page 11 
Shinehah Shinehah Shinehah | Practicing
Necromancer Convicted
the Persistence of Doubt |
why why? Why
disparage The Mormon Brand? On
Mormon Branding One might Ask, is it the religion making business or the
business making religion? Soul
Scrubbing: The Sealing Power of Mormon Afterlife, Mormon Eternal Progression,
more work more freedom in Heaven; For perfect obedience the Afterlife in Mormonism
is a very Material Affair. The Mormon Plan of Salvation

Mormonism: Mormons go to Heaven, Arbeit Macht Frei, Gates to
Mormon Heaven Mormons Say, "Strength in the loins, more work
more freedom on Mormon Matters."
the Mormon Apostolic Holding Pen always has room in the
tub for more souls to scrub.
of Faith.Org, interview with: Apologist Robert Millet mormon extraordinaire
of Ancient Scripture and religious understanding at BYU and the foremost authority
on mormonism has much to teach us.
Program Comment, 1/27/08: Mormon-ism and the many states of grace
"the religion making business" I was disturbed by your interview
with Robert Millet and his notion of "the religion making business."
Krista Tippett sent one slow-pitch softball after another for Mr. Millet to bunt
and run with. When speaking of the 1st Revelator of the Mormon Dynasty you make
no mention of the basic socialist underpinnings of this Religion Making Business
and from whence it came. Mormons subscribe to a socialist notion for themselves
while insisting the "Gentile" population must play on a hard scrabble
scrum line. You serve up little background on the Spiritualist Movement of the
time with regard to influences on Joe Smith's "many visions"and revisions
to his visions. You said nothing of the Pyramid Schemes: of land dealing,
counterfeit money, invasion by conquest, war and assinations; there was nothing
on that famous visitation by John The Baptist along with Christ's Apostles and
of course the Quid Pro Quo of trading Polygamy for territorial recognition. There
was no mention of the Mormon Pigmentocracy. Why? You let Millet wax on pre-existence
and post-sustenance without touching on "the nuts and bolts of Mormon Heaven,"
and there are lots of bolts to be slapped home and nuts to be turned; and, for
the record, there are many accountants in Mormon Heaven. Try:
or The Mormon sunstone at top
of page will carry you off to other places mormons may not want you to think about.
I grew up as a gentile in severe Mormon Country, southern Idaho, and I can testify
to the vicious nature of the "Great Mormon Organ." You blithely
pass over such issues as the confusion of what Mormons deem what is sacred and
what is secret; they are interchangeable when speaking of Mormon Rights of Passage
through their bureaucracy. What of Mormon Environmentalism? Thrity years ago,
I was told by a Mormon Elder, "The Earth is like a rubber ball and will bounce
back." Mormons are convinced of the same notion to this day. My perception
of the program was of a Millet, Tippett seance to sell something older than the
oldest profession. Perhaps the oldest profession was the priesthood for without
the shunning of prostitution, the crime would be left unpunished and unknown.
Priests know this on a viseral level. Please revisit this Business called
Mormonism with an eye toward exhibiting truth, for the Mormons think they love
truth; thanks to the Melchizedek Priesthood they are Members of the one True Chruch Thank
you, Gus O. Kahan Professor
Robert Millet and The Mormon Religion-making Business: First
Mormon Theolator: As in the long line of Revelators, Dr. Millet
made the revelatory statement regarding his religion. "We are in the Religion
Making Business" is as close to an authentic revelation as there has
been uttered regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As in
a Corporate Sporting event the idea is to win at any cost. Religion Making requires
a team fleet of foot and a rule book that states as its first axiom; to win at
any cost, it's Grow or die. Grow team grow;
Team Mormon goes for the gold in the Business of making Religion
for the Religion Making Business. 'We
can never transcend Joseph Smith' Robert
Millet on the Religion Making Business in his interview with
Krista Tippett on 1/27/08. Robert Millet Waxes on profligate religious
promiscuity "I don't think we can ever transcend Joseph
Smith" Ms. Tippett: But that picture, you know, could not stand
in greater contrast to the picture that Mormons, Latter-day Saints of the
picture that people have of Mormon families, of Mormon communities, right? Of
this, this community that you describe in the beginning, this way of life.
Mr. Millet: Well, I think that's right. Ms. Tippett: And so I, you
know, I guess I wonder is there something that happens in a religious experience
in this religious experience where the lived religion somehow transcends
this person of Joseph Smith, who, who gave rise to it? Mr. Millet:
I don't think we can ever transcend Joseph Smith or consider him to be a valued
personality, but now we'll move on. I don't think you'll see that among believers
in the faith, because there are too many other things that came from him that
are the reasons why we do what we do and we are what we are. That there are unanswered
questions, to be sure. That there are things that I'm as anxious as the next guy
to learn more detail on, I really want to know. But in the interim, it really
doesn't, doesn't trouble me. We're in the religion-making business, as you
intimated earlier, only for a short time, I mean, compared to the Christian church,
which has been at this for a couple of millennia. We're about halfway to Nicaea.
And so, and so in that sense I remember a very tender moment. I was speaking
with I've been invited to the Salt Lake Theological Seminary, basically
an Evangelical seminary, to discuss a book I had done on Jesus. And they had read
it, and they wanted me to come and just respond to questions. And it was, it was
a very enjoyable couple of hours. The very last question that was asked by one
of my friends there was this one. He said, 'Bob, what can we do for you?' And
I, I wasn't ready for that question. I said, 'What do you mean?' He said, 'What
can we, as Evangelicals, do for our Mormon friends?' And I, I guess my mind could
have gone a hundred different ways, but what I came back with was this. I said,
'Boy, I appreciate you asking that. I don't think I've ever been asked that.'
But, but I said, 'Try this. Cut us a little slack, will you? Give us a little
time. We're in the religion-making business, and this takes time. It takes
centuries. And, and trying to explain the faith and articulate the faith,
that doesn't come over night. We've really only been about that for 20 or 30
years.' Robert Millet makes the distinction between Mormons
and Christians in a flourish of apologetics. "We're in the religion-making
business, as you intimated earlier, only for a short time, I mean, compared to
the Christian church, which has been at this for a couple of millennia."
Robert Millet states to the Mormon Enemy, Evangelicals, that Mormons have decided
to become Christian only in the last 20 or 30 years. "We're in the
religion-making business, and this takes time. It takes centuries. And, and
trying to explain the faith and articulate the faith, that doesn't come over night.
We've really only been about that for 20 or 30 years."
Mormon Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith
declared that the story of Joseph Smith is so important that Mormonism "must
stand or fall" with it, it needs to be examined carefully. He also said if
Joseph Smith's claims were built upon fraud, it would be easy to find errors and
contradictions. The following is a thought experiment regarding Joseph Smith's
claims. | Robert
Millet wants it both ways,
he apologizes for Mormon loopiness as Mormons are juvenile and only came to Christianity
lately. Mormons, having claimed the True Faith, after having stolen
tenants and doctrine from everywhere, from Egyptology to Frontier Magic and the
Torah, including Science Fiction, now Mormons claim they need several hundred
more years to sort out the kinks and get it right. I guess Millets apology
would be that this Religion Making stuff is far tricker than we imagined,
we just need to muck about a bit more and well be as main-stream as you
wish, we are only in it for the money. Gosh its the religion making Business
and Mormon Branding just wants its Market Share. As I read Millet's
excuses, I couldn't help but imagine him wriggling in he dust with his dog-eared
Book or Mormon, wrinkling his suit while his upper lip sweats profusely. doubters
persist with the Persistence of Doubt Professor
Millet continued: On The Religion Making Business: The Mormon Brand
If we are to read Professor Robert Millet as uttered, we would assume, the expert
in 'religious understanding' has a cynical view of this world and the religions
that here reside, Millet is convinced, "the Business of Religion" requires
only time and a priesthood willing to go the extra mile to create authentic Mormon
Businesses Modeled for Religion Making. Millet has set his stars on the Latter-day
Awakenings of the Mormons, or, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as
his brand. His faith has declared the fully reinvested church by Joseph Smith
as it was intended before we humans mucked it up.. Professor Millet states
as articles of faith, Mormons claim all ground not previously occupied and those
spaces the"Enemy," Christian Evangelicals inhabit too. Millet claims
apologetics for theological youth as an excuse for fumbled balls and the penalties
of clipping, off sides, etc. Millet pleads, "We're in the religion-making
business" and only now "halfway to Nicaea," he says referring
to the fourth-century council at which the New Testament canon was finally formalized
and many core Christian doctrines clarified, authoritatively, for the first time.
So Mormons have several hundred more years of fumbling around with the Religion
Making Business before Mormon Deities reach maturity. With bated breath and much
trembling, we can hardly wait till they get it right and pierce the veil into
the radience of full theological and dogmatalogic maturity. The Latter-day
saints that have gone before have no guarantee of the afterlife expected through
revelation but must wait in some sort of apostolic holding-pen till it all gets
sorted out. Evangel Nécromancier Surf's
Up for Life On Golden Plates And the Plan
of Salvation Mormon
Deepthroat Robert Millet Redux Google
Search: "Religion Making Business" Posted to:
Life on On Gold Plates, November 25, 2009 11:49 AM Gus
O. Kahan said.. Comment on: Mormon Perception Management By
the way, throughout your posting you chose to misidentify Robert Millet. As
long as The Mormons are committed to using unreliable narrators for spokespersons
in the Religion Making Business there will be unreliable messages sent. Only the
elect are able to see beyond the message sent to be divined as
truth by the faithful. Robert Millets comment ""We're
in the religion making business," bothered me quite a bit. I'm sure the evangelicals
used it as proof that it is a man-made religion. Even evangelicals fall
prey to this axiom: From the beginning, through all time with strength in the
loins, all religion is made by man its called the Religion
Making Business. And the apologetic Reply is: In a sense Millet
is correct, we are indeed in the "religion making business" if by that
he means we help shape and forge an idea of individuality and community, infusing
life with meaning and direction, etc. Yes infusing life with meaning
and direction in the Religion Making Business. Was Millet speaking from
the bowels of the Church? Was the Religion Making Business a gaff,
or a mirror into the land of Oz? Excuse me, but, Free Speech is fundamentally
at odds with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. From the invention
of Mormonism, free speech has tangled with the Latter-Day Saints, their prophet
was executed for suppression of free speech; by the destruction of the Newspaper,
Expositor, his lot was cast, and it came to pass, General Joe was
consumed by hubris, the arrogance of power. Mormon message control is losing
its grip, if you search: Religion Making Business. On the second
page there is a curious posting by a blogger: Online cheap viagra » Blog
Archive » Online cheap viagra Jettboy,
aka, Blogger of Jared is also, "straight and narrow blog So
we have Mormon bloggers burying their posts in the Online cheap viagra »
Blog Archives? Thats one way to dump the Religion Making Business in
the Mormon Utopia. Mormon hatred of communism seems ironical as the Mormon
Glue is socialist, an idealized communitarian theocracy
is socialist tipping to fascism. I appreciate your post and the concern
you show for public relations in Branding Mormonism. Seems there could be a bit
more care lavished on the message; the messenger will follow the script in the
Religion Making Business. Suing for peace with the Evangelicals will only
lead to mischief and heartache. GOK November 25, 2009 11:49 AM Millet
spoke of the Plan of Salvation in conference: "See here, we have to believe
in something, why not the Mormonism Plan of salvation?" Mormon
long history of persecution Mormons' take umbrage at the perception
of being mocked, however Mormons take no interest in self scrutiny to divine the
source of this sacred act, mockery that is. When mounting an indefensible preponderant
of how things work, Mormons forgot to consider, perhaps, for the sake of argument,
existence is still perplexing and we are making it up as we go along. That's
why "THE MORMONS" have to have a "LIVING PROPHET" so when
things get sticky when moving on in time there is a fall-back position. Mormon
Mockery is born from envy. Gentiles can't understand why Mormons suspend all empirical
evidence to embrace ignorance; ignorance being the source of all evil (SATAN).
Rational thought drops out of Mormon Tribal Theology It's all
about FAITH. Gentiles envy the Mormon embrace of willful ignorance; it's
so easy when you don't have to think. Gentiles know it hurts to think, Mormons
don't. "You must remember, like Jews, we Mormons have a long history
of persecution." The Mormon Faith requires persecution to defend against
influence by rational thought and pressing reality. Mockery is part of the Mormon
Brand part of the baggage of Mormonism, blessed by the Melchizedek
Priesthood. When having your genitals washed in the temple the priest commands,
repeat after me. "Health in the navel, marrow in the bone, strength in the
loins and in the sinews, power in the priesthood be upon me and upon my posterity
through all generation of time and throughout all eternity forever and ever"
Pay-lay-ale, Amen. Mormons insist on inviting mockery part of the
Mormon Experience Boyd
K. Packer said: "Some things that are true are not very useful."
As in Packer's simple statement of the Mormon Faith, Robert Millet carries
on that religious tradition, "Some things that are useful are not very true."
In the Religion Making Business, some things that are useful are not very true
and consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds Yoni
Chockalingam Summa
Interfaith Dialogue interfaith dialogue and discussion between mormonism,
evangelicalism and catholicism Some
things that are useful are not very true
7, 2010: comment Mormon
Engagement With the World ReligionsConference at USC
Robert Millet, deep-throat Mormon Foundation
for Interreligious Diplomacy Conference: Mormon
Engagement with the World Religions Mormon
Reconciliation The recent statement by the
Church entitled Respect for a Diversity of Faiths opens up new possibilities
for re-thinking other religions and ideologies and what might be learned from
them. Citing Kristor Stendahls three rules for religious understanding,
the statement encourages us to leave room for holy envy by finding
elements in other faiths to emulate. Mormons Holy Envy springs from realizing
their prophet (Joseph Smith) was a charlatan. To learn to let go of Joe would
be a great move for the mormons. Stendahl's Holy Envy is pressed to the limit
when embracing the Mormon Prophetic Tradition. World Religions will have to look
farther than Joe Smith to find redeeming quality in the Mormons. Foundation for
Interreligious Diplomacy Mormon Chapter 2010 Inaugural Conference University
of Southern California June 11th 12th, 2010 In response to increasing
acrimony in public discourse, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
recently affirmed that the moral basis of civility is the Golden Rule, taught
by a broad range of cultures and individuals, perhaps most popularly by Jesus
Christ: And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise
(Luke 6:31). This ethic of reciprocity reminds us all of our responsibility toward
one another and reinforces the communal nature of human life. (The
Mormon Ethic of Civility, LDS Newsroom, October 16, 2009)
16, 2009: It is good that Mormons desire to seek reciprocity, however,
what can the mormons give in return?Well, how was Mormon Diplomacy? It's July
7, 2010 and so far not a peep from Robert Millet on Mormon/Christian cohabitation
of our planet. The conference was designed to explore various perspectives and
methods for thinking about Latter-day Saints among the faiths and cultures of
world. Its aim will be to connect theology with practice in allowing space for
Mormons to think about the activity of inter-religious dialogue and the possibility
of mutual transformation. The recent statement by the Mormon Church entitled
for a Diversity of Faiths opens up new possibilities for rethinking
other religions and ideologies and what might be learned from them. Citing Kristor
Stendahls three rules for religious understanding, the statement encourages
us to leave room for holy envy by finding elements in other
faiths to emulate. It goes on to affirm that Latter-day Saints accept
all sincere believers as equals in the pursuit of faith and in the great work
of serving humanity. This ethic of reciprocity reminds us all of our responsibility
toward one another and reinforces the communal nature of human life. (The
Mormon Ethic of Civility, LDS Newsroom, October 16, 2009) To reinforce
communal nature of human life may be a stretch for Mormons, being the "most
correct" leaves little room for the lessor correctness of others. Mormons
know, this is not the real playing field anyway, the Afterlife in the here-after
is where the real bargaining begins for Mormons. GOK THE
God and country It's alright to do it but don't get caught
Mormon Magic for Mormons only,
mormon love of the supernatural
Mormon Temple Ordinances: Another shuttle launch from Zarahemla,
it's Pay-lay-ale all the way with so much faith to save the day.
For Temple Recomend Mormons Only Mormon
Deep-Space Doctrine After 17 decades of space
exploration, The Mormons have developed standards and practices that have served
the Mormon Faith in Heaven and on Earth; maximizing fuel efficiency and payload
capacity by employing supernatural means has led to great efficiencies through
faith. Beyond the traditional methods for transport the Mormons have secured
exclusive use of methods known only to them. Since the beginning Mormon Space
travel has changed little believing, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's
Pay-lay-ale all the way. Terryl Givens, Master
of Rebirthing Debriefing has documented that when piercing the veil, "not
one sentilla of you will be lost," in the transcendent transferral to Mormon
Heaven once tributes are paid. Faith will conquer all when piercing the Veil.
Zarahemla ranks high in the Religion Making Business. Ephima
Morphew |

Mormon Schisms | The
message was the messenger: Ingeel The messenger was the message: Ingeel
Agape: Pay-lay-ale "O God, hear
the words of my mouth!" Whatever that means . . . TRY, Pay-lay-agu-ghe:
"O God, hear the words of my mind!" |
Pay-lay-ale Oah ta-na siam MORMON
Heaven the peril and pleasure of Mormon Afterlife Answers to be Questioned All
you need to know, the Easy Steps to the Mormon Eternal Progression
it's easy, it's fun and there are lots of papers to sign. MORMON HEAVEN is
a fairly straight forward affair, not too complicated but not too simple either.
Mormons know most religions make heavenly attainment too simple to be believed.
First, in order to get into the Mormon Afterlife one must pre-exist. Pre-existence
is requisite for moving forward. Once you preexist you are ready to engage in
Mortal Life; for many of us this is the existential part. Mortal Life is where
one learns about how to get what you want; all the other places the human spirit
must go to be among the elect. Of course as we mortals do, we die and that's
when stuff really starts to happen to the Mormon Spirit.. Aside from leaving
your now useless mortal body, your spirit is shunted onto a new body that looks
just like the old one but also just like all others too. You float down the long
cloudy hall to one of two doors. There is the Fast Track
Spirit Paradise If luck is with you, and your report card is a 'C' or
above, your spirit moves directly to Spirit Paradise and Righteousness.
There is the Slow Track Spirit Prison If you're
not so lucky and Mormon Spirit Spies rat on you, you are shunted to Spirit
Prison, Unrighteousness, which for many is not fun and requires many examinations
by frowning Spirit Testers challenging your faith, but with perfect obedience,
one can rebound from this setback. This is likened to Purgatory for evangelicals.
For most Mormons this may condemn one to the Kingdom of the Devil.
But where do we go from there? So either in Spirit Paradise or Spirit
Prison there is a lot of waiting and tribulation until the Spirit Examiners
decide to pronounce the FINAL JUDGMENT. When judged worthy, one passes
through the veil into Mormon Afterlife. One is rematerialized into flesh and blood
to propagete beings on other solar systems with the requisite spirit wife (wives).
Comprised of several Kingdoms, depending on the mood of the Spirit Examiners,
one can expect one of three prized positions in Mormon Heaven. 1st.
Celestial Kingdom: a cool place and nothing to sneer at. Many mormons are
here and they are relieved and happy with their lot to be cast as part of the
placement at all. 2nd. Terrestial Kingdom: a very groovy kingdom
with lots of clouds and glitter. Most Mormons here in the Middle Kingdom, a contrived
space between the two other heavens designed to comfort the Lumpen folk..
3rd. Telestial Kingdom: a very elevated space in space with many
Select Mormons and lots of clouds, but on a clear day you can see forever. Once
obtained by whatever means necessary devotees will be secure from any more pestering
by church authorities forever; one is free to bonk and procreate with lusty abandon
to build your own personal creation myth with all your spirit-wives. 4th.
The Kingdom of the Devil: Satan is in charge and it's just like Hell. perpetual
misery, sweaty and stinky, and there is no time for smoke breaks or jokes and
the music is ghastly. * So the tally of
spiritual places one may find oneself are seven. Most Mormons forget to count
pre-existence but according to our ledger pre-existence must count for something,
while not heaven, it seems to be a state of suspension with no pain and no performance
expectations so in its own way it too is heavenly. After Mortal Life is
finished, there are two purgatories, fast track and slow track. With the
big event, FINAL JUDGMENT, you, as Mormon, will find yourself in one of four slots.
Celestial Kingdom, Terrestial Kingdom, or Telestial Kingdom. If, After
all the waiting, trials and testing you fail to sway the Spirit Testers, you hit
the wall and are condemned to Mormon Hell or The Kingdom of the Devil,
but you are still a Mormon forever. From that point all Mormon Spirits exist
in a levitating steady state for eternity, but for all the procreation one gets
to perform in Mormon Heaven; one is duty bound to populate the Universe with yet
more Mormons and on and on. *
Mormon Hell: There is no reference to procreation in Mormon Hell but
it must be going on behind the Devil's back, or perhaps Satan is entertained by
grand copulating heaps of fallen Mormons. It follows, some perverse logic would
imply that Lucifer would love to engage in smarmy sex fests with millions of Mormons
in Mormon Hell. For certain Satan would love to moderate much discussion on how
loopy Mormon Heaven must be, how boring it must be, what with all the singing,
courtly ritual, clouds and stuff. As Mark Twain said, "Heaven is for
the climate but Hell is for the company." It has never been revealed
whether Lucifer is a Gentile, just another Fallen Mormon or Jew.. Thaddeus
Quella The
Prophet and the Philosopher A
contemporary of Joseph Smith, spoke, after a long dissertation by the prophet
Joseph spoke of his Religion and its Afterlife. The acquaintance,
Mark Twain, listened patiently then said: "Sounds nice but you must know
Joe, Heavens is for the climate and Hell is for the Company."
Mormon Schisms The
Mormon Sunstoner verses The Mormon Farmer |

Mormon Sunstoner vs Farmer |
a comment by gok to Mormon Matters Gus O. Kahan tried to post a comment on
Mormon Matters discussion group but alas the post was censored. Gus can only
conclude that "Natural Men" are exempted from any thinking on MORMON
MATTERS. It must be true, "When the Prophets have spoken the thinking has
been done." COMMENT BY: GOK discussion
on Robert Millet and Mormon Matters yes, I'm GOD ONLY KNOWS, your warm and
fuzzy "Natural Man." I'm what you call a gentile but you even call
a Jew a gentile so I'm in good company.
I bothered to follow your discussion from Robert Millet and his apologetic discourse
on "Speaking of Faith" to your squabbles and shibboleths over how many
eyes can peep into a hat to read an Urim Thummim stone. Gosh folks, the veracity
of conjecture remains the same ambiguous, whether a MORMON Sunstoner
or a MORMON Farmer it's all based on deciding whether the miraculous was invested
in a kid that, with hormones raging, got the WORD from some angel and then was
visited by John the Baptist to indemnify the authenticity of an upstate New Yorker
Angel and the magic in the new world between the 1st and 2nd awakenings. The baggage
carried forward becomes more and more problematic that must be admitted.
It's about Millet and the "Religion Making Business." Mormonism is desperate
to move beyond General Joe Smith, his brother and the rest of the gang that printed
and minted by Divine Right in the name of Elohim. And there is much more too,
Holy Dog Poo. Folks, look to Robert Millet and ponder his divisive attempt
to move into the "Religion Making Business." Save yourselves, Delight
enlighten and convert to Prosperity Theology Evangelism or go back to the Pearl
of great price, with warts and all. ps. When kibitzing about decimal point
placement the whole numbers are forgotten; but being a gentile, not elect, excludes
me from divine right insight. Perhaps you are reconciling the "Mormon Problem"
but where is the decimal point? GOK
Young is our Mormon Moses with staff and flail"

Like Brigham, Moses led the (elect) chosen ones into the promised land to explore
their Religious Destiny. Moses feeling the blessing
of doubt, seeking guidance on a pensive day, looking for someone to lead, needing
someone to follow goats not yet milked Not Happy. |
A nagging question confronted by contemporary
theologians, the cause of much gnashing of teeth: "Did Moses look like Charlton
Heston or Brigham Young?"
The Answer: Within the paradigmatic
constructs of contemporary existence, within a postmodern, post-high-postmodern,
modern, futurist, transhumanist and liturgical paradigm, Moses and monotheism
no longer hold the interest to one who realizes life is nasty nasty nasty and
we thank god that it's short so as to limit collateral damage. We pass on our
social successes to our future selves self-organized to support the meritocracy.
Moses could not find relief from guilt but "we bearers of arms
and iPods" can reconcile all for the sake of willful ignorance and having
lots of stuff. The provisional authority over possessions salves us from agape.
The Inuit greet by saying, "life is hard," Moses, not Charlton Heston,
would agree. Nagging Questions deserve nagging answers. Like Simetic
Tribals, Mormonism is great for nagging too. Remember:
"Some things that are useful are not very true." In the Religion Making
Business, some things that are useful are not very true. What
would Mormon banker Mariner Eccles think of this axiom? | Apostles
come in many stripes Mormon Dharma, Mormons in
the Apostolic Penitentiary, Mormon Apostles  Mormons
Apostles in waiting, posing on the steps of their meditation cells; all part
of the Mormon Covenant of Mormonism. Early Mormon Devotees working on their
dharma for the sake of Mormon Karma Millet
and Mormon Reservations The
MormonIntellectual is a Oxymoron by Divine Right Advancing
the trope of Mormonology through Mormon Reservations Teach
Mormon Youth (Mormon Elders) double think thought early in life. 1.
Robert Millet encourages duplicity: We never provide meat when milk will
do or in other words dont address their concerns, instead conceal
and deceive. This approach builds trust and loyalty? 2. Dr. Millet promotes
obfuscation: Answer the question they should have asked? This is
political (PR) spin 101. This is a deceptive and dishonest approach. Scummy
used car salesman approach. 3. Millet the visionary: "Declare Christ
by the witnessing of Joseph Smith." He spent his entire talk telling
the youth to put on the blinders, bury their heads in the sand, ignore reason
and rely on feelings. I have lots of friends who believe they have the corner
on Truth; funny thing is they also believe God has told them it
is true. This crap makes my blood boil! 4. Bob Millet master of the religious
understanding conceit: He has implanted and is reinforcing a persecution complex.
This approach will do nothing but create additional baggage for these kids,
baggage they will some day have to shed. 5. Professor Millet serves up cookies
and milk I love the don't debate about spiritual things, teach
and testify Heaven forbid. debating may require you to defend
your faith, reason or even worse, you may be exposed to Anti Mormon
ideas. "God forbid that you are exposed to anything except for
the milk we have given you." For
a good part, "the Book of Mormon sounds Bibical" Ask
ask a mormon about Peep-stone Prophecy Hugo
Baltzer Changing
the world one Mormon at a time through religious understanding and Mormon
Counter-Apologetics The
Mormon Intellectual is an Oxymoron by Divine Right Strategic
Evangelism: Plan of Salvation The measures
of success on matters of faith: Bob Millet and Greg Johnson Dialogues
One can easily tell how successful a theologian is by his waste-line. Like John
Hagee and Daniel C. Peterson, Robert Millet and Greg Johnson are obese theologians.
When it's time for the rapture they expect The Lord to do some Extra Heavy Lifting. The
Obese Theologian, it seems, is a double dipper in front of everybody, demonstrating
The Faith Axiom of bounty and reward for the deserving. Strategic
Evangelism Plan
of Salvation: Strategic Evangelism is an attempt to kluge Evangelical Christianity
and Mormonism into a unified Plan of Salvation, Millet and Johnson are on an odyssey
for unity in Heaven and on Earth. Robert Millet and Greg Johnson
are seen playing more games of Rock, Scissors, Paper. Millet and Johnson have
been playing a running game of Rock, Paper, Scissors for years now with no end
in sight. It is rumored that Greg Johnson is ahead by a considerable amount confirming
that Robert Millet, on matters of faith, is a gas bag, My primal question?
"I want to know who I am and what (who) it was that made me that way."
Mormons don't have an answer as the question is never asked. Mormons have an answer
for such questions but it requires perfect obedience to divine their Most Correct
Answer to the Plan of Salvation. |
Robert Millet and Greg Johnson: dueling theologians playing
more games of Rock Paper Scissors for Jesus.
Millet playing yet more Rock Paper Scissors in faith Strategic Evangelism
is kluging both heaven and earth for a unified Plan of Salvation. "See
Bob, that's the tenth time in a row, let's take a break for a bit and perhaps
your luck witll change." "Humm Greg, this is a hard game." "Look
Bob if you keep throwing rocks, I'll keep throwing paper try something
different, try scissors, ya-know scissors cuts paper. "Ok." "Ready,
one, two, three. Ha, see you can change, but, I threw a rock and rock breaks your
scissors." "Let's try again, ready, one, two, three."
Getting at the Truth, Bridging the Divide may be a bridge too far in the Mormon
Religion Making Business. |
obese religious people are among the most successful in selling the religion making
business. "Too few recognise how important our faith is." Bob
Millet and Greg Johnson's TV show last night Robert Millet and Greg Johnson
play yet another game of rock paper scissors; when played by theologians this
simple exercise takes on "Bibical (Biblical) Dimensions." Gabriel
von Himmel Is
it Convicted Civility or Civility Convicted? Jews
to Mormons we'll tell you what to think Greg Johnson in his zeal
as an ex-Mormon, now Evangelical, promotes religious understanding at the expense
of secular intellectual property. Greg johnson in his knee-jerk desire to promote
a Mormon / Evangelical merger sees fit to steal intellectual property for his
end to the end (Hereafter); his theft leaves our site orphaned of content from
context while Greg Johnson's evangelical business plan is to kluge heaven and
earth in a cosmic slurry of misbegotten conjecture.
sent to: October 25, 2012 12:28:02 PM PDT Missive
to Greg Johnson Mission:
to kluge Evangelical Christianity and Mormonism fix this now: Greg,
when the mormons take such liberties with reality, their conjecture is viewed
by the naive, the less informed, the superstitious as an authentic avenue for
salvation for themselves and wayward relatives. When liberty is aligned with
obedience there are assumptions by the unwashed that lead to other, much more
pernicious attitudes toward the gentile and the earth itself. The Manichean Mormon
is not helpful to world understanding. As a Mormon Bishop told me, yes it
was a Palmer: "The Earth is like a rubber ball and will bounce back." All
Mormons view non-Mormons as gentiles of which I am but one. As for the Lords
of the World, their conjecture is sketchy as well but they still believe in guilt. But
what is not sketchy is your use of SCARI.ORG's intellectual property. I
applaud your good taste in selecting an image/narrative that expresses your talking
point, but, Link to source material to place content and context in alignment. It's
like bait and switch or posthumous baptisms and a heaven that welcomes baby grand
pianos Disneyland is soon to follow. You know Disneyland is designed
around 3/5's scale; I see mormonism falls prey to the same design standard; "Let's
make it cute and cuddly after all it's the afterlife and the Amish (socialist)
FROM YOU BLOG. A better image can be found here: I hope you and Robert Millet are
getting all the kinks ironed out for Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy, Mormon Engagement
with the World Religions. thank you.
Mormon Martyr
Mormon Myth
Joseph Smith, wounded from revised revelations
Mormon Thought is the Mormon Oxymoron Learning to let go of
Joe: Mormon Intellectuals are led by their Leading Scholar, Joseph Smith,
the Revelator. So Mormon Intellectuals are significantly infirmed by Mormon Tenents
(Tenets) and Doctrine. For Mormonism, a Mormon Intellectual is, in the purist
sense, a Mormon Oxymoron. A Mormon intellectual is an oxyMoroni that
is, in the trade known as, OxyMoronic Mormonism. AKA: profligate
religious promiscuity For
a good part, the Book of Mormon sounds "Bibical" Mormon
Nocebo Counter-Apologetics Devoted
to apologies for counter-apologetic dogma; a space to expose Dogmatological Mormon
Doctrine Practice and Rhetoric, a place for Mormon Detractors
to find solace; a metaphorical harbor in the storm of feral piety and sycophantic
zealotry, a brief treatise on saving the planet from rampant ignorance for
the sake of all mankind, Mormons included, and all the little animals who have
fallen under the cursed spell of "our dominion." Dr.
Thaddeous Quella God's Army, states of grace
in that special place
Mormon Thought Steps to Mormon
Empowerment, Shock Troops in God's Army "The
Mormon Enemy" You know the Mormons
think of evangelicals as "The Enemy." If Christ would bother to look
down upon them, he say, "Go figure, you guys I can't tell which
from what -- I'm confused. Einy Meany Miney Moe. . . " He pause, put
his index finger to his lips, looking quizzically and he say, "You guys don't
have a clue." Then he shrink into that teeny tiny space called heaven
POOF. It's
unfortunate but Mormons believe our earth is only a means to the end, Mormons'
War on Terra: "The Earth is like a rubber ball
and will bounce back." Are you believing too much too often,
if so you must be thinking of becoming a Mormon
you can be a Mormon too. To believe is to understand. Remember
Mormons worry not about
the moral hazard of faith. Side
Effects of suffering with nocebo
Meet the Man: Meet
the man responsible for the death of General Joseph Smith, William Law
An Interview with William Law: THE DAILY
for killing Joe Smith William
Law recounts: "Joseph Smith having sent Rockwell to kill Governor
Boggs. Let me tell you, that Joe Smith, told me the fact himself. The words were
substantially like this, "I sent Rockwell to kill Boggs, but he missed him,
it was a failure; he wounded him instead of sending him to Hell." Governor
Boggs was out of office but revenge smelled sweet for Joe Smith. The
Mormon Assassin, "Rockwell was the lackey of the house. He used to comb and
shave Joseph, blackened his boots and drove his carriage. He would have done anything
Joe wanted him to do. I never saw a horse or carriage belonging to Rockwell which
you say he got from Joseph for the attempt to kill Boggs." One might
conclude, Governor Ford was to take no chances with Mormon Assassins. Ford had
promised Missouri's Governor Boggs protection but failed, the attempted murder
by Rockwell was revenge by Joe Smith's Plot of assassination for the Mormon War
in Missouri. mormon ziggurat 
mormon socialism mission
How to assassinate a General Officer, The killing of
Joseph Smith,: Atlantic Monthly, December 1869 Excerpt from Cultures
in Conflict by John Hay.
The niggeling
details, cosmetics are important for the sacred faith to grow. Cosmetology
is vital for a well quaffed faith to flourish. Robert
Millet is the Mormon Deepthroat And Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy Apologist Robert
Millet, deceptive
theologian, is training a new generation of Ersatz Christian Cadre
in the Religion Making Business of deceptive theology for Mormon Branders
to create a different kind of Jesus. mormon pundit

Hoping for LIFE BEYOND Robert Millet. Mormon phrenology
specialist Millet
Reconciliation The talking head says "No
Problem" Mormon
Orthodoxy: Millet
has no problem reconciling: "You already know more about God
and Christ and the plan of salvation than anybody who will attack you."
and Mormon
Neo-Orthodoxy: "We're in the religion-making business,
for a short time, I mean, compared to the Christian church, which has been at
this for a couple of millennia. We've really only been about that for 20 or 30
years." Robert
Millet speaks on the
irrelevance of Mormon Doctrine 'Getting
at The Truth' Neo-Orthodoxy
Suggestions to ponder: 'whether it is true or not may
actually be irrelevant.' Mormons need to gather the tribe
and consider what it is that mormons do and why. Robert Millet master
of religious understanding knows what's what and how to get it done while Bridging
the Divide by omission. Maintaining purity of doctrine. Emphasizing
the importance of the family and the home. Placing all the work of the Church
under priesthood direction. Establishing proper relationships among the organizations
of the Church. Achieving unity and order in the Church. Ensuring simplicity
of Church programs and materials. Neo-Orthodoxy
Manifesto Salvation Plan: Robert
Millet, Professor of Religious Understanding states in 'Getting At The Truth' "If
the general authorities do not teach something today, it is not part of
our doctrine today. That does not, however, mean that a particular teaching
is untrue. A teaching may be true and yet not a part of what is
taught and emphasized by the Church today. In fact, if the Brethren do
not teach it today, if it is not taught directly in the standard works,
or if it is not found in our correlated curriculum, whether it is true
or not may actually be irrelevant." - Robert Millet,
Getting at the Truth, p. 66
some things that are useful are
not very true
Robert Millet Getting At The Truth Caveat: "Relevant
Truth or Untruth is subject to change or reversal by revelation of verifying authorities
or priestly fiat." The
more good works in heaven Yes, the Mormon Bureaucracy carries on
in heaven. And yes you are being watched; the gatekeepers and sacred rituals confirm
each step through the mazes of heaven long lines for the chosen,
lots of waiting, but the wait is part of the test designed to authenticate Perfect
Obedience and Mormon Purity of Faith. There are certificates to be stamped,
lists to check and examinations of faith. The trials are designed to confirm solidarity
and unquestioning belief in the prophet and his hereafter in the everafter. It's
not easy to wend one's way through the seven levels of celestial radiance, long
queues, but for "perfect obedience," the rewards are huge in the religion
making business. Gabriel Von Himmel
copyright Scari©2008 all rights reserved Scari.Org Mormon
Branders Mormon Branders or "the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints Marketing" has been crippled by loss of message control; to lose
control of their Branding Message is problematic for the Religion Making Business
and the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Mormons are still working out the kinks in
"the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Marketing Department." Dickensian
Tunes Millet Bangs on the Mormon Organ Delight
Enlighten Convert A Fellow Mormon Speaks on Millet Had
Robert Millet lived 150 years ago, he might have become a character in a Charles
Dickens novel. Millet assumes that Mormonism is good for everyone. Therefore
he is confident that there is no obligation for full disclosure. Unfortunately,
I know from first hand experience that many converts do suffer needlessly when
they relate to Mormon truth claims literally. The fact is the more you believe
the missionary discussions, the more likely you are going to make irrational decisions.
In some cases that turns out for the better. Most converts melt away. And then
there are some that are trying so hard to be good Mormons that the converts get
hurt. If Millet were selling used cars or insurance then he would go to jail.
Since he is in religion, he considers his lack of candor virtuous. Millet
has no idea how dangerous his behavior is because he willfully ignores the consequences
of his actions. In reality, he is just another salesman with an unhealthy dose
of self-righteousness. When people believe him, folks will get hurt. Comment
by Hellmut March 23, 2007 # 40 Mormon
Branding, On
"the Religion Making Business"
One might Ask? One
might ask why pick on the Mormons and that's a fair question.
One might say because, as a metaphor, it's easy. When shaping a short treatise
on self deception to model all organized religion why not choose a no brainer
. . . Mormonism is "in the religion making business," just another
franchise like Starbucks but without the coffee. Do the math. GOK mormon
myth, page 9 
heavenly mormon phrenology The
Mormons need new and creative revelations for the faith to grow The Mormons
need a new and creative revelator for the faith to grow. If I were a Mormon
Myth Maker If I were interested in working within
the Mormon myth making business, the Mormon Paradigm, I would petition to
have the Sacred Book of Mormon altered to reflect its present-day relevance.
I would petition to have all 1381 entries of "And it came to pass" altered
to "Once upon a time." A petition for clarity in the Scared BOM
would focus the mind and, hopefully, create more myth for the Mormon Church Myth
Makers to make Mormom Myth the Most Correct of all Sacred Revelations. Like
the King James Version Of the Holy Bible translated from Latin, the Book of Mormon
could stand a makeover to be understood by the average gentile lumpen
folk . A Mormon Scholar can choose precious phrases in the Book of Mormon
and extract and insert "Once upon a time" where needed and demonstrated
the more correct effect. A Petition for Change could be taken to the Mormon
Quorum for consideration. After all it's merely a slight modification to the text,
the sacred content remains intact. It seems a group of dedicated Ex-Mormons
could masterfully insert a Protestant infusion of new blood and help create more
traction for more Mormon Religious Traditions. We know the Nicean Conference in
332 A.D. did not take place in a vacuum. More religious tradition is more better
in the religiom making business. The Mormons need new and creative revelators
for the faith to grow, why can't Ex-Mormons help out with religious tradition
by creating revelations too? Mormons need a New Latter-day
Saint Messiah. It's been over one hundred sixty years since the Mormon
revelations have received a messianic boost. It's time for a Present-day Latter-day
saint to burst on the scene to direct doctrine, reveal revelations and define
Mormon Market Strategy. The Mormons need new and creative revelations from
a Pubescent Myth Maker to be struck dumb and possessed by revelation. By the majesty
of Yahweh or Eloheim or Jehovah or God these things are possible through Divine
Right. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints craves a new creator
(NeoRevelator) to direct the Religion Making Business beyond the old infirmed
Mormon Prophets, like Hyrum and Brigham, even Kimball . It is known through the
Melchizedek Priesthood, Mormons have exclusive use of the theologic equivolent
of Royal Jelly to smear on Potential Candidate Prophets to grow into fledged and
flying prophetic radiance. Religious Tradition must "reveal the New Mormon
Prophet for all the world to see -- so it will there for all to see."
Ex-Jew and Ex-Mormon, Stanley U. Goldburg President
Joseph Fielding Smith, the tenth LDS prophet said: "Mormonism,
as it is called, must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. He was either
a prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned, or he
was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. There is no middle ground.
If Joseph Smith was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead the people,
then he should be exposed; his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown
to be false, for the doctrines of an impostor cannot be made to harmonize in all
particulars with divine truth. If his claims and declarations were built upon
fraud and deceit, there would appear many errors and contradictions, which would
be easy to detect." 
Bloggernacle LDS Bloggernacle
Bluster and Buzz with the usual suspects (9/22/08) Recent
Apologetics postings by Lou Midgley and Dan Peterson in the Mormon Bloggernacle
are benign examples of what I mean. I wish there were more discussions on our
LDS Psyops and the newly developed LDS, Leaflet Delivery System and its ability
to win the hearts and minds of more gentiles. Bickering over Apologetics Strategy
is useless when there is a wonderful wide world of gentiles to convert. We must
forget about mainstream aspirations and focus on LDS Psyops through our LDS Leaflet
Distribution Systems. We need more Predator Drone UAV aircraft for payload delivery.
The future of the church hangs in the balance. Apologetics
is a lost cause; it's impossible to explain Mormonism, it must be felt. The Mormon
Spirit is fragile and gentiles are so crass; they lack the sensitivity Mormons
require for faith to grow, but with our LDS (leaflet delivery system) the full
fury of our perception management potential can be realized for more Mormon Converts.
We need more UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and larger UAV, Vehicle-Payloads for
better leaflet saturation over target areas. Our future lies in effective use
of our Leaflet Distribution Systems. Barbara Smith Palmer Gift
of Holy Ghostliness The Mormon Gift of Revelation Conjecture For
a drug induced summary. Conjecture on the Mormon Problem, this link will delight,
elighten, to enliven the discussion on Mormon Apologetics while chronicling
the pitiful
decline of Mormon Thought Preliminary
finding released:
The Divine Right Rite Keen on Fecundity The Salient differences
between LDS Mormons and Mormon Fundies appears in the fault line between feral
piety and domesticated Zealotry. It's like the Fundaliens had landed from
the planet Kolob and a few humans sold out to the Fundaliens and beget Mormolians.
These Mormolians, more domesticated than their brethern are like no other species.
They call themselves Mormons and they walk the planet and do what they do to further
earn honors (chits) to cart off to other constellations, galaxies, hell, nebulae
to propagate a personal strain of Mormon. On this planet deeded to the devotee,
religious tradition holds this to be done with one's Spiritual Partner for one
to propagate progeny to worship you as their creator -- their God (Mormon Fundies
get as many wives as they need to turn this trick) to secure an everafter in the
hereafter. The Sacred, not Secret Fecund Mission: It's a growth industry,
it's all about growth, making babies, the mission, prosperity, making more babies;
it's the full leap to faith (NoSpace Suit Needed) regardless of which
Mormon Sect, they are off to worlds beyond with full faith and credit from Joe
Smith himself. In a perfect universe, Evangelicals and Mormons would run off
together to another planet to do works of wonder and live to conquer gentiles
and save souls alturnatly until they eat eachother up. Howard Hughes and
Richard Nixon found Mormons usful and George Bush carries on this religious tradition.
Willing empty vessels are handy here because Mormons live for the Great Cosmic
Hereafter filled with sprinkles and glitter and fecundity. Unfortunately, this
is not Science Fiction or Scientology, it's Mormonism and "The Earth is like
a rubber ball and will bounce back." Hugo Baltzer The
Salient The
Salient differences between LDS Mormons and Mormon Fundies appears in the faul-line
between feral piety and domesticated Zealotry. Between
pulpit and Pew
Manichean Mormon Fantasy Religious
Caveat for Mormon Apostles: Mormon Reservations
Mormon religious reservation is the ability to reserve the truth when truth might
be inconvenient to church and affiliates. Church authorities, armed with clerical
reservation can omit, redact or otherwise obfuscate whatever inconvenience it
might find to be damaging to the authority of the priesthood. Acting on the malleability
of truth allows the elect to endure for the sake of religious authority by lying
whenever deemed to be in Mormon self-interest. Get
the facts first then you can distort them as you please and then
engage in profligate religious promiscuity July
17, 2010: late breaking news, on
religious promiscuity from
the Mormon Apostolic Stud Farm: The
Mormon Vessel, A Mormon Sister Speaks "As
an older Mormon Lady, mother of ten, after years of devotion to my faith I know
the Plan of Salvation is measured by having lots of babies, But at my age, I'm
getting tired, tired of pushing babies out my butt for the Prophet. Seems fruitless
to just make more babies without truly understanding why I have to be part of
The Prophet's Plan.
God hear the words of my mouth." Barbara Smith Palmer Mormon
Neo-Orthodoxy: Retro-Apologetics is not Counter-Apologegics, Mormons should
apologize for insisting their deception (fraud) is worth the damage done to Global
Reality. After self-scrutiny Mormon Apologetics should apologize for their fraud.
Now that Mormon Apologetics is through explaining their faith, their job, now,
is to apologize for their apologetics from the beginning. |
History is cultural necrophilia. To keep it simple, Mormonism is just Proto-Scientology Strategic
Evangelism the
measure of success: On matters of faith, one can easily tell how successful a
theologian is by his waste-line. Morbidly
obese religious people are among the most successful salesmen in the religion
business but as reward, they do, they expect The Lord to do some Extra Heavy Lifting. Strategic
Evangelism is an attempt to kluge Evangelical Christianity and Mormonism Over
time theologians have distorted the idea of Jesus into Prosperity Theology
for the Prophet. Truly: Drinking A Different Kind Of Jesus Greg
Johnson stole this image for his blog Convicted
Civility or Civility Convicted Evangelical Myopia is Mormon Myopia note:
the image you see is from Greg Johnson's site, he still has our SCARI.ORG image
on his server. Greg,
please stop stealing intellectual property, Robert Millet might not approve. Bridging
the divide may be a bridge too far in the religion making business.