page 12 
Mormon Philo-Semitism |
Word is the Best Word, Our Bible is the Most Correct Bible" "We
are the best most correct of all the people that ever lived forever and ever" |
Practicing on being a Practicing Mormon to combat the "Natural
Man" Much
to practice: the practicing mormon must devote, like Muslims in the Madrassa,
much to memory. | 
Practicing Mormon, working on his faith Mormons
mutter on Mormon Matters | Mormons
have Much to Practice:
Young Mormon looking for divine right insight. The practicing mormon must
devote much effort to overcome the Natural Man. Like Muslims in the Madrassa,
much must be committed to memory. Before the Mormon's knock on your door, there
is much to do, much to study in the most correct of all religions. When speaking
to the converted (choir) mormons nodd in knowing confirmation but when speaking
to the perverted (gentile) " Natural Man" problems can arise, so, the
Mormon Missionary must practice the look of smug confidence that characterizes
the elect.
This young man has yet to master the nack but, coming soon. Mormons
say, "What challenges your faith and doesn't kill you makes you believe even
more." "To be Mormon is to be very spiritual," Thaddeus
Found" Volume LXV. Pittsburgh,
Wednesday, August 20, 1879. __ No. 51. SECULAR NEWS.
National. The London Times having editorially on the 12th inst. objected
to the circular of the U. S. Government on Mormon emigration, on the ground that
any interference with Mormons would be a kind of inquisition into religious opinions,
the attention of President Hays was called to the article, and he is reported
to have said that the circular must have been misunderstood, that it does not
make the slightest reference to religion, and that it invites the co-operation
of foreign governments in discouraging Mormon emigration, for the protection of
their own deluded subjects as well as to prevent an influx into this country of
persons coming with criminal intent. Whatever other governments may do in the
matter, our own government is determined to enforce the laws against bigamy, and
in this is entitled to the support of all good citizens.
LXVI. Pittsburgh, Wednesday, September 10, 1879 __ No. 2.
Any one having a copy of "Mormonism Unveiled," published by the author,
E. D. Howe, in Painesville, O., in 1834 (and in 1840), to dispose of, may hear
of a purchaser by addressing the PRESBYTERIAN BANNER. Note: This ad solliciting
a copy of Howe's 1834 book was placed on the editorial page of the Banner by the
secondary editor, Robert Patterson, Jr. This was before Patterson wrote his chapter
on Mormonism for Boyd Crumrine's 1882 History of Washington County. Patterson
began researching early Mormon history early in 1879, but, strangely enough, none
of his reporting on that subject appeared in the Banner during 1879-1882. Perhaps
James Allison, the senior editor of the paper did not see fit to allocate space
in the Banner for the publication of articles by Patterson on this particular
Gazette Vol. 16.
Pittsburgh, Monday., Feb. 17, 1879.
No. 93.
The Mormon Bible. _____ To the Editors
of the Commercial Gazette: Having read with interest your editorial of the
8th inst.: A Question of Authorship," I have watched your columns in the
hope that some of our older citizens would responf to your very timely suggestion.
If, as generally believed, the romance of Rev. Solomon Spaulding, entitled the
"Manuscript Found," was surreptitously obtained from a printing office
in Pittsburghm about the year 1815, and reappeared in 1830 under the transforming
hand of Sidney Rigdon, as the "Book of Mormon," it is reasonable to
suppose, as you remark, that "there must be several persons in the city of
Pittsburgh able to say whether these statements are correct, and it seems therefore
worthwhile to repeat them once more with the view of having them attested or denied."
Permit me to add my voice to yours in urging that such of your readers as have
facts to communicate on this point would give them to the public at once. Dr.
Sharp, to whom you refer, has set an example which should be generally followed
and possibly much additional light may yet be shed upon this question of disputed
authorship. Its possible influence upon the minds of Mormons themselves should
not be forgotten.
R. P. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
To the Editors of the Commercial Gazette: Your "Question of Authorship,"
relating to the origin of Mormonism, in today's issue, leads me to drop you this
item. So far back as 1822 the firm of Patterson & Lambdin, (a shade of doubt
about the last name of the firm) did business as Publishers, Bookbinders and Booksellers,
at the southeast corner of the Diamond and Market street. At the same time Sidney
Rigdon, tanner and currier, had his tan-yard and shop on Penn street, on the lot
running from Penn Avenue to Allegheny above Ninth street. The shop stood where
the Drs. Dicksons' office now is. In 1841 the administrators of my father's estate
found among the papers an unpaid note bearing Rigdon's signature. It was not long
after 1822 that Rigdon was reported to have gone to Eastern Ohio. After the
Book of Mormon had appeared, it was remembered by many who read it, and by the
members of Mr. Spaulding's family, that parts of it were a reconstruction of [his
manuscript?] which had been sent to the Patterson [brs.?] I think this firm went
out of the publishing part of their business about that time. Putting these things
together, it is likely that, in the business transactions between book-binder
and tanner, Sidney Rigdon took the Spaulding manuscript to Ohio, and he became
the real, whilst Joseph Smith was the ostensible originator of the Mormon fraud.
Rigdon was for a time one of the "Twelve Apostles" of that system, but
never gave his assent to its teachings on polygamy. He visited Pittsburgh between
1844 and 1850. As a singular coincidence, in 1841, one of the early residents
of Pittsburgh told me that she was at a meeting in a Baptist church in Pittsburgh,
and on that evening, Sidney Rigdon and Alexander Campbell both dissolved their
connection with the Baptist denomination. The influence of both, as founders of
schools or religious thought, has been widely extended, although of very different
notions and tendencies. Y.
PARNASSUS, PA., Feb. 15, 1879. Note 1: The first letter was written by the Rev.
Robert Patterson, Jr., the son of the publisher with whom Solomon had dealings
over sixty years previous (and in 1879, the assistent editor of the Presbyterian
Banner, published in Pittsburgh. Note 2: The second correspondent provides
valuable information, saying that "Sidney Rigdon, tanner and currier, had
his tan-yard and shop on Penn street." A "currier" of those days
prepared leather for special use by treating the rawhide with certain chemicals,
trimming it to a uniform thickness, and polishing its outer surface. In a c. 1900
account, Sidney's son, John W. Rigdon, mentioned that his father formed a partnership
with Richard S. Brooks to open the short-lived tannery. John calls this same Richard
(who was Rigdon's brother-in-law) a corroyeur, so it seems likely that Sidney
improved upon his previous, undocumented tanning training, to become a leather
dresser (currier) as well as a leather maker. When the business was dissolved
in 1825, Sidney's partner at that time was Richard's brother, William S. Brooks.
All of Sideny Rigdon's Brooks family brothers-in-law probably had some amount
of training in the trade, as their father, Jeremiah Brooks, owned and operated
a tannery near Warren, Ohio. One such special use would have been the manufacture
of leather sheets for book-binding. An example of the early need for curriers
in Pittsburgh may be seen in an advertisement in the Mercury for May 20, 1813,
reading: "Wanted immediately -- A tanner and currier -- apply at the office
of the Mercury." The same paper advertised for "journeyman book-binders"
in its issue of Aug. 10, 1814, requesting respondents to apply to "R. and
J. Patterson." See also Isaac Craig's letter of Oct. 14, 1882, where he says:
"Rigdon had a small tannery on Penn street, near Hand, for the manufacture
of book-binders sheep-skins, and supplying these to the office brought him in
contact with [Silas] Engles. This impression I obtained from John Sandersen, an
old time butcher, who sold sheep pelts to Rigdon." Note 3: The second
correspondent also says, "it is likely that, in the business transactions
between book-binder and tanner, Sidney Rigdon took the Spaulding manuscript..."
Sidney Rigdon, after he was removed by the orthodox Baptists of Pittsburgh, preached
Campbellite doctrines to a small band of seceders at the court house in that city.
At some point became a "journeyman tanner" in the Pittsburgh area and
was able to work at that occupation after his dismissal from the regular Baptists.
Rebecca J. Eichbaum, who knew Rigdon at Pittsburgh, in her 1879 statement, says:
"He was connected with the tannery before he became a preacher, though he
may have continued the business whilst preaching. Rebecca's statement is confirmed
by Rigdon's own 1843 autobiographical sketch, where he states: "Having now
retired from the ministry, and having no way by which to sustain his family, besides
his own industry, he was necessiated to find other employment in order to provide
for his maintenance, and for this purpose he engaged in the humble capacity of
a journeyman tanner, in that city, and followed his new employment, without murmuring,
for two years." Of course Rev. Rigdon could not have gone to work as a "journeyman"
tanner without first having earlier served an apprenticeship in that same trade.
Note 4:As a "currier," Rigdon would have had personal acquaintance
with the leather book-binding industry in Pittsburgh. The main questions to be
answered are when and where Rigdon first worked as a currier and when Robert &
Joseph Patterson (and/or their business associate Jonathan Harrison Lambdin) were
first engaged in the book-binding trade in Pittsburgh. For more discussion on
this point see the notes accompanying the ad for "tanning and currying"
in the Mercury of Nov. 20, 1822. It may be relevant, that in his 1842 interview
with Robert Patterson, Sr., LDS Apostle John E. Page was reportedly told that
"Sidney Rigdon was not connected with the office" maintained by Patterson
for book publishing in Pittsburgh, until "several years" after Solomon
Spalding's 1816 death. A likely period for this "connection" would have
been in 1824, when Rigdon was a tanner and currier in Pittsburgh and Jonathan
Harrison Lambdin was acting on his own as a sales agent for "the Assignees
of R. Patterson & Lambdin," in the remaining business of this previously
dissolved partnership. Note 5: The Commercial Gazette was formed in 1877
by the merger of the city's veteran Pittsburgh Gazette and apparently more viable
Daily Commercial.
page 0 
Shinehah Shinehah Shinehah Joseph
Smith, destroyer of obstacles
in the name of faith, extremism
is no vise To
Look Good at any cost beyond the use of muggle
jelly and mormon science there is the problem of excessive use of vibrators.
Vibrations are compelling but numbing to the senses; prayer management is
the answer. Some Mormons believe vibrators can induce mystical experiences
while others shun the practice. |
Philo-Semitism is inspired by the Melchizedek Priesthood and the Levitical
Rites afforded the worthy. Philo-Semitism is Holy Envy by the Mormons to bind
their putative Heavenly Father to the Rock of ages, By Divine Right Mormon Exceptionalism
is Imagined America on steroids Mormon
Judeophilia is taken to the level of Kitsch using Levitical Rites
and Mormon Crowdsourcing Beyond
the sound of one hand clapping there is the Melchizedek Priesthood, the powers
of which allows one to keep time with no hands clapping. QED |
Melchizedek Priesthood |
Revelations The
Mormon Religion Making Business has had, from the beginning, a troubled business
model. Given the premise, to hang an entire paradigm on plagiarized text, a fantasy
novel leaves, the Mormon modelers with much to answer for. Had the Mormons created
a cult from whole cloth with a unique dogmatology the faith would have had an
easier row to hoe in the Kingdom of God and here on earth for the Religion Making
Business. Solomon
Spaulding's, "Manuscript
Found" Ethan
Smith's, View of the Hebrews Were
gathered into a single furball called "The Book of Mormon"
Bible Babel; from peepstone to prosperity in the name of God
Solomon Spaulding's attempt at fiction -- Joseph Smith's magnum opus Mormon
polytheism is now Christian polytheism, a Moral Hazard for all.
Published Rubbish but an "unusually effective cure for insomnia"
Bio-Hazard and much Toxic Waste by the Mormons From Fantasy Novel to one of
the World's Great Religions Using Mormon
Judeophilia taken to the level of Kitsch using Levitical Rites and Frontier
LXV. Pittsburgh,
Wednesday, February 12, 1879 __ No. 24. THE MORMON
PROBLEM. In another column will be seen what there is much reason
to believe is a true history of the origin of the Mormon Bible." It will
be read with the closest attention. Polygamy was not one of the original
features of the delusion, but was afterwards engrafted upon it. And to this day
the Mormon emissaries in Europe are careful to conceal their peculiar and distinct
views with regard to marriage; otherwise they would prevent their success in obtaining
new recruits almost altogether. It is only after their arrival in Utah that the
greater part of deceived Europeans learn how purity, law and decency have been
set aside in the matter of marriage, John Taylor, now President of the Mormon
Church, when in France in 1853, although he then had no less than five wives,
denied the existence of polygamy among the Mormons, and had a denial printed in
pamphlet form in French and circulated in large numbers. Now this same John Taylor
declares that the revelations concerning polygamy came directly from heaven; that
is his religion, and neither Congress nor the Supreme Court of the United States
which declared the act of 1862 forbidding polygamous marriages in the territories
of the United States constitutional, will have no effect except to unite, confirm
and strengthen Mormons in their faith. And it is well known that leading Mormons
have taken additional wives since the decision of the Supreme Court was given.
In direct contempt of the opinion of the court, John W. Young has married his
fifth wife, James Welch his second wife and John White his third wife. At the
same time Mormon women are beseiging the President and others in authority and
Delegate Cannon and representatives of the Mormon Church are petitioning for amnesty
and promising obedience to the law. In view of the state of things it is
not strange that a petition has been addressed to Congress by the anti-polygamists
in Utah, praying that instead of rendering the law against polygamy more lenient,
Congress would amend the act of 1862 by making living together in polygamy under
the general reputation of marriage sufficient to constitute the offence, as otherwise
the statyte will be practically inoperative. In this movement the law-observing
and purity-loving people of Utah should have the co-operation of all opponents
of the iniquitous institution, in all parts of the country. Thorough work should
be made in delivering the people of the United States from the charge of tolerating
a degrading system of concubinage. Too much confidence must not be placed in Congress,
without watchfulness on the part of the people; its members ought to be made to
feel that the public eye is always upon them, and they will be held to strict
account for neglect of duty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORMONISM.
_____ BY ALFRED CREIGH, LL., D. _____ The recent decision of the
Supreme Court of the United States, sustaining the constitutionality of the law
of Congress, enacted in 1862, punishing bigamy in the Territories with fine and
imprisonment, has attracted public attention anew to the most stupendous delusion
of the nineteenth century. Thank God for the decision! It is a step in the right
direction to crush out a system destructive of good morals, patriotism, the marriage
relation and the principles of liberty. The facts in regard to the origin
of the Book of Mormon have been frequently published. They were detailed by the
present writer in his "History of Washington County," published in 1870.
Briefly they are as follows: Rev. Solomon Spaulding, a graduate of Dartmouth
College, became a resident of New Salem (sometimes called Conneaut), in Ashtabula
County, O., in the early part of the present century. Here he was compelled by
the state of his health to desist from active labors. To occupy his hours of leisure,
he amused himself by writing a historical romance, containing a record of the
wanderings and the varied fortunes of the race that reared the mounds so numerous
throughout the West, and many of which were to se seen in the vicinity of his
residence. This was about the year 1812. The romance, purporting to be written
by one of the lost race and to have been recovered from the earth, was entitled
the "Manuscript Found." Mr. Spaulding, as his work progressed, frequently
read it to his neighbors, many of whom became interested in it and familiar with
the events and names recorded. From New Salem Mr. Spaulding removed to Pittsburgh
and deposited his manuscript in the printing office of Mr. Patterson for examination,
with a view to publication. It is supposed that Sidney Rigdon, one of the originators
of the Mormon delusion, had come across this manuscript whilst in the office,
became acquainted with its contents, and possibly made or obtained a copy of it.
After some time the manuscript was returned to Mr. Spaulding, who soon after removed
to Amity, Washington County, Pa., where he died in 1816. About 1830 the Book of
Mormon appeared; a Mormon preacher visited New Salem and in a public meeting read
copious extracts from the book, which were immediately recognized by the older
inhabitants present as the identical work of Mr. Spaulding; and his brother, being
present, arose on the spot and with tears expressed his sorrow that the work of
his sainted brother should be used for so shocking a purpose. The inhabitants
of New Salem held a meeting and deputed one of their number, Dr. Hurlbut, to repair
to Monson, Mass., where Mr. Spaulding's widow (who had married a Mr. Davidson)
resided, to obtain the original manuscript for comparison with the Mormon Bible.
This was in 1834. Mrs. Davidson afterwards wrote a full statement of the facts,
of which the above is but an outline. This statement (given in full in the "Hist.
of Wash. Co." pp. 91-93, was published in 1839, and elicited from Mr. Rigdon
the year a published denial of all knowledge on his part of Mr. Spaulding's manuscript.
In connection with Mrs. Davidson's statement, a letter from Joseph Miller, Sr.,
dated March 26, 1869, is given in the "History above referred to. Mr. Miller
(still living at Amity, being 88 years of age) was well acquainted with Mr. Spaulding,
waited on him in his last illness and assisted at his burial. Mr. Miller had heard
Mr. Spaulding read portions of his novel entitled the "Manuscript Found,"
and afterwards on hearing the Book of Mormon read, recollected several passages
as the same he had heard Mr. Spaulding read. One passage he remembers distinctly,
where the Amalekites had marked themselves with red on the foreheads to distinguish
them from the Nephites. The singularity had fixed it in his memory. To the
testimony of which the above is a brief sketch, the following facts may be added
as not devoid of interest in connection with the history of this colosal fraud:
Mr. McKinstry, a son of the late Dr. McKinstry of Monson, Mass., and the
grandson of Rev. S. Spaulding, says that his grandmother came East from Ohio to
live with her daughter at Monson many years ago, bringing the manuscript of his
grandfather's romance with her. Before her death a plausible young man from Boston
came to see and get the Spaulding writing. It was a time of considerable excitement
concerning the Mormons, and he claimed to represent some Christian people who
wanted to expose Mormonism. He therefore begged the loan of the manuscript for
publication. Much against the wishes of Mrs. Dr. McKinstry, the daughter of Mrs.
Spaulding (now Davidson) she consented to let her husband's unpublished romance
be taken away. Nothing was ever heard of it again, and the family have always
considered that the bland young gentleman was an agent of Brigham Young to destroy
this convincing evidence that Joe Smith's Mormon Bible was of very earthly origin.
The widow of Mr. Spaulding and her daughter, Mrs. Dr. McKinstry, had compared
the Mormon Bible with the romance of the "Manuscript Found," and stated
that they were essentially the same -- that the similarity was so overwhelming
as to leave no doubt on their minds but that Joe Smith or Sidney Rigdon had copied
it in full and made out of it bodily, the divine revelation -- as a special revelation
from God on plates of gold engraven by his own hand -- and that after being translated
they were taken back to heaven. The Springfield (Mass.) Republican gives
its testimony in these words: The story of how the Rev. Mr, Spaulding came to
prepare his romance, which Mr McKinstry remembers as a child to have seen, is
very interesting. Mr. Spaulding was out of the active ministry in Ohio, and employed
his leisure moments in weaving a romance. It was at the time when the Mound Builders
were creating wild excitement and interest -- the implements of cookery and war
being unearthed showing the existence of a forgotten race. This furnished the
inspiration for the chronicles of the story writen. He entitled the production
the "Manuscript Found," the idea being that the romance written by Mr.
Spaulding was dug up out of one of the mounds in the region. It was a history
of Ancient America, not all written at once, but as leisure and fancy occurred
to him, Mr. Spaulding would add to it. His writing was no secret in the neighborhood.
In that then frontier region, with few opportunities for literary enjoyment. Rev.
Mr. Spaulding was prevailed upon to read to his neighbors. It was written in Bible
phraseology and made as quaintly old as possible, so as to carry out the idea
of its alleged mound origin. I might add in this connection that Joe Smith
was born on Vermont in 1805, and his friends claim that when he was fifteen years
of age he was informed by an angel in a vision of the apostacy of the Primitive
church. On September 22, 1827 he received from the hands of a messenger from the
Lord the golden plates containing the ancient history of this continent, written
by various prophets and concealed by Morni [sic] in the year 420. He was informed
that he was the chosen instrument to restore God's church to its former purity
and holiness. Accordingly he proceeded to translate the golden plates and the
church was organized in 1830. Three witnesses, viz: Oliver Cowdery, David
Whitmer and Martin Harris, testify that an angel of God came down from heaven
and he brought and laid before our eyes that we beheld and saw the plates and
the engraving thereon;" and I may add, to complete the imposture, that Joe
Smith exhibited these plates to Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer,
Jr., John Whitmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith, Sr., Hiram Smith and Samuel H. Smith,
and that they "had the appearance of gold and the engraving was of curious
eorkmanship and was handled by their own hands." We can readily account
for the reason why the Whitmers and the Smiths are the principal witnesses --
because the book itself says that "Morni, a son of Mormon, was authorized
to show the plates unto those who shall assist to bring forth this work and unto
three shall they be shown (viz: Cowdery, Whitmer and Harris) by the power of God
wherefore they shall know of a surety that these things are true." Such
is the stupendous fraud and imposture which has been imposed not only on the American
people, but upon foreign countries to which emissaries have gone, bringing back
ignorant people by the ship load to become American citizens. Note 1: Alfred Creigh's
article in the Banner was quickly reprinted in the Feb. 14th issue of his home-town
paper, the Washington Reporter. For Alfred Creigh's earlier account of the Spalding
claims for Book of Mormon authorship see pp. 89-93 of his 1870 History of Washington
County, Pennsylvania. Note 2: The John A. McKinstry statement in the Springfield
Republican, referred by Mr. Creigh is known by its reprint in the New Haven Connecticut
Palladium of Sep. 3, 1877. The same reprint was also carried by the Syracuse Journal
on that same date. Creigh's paraphrase of the McKinstry statement changes the
original wording considerably. Also, it should be noted here that the 1877 McKinstry
statement conflates the two separate visits of D. P. Hurlbut (in 1833) and Jesse
Haven (in 1839) into a single, somewhat jumbled account. Note 3: Rev. Robert
Patterson, Jr., the secondary "editor and proprietor" of the Banner
Robert Patterson, Jr., was at least marginally involved in investigations of the
Spalding claims as early as November of 1878, when the Rev. Samuel Williams contacted
Patterson about his father's contact with Spalding in Pittsburgh c. 1812-1816.
Through Williams Patterson soon came into contact with the highly motivated Spalding
claims researcher, James T. Cobb of Salt Lake City and much of Cobb's enthusiasm
for this line of research seems to have quickly rubbed off onto Patterson. Whether
Patterson solicited the Feb. 12, 1879 article from Creigh, or whether it was Creigh
who first approached Patterson on that matter remains unknown. At the very least
the interests of both Creigh and Patterson regarding the Spalding authorship claims
appear to have converged early in 1879. For a contemporary letter by Patterson
on this subject, see the Commercial-Gazette of Feb. 17, 1879. From this point
forward it was Robert Patterson, Jr. who carried forward most of the new research
on the Spalding authorship claims (at least he was the primary researcher of this
subject in western Pennsylvania in the early 1880s). For example, in August of
1879 Patterson was inspired to seek out and interview the aging D. P. Hurlbut
at Gibsonburg, Ohio and obtain a statement from him (printed in the Leader in
Feb. 1880 ) regarding the man's involvement in the 1833 effort to recover the
writings of Solomon Spalding. It was probably his frustrations and subsequent
realizations, developing out of his failed effort to obtain useful information
from Hurlbut that motivated Patterson to continue and expand his search for the
facts underlying the old Spalding claims. mormon
myth, page 9 
heavenly mormon phrenology Frolic
in Mormon Paradise Parable:
Exceptional Mormon Judeophilia
bugs, in the bushes, BUGS IN THE PLAN OF SALVATION Once
upon a time there was a big jug of cider sitting in a cool place. In this jug
were little yeasties. The yeastie needed to eat. Being hungry for food and procreation,
the little yeasties slurped cider sugars and they shat alcohol and they procreated
and procreated, as it is, exponentially. These little critters operated as if
there were limitless sugars and space to spread their way of life; it was just
like paradise. So, by and by, they ate and shat and shat and ate and spread throughout
the tasty cider soup until the sugar was gone and they began to drown in their
own shit; the alcohol excrement was, of course, poison to the little critters.
All the little yeasties died and their little world was turned to shit. Had
the little yeastie been able to forecast the resultant alchemy of this behavior
they might have taken a different tack. Had the little yeasties engaged in experimentation
and research, intervening variables might have been implemented to change their
paradigm. If the little yeasties were equipped with genetic engineering, they
might have programmed their diet to eat alcohol and shit sugar, reversing the
process that was their demise. Had the organism gotten a handle on its ability
to procreate the cider environment could have supported the frolic and feasting
of the yeasty for some length of time. This time would have been valuable to the
survival of the little critter; there would have been time for research into exploration
beyond the cider jug, exploit other cider jugs and spread the Good News to other
parts of the realm. It's through this fairy tale that we at Scari Research Institute
have postulated a template for the human condition. (If this were a anthropocentric
story and we being the good guys, this would be where we'd come in to save the
day, but it's a story about yeasties) Conclusion: Had the yeastie
been inbued with cognition and science beyond natural selection they could have
taken counter measures that would secure their fate, perserve the realm and continue
their frolic. parson Carson Gallant Charoot
copyright Scari©2008 all rights reserved Scari.Org |
Evening Reporter Vol. ?
Washington, Pa.,
April 8, 1869.
No. ? Who Wrote the Book
of Mormon? Washington Co., Pa.
March 26, 1869. Some time since,
I became the owner of The Book of Mormon, I put it into the hands of Mr. Joseph
Miller, Sr., of Amwell Township. After examining it, he makes the following statement
concerning the connection of Rev. Solomon Spalding with the authorship of The
Book of Mormon, Mr. Miller is now in the seventy-ninth year of his age. He
is an Elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. His judgment is good, and his
veracity unimpeachable. He was well acquainted with Mr. Spalding, while he lived
at Amity. He waited on him during his last illness. He made his coffin, and assisted
to bury his remains where they now lie, in the Presbyterian graveyard at Amity.
he also bailed Mr. Spalding's wife when she took out Letters of Administration
on his estate. Mr. Miller's statement may be relied upon as true. J.
W. Hamilton (pastor, Presbyterian Church)
When Mr. Spalding lived in Amity, Pennsylvania, I was well acquainted with
him. I was frequently at his house. He kept what was called a tavern. It was understood
that he had been a preacher, but his health failed him and he ceased to preach.
I never knew him to preach after he came to Amity. He had in his possession
some papers which he said he had written. He used to read select portions of these
papers to amuse us [of] evenings. These papers were detached sheets of foolscap.
He said he wrote the papers as a novel. He called it The Manuscript Found, or
The Lost Manuscript Found. He said he wrote it to pass away the time when he was
unwell; and, after it was written, he thought he would publish it as a novel,
as a means to support his family. Some time since, a copy of The Book of
Mormon came into my hands. My son read it for me, as I have a nervous shaking
of the head that prevents me from reading. I noticed several passages which I
recollect having heard Mr. Spalding read from his Manuscript. One passage, on
page 148 (the copy I have is published by J. O. Wright & Co., New York) I
remember distinctly. He speaks of a battle, and says the Amalekites had marked
themselves with red on their foreheads to distinguish them from the Nephites.
The thought of being marked on the forehead was so strange, it fixed itself in
my memory. This, together with other passages, I remember to have heard Mr. Spalding
read from his Manuscript. Those who knew Mr. Spalding will soon all be gone
and I among the rest. I write that what I know may become a matter of history;
and that it may prevent people from being led into Mormonism, that most seductive
delusion of the devil. From what I know of Mr. Spalding's Manuscript and
The Book of Mormon, I firmly believe that Joseph Smith, by some means, got possession
of Mr. Spalding's Manuscript, and possibly made some changes in it and called
it The Book of Mormon. JOSEPH MILLER, Sr. Note 1: This article
was reprinted in the Historical Magazine, for August, 1869.
and Venus Gonhorra
and the Venus of Willendorf the meaning of life and the goddesses worshiped
in the most correct of all religions. The
Prophet and the Philosopher A contemporary
of Joseph Smith, spoke, after a long dissertation by the prophet
Joseph spoke of his Religion and its Afterlife. The acquaintance, Mark Twain,
listened patiently then said: "Sounds nice but you must know Joe, Heavens
is for the climate and Hell is for the Company." Had
God seen fit Had God seen fit to eliminate some of the vexing
details of existence, the need to eat, pee poop and procreate, the "Natural
Man" would not be held in such disdain. But God in HIS near-infinite wisdom
could not figure out how to correct these deficiencies in HIS masterful plan
thus sprang "The Natural Man." The
LDS and LDS is at work for Global Mormonism The Latter
Day Saints (LDS) and the Leaflet Distribution System (LDS) are unified into one
vertically intergrated percepction management entity for Mormon Globalization.
Mormon PSYOPS, Leaflet Distribution System (LDS) developed by
the Mormons (LDS) has now found its way into the mainstream perception management
industry for Branding Mormonism on a global scale. Mormon
Leaflet Delivery System (LDS): LDS are a family of systems, which provides
our LDS PSYOPS operations to expand market share. With further expansion our intensions
for expansion forces the ability to safely and accurately disseminate propaganda
to the developing world, hostile theologies, gentiles and athiests with little
hazard to the elect. Further technological advancements will secure LDS in the
Religion Making Business. |
Evening Reporter Vol. 3 -- Whole 783.
Washington, Pa., Fri., Feb. 14, 1879.
One Cent. Mormonism By Spaulding.
_____ We publish in this issue the facts in relation to the origin of the
Book of Mormon. It is a curious piece of history which persons yet living can
verify. It is due to those who have been deceived by this imposture; to the country
under whose institutions it has become so powerful and so insolent, and to christianity
which it presumes to supplant as "the church of the latter day saints of
Jesus Christ," that some permanent memorial shall be erected to identify
and make clear the time, place and circumstances of [its[ origin. Solomon Spalding,
as a man or a preacher, is not entitled to any special notice save as the innocent
author of a system of religion [which it is fair?] to do a great amount of harm
to us as a people and a government. The system is a fraud, although it claims
a divine origin, and while the living witnesses of this imposture still exist,
[some?] efforts should be made to mark the spot where its author lies, in such
a manner as will identify it as a historical fact. In a few years the grave of
Spaulding will only be known by tradition, nothing being left to mark the place.
The living witnesses will have died, and then in time, it may be a question in
the minds of many whether such a man really lived, and whether the origin of the
Book of Mormon is not a fiction. In the name of christianity which it shames,
a monument should be reared as a protest against the imposture which threatens
to mislead so many simple-minded people, and to involve our country in evils of
the greatest magnitude. The different christian churches should unite and place
a durable monument of granite upon the grave of Spaulding as a permanent memorial
which will remind the people of the outrages and crimes perpetrated in the name
of a religion which claims to be divine. The christianity of Washington county
owes it to itself and the country that this memorial shall be solemnly made. A
few hundred dollars thus invested will rear a monument which will be permenant
portest against the claims of "the latter day Saints" of Utah.
Will not some of our church bodies move in this matter before the living witnesses
shall have departed? What is done should be done with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
MORMONISM. ______ BY ALFRED CREIGH, LL. D. (see the Feb. 12th Presbyterian
Banner for this text) the
B.O.M. bomb: Mormonism, "God's Plan" and the "Natural
Man" Natural Man, a Carnal Animal;
Fall of Adam and Eve. A person who chooses to be influenced by the passions,
desires, appetites, and senses of the flesh rather than by the promptings of the
Holy Spirit. Such a person can comprehend physical things but not spiritual
things. All people are carnal, or mortal, because of the fall of Adam and Eve.
Each person must be born again through the atonement of Jesus Christ to cease
being a natural man. The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit, 1
Cor. 2: 14. The natural man is an enemy to God and should be put off,
Mosiah 3: 19. He that persists in his own carnal nature remaineth in his fallen
state, Mosiah 16: 5 (Alma 42: 7-24; D&C 20: 20). What natural man is there
that knoweth these things? Alma 26: 19-22. Natural or Carnal men are without God
in the world, Alma 41: 11. Because of his transgression, man became spiritually
dead, D&C 29: 41. Neither can any natural man abide the presence of God, D&C
67: 12. And the Natural Man began to be carnal, sensual, and devilish,
Moses 5: 13 (Moses 6: 49). Oh dear, more devilishness. Had
the mormons embraced the humanities they would not be so confused 
Our Heavenly Mother, Gonhorra, The Women Of The Arts -- Men's Caucus, Promise
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