of mystical
notions and Biblical pronouncements along with popular American myth and thundering
revelations from on high, Joseph Smith or as he is known on Kobol, Bubba Hap-Yet
Tsut (on planet Kobol he is informally known as Bubba Tutsi) was the very first
Postmodernist. His analytical insight into all things theological and his interest
in dogmatology along with a driven need to lead a crowd drove him to jam together
everything from egyptian myth, and biblical conjecture, to the re-reserection
of John the Babtist, visitations with Jesus and Yahweh himself into a kluged theology
of cunningly devised fables for the unwashed to embrace, to embrace a myth directed
by perfect obedience through the greased wheels of the usual suspects, autocratic
theocracy and ossifed doctrine agape!. All organized religion is
under siege, asking questions does not deliver answers. Mormons, on the fringe,
are not equiped (plumbed) for thinking ourside the box: Shucks Mormons already
done that long ago and they did it with no space suit. pay-lay-ale! Ephima
Morphew God's
Army marches on reality to place hands on the last gentile for the United
States of Grace in the Religion Making Business
Cinema Mormons
Unite to Beat Back The Beast. God's Military Adventure on Jah-oh-eh.
TROOPS in God's Army
The hunt is on
for placing hands on the Last Gentile. God's army believes, "Everyone
looks good in camo." |
Mormon Visionary seeking for a sign

Mormon Aesthetic Militant Mormon, God's Army Placing Hands
on Last Gentile for God's Army in the Religion Making Business... |
Cinema: The Last Gentile Tom Cruise is
rumored to have thrown off the mantle of Scientology to become Mormon again.
Interviewed in October of 07, he revealed: Q: "How did you rediscover
you Mormon roots?" A: "I thought Scientology was cool but Mormons
have it all plus a Prophet that speaks to me personally. I was at a dead end,
Scientology had a strangle hold on me. Spiritually I was somewhat lost and cast
adrift until one day Mormon Missionaries showed up at my door, It was like a light
bulb switched in my head, I remembered my roots as a young Mormon when I saw them.
They were so nice and clean cut, they looked just like the guys in the movie "God's
Army." They left some literature and said they'd come back if I had questions.
At the time I was searching., needing more, my life was at a turning point. My
heart went out to them; as a young Mormon, I had never gone on a Mission; it was
a rite I had missed they were just like in the movie; I realized
it was important for The Mission to be atleast a little successful and I thought
I might play a small part in their lives by going along with them, if just for
a little while." Q: "So you took pity on the Mormon Missionaries?"
A: "The young Troops in God's Army were so nice, I asked them to come back
and bring more information. When they came back for another visit, I asked
them, after having looked over the Book Of Mormon, I had to ask, how many times
does the phrase 'It came to pass' occurr in the BOM? One missionary, his
name was Earnest, quickly snaped, with his eyes rolled upward as if snatching
the figure from on high, "Thirteen hundred and eighty one times."
I was impressed, I had to memorize the same number many years ago. I plan to count
for myself again." Q: "Were you inspired by their teachings?"
A. "Yes and I watched God's Army 2, States of Grace and found it inspiring,
with all those Mormon Missionaries having to interact with eachother and how they
all went off to live their lives and make lots of babies." Q: "Well,
did they help in your private torments?" A:" They brought really
great Mormon material and told me what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints was all about; I was told of heaven and how easy it was to get in if I
really believed everything that Joseph Smith, the prophet, was given by revelation
from God through the Angel Moroni and I remembered all the magic stuff, some of
which I really didn't unederstand as a young Mormon, but now it made sense to
me after my indoctrination into Scientology; it was no great leap of faith, I
felt I could believe almost anything, so it was no stretch to embrace the word
given to The Prophet to give to us gentiles. And I love the Book Of Mormon, with
its almost Bible-Like phrasing and the use of "And it came to Pass"
was the clincher for me it had to be true, I can't remember, why
did I leave the Mormon Church in the first place?". Q: "You had
to leave the faith to recover you true faith I guess?" A: "With
Angel Moroni, the Melchizedek Priesthood and finding the Lost Tribes of Israel
and the golden plates I was hooked all over again. The Mormons have such a rich
religious tradition, history of persecution and sacrifice that paralles the history
of early Christians. I am familiar with the Exodus to their Zion or Salt Lake
but it's got more stuff too and lots of mystery and magic, and I like that. I
love the oaths sworn to the faith like, when having your genitals washed in the
temple, repeat after me, 'Health in the navel, marrow in the bone, strength in
the loins and in the sinews, power in the priesthood be upon me and upon my posterity
through all generation of time and throughout all eternity forever and ever' Pay-lay-ale.
It was just like being a kid again." Q: "Gee that was fun, So you
have no doubt about your recovery from Scientology and rediscovery of the L.D.S.
experience?" A: "At first glance I thought Mormon Doctrine to be
a bit loopy but after experimenting with Scientology, now I know, it's twoo, it's
twoo, the BOM is the most correct experience and perfect cure for insomnia ever
discovered, and I love to sleep. I am going to enlist in God's Army; I hope to
be in the next God's Army movie, God's Army
3, The Melchizedek Priesthood and the Last Gentile. I was assured by
Richard Dutcher and Zion Films that Mormon Cinema production had a place for me.
Q: "Wow, so you are instantly engaged in active missionary work, you are
now in the religion making business for the business of making religion?"
A: "I Guess so, I've joined the Religion Making Busines to march on the last
gentile and I've had a hard time with the other enemy, evangelicals too. "God's
Army 3, The Melchizedek Priesthood and the Last Gentile will
be a thriller with lots of special effects, revelations, action and inspiration;
in the new release, there are a panoply of deities for the inquiring mind to ponder,
and I'm cool with that Mormon Cinema is now in the Business of making
Religion, thanks to President Gordon B. Hinckley, we Mormons have come a long
way since I was a kid." Tom Cruise is just now finding his way back
to God's Army, his Newest True Faith. Tom Cruise like Voltaire observed, "Those
who believe absurdities will commit atrocities." It is hoped, Scientology
will recover from the Tom Cruise defection. Ephima Morphew Selfgenerating
Messiah Bubba Hap-Yet Tsut Recent discoveries
have revealed credence to Mormon Doctrine. There has been discovered in Peruian
diggings, a golden artifact that is strikingly similar to the Egyptian script
uncovered by Bubba Hap-Yet Tsut; Cosmic signs and celestial signs are aligning
to give the faith a new bump up with new evidence of authenticity for Mormon Theory.
Whitney Houston and Manuel Noreiga are recent converts to Mormonism too; Karl
Rove is reputed to have visited the Mormon Temple and finally heard the Siren's
Call of the Mormon Organ. Bubba
Hap-Yet Tsut has spoken The triumph of style over substance "Neo-Gnostic
Mormons unite to relearn the knuckle walk" On Planet
Kolob he's called Bubba Hap-Yet Tsut but here on earth we know him as Joseph Smith.
He has through quantum teleportation reincarnated himself again and again. He
has self generated a panoply of deities for the inquiring mind to ponder.
Added Perks: "And it came to pass it will be
there for all to see. It is
better that one man should perish, than for a whole nation to dwindle and perish
in disbelief." (1 Nephi 4:13) Urim and Thummim Stones are to be given
to each new convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
It is thought, with the power of the seer stone the new convert will be helpful
in adding more insight to Mormon Doctine without asking so many questions. "It
is better that one man should perish, than for a whole nation to dwindle and perish
in disbelief." (1 Nephi 4:13) It will be there for all to see. |
Bloggernacle: Internet Mormons
blow their horns 
Moroni, Herald to Postmodern Mysticism just one of a panoply
of deities for the inquiring mind to ponder growing
the religion making business through profligate religious promiscuity For
fruther investigation into the authority and veracity of these postings, please
feel free to consort with the source of all this information: FARMS
for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies Department of Dogmatological
Sciences: Research into the meaning of life through Latter Day Sainthood
and doctrinal tenants of the BOM and the Pearl of Great Price.
The meaning of: Bubba Hap-Yet Tsut definition:
The cypher in hieroglyphics is from the 6th dynasty: as follows, "He Who
Chills with the Hornblower." Further
revelations Grow the Faith Further
revelations of Mormon Liberation Theology in the L.D.S. Church will grow the faith
and expand plural marriage to include both, the sister-wife and the brother-husband.
"With Brother-Husbands and Sister-Wives the loop is closed and there will
be marital perfection at last more babies more ofter in heaven and on earth. Just
do the math." Heavenly Mother Gonhorra approves of this doctrinal shift too.
pay-lay-ale. Bubba
Hap-Yet Tsut Mormon
Science In
our research Scari.Org has finally discovered a meaningful graphic that properly
describes the Mormon Universe. For the uninitiated it's difficult to grasp the
scope and breadth of Mormon Cosmology without a ruler. We
hope this link will serve to clear some of the doubts you may have regarding Mormon
elohim's mormon quorum
Transhumanist Association is dedicated to Mormon levitation in the afterlife. |
in America "Mormon America" Looking
for the United States of Grace Can new revelations find a place to
flourish? Only in America could the Mormons have found a spot to breed. Had Joe
Smith invented the Angel Moroni in Europe he would have been panned by the enlightned,
the Catholic, the Protestant and the unwashed. The perfect petri dish was on the
frontier of this continent. Frontier bands of freaks wandered the fringe of civilization
to experiment with reality; Joseph Smith was just one among many. His most salient
success was to missionary in England to converts with the tease of free land.
England was in a state of flux, with the sturring of the industrial age, in a
time of overpopulation and shortage and disease a new start had appeal. Had
Joe Smith tried to foist Mormonism on Russia, Eastern Europe or Japan, The Balkins
or India his reception would have been swift and just. Would Confucius tolerate
Bubba Tutsi? He would have been dispatched without a whimper for profligate
religious promiscuity. Liberty does not include fraud unless the fraud is
cloaked in the name of faith, Afterlife Insurance is difficult to measure
but for the Mormon Afterlife Ruler. Is that all ther is? In the name of religious
freedoms anythng is possible; worry not about the moral hazard of faith. Mormons
are in the religion making business for the business of making religion. |
Mormons united to relearn the knuckle walk by the Divine Right Rite.
Revelation confirmed
pay-lay-ale: Do the Math Beyond the charge emanating from the planet
Kolob, one must factor the gravitation of OLIBLISH and ENISH-GO-ON-DOSH, for without
this calculation of mass and density the entire faith is voided, purged, by the
countervailing acts of the Law of Attraction or Casimir
Force contaminating the pure light of form and color spectrum of the sacred
medium of Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam's influence on the formula. Counterapologetics
will claim this formula is pure bunk, but do the math and you will see these cycles
affect universal order in atleast six of our nearest galaxies; the cynics are
wrong, the numbers work to the advantage of true faith without stresses to revelation
or doctrine. Before we ran the numbers we had no idea that Joseph Smith was such
a mathematician. If Mormon detractors would only do a proper job of research on
our faith they would quite possibly be our strongest agency: Pay-lay-ale, Here
are the equivalent names for the astronomical bodies mentioned in the BOM text,
related to my previous works on Mormon Cosmetology: Jah-oh-eh = Our Earth
Olea = Our Moon Shinehah = Our Sun Floeese = Our solar system Kokaubeam
= Stars Ha-fa-too-wah = Astroids Skraling = intruder to the mormon sensibility
(gentile) Fluff-fluff = Space dust Jupi-tu-ti = Our Jupiter Arzs-me
= Our Mars Gize-nher-bhy = Local group Isee-nycee = Pluto Voidi -
voidi = Our Space between heavenly bodies Quicki Quicki = speed of light,
186,000 mi per sec. Hyper-spidi = ELOHIM's travel speed in deep space
Chutz-pa = Cosmic variations of Mormon Cosmology Dogmotology
Oah-ta-na-siam = Our Mormon Cosmology and related sciences in BOM. Yho-wana-skah-chi
= Universal Celestial Obedience to Order (UCOO) Gentile = One who finds no
truck with any of the Mormon Tribals
In the early days Mormon Quorum Sensing was relegated to a small group
of inspired Mormon Elders interested in Mormon Astrophysics and Astrology. In
the early days they were making it up as they went along. The Mormon Quorum.
This small group was able to divine the fleshing out of Mormon Cosmology
after much soul searching and deep inquiry. Thanks to the Mormon Quorum Mormon
Space Doctrine has weathered the storms of time to become one of the pillars of
Mormon Doctrine for practicing Mormons. That's
why for a good part, the Book of Mormon sounds "Bibical" |
Mormon Quorum, discussion of celestial afterlife |
Mormon Prophet and the Philosopher A
contemporary of Joseph Smith, spoke, after a long dissertation by the prophet
Joseph spoke of his Religion and its Afterlife. The acquaintance,
Mark Twain, listened patiently then said: "Sounds nice but you must know
Joe, Heavens is for the climate and Hell is for the Company." Ex-gay
Mormon Survivors are on the move to beat back the beast for harmony in Jah-oh-eh. |