mormon page 9 
global Mormonism
Mormons Beat Back the Beast, Sacred Destinations
Branding Mormonism |
Mormon Heaven, another spiritual insanity

Liberty through Obedience with Mormon Miracles |
Assault on Mt. Kailash And it's coming to pass after much planning
God's Army marches on Mt. Kailash. Mormons on top of the World looking for more
states of grace in the Religion Making Business

And It came to pass, Mormon Globalism The
Mormon Movement Plans to climb Mt. Kailash, "Our
Mormon Missionary Climbing Team is ready. Planning has been underway for five
years, now is the time to make the climb. Our expedition leader Herman Menck has
decided that 2013 is cosmically correct for first assent on Mt Kialash, Tibet
Elevation 21778 ft. Mt Kialash, aka, Mt Gang Rinpoche is not the
highest peak in Tibet but its sacred stature is unassailable." MORMON Transhumanists
are thrilled at the prospect; part of the Mormon Plan,"a New Jesus to mitigate
Perfect Obedience."
Mormons knocking at Heaven's door, as plans move forward on Mt. Kailash
"We Mormons are not interested in mountaineering like
most mountain climbers but we want to see what's at the top. A peak so revered
by holy men must have special powers. For 3,000 years the Buddhist believe this
to be the most holy of all the peaks in the Himalayas and we want to know why;
our Mormon Missionary Climbing Team plans on finding the source of this sacred
secret to share with all Mormons everywhere. We are committed to bringing back
the facts to our people as Joseph Smith delivered the true faith many years ago."
It looks like Mormons are one step closer to heaven. | |
Army Brings good Works to Mt. Kailash . . . Mormons on Kailash to lay claim
for LDS Unity Beyond the Mormon Temple there are many other scared
places to occupy, God's Army is prepared and ready to assail the heights of Mt.
kailash. Beyond fast offerings, tithing, building fund, missionary fund, ward
fund, perpetual education fund, etc. funding or spiritual exploration is essential,
Meanwhile, The Mormon Church can drop 1.5 billion dollars on malls, build trade
centers, luxury resorts, football practice facilities, buy gaming preserves, cattle
ranches, housing developments, surely there must be monies for spiritual expansion.
"The Mormon Spiritual Assault on Kailash is but one adventure for our faith."
Thomas S. Monson and Gereral Authorities Dr. Mack Director and Mr. Herman Menck
are backing Project Kailash. Mormon Theologians are convinced,
"To summit Mt. Kialash would put the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints in the avante guard. The conquest adds new vitality to Church Members and
draws attention to the Church's ability for conquest From Wasatch
to Kailash and far beyond."

Mormon Climbers on a Mission in God's Army,
these Mormon Missionaries are looking for signs of the elusive Wasatch Sasquatch;
just another Demonstration of the Mormon Faith.
make Many Plans for Youth-in-Asia Circumnavigation of Kailash
(known as a kora) is to be one of the Mormon Eco-tourist destinations. Future
tours of this sacred ground will be guided by a permanent staff located in Darchen
(Ta'erqin), the nearest village to Kailash. Plans for a future Mormon Temple and
hotel (The Joseph Smith Hostel) are already on the boards, designed to be one
of our most beautiful, with a distinct eastern influence conforming to Feng Sui
sensibilities. Pilgrimages will be fully supported by staff and tour guides.
Background Information:
"Gang Rinpoche or Kang Rinpoche" in Tibetan, has been deemed a holy
mountain for over 3000 years. Mt. Kailash is the place where the religion of Bon
originated. To Hindus, Mt. Kailash is worshipped as the home of Shiva, the god
with highest supernatural power and the highest rank among the 3 gods of Hinduism.
Pilgrims from India, Nepal and Bhutan as well as those from around Tibetan areas
come here to pay homage to the mountain every year, making Mt. Kailash one of
the most important religious mountains in world.; Mormons are soon to join the
ranks. | Mormon
Youth-in-Asia for the Religion Making Business "After
much practice in the Wasatch Range, our team of Mormon Missionary Mountaineers
are prepared to summit Mt. Kailash," A Mormon Missionary Spokesman further
stated, "Part of the plan is to transport all gear to the mountain-base in
two wheeled carts pushed and pulled by hundreds of young Mormon Missionaries.
On Kailash Circumbulance: a troop of God's Army, 500 in all is going to circle
Mt. Kailash and cache thousands of Books of Mormon in kerns for future Mormon
Pilgrims to refer to for spiritual guidance as they circle our conquest."
It's true the highest peak of Gangdise mountian range, Mt. Kailash is a wonder.
Several female missionaries on the team have expressed unconditional love for
the conquest of such a mission for Jesus and the Prophet Joseph Smith. Assent
to the Locus of the World by Youth-in-Asia The four great rivers,
named after the four supernatural animals in paradise - the horse, lion, elephant
and peacock, orginated from Mt. Kailash and flow off in four directions. The Indus
runs towards the north conferred the courage of a lion. The Ganges flows toward
the south and grants the beauty of a peacock. The Brahmaputra flows towards the
east and grants the speed of a horse.The Sutlej runs to the west and confers the
strength of an elephant. "And we will capture it all for Jesus." Mormon
Climbing team in training on the Wasatch Range Pushing toward the summit
to to secure States of Grace. Mormons Missionaries have been involved
in intense traning on the Wasatch. Hyrum Palmer Smith heads up the the climbing
team. "The climbing missionaries are able students; They have the spirit
in them to excel in anything they do so climbing for the church is a calling that
fits their love for Jesus." Others in the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints have grumbled about the expense of such and enterprise, "when
there are souls to save all over the land why send Mormon Missionaries to the
top of a mountain in Asia? Some Mormon Elders have deep doubts of the need to
conquer yet more territory. "It's hard enough defending what we already have." From
Wasatch to Kailash More Training
The teams trained to use the famous two wheel handcarts are headed up by
Brigham B. Hokum a former dog and pony trainer. His teams work out on the BYU
campus in Provo. If you have seen them they are an impressive sight, like lusty
steeds, trotting along in groups of two to a handcart in long lines of as many
as fifty carts in a row. They have learned many of the old hand-cart hymns so
happily sung on the trail to Zion (Salt Lake) so many years ago. Brigham says,
"We do our best not to slow traffic too much but the flat and smooth road
surface is best to get the youthful missionaries in shape. There are two women
in training too; they believe that Mother Gonhorra would expect to see a Mormon
Empty Vessel on the team. There are plans to take the Cart Teams out in the
desert soon for realistic conditions. The Mormon Carts to be used in Tibet are
already delivered to Lhasa and await the Hand-cart Teams. BYU
Technicians are involved, theological espionage BYU Faculty are
busy with equipment that may add more accolades beyond Cold Fusion. Faculty
is busy calibrating aquired equipment from disaffected Scientologists who have
converted back to Mormonism. The Scientolgy Dianetics Metering and Auditing devices
are used by Scientologists to measure electric charges eminating from alien matter
and detirmine the source of this energy. Defecting Scientologist are happy the
BYU scientists can put the perloined Dianetics equipment to good work for God's
Army in the Mormon Cause. Mormons gain more wisdom, wisdom by the awful grace
of God, the appropiate use of technology and the Mormon Vice Squad . BYU:
Mormon technicians contribute to more advances for L.D.S hegemony. BYU
Technicians promised the Chinese Officials, also tasked, to find a solution for
fecal matter.
Socialism a tribal act
"some things that
are true are not very useful" some things that are useful are not very
true The Mormon Wars There
were reasons for Mormons to be persecuted. As the persecutors, one could only
expect push back. The following edict was revealed by Joseph smith when setteling
Kirtland and Farwest. It can only be concluded that as Mormons resorted to
these means they might expect the counter-insurgency to mount a swift and violent
response. Thus came the Mormon Wars. |

mormon social mission
| In
short: "Mormons moved to Kirtland and bought the land needed at the price
they wanted to pay. If they won't sell, and it does not come to pass then
steal, burn and kill to acquire the needed parcel by trechery. Disinherit
the landowner by thieft or death. God has deemed it so. Go forth ye Mormons and
do God's Will." The Mormon scriptures on this topic are written
as if God were speaking directly to them, The Mormons, read: "Purchase
this whole region of country... Let them do this lest they receive none inheritance,
save it be by the shedding of blood." (D&C 58: 52-53; emphasis added.)
And then later it reads: "Behold, the destroyer I have sent yee forth to
destroy and lay waste mine enemies; and not many years hence they shall not be
left to pollute mine heritage, and to blaspheme my name upon the lands which I
have consecrated for the gathering together of my saints. .I have commanded...my
warriors, my young men, and middle-aged, to gather together for the redemption
of my people, and throw down the towers of mine enemies, and scatter their watchmen."
(D&C 105:15-16; emphasis added.) In short: Joseph Smith mounted an
inserrection. "Mormons moved to Kirtland and buy there the land needed at
the price they wanted. If this did not come to pass then steal, burn and kill..
Disinherit the landowner by thieft or death. God has deemed it so. Go forth."
The Mormon Wars were propagated to some end by this proclaimation. They raised
lances and the struggle for Zion Began; To what end came the wrath of Elohiem
and his medium, Josepth Smith. On Satan: The Mark of Cain
and the
I have been deceived by the evil one himself he has fooled me
into believing that he doesn't exist. LOL. Temple Baptised Mormons are not only
afraid of him, but they are afraid of NOT being afraid of him (that would mean
they are under his spell or he is not there at all but merely ambigious in nature
by being neither good nor evil. We Mormons are working on finding the source of
this dilemma, some ointment or special glasses that will reveal unto us the source
of evil. Further findings will follow.

pretext |
message was the messenger: Ingeel The messenger was the message: Ingeel
Agape . . . |
World Es War Einmal Mormonen Ubermenchen sagt, "arbeit
macht frei Und es kommen passiet, Fanatische Christen beschimpfen Schwule
fur beschimpft glauben ubermenchen." Und es war ein mal nachmal, Der Mormonen
Ubermenchen sagt, "arbeit macht frei. Die Mormoen Macht Gottes übertragen
worden." |
Global Mormonism : Mormon Pyramid Schemes around the world
Egyptology, Pyramid Schemes, introduction to the Mormon World
| Giza:
it was repoted in late 2006 that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
was in negociation with the Council of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt. Global
Mormonism: The Newest Zion Pyramid Scheme
Pharaonic Reconstruction Pyramids of Cheops, Cairo Egypt
Missionary Mormons have proposed to the Council of Antiquities in Cairo a bold
idea, to rehabilitate the Sphinx of the Cheops to conform to a revisionist historical
view of the world. Beyond Postmodern, the project is touted to increase visitorship
to Egypt and its historic sites. It is said to target an untapped market for both
psudoscience and mythology for the prophet. The dollars discussed are substantial.
At present the Cairo Museum is doubtful of the success of the project, however,
the proposal is on the table and if there are the funds it will be done.
As part of the project, the missionaries have insisted on replacing the traditional
camel tours with tours in two-wheeled carts to be pushed and pulled by young Mormon
Missionaries. The carts are to symbolize the Great Western Mormon Migration to
Salt Lake City of the 185o's. Latest
Sacred Development: 2008 growing the business of faith Cairo has
decided to entertain the prospect posed by the Mormons. This would mean a
whole new tourist destination for Mormon Pilgrims. With the restoration of the
Sphinx of the Chipos to Mormon Revisionist Historical Standards, Egypt will be
a prime location for Mormon Tourism and connoisseurs of wonder. The Mormons
must demonstrate the efficacy of the project, twenty five two wheel carts are
being shipped to Cairo. These will be stationed at the entrance to the Great Pyramids
with the requisite Mormon Missionaries to proselytize and pull the carts through
the sacred site of Giza. Once the Mormons have demonstrated good faith in the
religion making business, restorations on the Sphinx of the Cheops can begin.
The sums discussed were not revealed by Church Officials, however, it is assumed
to be substantial.
Mormon Global Expeditions around the
world | Mormon
Mormon Global is a
committee selected by the Quorum of Seventy to explore potential locations suited
for mormon habitation and development all over the world. Several
pilot projects are now implemented for sounding the potential for the religion
making business. At present preliminary results are promising as we move to
partner with other entities for further expansion on the Arabian Peninsula along
the Lehi - Nephi trail. The Sultan of Dubai has offered his vast resourses, at
our disposal, to promote desinations in Saudi Arabia, Yemen or Djibouti in the
Gulf of Aden Peterha Hamdharaum | If
the pilot project is successful there are plans to move more carts and Missionaries
to Luxor to tour the Valley of the Kings and carry on the tradition of having
many more Mormons in the Holyland for the Religion Making Business. Mormon
Branding and Counter-Apologetics there
we were, in prayer, "Pay-lay-ale" etc. and after an eternity of mumbling
the repitition of "Pay lay ale," we
looked up and falling from the sky was an angel. We could hear the rush of
his wings, all the while the Angel was heard screaming, pay le ale as he hurtled
to earth; his horn was lost in the moment. Again and again "O
God, hear the words of my mouth!" until he joined us in our sacred ritual.
" like
us he was cast adrift with wings akimbo . . .
Speaking of Faith.Org, interview with: Robert Millet Mormon extraordinaire
Comment, 1/27/08: Mormon-ism and the many states of grace "the
religion making business" I was disturbed by your interview with
Robert Millet and his notion of "the religion making business." Krista
Tippett sent one slow-pitch softball after another for Mr. Millet to bunt and
run with. When speaking of the 1st Revelator of the Mormon Dynasty you make no
mention of the basic socialist underpinnings of this Religion Making Business
and from whence it came. Mormons subscribe to a socialist notion for themselves
while insisting the "Gentile" population must play on a hard scrabble
scrum line. You serve up little background on the Spiritualist Movement of the
time with regard to influences on Joe Smith's "many visions" and revisions
to his visions. You said nothing of the Pyramid Schemes: of land dealing,
counterfeit money, invasion by conquest, war and assinations; there was nothing
on that famous visitation by John The Baptist along with Christ's Apostles and
of course the Quid Pro Quo of trading Polygamy for territorial recognition. There
was no mention of the Mormon Pigmentocracy. Why? You let Millet wax on pre-existence
and post-sustenance without touching on "the nuts and bolts of Mormon Heaven,"
and there are lots of bolts to be slapped home and nuts to be turned; and, for
the record, there are many accountants in Mormon Heaven. Try: http://www.scari.org/Mormon.Deconstructed.html
or http://www.scari.org/mormon-haplessness.html The Mormon sunstone at top
of page will carry you off to other places mormons may not want you to think about.
I grew up as a gentile in severe Mormon Country, southern Idaho, and I can testify
to the vicious nature of the "Great Mormon Organ." You blithely
pass over such issues as the confusion of what Mormons deem what is sacred and
what is secret; they are interchangeable when speaking of Mormon Rights of Passage
through their bureaucracy. What of Mormon Environmentalism? Thrity years ago,
I was told by a Mormon Elder, "The Earth is like a rubber ball and will bounce
back." Mormons are convinced of the same notion to this day. My perception
of the program was of a Millet, Tippett seance to sell something older than the
oldest profession. Perhaps the oldest profession was the priesthood for without
the shunning of prostitution, the crime would be left unpunished and unknown.
Priests know this on a viseral level. Please revisit this Business called
Mormonism with an eye torward exhibiting truth, for the Mormons think they love
truth; They are Members of the one True Chruch. Thank you, Gus O. Kahan
Robert Millet and The Mormon Religion-making Business: First
Mormon Theolator: As in the long line of Revelators, Dr. Millet
made the revelatory statement regarding his religion. "We are in the Religion
Making Business" is as close to an authentic revelation as there has
been uttered regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As in
a Corporate Sporting event the idea is to win at any cost. Religion Making requires
a team fleet of foot and a rule book that states as its first axiom; to win at
any cost, it's Grow or Die. Grow team grow;
Team Mormon goes for the gold in the Business of making Religion
for the Religion Making Business to Grow the Faith. doubters
persist with the Persistence of Doubt Professor
Millet continued: On The Religion Making Business If we are to
read Professor Robert Millet as uttered, we would assume, the expert in 'religious
understanding' has a cynical view of this world and the religions that here reside.
Millet is convinced, "the Business of Religion" requires only time and
a priesthood willing to go the extra mile to create an authentic Mormon Business
Model for Religion Making. Millet has set his stars on the Latter-day Awakenings
of the Mormons, or, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as his brand.
His faith has declared the fully reinvested church by Joseph Smith as it was intended
before we humans mucked it up. Professor Millet states as articles of faith
the most correct faith is the LDS Church. Mormons claim all ground not previously
occupied and those spaces, the"Enemy," Christian Evangelicals inhabit
too; in the past, conquest of gentiles, has been done simply with the invocation
of terror For Mormons this carries on today. Millet claims apologetics
for theological youth as an excuse for dropped stitches, fumbled balls and the
penalties of clipping, off sides, etc. Millet pleads, "We're in the religion-making
business" and only now "halfway to Nicaea," he says referring
to the fourth-century council at which the New Testament canon was finally formalized
and many core Christian doctrines clarified, authoritatively, for the first time.
So Mormons have several hundred more years of fumbling around with the Religion
Making Business before Mormon Deities reach maturity. With bated breath and much
trembling, we can hardly wait till they get it right and pierce the veil into
the radience of full theological and dogmatalogic maturity. The Latter-day saints
that have gone before have no guarantee of the afterlife expected through revelation
but must wait in some sort of apostolic holding-pen till it all gets sorted out.
Mormon Intellectuals are working out the details. Mormon Intellectuals are
led by the leading scholar, Joseph Smith, the Revelator. So Mormon Intellectuals
are significantly infirmed by Mormon Tenants and Doctrine. For Mormonism, a Mormon
Intellectual is, in the purist form, a Mormon Oxymoron, A Mormon intellectual
is oxyMoronic. Evangel Nécromancier
why why Why
disparage Mormon Branding? One could resent
a ninteenth century fraud based on folk supersticion spun and laundered as authentic
to the spiritually needy; a theocracy defined by a bloodline hierarchy of established
priests to deliver the truth through revelation. In the year of our Lord, 2007,
there are many ways to describe such an organization, most of which are not kind
to this leap of dogmalogical faith. One could declaim that lying to it's devotees
and to the outside world is the practice rooted in Mormonism's Masonic-borrowed
oaths of loyalty and obedience to the tribe; (Occultic
and Masonic Influence in Early Mormonism ) a practice of deception from inception.
New Revelatons from
the first dynasty of the martyr and Prophet Joseph Smith. Branding Mormonism:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the branding
monicker for the Mormon Brand. Insistence on placing "Jesus Christ"
in the middle of the Mormon Brand or Church of Latter-Day Saints seems to be the
best Mormons
can do to Beat Back the Beast and neutralize those niggeling questions that
persist over the veracity of the one "True Church" on earth. Subscribe
Now and enjoy the sacred signs, legend, myth, lore, revelation, cosmology,
gods, goddesses, stars and stripes with sprinkles and glitter. Remember Mormons
are now The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and does a rose by
any other name . . . ? Mormon Perception Management carries on and on
strength in the loins, mush in the brains.
Millet Professor of Ancient Scripture and religious understanding at BYU is the
foremost authority on mormonism and the religion making business. |
reach for the Stars Expanding
The Mormon Religion-making Business. Mormon Missionaries are not known for
their vision-quests. Mormons are not interested in exploring reigions beyond the
city limits; after all that's where the converts are, that's where God's Army
normally lurks. Mormon Missionaries are normally gathered in groups to make a
pitch to unsuspecting gentiles, they rarely stray off the beaten path to explore
the essence of spirituality, however, Church Elders have embarked on a new branding
event employing the young shock troops in God's Army to stake calim to etherial
territory . The Church hierarchy have decided to conquer Mountains,
not just any mountain but the plan is to summit Mt. Kailash in Eastern Tibet.
The choice of summit is still a mystery but the plans are going forward for the
glory of Mormonism. The plans have been in the works since 2002. There has be
considerable preperation for the Mormon Mt. Kailash assault of 2009. Kolob
found in Mirror Galaxy
Mormon Missionaries reach for the stars using sacred Mormon Myopia
Move one step closer to Heaven, The mormons are coming Mormon
Branding Tibet: Mormon Trek on the New Mormon Trail
Mormon handcarts delivered to Lhasa - waiting Transportation
is ready On the outskirts of Lhasa awaits the main form
of transportation. New Mormon Pioneer Trekker: Young Mormon
Missionary Girl (in the trade thay are called Kailashians) awaiting the rest of
her Hand-Cart Crew soon to arrive. The handcarts are to be loaded
with provisions for the jog to Mt. Kailash, a trek of some 350 km. Mormon Youth-in-Asia
will have a great opportunity to work out the kinks as they travel to Darchen,
their base-camp. She shares with Tibetian Natives many of the old hand-cart chants
and hymns so happily sung on the trail to Zion (Salt Lake) so many years ago;
a part of the Mormon Cultural Exchange. Provisions are arriving daily. The
Mormon handcarts were built in China by Chinese craftsman and constructed to specifications
provided by Mormon Historical Documents; they are exact replicas of the Mormon
Hand-carts used in the 1850s by English Immigrants. The newly converted Mormons
were set on the trail for the winter trek to Salt Lake City; ill-prepared these
devotees died like flies in a series of blizzards a Mormon form of
euthanasia. Innocent women, children and the unborn were to perish along the ragged
trail to Zion. It is hoped the Mormon Youth-in-Asia will succeed
where their antecedents didn't. The Mormon immigrants were to starve and freeze
on the trail to Salt Lake City but, "Some things that are true are not very
useful;" the fiasco was later described as a heroic adventure not as a classic
blulnder, a set of bad decisions, abysmal planning and a cynical expenditure of
human resource another form of
Mormon Euthanasia. 
the sound of one hand clapping there is the Melchizedek Priesthood, the
powers of which allows one to keep time with no hands clapping.
"Some things that are true are
not very useful"
Deep Schizophrenic Thoughts The following 2000-2001 Priesthood/Relief
Society Manual lesson titled "Liberty through Obedience,"
gives contradictory messages. A schizophrenic plea for
fealty to the prophet. "We do not preach the gospel of fear. We do not
seek to terrorize the souls of men. We do not ask a man to be righteous because
of the terrors of the damned. We do not want you to be good because you fear the
punishment of the wicked. We do not want you to do right because of the penalty
that attaches to the doing of wrong." "You will suffer the consequences
of your own mistakes, of your own errors, though they bring sorrow, or sickness,
or death! So, I acknowledge the hand of the Lord in this agency that he has given
to the children of men." "Can you find an organization, ecclesiastical
or otherwise, that has the same perfection of government and organization in it
as can be found in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, established
by inspiration through the Prophet Joseph Smith? And what is the object of that
organization? Is it to crush men? Is it to injure you? Is it to bow you down unto
the earth? Is it to deprive you of your liberties, of your rights, of your privileges?
Is it to make you slaves, menials, and degrade you unto the dust? Or is it to
raise you up into the scale of intelligence and of manliness and increase your
liberties, for there is no liberty like the liberty of the gospel of Jesus Christ?"
"The free agency of man is a fundamental principle which, according to the
tenets of the Church, even God Himself does not suppress." "I believe
that there is not a freer, more independent nor a more intelligent people to be
found anywhere in the world, who are more independent in choosing the course which
they pursue, in the work that they perform and in everything that they have to
do with, than the Latter-day Saints. There is not a member of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, in good standing, anywhere in all the world today
that is not such by reason of his independence of character, by reason of his
intelligence, (and) wisdom.." - Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
Joseph F. Smith, 32: "Liberty through Obedience", From the Life of Joseph
F. Smith, Page 283 Cosmetics is everything
for the quaffed faith
Extremism in the name of faith is no vise. Mormon Cosmetology
and the Collective Subjective lives on through sacred revelation, willfull ignorance;
its a classified meritocracy for the Mormon tribes. To
Look Good at any cost beyond the use of muggle
jelly and mormon science there is the problem of excessive use of vibrators. Vibrations
are compelling but numbing to the senses, prayer management is the answer. Placebo
Nocebo States
of Grace with Mormon Thinking 
Mormon Culture knocking at your door It's
unfortunate but Mormons believe
our earth is only a means to the end, Mormons are convinced:
"The Earth is like a rubber ball and will bounce back." Scari.org
copyright Scari©2008 all rights reserved Scari.Org "Robert
Millet is the theological equivalent of Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia." Robert
Millet, deceptive
theologian, is training a new generation of Ersatz Christian for the Religion
Making Business of deceptive theology creating a different kind of Jesus. Mormon

millet mormon zeitgeist He's not a closet mormon On
Mormon Branding One might Ask Is
it the religion making business or the business making religion? Boyd
K. Packer said: "some
things that are true are not very useful." As in Packer's simple statement,
Robert Millet carries on that religious tradition, "Some things that are
useful are not very true." In the Religion Making Business, some things that
are useful are not very true. 
follow the money
Mormon's comment on Dr. Millet If Millet were selling
used cars or insurance then he would go to jail. Since he is in religion, he considers
his lack of candor virtuous. Millet has no idea how dangerous his behavior
is because he willfully ignores the consequences of his actions. In reality, he
is just another salesman with an unhealthy dose of self-righteousness. When people
believe him, folks will get hurt. Comment by Helmut
March 23, 2007 Millet
Reconciliation The talking head says 'I have No Problem with Mormon
Paradox' Millet: a Mormon's
Mormon on Mormonomics mormon
page 10 
Shinehah Shinehah Shinehah Mormon
Branding, On
"the Religion Making Business"
One might Ask? One
might ask, why pick on the Mormons, and that's a fair question.
One might say because, as a metaphor, it's easy. When shaping a short treatise
on self deception to model all organized religion why not choose a no brainer
. . . Mormonism is "in the religion making business," just another
franchise like Starbucks but without the coffee. Do the math. GOK When
speaking to gentils, Mornons claim to be misurderstood, but, we know Mormons are
misunderstood all too well. |