mutters when speaking of mormon matters
page 10

True Faith Testimony |
Devil You Think you know mormon
evolution spiritual insanity | Since
the beginning Mormon Brain Morphology has been much studied. Mormons
say, "What challenges your faith and doesn't kill you makes you believe even
Mormon Myth Maker

General Joseph Smith
what meat doth this our Prophet feed that he hath grown so great?' |
Neurological Metamorphosis After considerable
research by The Joseph Fielding Institute on Mormon Phrenology this graph explains
the metamorphosis that occurs when embracing the Mormon Faith. Related
sectors of the Mormon Brain 1. Mormon Sense of Well being thru fealty
to priests 2. Mormon Theologic cortex & mystical experience center
3. Mormon Common Knowledge processor 4. Mormon Moral Aspiration center, correct
thinking 5. Mormon backup Faith Cortex, group think thought 6. Mormon
Quorum Sensing Logic processor 7. Mormon Suspension of Disbelief, acceptance
by faith 8. Mormon Sex Drive and related thinking, procreation etc. 9.
Mormon Faith
Dynamo well-being
& confidence Matrix 10 Mormadula Brain Stem extends
to the rest of the afflicted Mormon to act on the malleability of truth.
Note: The little blue blob on top of the brain-mass is related to the Mormon
Common Sense backup memory, all part of the brain's critical thinking which has
been taken over by functions #1 and #8.Over
time the Mormon Brain acquires special traits. After twenty or more years of Perfect
Obedience to the True Faith, Mormons realize a dramatic reconfiguration of brain
activity. This rewiring of the Mormon Brain serves their faith for life in the
Mormon context and preparation for the Mormon Afterlife. When the Veil is pierced
a Mormon is perfectly attuned to the Celestial Celebration of Heaven. Heaven,
ah yes there are 7 levels of course, so there is much more to do; more rituals
etc., but, if the lumps are all in the right places, you're good to go. As can
be seen the Momon Brain is fully taken by the Religion Making Business. |
Joe smith arose to dress on the day of the painting of his formal Portrait in
full military garb, after a grand night of debauchery, put his boots on the wrong
feet Mormon
Branding and Counter-Apologetic Dogmatology There
we were, in prayer, "Pay-lay-ale" etc. and after an eternity of mumbling
the repetition "Pay lay ale," we
looked up and falling from the sky was an angel. We could hear the rush of
his wings, all the while the Angel was screaming, pay le ale as he hurtled to
earth; his horn was lost in the moment. Again and again "O
God, hear the words of my mouth!" until he joined us in our sacred ritual.
us he was cast adrift left akimbo." The horn struck and bounced,
a heap of rumpled glitter turned to uselessness.
LDS OCD, Mormon
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Both the first and the last Mormon
Angel Moroni in rapid descent, the herald who lost his horn. |
Moroni falling
falling Oops
the lights went out, the bubble machine broke and the fog blower is down.
Moroni is falling falling, they said he couldn't hold a tune anyway, besides walking
and chewing gum was not his forte. And it came to pass, planet Kolob is wobbeling
in orbit while the data banks are filling, bureaus of baptised, living and dead
are waiting for direction "Where to go; standing room only!"
Heaven is filling and it's a good thing -- There's still lots of room out there,
but the mormon heaven machine is banging and lurching on its etherial pedestal;
vibrations and scraping noises have taken over, a caucaphony of voices add more
noise filling the quietude with demands for more tickets to the show. The Mormon
Sacred Endowment by Divine Right is closed. Moroni falls to earth and is heard
no more. The Apostolic Holding Pen is filled to bursting. Seeking for a sign. |

pretext |
message was the messenger: Ingeel The messenger was the message: Ingeel
Agape . . . mormon
transfigurism |
through Obedience" Schizophrenia
or just more Ambiguity "Arbeit Macht Frei"
Deep Schizophrenic Thoughts
The following 2000-2001 Priesthood/Relief Society Manual lesson titled "Liberty
through Obedience, Contradictory messages: Schizophrenia is preferred
over ambiguity. Is this Mormon Liberation Theology? "We do
not preach the gospel of fear. We do not seek to terrorize the souls of men. We
do not ask a man to be righteous because of the terrors of the damned. We do not
want you to be good because you fear the punishment of the wicked. We do not want
you to do right because of the penalty that attaches to the doing of wrong."
"You will suffer the consequences of your own mistakes, of your own errors,
though they bring sorrow, or sickness, or death! So, I acknowledge the hand of
the Lord in this agency that he has given to the children of men." "Can
you find an organization, ecclesiastical or otherwise, that has the same perfection
of government and organization in it as can be found in the church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints, established by inspiration through the Prophet Joseph Smith?
And what is the object of that organization? Is it to crush men? Is it to injure
you? Is it to bow you down unto the earth? Is it to deprive you of your liberties,
of your rights, of your privileges? Is it to make you slaves, menials, and degrade
you unto the dust? Or is it to raise you up into the scale of intelligence and
of manliness and increase your liberties, for there is no liberty like the liberty
of the gospel of Jesus Christ?" "The free agency of man is a fundamental
principle which, according to the tenets of the Church, even God Himself does
not suppress." "I believe that there is not a freer, more independent
nor a more intelligent people to be found anywhere in the world, who are more
independent in choosing the course which they pursue, in the work that they perform
and in everything that they have to do with, than the Latter-day Saints. There
is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in good standing,
anywhere in all the world today that is not such by reason of his independence
of character, by reason of his intelligence, (and) wisdom." - Teachings
of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith, 32: "Liberty through Obedience",
From the Life of Joseph F. Smith, Page 283 Over time brain chemistry is
markedly changed through double-think thought; in league with the malleability
of truth there is delivered a mormon specimen of superior dogmatological persuasion.
sacred signs, legend, myth, lore, revelation,
cosmology, gods, goddesses, stars, sprinkles and glitter
Mormon Sealing Mandala: from Mormon Prophetic Tradition by
Prophet Joseph Smith | Joe
Smith caught his Bug from the Ether
mormon transhumanism Mormon
Spiritualism a 19th Century Fashion: A bridge between the 1st
and the 2nd Great Awakening Mormons sprang
from whole cloth in the first half of the 19th century, a time of ethereal reinvention.
Early in the stirrings of spiritualism, promoters believed the human soul to have
a spirit transported to a place (Heaven) filled with those things familiar to
the deceased a rather Egyptian notion. The Human afterlife was considered
to be a reconstruction of life on earth but more fun and less severe and no stress
but for purgatory, and hell is still hell and very nasty. Heaven was a place
to enjoy with your family and friends, you could bring your books and favorite
chair. Shucks bring the piano too and bang on the ivories; in heaven one could
play the piano as never before. Heaven was an ethereal re-materialization
of your pre-existence on earth but without those nasty bits that irritated one's
sense of propriety. There you are with a full head of hair, there are no flies
or bugs of any kind, you don't ever have to poop or pee and dandruff is unknown,
no boils, piles or toil, no stresses and no messes; one ate plum pudding but you
never got full and one never farted a place of plenty
no privation but you never get fat. Joe Smith, or Joseph Smith the pubescent
teen with raging hormones used to have lots of dreams, like most teens. Joe dreamed
of being special, like you and me, but he forgot to pinch himself. Similar to
those who ate ergot grain in Salem, he was transported to a the land of many spirits
that fitted the prevalent notions of the age. From there, 'twas no leap of faith
to accept any and all fantasy. Thus emerged a new reformed Christianity led by
a feckless fruitcake named Joseph Smith. With the help of His wife, brother Hyrum
and Sidney Rigdon, and the theft of a Sci-Fi story from Solomon Spalding, Joe
spun a new book, wove new yarns to shunt the human spirit to its proper plot.
And it came to pass, thus sprang Mormonism and a whole new brand of indulgences.
Pierce the Veil, Mormon heaven lies just beyond the grassy knoll
Truly the Shining City on The Hill. Tribals share one trait, they all love
their own "special" creation myth. They have a legend that spouts shibboleths
in the name of their creator and the requisite Gods to represent life's travails
aspirations whether it's "Ooooh-buga-buga or Pay-lay-ale-ale
one gets the idea; it's all about owning shares of the touchstone confirming the
priesthood who sits atop a HEAP OF FAITH with staff and flail. From the Price
of the Great Pearl. Evangel Nécromancier
God, hear the words of my mouth!" Pay-lay-ale Pay-lay-ale Whatever that
means . . . try, Pay-lay-aghu-gay: "O God, hear the words of my mind!"
is it, Pay-lay-agu-gah, ah well they know what I mean; what's in a word? the
case for Mocking Mormonism Mormons have a long history of persecution
Mormons' take umbrage at the perception of being mocked, however Mormons take
no interest in self scrutiny to divine the source of this sacred act, mockery
that is. When mounting an indefensible preponderant of how things work, Mormons
forgot to consider, perhaps, for the sake of argument, existence is still perplexing
and we are making it up as we go along. That's why "THE MORMONS"
have to have a "LIVING PROPHET" so when things get sticky, when
moving on in time, there is a fall-back position to be divined by the prophet-at-hand.
Mormon Mockery is born from envy. Gentiles can't understand why Mormons suspend
all empirical evidence to embrace ignorance; ignorance being the source of all
evil (SATAN), Rational thought drops out of Mormon Tribal Theology
It's all about FAITH in the religion making business. Gentiles envy the
Mormon embrace of willful ignorance; it's so easy when you don't have to think.
Gentiles know it hurts to think, Mormons don't. Mormons often respond,
"You must remember, like Jews, we Mormons have a long history of persecution."
The Mormon Faith requires persecution to defend against influence by rational
thought and pressing reality. Mockery is part of the Mormon Brand
part of the baggage of Mormonism.. When having your genitals washed in the
temple and the priest commands, repeat after me. "Health in the navel, marrow
in the bone, strength in the loins and in the sinews, power in the priesthood
be upon me and upon my posterity through all generation of time and throughout
all eternity forever and ever" Pay-lay-ale, Amen one might conclude Mormonism
is not interested in the eucharist, just strength in the loins and the priesthood.
Mormons insist on inviting mockery part of the Mormon Experience.
Mormon Mockery is part of the Mormon institution. Mormon
Branders Mormon Branders or "the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Marketing" has been crippled by
loss of message control; to lose control of their Branding Message is problematic
for the Religion Making Business. The Mormons are still working out the kinks
in "the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Marketing Department."
Man's Search for
Divine Truth from the Presidency of the Seventy Phrenology
Where is divine truth to be found? It is to "hear the voice of the Lord, . . . [hear]
the voice of His servants, . . . give heed to the words of
the prophets and apostles" (D&C 1:14). Hear and heed. To hear is relatively
simple. To heed and apply what is heard becomes life's perpetual challenge.
First, hear the voice of the Lord. Communication from the Lord about divine truth
or spiritual knowledge is found in the scriptures. It is called revelationliterally,
"to make known or uncover" (Bible Dictionary, "Revelation,"
762). It is given to "know how to worship, and know what you worship"
(D&C 93:19). Elder Neal A. Maxwell said, "Only with revelation can we
do the Lord's work according to His will in His way and according to His timing"
("Revelation," First Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting, Jan. 2003,
5). "Without revelation, all would be guesswork, darkness, and confusion"
(Bible Dictionary, 762). Second, hear the voice of His servants. Revelation
or divine truth is given by the will of the Lord to His servants in different
ways and times and is also found in the scriptures. "Surely the Lord God
will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets"
(Amos 3:7). Third, give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles. To
give heed is to pay special attention. It is to listen to those who have been
called by God to be the especial living witnesses of Jesus Christ for our time.
It implies that they are recognized in this role, that a response is given to
their invitation to receive a personal spiritual confirmation that their teachings
are true, and that a commitment to follow them will be made. In summary, the
Lord has a pattern of sharing divine truth with prophets to guide and bless us
through the challenges and evils of life: hear and heed. Our personal spiritual
foundation needs to be built upon this pattern if we want to enjoy the blessings
of the Lord. So it is not enough to search the scriptures to know the mind of
the Lord. It must be followed by an act of faith, accepting to do the will of
the Lord by obeying His commandments, before we can enjoy the blessings of the
Lord. A personal spiritual confirmation of this process by asking and believing
that we will receive becomes, then, the prayer of our lifetime. Test divine
revelation. Hear the voice of the Lord. It is real; it is personal; it is true.
Reason does not and cannot replace revelation. Quoting Faust, "Do
not let your private doubts separate you from the divine source of knowledge"
("Lord, I Believe; Help Thou Mine Unbelief," Liahona and Ensign, Nov.
2003, 22). Test and feel the powerful effect of the word of God upon your
mind as given by the Lord's servants (see Alma 31:5). Test, ask and receive
in faith, then give heed to the words of prophets and apostles, and you will "receive
a crown of eternal life" (D&C 20:14). Now, just remember, in conclusion,
that following the Lord's pattern to hear and give heed to divine truth will help
you build a personal spiritual foundation and determine what you will believe
in the everafter forever . . . Elder Charles Didier Of the Presidency
of the Seventy
Caveat for Mormon Apostle eyes only: Mormon religious reservation
is the ability to reserve the truth when truth might be inconvenient. Church authorities,
armed with clerical reservation can omit, redact or otherwise obfuscate whatever
inconvenience it might find to be damaging to the authority of the priesthood.
Acting on the malleability of truth allows the elect to endure for the sake of
religious authority by lying whenever deemed to be in Mormon self-interest. Thaddeus

dervish |
mormon zeitgeist |
excruciation |

exhumation | |
Metamorphosis, Mormon
Neurology Faith
based Metamorphosis Neurology The Mormon Brain Case houses unique changes
in neural circuitry; thought is much changed from a normal Homo Sapien Sapien.
After years of acceptance thru faith and through revelation, there is much to
study for the devout Mormon to attain these attributes. Among religious orders
Mormons claim exclusive processing powers for their faith. Pedestrian Christians
could neither attain nor aspire to these traits. Mormons are off on their own
grand celestial experiment to build the faith in the business of making religion.
OCD: Mormon Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Mormon Evolution, Mormon critical
Practicing Mormon Phrenology, Neurology the Mormon Common
Knowledge Machine
Neurology is much changed after continued fealty to the true faith. The Mormon
Brain Case houses brain circuitry that is well equipped for perfect obedience.
Mormons have the unflinching ability to screen out all other information beside
the true faith messages. To the exclusion of all other information, Mormons keep
their eyes on the ball:"Some things that are true are not very useful."
So Mormons discard practical, empirical and existential learning to rely on true
faith alone received directly from the preisthood. God's
Army, states of grace in that special place
Steps to Mormon Empowerment It's
unfortunate, but Mormons believe our earth is only a means to the end. Mormons
are convinced: "The Earth is like a rubber ball and
will bounce back." Mormon
Spiritualism in the Mormon Afterlife 
Liberty through Obedience Celestial Kingdom The
more good works in heaven Yes, the
Mormon Bureaucracy carries on in heaven. And yes you are being watched; the gatekeepers
and sacred rituals confirm each step through the mazes of heaven
long lines for the chosen, lots of waiting, but the wait is part of the test designed
to authenticate Perfect Obedience and Mormon Purity of Faith. There are certificates
to be stamped, lists to check and examinations of faith. The trials are designed
to confirm solidarity and unquestioning belief in the prophet and his hereafter
in the everafter. It's not easy to wend ones way through the seven levels of celestial
radiance, long queues, but for "perfect obedience," the rewards are
huge in the religion making business. Und es kommen passiet, Fanatische
Christen beschimpfen Schwule fur beschimpft glauben ubermenchen. Und es
war einmal Der Mormonen Ubermenchen sagt, "arbeit macht frei. Die Mormoen
Macht Gottes übertragen worden." Scari.org
copyright Scari©2008 all rights reserved Scari.Org Moroni,
Herald to Postmodern Mysticism 
Angel Moroni and obedient friends in flight Yes
yes, Mormon Angels look like shadow puppets. The look is by design to test one's
faith. Voltaire observed, "Those who believe absurdities will commit
to Mormon page 1
Young said, "some
things that are true are not very useful" He must have concluded
reductively that, "some
things that are useful are not very true," and so it goes. Mormon
Branding, On
"the Religion Making Business"
One might Ask? One
might ask why pick on the Mormons and that's a fair question.
One might say because, as a metaphor, it's easy. When shaping a short treatise
on self deception to model all organized religion why not choose a no brainer
. . . Mormonism is "in the religion making business", just another
franchise like Starbucks but without the coffee. Do the math. GOK mormon
page 11 
Shinehah Shinehah Shinehah Beyond
Diogenes the Cynic "Sure I'm convinced,
Elder Charles Didier is the vessel of revelation as most LDS Elder Revelations
are. Either they got it right or they are soon to adjust to conditions on
the ground to secure victory for our faith in the next quarter or two, once
tributes are paid and disregard revelations that don't apply to our happy
doctirne in the Religion Making Business." Tom Friedman the
Mormon Oxymoron "Mormon Intellectuals are led
by our leading Theological Scholar, Joseph Smith, Prophet and Revelator."
So Mormon Intellectuals are significantly infirmed by Mormon Tenants and Doctrine
talking points. For Mormonism, a Mormon Intellectual is, in the purist
form, a Mormon Oxymoron. A Mormon intellectual is an oxyMoroni that
is in the trade known as, OxyMoronic Mormonism. 
Our Prophet Brigham
Young led us out of The Wilderness into the light of New Zion (Salt Lake City)
that Shining City on the Hill . |